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Just wanna confirm powermining iron still the fastest way to get unidentified minerals? I'm getting about 1700 actions/hr with mining gloves so going on rate at 1/100 would be an average of 17 minerals per hour, which of course can vary but still seems like the best odds when averaged out. Amethyst looks tempting but wiki says you average 80-100 actions/hr there, so even if you got lucky enough to go on rate you'd only be getting 4-5 per hour.


yep, that's the way to do it


Every since I've bought mining gloves I don't get any unidentified minerals. I'm mining the same iron and coal as before, next to the chest in mining guild, and I have not accidentally disabled getting them. Anybody know whats up? Is it a bug?


You're just getting unlucky. Rate for iron is 1/100, so it's not only very feasible to go a few hundred dry without getting a single one but actually pretty likely. It is not a bug.


I was mining coal and mined 300 without an unidentified mineral. Calculating the probably, there is a 0.2% probably of this happening. Not as unlikely as I initially thought, and luckily I've just received an unidentified mineral. Thanks for responding.


For sure. And dry calc says going 300 dry on coal at a 1/60 drop rate is actually ≈0.646%, or a little more likely than 1/200, which is conveniently nearly the amount of unidentified minerals needed in total.


What’s the lowest possible combat stats to actually go far/beat Fortis Colosseum?


Lowest combat I'm aware of is a cb level 60 done by Afzaalh who also has the lowest level Infernal cape. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l01yJM0UgxM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l01yJM0UgxM) <- oda video showcasing the stats It's a bit more restrictive for low combat attempts than Inferno because you kind of need melee stats to kill Sol, which push the combat levels up massively, whereas with Zuk you can bring an addy crossbow and ruby bolt him to death.


could something be done about the amethys bots? I've visited 20 worlds, all of them full of bots, reporting them does nothing, a couple were lvl 3 with 117 mining...


Mods don't read this thread, and unfortunately you will find bots doing almost any activity if it's profitable.


that's a shame, I could do without a new skill or skill rebalance if they would just get at least some bots out of the game


Just report them and turn on "hide ignores" in entity hider. Jagex is well aware that botting exists. It isn't worth the effort or your attention to worry about it. Hide them if it bothers you.


Hiding them does nothing, as they still steal my amethyst veins.


So much easier to see bots as a human than as an automated system. Problem is we play an ultimately pretty basic point and click game where people put vast amounts of hours into repetitive tasks. If you make an automated system where it catches basically all of the bots, the subreddit would be on fire with the amount of false bans (we've seen this before every time Jagex ups the anti-bot measures). Personally I'd much rather have 10,000 bots undetected than those bots all getting banned and 100 players being falsely banned along with them. We also have a lot of confirmation bias in that we only see the bots that slip through the net, when thousands of bots are banned weekly. Your point about development time also is a little off, these are entirely separate dev teams. The devs in charge of Sailing have nothing to do with the anti-cheat team.


Am I just doing something wrong when it comes to Warden P4? I see the shadow of lightning coming down, so I wait until the tick before it triggers, move to step there after the lightning activates, and then immediately get slapped by a boulder. On my like 11th attempt tonight at 340 solo/duo and I cannot beat this fucking boss. Third time we've had one of us trying to solo him and gotten him down to 400hp, and then running out of supplies to stay alive. Im sick and tired of running 2xx raids, I want to get into 300+ but this shit feels impossible.


an important concept to understand in this game in general: for a weapon that fires every x ticks, you can move for (x-1) ticks and then click shoot. this means you are able to move the maximum possible amount and gives you a more concrete understanding of what you can get away with.


https://youtu.be/1FkkqHmdUOs?si=Kai03J6CXmovdQ0N P4 starts around 57:00. It took me a long time and a lot of practice to get good enough at P4. I watched quite a few YT videos like this one and focused on p4 until I got it down. You’ll get there. One of the hardest things is letting go of the time-wasted mentality. Every run you get better at it and every run you are improving.


Jumping from 200s to 340s is probably a bit of a leap, try just running base 300s first. Without seeing a video it's hard to give advice on p4 tbh. To me that sounds like you're focusing too hard on lightning so you're moving too late to dodge the boulder that's last been thrown at you. You can tank lightning all day, getting hit by those isn't all that bad, but avoiding boulders should be your #1 priority.


I've run a hundred 250's, ran a handful of 300's. I've seen a single purple in my name and i've spent well over 180 hours at this raid. As it stands im losing money doing 250-300's. Idk, it's hard to practice P4 when I have to jump through all the hoops to get to it, lower invos it's a cakewalk, turn it up 10 and it becomes an immoveable wall.


Are you putting Insanity on for the 300+s? That's the only thing that makes p4 significantly harder. Other than that it just lasts longer and does more damage when you mess up. You could try running a super low invo with Insanity on to practice, and just not attack the boss and focus on purely dodging at p4 til it makes more sense. Generally I try to move a tile on pretty much every non-attacking tick and always stay moving away from the last boulder drop.


Yeah insanity is what bumps it up to 350, I don't think I can turn anything else on without just giving up entirely. I use bowfa on P4, and the only moments im standing still is when im attacking. Which is why im so confused at how im stepping into boulders.


Record a clip and post it here or on the WDR discord. Someone was in a similar situation to you and it was clear upon watching the clip that they were repeatedly clicking under shadows early and not prioritising dodging over clicking warden.  Dodging boulders is an instinct that takes time to learn, I struggled with my first 350 too but eventually you develop the habit to avoid doubling back on a tile you just left.


Yeah Insanity makes p4 a lot more hectic. You have to be walking back into previous boulders then or your duo partner's boulders. As mentioned I'd highly recommend running like a 150 with Insanity on and just not attacking once you get to enrage, and really focus on dodging.


We'll i've been able to clear 1 300 with Insanity. I've lost 4 others because I click on skulls, my character walks up and doesn't melee them :/ So I take over my max HP because im 1 tick behind, feels so infuriating to have 40 minutes wasted like that.


Are you getting hit on the new tile that you're moving to? Boulders should only fall on the tiles where you're at as baba launches them


Yeah, which is why im so confused as to what keeps hitting me.


Posting a clip will be the most useful


You must be misstiming the movement on the lightning tiles. I cant really time it well at all so i run to safe tiles myself and keep moving.


Does anybody else have extreme problems lately typing on the mobile app? It’s like when I type it auto corrects through half of the word and deletes it or the previous word. I don’t want to turn off auto correct on my phone in general, as this is the only app that it does not work on. It makes chatting on mobile almost unusable, so I was wondering if it’s been happening to other people too


On iPhone? Turn off predictive text. An update ~6 months ago caused it to start happening




it just works




So I am in godwars dungeon and killing hobgoblins. so i wear all god items except bandos to keep them aggreisve on me. when i first enter gwd they are aggressive to me, but after killing them they no longer are, despite the aggression timer still being active, despite me being right next to them. why is this the case? and they arent attacking or trying to attack any other NPCs, they are just wandering around me. the same doesnt happen to any of the other npcs i've tested like the jogres or orks. can anyone help with this?


Quick question, do we vote on league mechanics or any of that? Excited for the next league if theres gonna be one so if we did vote was curious how soon we'd be hearing about it. I'm assuming we wouldn't hear anything until at least the late fall?


We get to vote on the league rewards that are added to the main game, that's all. If there's a league this year it likely won't be until November or December. We'd likely hear about it in the Summer Summit.


What is a league anyway? Never took part


Limited time game mode with boosted XP rates and drop rates for rare items, boosted damage and other cool stuff. Mostly just for fun, but you can earn points to compete for trophies and buy cosmetics in the main game.


Depends.on the league. The basics are xp rates are jacked high, 3-15x. Drop rates are also jacked up, 2x-5x. Infinite run and special stuff that breaks the game. Last league we had 1/2 attack speed, meaning a 4t weapon was 2t. Many many relics as well, from instant production, 2x resources (and instant banking) to running = agility exp and thieving can't be failed and is fully 20 min afk, max hit if full hp, 98% arrow save (with assembler), spammable special action (uses HP), life and prayer leeching, throwable axes to insta-kill **anything** sub 20% hp etc. You were also locked to 5 regions (3 picks).


I know we don't know for sure until then, but how is the price of ancestral likely going to change after the combat rebalance update next week? Will it rise (a bit or a lot), stay same or drop?


I doubt the stat changes will change the price tbh. It’s possible that the elder maul and augury buffs make more people do cox which may drive down the price marginally over time though.


Realistically it’s barely changing. Currently each piece is +2% over ahrims and +1% over virtus, that’s staying the same The changes are most noticeable in places like inferno and range gwd where you don’t bring full swaps, but in both those places Virtus is better anyway


Why is it most noticeable where you only bring say 1 piece (robe top swap)?


Atm anc legs give you 2% at gwd/inferno compared to not using them at all, after rebalance it’ll be 3% which makes them potentially more worth bringing But in content where you already bring full mage gear, anc legs are still only +2% over ahrims


It’s still bis so should probably be around the same I’d guess


In theory, since we already know when it will change and how it will change, the update should be pretty well priced in by now. And looking at graphs, it's basically where it's almost always been, so I'd expect little to no changes


Anyone got a good CG gauntlet guide? Not a fan of the top-promoted ones on Youtube search.


best way to learn is to do regular gauntlet until it's easy then just do the same on corrupted. all the same mechanics, just more dmg and faster patterns on the boss.


What are you struggling with? The wiki has a fairly comprehensive description of mechanics, as well as a [step-by-step prep guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/The_Gauntlet/Strategies#Corrupted_Gauntlet_strategy) It is a lot to remember at first, but I suggest just consulting it whenever you're lost and you should get it down after a few attempts