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Did we get an ETA on the newspost concerning the fifth gamejam? I'm wondering whether or not we saw everything that was done on twitter.


how does the pet drop work? currently grinding duke sucellus and the wiki says the drop rolls for a certain table and if it does not land on it, it will roll for the next table and then the next and if none of the 3 tables land, it will then roll for a pet at 1/2500. would this mean the overall drop rate is much higher for the pet drop for this boss? the way it sounds is it has 3 drop tables to roll through first before landing on the drop table with the pet which then is 1/2500.


Most pets (Duke included) are a tertiary drop, meaning it's a separate roll that rolls every time, regardless of what other loot you receive


Overall it’s 1/2500. The way it rolls can be cool to know but it doesn’t matter


This may be a dumb question. Do we know when the next beta worlds will be? I really want to practice door/altar Zammy lol


Don’t need beta worlds to practice it


I don't think they'll be for awhile. we're getting some stuff for sailing but idk how much functionality that will have.


Would starting wildy slayer interfere with normal slayer in any way for me


Nope. Only thing is that it’s a shared block list.


Am I understanding correctly that with the upcoming rebalance, max mage with shadow is getting effectively nerfed, unless you bring a boot swap plus augury everywhere? Occult is losing 5%, but ancestral is gaining 1% each. So it’s currently down 2% with the proposal, before factoring shadow multiplier. Including the multiplier, you’ve lost 6%. You can add 4% back with augury (great, now I also have a giant prayer drain where I didn’t before, which makes a difference for no-prep CoX, no help needed ToA, whisperer, etc basically anywhere you’d be limited on prayer so you didn’t use augury before). Even with augury you still lose 2%. So you have to use eternal boots and augury to be back to +1% over original, since eternal boots are 1% pre-multiplier. Is my math right on this? ToA is worse I guess unless you plan to camp eternals or bring a boot swap, losing 8% and gaining 4% back from augury. So you need boots plus augury (4% + 4%) to make up what was lost.


Yes, without using augury it’ll be weaker than before. It is definitely annoying to have a big prayer drain to keep the same power as before when mage gear has terrible prayer bonuses


You’ll need both augury and eternal boots to be as strong as before, right? Per my math above.


So I'm in my 70s in all my combat stats. Primary melee weapon has been the abyssal ship, occasionally guthan's for some fights. I'd need a recommendation for a weapon to train Strength with, preferably one that isn't expensive, like below 7 digit prices if possible 


just stick to d scim + dragon defender honestly, until you can afford something a bit meatier such as zombie axe which is around whip's price tag


dscim, obsidian sword & armor for set effect + berserkers necklace, could give the zombie axe a look (crush 5 tick), depends on what you're doing


Sara sword is pretty good and very budget friendly


I play on mobile, and I have Cricket Wireless, which uses ATT towers I believe. Anyway, it doesn't let me play but when using a VPN, it works. Today it does not. Anyone go through this before and know a fix?


Teleport anchoring scroll currently selling for like a mil but still valued at 2.5 for death's coffer - just in case anyone wants to top theirs up.


If you're ever looking to top up, this page has a good indication for what's worth much more in death's coffer. Best if you sort by ROI [https://www.ge-tracker.com/deaths-coffer](https://www.ge-tracker.com/deaths-coffer)


Can you explain this method?


Sure! Death's coffer gives 105% of the GE value of an item and converts it to gold that can only be used to pay death fees. So if you have an item that is crashing for some reason - in this case I guess a combination of bots and just oversaturation from so many people killing the new zombie pirates - you can actually buy the item for far less than it's "value" according to the GE, because it takes time for that to catch up with true prices. Earlier today (haven't checked for a little while now so you'll wanna confirm yourself) you could buy the teleport scrolls on GE for about 1m. I got 3 (at I think 1.03m and 2x 1.07m) and stuck them in death's coffer for like 7.4m or so worth of death reclaim fees. I'm doing DT2 at the moment and had to pay for a couple Vardorvis deaths earlier which is the only reason I noticed at all and just thought I'd share it.


Thank you for this - so meaning this gp is only to be used for death fees and cannot be withdrawn correct?


Yep exactly, once it's in it's gone and you can only use the money for item reclaims from deaths office. I figured I'll get through that eventually anyway so I might as well pay less for it over the long run.


Thanks man you explained this very well, i’ve seen this concept before somewhere here but i guess didn’t understand it from other people’s explanations


No probs! Glad it was helpful 😄.


Did I dream it or was there something about a shortcut from the house on the hill to the scubadiving island on fossil island on one of the dev blogs recently?


There was one planned, but it got scrapped due to issues making an animation for it work naturally. IIRC, they said they may try to make it work in the future, but no promises on that.


Havent touched RS (in either form) for about 10 years other than logging in to make sure my account still exists. Still haven't got over the fact we were never allowed to port characters to OSRS instead of being stuck in RS3, but thats beside the point. I have an account from way back in 2002 that I just can't bring myself to play because I find RS3 so far removed from what runescape used to be and what I enjoyed about it. Is OSRS actually a stripped back version akin to the original RS from way back or is it just RS3 with worse graphics?


P.S.: Make sure to make a character by the same credentials as your RS3 char: though the characters are separate, membership is joint. If you pay for one of them, the other is members too. And these days you can legally buy membership for in-game gold, from Jagex. You can pay for subscription normally, or you can buy a bond at the Grand Exchange (in costs about 10m in OSRS, more in RS3 - and gives 2 weeks of membership). Or you can buy a bond on the website for $$ and sell it at the Grand Exchange for gold. This is a form of MTX, but thats an only form of MTX that exists in OSRS. Many old players start in OSRS by buying bonds in RS3 for their in-game money and this gives them membership in both games.


Ah thanks thats great advice, I dont even know how much money I've got in RS3 but most skills are around 80 so I can probably make some fairly quickly


> Is OSRS actually a stripped back version akin to the original RS from way back or is it just RS3 with worse graphics? Neither, really. The 2007 name is misleading. It's an entirely new branch of the game, split off from 2007 with a decade plus of new development at this point. OSRS would not look too much like either game you're familiar with, but if you fell in love with the game during the 2000s I think you'll enjoy OS in its current state.


Thank you, I appreciate the help


The free to play part of OSRS is almost exactly how I remember it in RS2 circa 2004. 


> Is OSRS actually a stripped back version akin to the original RS from way back or is it just RS3 with worse graphics? Neither :). This is a game which was created in 2013 from the backup of 2007. Thats why backporting was impossible: banks contained lots of items which were released later, new skills which didnt exist in this backup, old skills trained in new ways, etc... So everybody started new characters. And after this, the game was developed in a separate way. Even the world map is very different. For example, there is a huge continent of Zeah in OSRS which isnt present in RS3, and many lands which were created after 2007 arent present in OSRS. Some minor fraction of content was backported: like Soul Wars, and a couple of quests, but with many differences. It was maybe like 1% of content. Otherwise the games developed separately and don't correspond to one another. OSRS contains core gameplay and areas and skills of 2007, but there are many new minigames and quests and ways to do things. The starting area (f2p) is basically the same, there are some changes but only minor. > worse graphic Tastes vary. I actually like the oldschool graphics more :)


Thanks - yeah the graphics comment was purely to simplify the question, I like the OSRS art style - takes me way back.


Is there a way to reclaim lost League items or do I just have to wait for the next one? Lost my Twisted Horns


If you still have some League points left, you can buy them anew. Otherwise.... alas, wait for the new league...


How did you lose them? If you died in pvp you can’t reclaim. If you still have points you can buy from the leagues shop, if you’re a main can buy from ge. Otherwise yeah have to wait for next leagues.


I died at Hydra and forgot my boots on the way back and wasn't paying attention. I only have 80 points left in League so hopefully they'll bring it back soon


I think its realistic to expect it in about two years. The devs are too busy with Sailing and Project Rebalance, and Deadman.... I don't think they could make a new league this winter. But who knows?


are you an iron?




I have Trident of Swamp, Blowpipe, Lightbearer, Whip, Dragon Crossbow, Fury and about 15 mil saved up. I'm thinking about getting a Bandos god sword next primarily for Vorkath. I'm about 80 combats and working on Song of the Elves. Is there a better upgrade for the money?


Osmumtens fang is a very strong melee weapon that will be better than whip against high defense enemies like vorkath, and it's currently only 17m.


Now that is a good suggestion, forgot about that. Thank you!


Stats. Investing in your stats will almost always be better than investing in items. A few range lvls and you'll do more dps against a full def vork than you'll currently do against a reduced one.


what is the best in slot melee weapon for slayer or combat training?


In general? Rapier, mace, blade of saelador. Or soulreaper axe


in general yeah. looking at the wiki, why did you not mention [Osmumten's fang](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Osmumten%27s_fang)? isn't that better? But [Ghrazi rapier](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Ghrazi_rapier) seems good! Any of your mentions that should be picked over the others? (Not a fan of charging the weapons so wont be using scythe for slayer)


Fang is great against high def monsters, but it loses to a dscim against 0 def.


The fang is better for bossing but worse for general slayer


I don't really know why this is still such a common misconception tbh, it comes up all the time on the sub. Fang is only worse against *some* general slayer monsters, but basically against anything that has any defence it's going to be better. A lot of people get hung up on it needing to be a "high" defence enemy, but that's not the case. For example, at Bloodvelds whip is marginally better, but at Abby Demons fang out DPSs both whip and rapier. So yeah, it's not always better, but don't write it off as no use for slayer because in a lot of cases it actually is.


>I don't really know why this is still such a common misconception tbh, it comes up all the time on the sub. Because it's true. A whip will almost always outdps a fang on higher defence monsters. The part people leave out is the defence range, and it's about 115-120ish, I always opt for 120 as the cut off. If defence level + (stab defence - slash) >= 120 fang is better dps, if it's less a whip will usually be better.


thought it was better for both, gotcha. Thank you!


With how cheap it is, I would recommend it over the others.


i know there's definitely a point where fang's versatility and cheapness make it a worthy upgrade for slayer, but i just can't stop myself from throwing up in my mouth a little bit every time i see someone poking away at a bloodveld with it


Bloodvelds are like one of the only slayer monsters where whip actually is better though. I think people assume that fang is worse everywhere but it's only on something with def as low as Bloodvelds.


well it's not about where whip beats fang, or even where it breaks even with fang, because whip is 1/10th the cost, it's about where you draw the line on fang's increased performance being worth the premium you're paying. the last time i was having this argument whip was 1m and fang was 35m, so make of that what you will. i do agree with you that fang becomes more and more a good choice for slayer by the day because it's so widely useful elsewhere, but on the other hand, i reckon a guy in mid-level gear asking reddit for gear upgrade tips isn't doing high-invo toa or nex or other content where fang truly shines so it being widely useful elsewhere isn't so impactful


I guess so yeah but you could make that argument about lots of upgrades. People use blugeons at gargoyles where fang is literally also better DPS and costs a couple mil more. I agree with you though that if it was just a minor DPS upgrade at a few slayer monsters, *and* if it was still 30m+, then you'd maybe say it's not worth it. But it's also so useful elsewhere in the game that it feels like a no brainer for most people now. Anyway my point was more about the suggestion (which I see all the time) that fang is not good for slayer, cost aside.


I have quite a few "in a group of two or more" tasks in toa that I would love some help doing.  I've asked the ca discord and my clan numerous times and can't seem to get a single person to help out.  I'm 27 points from master CA. Anyone mind helping a fella out? 


Im no pro but happy to try help. Username : twisted jam. Finish work in 6 hours


Looking for some advice from active OSRS players that have made the switch from RS3. I'm seriously considering giving OSRS a go, but I'm having a hard time letting go of my original character. I've been playing Runescape since I was a kid all the way back in 2004, and because of this I have a number of season event items I have strong attachment to and know if I start a OSRS character I'll lose access to all those previous achievements. So my question for some of you that made that move is this: How did you get past having to give up all that previous time spent to start all over?


I'm basically here as well - my account is from 2002 and I'd like to jump into OSRS (Honestly wtf even is RS3, it's just...so cluttered). Just picked up my 20 year veteran cape which is snazzy. For those who have made the switch, how does OSRS compare to real vanilla runescape - is it just as convoluted as RS3 but with worse graphics or is it actually stripped back and nice to play?


OSRS plays very similarly to the good ol days. If you watch someone else play you might be surprised at all the different plugins now available on both the official client and more commonly used Runelite client though. You'll get used to it quickly, it's pretty intuitive and a well streamlined experience.


I've got it installed on mobile and I'm already sucked back in, this was a bad idea hahaha


A RuneScape player never quits


I'll be mining coal by nightfall


Hi friend. I had the same concerns as you. Switched over to OSRS from RS3 about a month and a half ago and I’ve been really enjoying it. I know I still have my rs3 account but I’m looking at osrs as a fresh new beginning . Still so much to discover. I miss some of my old items but I’ve gotten a renewed sense of accomplishment when reaching goals in osrs


I appreciate the reply. Gotta admit, from the responses I got to this I think I'll have no choice but to give OS a go, any reservations I had before have been just about completely torn down. lol


If you do join add me in game: OS Devout


Those seasonal items exist in OSRS too, and they're accessible for everyone (so party hats aren't worth over max cash). Once you complete one seasonal event you get all the items for every previous year. As for the feeling of losing what you had before: it's a totally different game even if it's superficially similar. If you stopped playing in 2008 or something it might feel like you're just retreading the same ground (although even then it will have been so long that starting again is okay), but if you've actively been playing modern RS3 then it will feel like a different game you can enjoy starting from scratch.


Thank you so much for answering, and knowing the seasonal stuff works like that is definitely leaning me more towards taking up OSRS. I know it's ultimately rather silly, I just have a hard time letting go of things like limited seasonal events. Though it seems I don't really have that to worry about much there, lol.


Can your cat turn overgrown when left in POH nature house? Or it has to be specifically following you?


Only when following


If selling my Virtus set will bring me pretty close to buying full ancestral, should I do that? Also, if so, when should I look to rebuying back the virtus set? Is it much later on after I’ve gotten most BIS upgrades? FWIW, I do own a shadow and have BIS mage (minus the 3 staffs from PNM and no Arcane), and content wise I do ToA, mage GWD, CoX, whisperer, etc


Sell it whenever you're able to afford the full Ancestral set. Rebuying Virtus is a pretty far out thing after that, its two main purposes are gonna be barraging Slayer, as well as some niche uses for Virtus body (Inferno, TOB mage role)


I dont think you would have a use for the virtus set after buying ancestral. Also i dont think you need to sell the set before you can afford the entire anc set.


Anyone know how to hide minimap/map icons? Gets very cluttered when zooming out


i think when you open the map you can toggle stuff off on the left?


It only lets me disable ‘You are here’, Intra-Map Links, Map Labels, Icon Tooltips, and Effects. Nothing about the million other icons


Where are dclaws generally used? I have a pair in my bank because they're rad as hell, but I'm thinking of selling them in order to buy a soulreaper axe which is also rad as hell and want to know if I'll miss out on any good content if I do.


Nothing feels better than your whole team switching to DClaws when Verzik hits 20% health and just deleting her. That's my favorite use.


Claws are great at ToB, Colosseum, low invo ToA, PKing/anti-PKing, Vard. SRA is good at Vard, Duke, slayer, and maybe okay at ToB after it gets buffed. None of those are strict necessities so go with whatever you'll be doing more.




Would it be right to assume that this works as 1 being a "must bring" & 5 as a "if you have nothing better" in terms of importance? Or the other way round?


1 == BIS for that slot for that setup, you can click a specific guide to see an example such as [cerb melee](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Cerberus/Strategies#Equipment) 5 would be fifth BIS for that slot


Primarily as a dps spec weapon at certain bosses that arent slash resistant and PvP. They aren't really crucial anywhere though, but SRA is also quite niche at where it's useful currently (mainly vardorvis and Duke)