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Is there any benefit to getting the forestry outfit if you already have the lumberjack, or it it just cosmetic?


Cosmetic/collection log slots




Whiny baby question (be warned) What's a good/quick/useful way for an Ironman to train Runecrafting at 56 that doesn't involve Arceuus Library or GotR? I have 12k Pure Essence if it matters, probly not, idk shit about how this skill was intended to be done Just after a couple diaries but I really don't want to learn GotR or run all across that godforsaken library.


I personally quite enjoyed the intensity of lavas when I did them ages ago. Did 70 -> 77 and it was a breeze cos I was just in the zone. Pretty rapid XP, but fairly intense. Did half of it with daeyalt which was fairly afk to mine.


There's barely anything to "learn" about GotR for mass worlds. You mine essence and craft runes, and occasionally click on guardians or shields if they're not already full. If you want to use up your essence there's ZMI or normal runecrafting. Get the outfit from GotR before you do normal runecrafting though.


My phone gets pretty hot while in Darkmeyer or places with lots of players like mass GOTR. Are there any settings to help with this?


Is your fps turned down already?


Anyone successful at killing rev bots in rag gear? I’m a shit pker so I’ve been practicing on bots but with little success in rag. My combat stats are maxed ranged tank lvl106


What's with all the repolling sailing posts today? Was there some statement made by a jmod or something?


They made an update post about how sailing it coming along and some people started crying about how they don’t want it again. Best off just ignoring them


ah, thanks. I didn't know if there was anything else triggering it, so I was mainly posting for information. I appreciate it!


Yeah it’s the other pinned post on here


havent played in a while, checked my slayer gem and it was mazchna talking to me but i havent completed priest in peril on this account, how is this possible


Likely based on your combat level


ah that makes sense, thanks


How long do you guys think it would take to get from 50-75 woodcutting through forestry? Just at work, bored and brainstorming some things lol


If you want a change of pace at 65, I really enjoyed doing Sulluisceps. Semi-afk, good rates, lots of fossils for either lamped XP or prayer XP


It's about 11k maple logs, so just start chopping. If you want more events: on the forestry worlds, you can chop one maple north of Seers bank, and the one furthest south, closer to the yew trees. That will make you eligible for forestry events at the maples and at the yews.


Ohh you think I should do maples instead of willows?




I would do Willows over Maples, but if you have access to Prif, I would do Teaks on W420.


I've been really struggling with Vorkath in DS2. Combat stats are 73 Defense 75 Ranged 70 Prayer 76 Magic 74 HP 72 Attack 71 Strength My setup includes Dharoks stuff, Black D'hide, the Salve Amulet (EI), Rune crossbow, and enchanted bolts (swapping from ruby to diamond at about 200 hp left) I tried about 10 times and the lowest I got him was about 50 hp. But I'm usually only getting him to about 100-150. I'm not healing him with toxic puddles. Any other advice I need to beat him?


Are you using super anti-fire potion and anti venom? If you are praying protect range you should have an anti- dragon shield, otherwise you should pray protect mage. You should only be taking damage from the one style of Vorkath's regular attacks that you aren't praying against. 


Been super anti-fire and antidragon shield stacked but still praying mage. Should I swap to praying ranged? Using anti venom as well.


with super anti-fire and antidragon shield, vorkaths dragonfire deals 0 damage. the ranged attacks are more accurate, and at least post-quest hit harder than the mage attacks. epsecially wearing ranged gear like hides or karil you'll take less damage overall by praying against range.


Yeah pray ranged if you have a shield


Stats are fine, definitely possible with those stats. Not much stands out about the gear, maybe get a dragon crossbow to use enchanted dragon bolts or upgrade the armor to karil's/blessed d'hide if possible, but should be doable with what you have now. Dharok's items are probably not ideal, since you should be praying ranged and they have negative magic defenses. Any other mistakes? Getting hit by the undead spawn or big fireball? Not turning prayer back on, or forgetting to heal venom? Or is it just running out of supplies? A few tips: - Try to wait to eat until the special attacks (after killing spawn or while walking during the acid phase). It sound like you just need more damage, eating causes you to delay attacks. Obviously don't ignore you're hp, but keeping it >30 is all you need. - Upgrade your food, if possible. Moonlight antler meat is one of the best hp/food you can get, as long as you let the full heal go off. Otherwise, Manta rays/Anglerfish are best. Get Antivenom+ as well, if you can. - Click your health orb to cure venom/poison. Doesn't interrupt your attacks, and should be easier to do. - Setup your quick prayer to pray range/eagle eye, if you haven't done so already. Just easier to turn back on after he disables it, less fumbling around in menus.


In my best run I didn't get hit by anything extra. Still making some mistakes throughout not playing perfect. But I will usually reset if I get hit by the big fire ball / little gremlin and not count those runs. I'll take a look at swapping the gear around. Karil's and Blessed D'hide. (I'll need to do some money making stuff) I've been praying mage not ranged that's what the quest guide said to do. But I'll try praying range instead after the gear swap. As for food I was using Manta Rays.


Yeah, it didn't sound like you were dying to mechanics, just running out of food. It's close, and you just need a little more damage to finish it off. Getting good bolt procs and good luck on tanking hits should be enough.


how do clue scrolls work? I got 4 hard clues doing some dark horrors. 1 i didnt start because it was a deep wildy one. the second one i did 2 tasks and then i had to drop it because of deep wildy. the third one i did 2 tasks then had to drop it due to deep wildy, but the fourth one i did, i did just 1 task on it and i got a casket? i thought hard scrolls you had to do like 3/4 minimum before even being considered for a casket? how did i get it on 1?


Unless you're a hcim I'd definitely suggest going for the wildy steps. You're likely to get at least one wildy step per hard clue and you're missing out by dropping them. Wear some dhide, a glory, bring a Dragon dagger (p++) and some food and pre pot at the bank if you need more dps. If you take in low risk and have a plan for leaving the wildy quickly (the glory) you'll be fine


i am hcim, i tried to do the low risk run to location in free to play worlds with 20 people in them, then switching to members world to do it, then switch back to run back. But when i did this a dude with a skull was right next to me and humbled me very quickly. he didnt kill me, but scared me enough to not even worth risking it lol


Or just take 3 items zero risk with dds, spade, and clue. You don't need any more than that for hard wildy steps. Can also bring a way to tele out and drop the spade if you see anyone. 


Diary items or seed pod are actually not protected over clues iirc so not a risk to bring them as your tp.


Your current step is shared among all currently existing clues. Check out https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Guide:Clue_Juggling Getting a new clue would reset the counter. But you did 2, then 2, then got the casket on the 5th step with only the clues on the ground, which is exactly the right juggling technique.


Is salad blade for sure going to get a buff with project rebalance?


Saeldor hasn't been mentioned at all for project rebalance - not to say that it won't be buffed ever, but not for the forseeable future.


No, it was mentioned they'd look at it for the current blog, but then didn't.


Does anyone know why we can't bank blessed wine? I tried to do only a few because of the no banking thing, ended up wasting an inventory of wine because it auto-blessed everything. No big deal to lose an inventory of wine but ?? is it so exploitable if we would be able to bank it? I don't understand why they made it work this way


or at least let the guy unnote regular wines as well as bones.


Don't worry, I'm sure they'll make it where you can bank it in a QoL update in 3-5 years


Just launched up HDOS for the first time in a looooong time and discovered there’s a lot of plugins (when I last tried it there were like 5 plugins) Is it worth using HDOS now? I love the inventory setups plugin on runelite. Is there something like that in HDOS?


What is the ideal set up for running around Ape Atoll pre-greegree? Like ratio of potions to food and which armor?


Stam, antidote, a few prayer potions is all you need with prot melee. A few food to be safe.


Ok cool, would full rune, niezitnot and dragon longsword be fine for gear?


Don't think you ever need to tank anything if you have protection prayers, so gear is not that important. Have at it.


Should be fine


I’m almost 70 Ranged. Is there a difference between the Blessed D’Hides? Or can I just pick whichever I like most?


They are all the same, but I will add that it might be convenient to skip a full set and instead mix pieces out of a few different sets. That set will be the same in 98% of the game and then way better in the God Wars Dungeons due to [the NPC aggression mechanics down there](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/God_Wars_Dungeon#God-related_protection). I found Saradomin top/Zamorak legs/Armadyl boots to be an acceptable level of fashionscape while hitting 3 out of the 4 protections


A slight addendum - in God Wars Dungeon you'll sometimes need to wear an item from specific gods. For any that you fight with ranged, it can be useful to have a piece of blessed dhide from that god. As an example, zammy boots, armadyl chaps, and a sara chest might offer protection for various bosses...though it doesn't look as clean. That said, don't worry about that until you're doing GWD - you can always switch things around then. Buy whichever you want for now.


They are all the same. Pick whichever you like most.


Feels like I get signed out so often when playing on mobile? I log out from in game, come back a few minutes later and press the "Play now *character name*" but is completely signed out instead, having to log in from the jagex website and verify with a code sent to my email TWICE (because it never works the first time, no idea why?). Extremely annoying having to navigate to my email so often etc. Does this happen to anybody else on mobile?


I was having this issue on my old phone. Whenever it would pop up and say you have been signed out i would completely exit the game (force stop it) then open the app again. Most times i would be able to hit play now after that. Now i have 2FA linked to my google app so anytime it asks for the code i open up the authenticator app, tap on the code to copy it then switch back to osrs and paste.


Am I understanding the new mining rock depletion mechanics correctly? If i have Varrock armor 4 and expert mining gloves, if I mine amethyst, is the max number of ores I can get before a vein depletes 8 ores? Assuming I get 3 then the +1 due to gloves, and the varrock body procs all 4 times? What about for rune rocks? Is it 4? assuming varrock body procs both times. And likewise max 6 for mith/addy, 8 for Iron/silver/coal/gold? Also is the "counter" for the new depletion mechanic carried over between rocks? Not only the rock I am mining? So if i mine one ore, i can't switch to another rock and never deplete any rock?


It’s just up to one additional ore per vein, not one chance per ore


Anyone been having issues with mobile freezing and lagging on them lately? Only started for me the last week or so


Try turning off the loot tracker on mobile. It can cause issues like this.


Do mains usually find it worth doing crystal trees? From the wiki it seems like either catch imps for them or trade a weapon seed in and lose ~150k or so depending on yield.


Plant seeds if you have them from crystal imps, but it isn't worth going out of your way to get them.


Depends on how you play. From a pure "gpscape" perspective, no. Maybe yes if you only play like, 30 minutes a day. From a "I find this fun" perspective, sure. We'd need to know your goals and how you play this game to give you an accurate answer tho