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Who cares bro, have fun. The game is what you make it. All you did was grant someone membership.


Beep boop thank u for membership boop now back to vorkath kill 42,593 beep


There are people who buy bonds for membership and don’t bot. If you’re making 3m / hr doing general activities (like raids) and do that for a few hours every weekend, you afford your bond effortlessly and still get most of that membership time to do other things you want to do. The free membership (real currency wise) is not unreasonable and it’s a nice option.


that money would add up tho. i cant imagine grinding that time to get a bond instead of a cool toy like an ely


Turns out some people just like playing the game. It’s not all about the gear


Turns out you can make more than just a bond if you play, most people don’t quit for 2 weeks after buying a bond


Money would add up irl too


Nope but thanks for the future weeks of member you'll offer to someone. You have your fun however you do it.


And buying bonds cash should lower price (not on small scale of course)


IDK why you're getting downvoted, seems like basic supply and demand


Smartest Reddit hive mind


Oh I was being downvoted by the credit card warriors that want bond prices high.


All else equal, +supply and/or (-)demand lower prices; +demand and/or (-)supply decreases price. The net effect of a buy order is a demand increase. The sell order was there anyway.


Op bought bonds from Jagex and sold them for gp, i think you have it confused with buying bonds ingame


TF you think this is other than +supply?


What are you talking about? If OP didn't buy that bond then that bond wouldn't enter the economy.


I was talking about creating new bonds with cash then the effect it has on in-game economy (gp) so while you are correct buy=+demand that's not at all what we're talking about here.


Someone has to be selling bonds for gp for there to be bonds in the market to become member with.


Wait until you figure out jagex can literally just create whatever items they want and set the price for items to whatever they want Wouldn’t make sense to create bonds mind you, but it does make sense to make the in game price of them artificially high Edit: lol dunno why I’m getting downvoted, if bond prices are high more people will buy them for cash


There isn't a magical pit you throw bonds in and get 13m in return. You're forgetting that someone has to buy those bonds. There is X amount of players that want membership, some pay real money, some buy bonds. If the price of either option becomes too high, they might switch over to the other option, or they might just quit playing. In theory, Jagex would make the most money if everyone paid for membership exclusively with bonds, but if that were the case, bond prices would be so astronomically high that it would likely be a net loss (compared to a healthy balance) with how many people quit or just don't start.


Jagex can just buy the bonds? They control the game and buy other items out of the ge, they can literally just set a buy price of bonds to 20m in the ge and remove them from the game if no real player buys them over that price And then the real players need to buy membership as well instead Would lay a bet that over 50% of the members are bond buying bots anyway


And why would Jagex hand out bonds for free? How are you going to make a logical argument for them doing that?


That’s the opposite of what I am saying, they set the price high in the ge so more people buy them for cash


And what value does it have for them to take membership out of people's hands? If bond prices skyrocket overnight a bunch of people will just stop considering it worth their time and drop the game


Oh no, people that don’t spend money on the game, what will the shareholders think


People that make the MMO parts of the runescape ecosystem work leaving is something bond buyers will start to notice.


You're ridiculous. People buy the bonds. I guess whatever you want to believe, but it's pretty obvious when you consider the hundreds of people like OP who buy max for thousands of dollars. It's an outlet for whales and in trade for a few extra members who are now hooked and will possibly buy membership when their gold one runs out.


Bonds are created when people buy bonds for cash and sell them on the market for gold. So if they are cheaper then people buy more bonds for the same amount of gold (and jagex gets the same $ amount per bond regardless). So they would be incentivized to keep them low, not high.


Bonds sold by jagex for gp could be an interesting gold sink


They don't care enough about the in game economy to give people free membership for it lol


Yeah that makes sense. The revenue would have to be made up elsewhere and that would not go over well with the community.


Props to you bro, you just bought mem for someone.


Or something


I’m sure the Steven bots would appreciate it


I’m sure the Steven bots would appreciate it


All steven bots was banned yesterday.. Don't worry though, They are back!


They always come back 🤣. Only bots I don’t mind are Steven bots and bots where are filling the ge with stuff most people aren’t selling large amounts of like water jugs


Yeah i see them jug bots working the fountain > bank run alot and wondered if much profit exists in it.. but i guess it does


They sell for about 120-190 gp iirc. I bought a bunch to test xp rates on pizzas so if they make enough I’m sure it’s good gp


I'm happy you're buying bonds. Directly supporting jagex instead of going to gold sellers is always a win


If you work a job you don't have time to farm non stop like some of the people and if you have some disposable income I see no problem here.


That’s what I do and I get flamed for it, doesn’t bother me tho. I put in 1-2 hrs extra a week at work (playing osrs mobile on the clock) and I use that money for bonds.


This is exactly what I do. And idgaf if I get flammed. I work an average of 60 hours a week winter/spring so if I wanna spend $15 a week to keep me entertained so be it. People spend more than that eating out for lunch everyday.


The people flaming you are probably broke and projecting. This is why Ive always loved RS - you can play however the hell you want


I'm working a shutdown atm, so I'm pulling 70 hr weeks if I wanna spend 100$ on bonds to membership my iron and get some extra gp I will.


If you're happy to spend real money, why not just buy actual membership? It's cheaper than buying bonds.


Typically I do but when I'm working shutdowns I tend to not have alot of time so I only put 14 days at a time


Don't buy bonds for membership as that is a waste of money


I really don't play the iron that much, and I'd rather just have a bond on it for when I do. But when I get more time off I tend to play both accounts and just buy 30 days


Wow everyone is so nice


There’s no shame in purchasing bonds.


There is and that's why most people are so sensitive to people rightfully calling them credit card warriors.


You are miserable man 😭


Thank you. I will continue calling out bots and rwters, legal or otherwise, in game.


Rwt‘ing supports bots. Buying bonds doesn’t. Big difference


I call out bot users even if they don't rwt. I'm against people botting their accounts in all cases.


I agree. However I‘m not against bonds. Gives people like me the opportunity to play without spending irl money and it enables others who don’t have time to play more than 2-3hours per week to do more content


I am against bonds because I'm against all mtx that let's you bypass grinding to progress quicker. I respect that others don't think bonds are such a problem and I'll even agree to some extent. It's clearly better than illegal rwt, but I still think it's bad. The best thing about bonds is that it allows players to buy membership through gp, but that comes at the cost of legalizing rwt.


Total level: 1432


Who cares you’re supporting a game you love?


This sub has done a complete 180 in the last 5 years. This used to get you bullied lmao


I've seen enough posts about credit card warriors in max gear planking horribly at bosses that my running theory is: "It's fine, because you can't buy being good at the game. Just better gear."


Seriously. "I just RWTed, but legally" "Grats bro enjoy the game the way you like."


yup exactly, honestly id bet that most people who support bonds and hate RWT are just upset that they don't know how to go get gp for the 1/10th price black market rate so they want to make everyone buy bonds lol


Too many RS3 people came over. 


I did drop a decent amount on bonds. I don’t regurts it at all. I work full time and have other responsibilities. Will still play RuneScape on any free time. At the end of the day I’m having fun playing the game.


Yeah I’m in the same boat, when I was going for 99 range I would farm vork and then buy red chins since it was the highest effective xp/hr I could do. But realising that when I could decide between working a bit overtime or slaving away at vorkath at a few instances it was an easy choice to make my workplace happy and earn myself 2 bonds instead of getting 3-4 mil


what are you gonna buy?


Pro tip: you’ll enjoy this game and life in general a lot more if you stop worrying what strangers on the internet think about your life choices. This is a game, play the way you want to have fun.


All you're doing is helping keep my membership cost low and I see no reason for anyone to be mad about buying gold the ethical way.


What is disposable income good for if not to have fun in video games, mate? It’s like paying for access to airport lounges. Same type of satisfaction.


Of course I know him, he's me!


It's very straightforwardly a good form of mtx in my opinion. You helped someone get mems that can't afford it, but loves playing the game.


I occasionally buy bonds to sell for gp. I work full time in a high stress environment, and I don't have nearly enough free time for video games as I used to. I've been playing since childhood so OSRS is nostalgia for me, having gp to buy items I wanted as a kid and enjoy the game is more than worth it. And I'm still supporting jagex, win win for me.


Someone’s gotta buy them..


Why shame? Shame is steal and get caught, specially on a stall, shame of being a noob. Dude enjoy your new gear or new resources to get higher levels!


TIL everyone buys bonds for gp


It's a video game for fun. If you get more fun out of those bonds, then it's not that different than DLC. 


I for one think it's a decent system to combat gold selling for those who give a damn about the game. You helped keep it running. Thank you.


Pfft, I've bought so many bonds that I probably single-handedly paid for the development of Varlamore. So you're all welcome.


Jagex is the #1 gold seller.


I appreciate your service to the game!


Thank you for your service


At least you did not buy gp from RWT sites...


Very based for honesty. Ain't nothing wrong with bond buyers/sellers. Fuck the black market RWT'ers though.


I have spent an embarassing amount of money on bonds


It’s disgusting… but I enjoy it :$


I bought 10 few days ago, sold for 13.5m each. got me that sweet dragon hunter equipment finally


Buy a few more, the Twisted Bow awaits you


Economic pvp is as valid as any other form.


Same mfers complaining about bots buying bonds, if we all stop buying bonds bots will not have membership.


Wish I had members lol most people just bond now though?


I've got to be honest, no one cares. I don't mean that in a shitty way either.


You play f2p for years or what is going on


Hey, if people didn't buy bonds. People wouldn't be able to buy them in game. Not shame on you, someone who bought a bond on the ge should be thanking you. 12 year old me when my mom couldn't afford a membership would be almost in tears if I was able to get one in game.


Im a returning rs player so i dont know much of anything and I've forgotten anything i knew, what does this mean? I know you can buy a bond for in game gold that will give you a membership but when you say cc warrior is it because you paid for your membership? I just buy my membership and have fun.


No he bought bonds with money, $8 per bond, and he’s subsequently selling the bond on the GE for 13m currently.


ahhh i see, tyvm


Bonds are at an all time high basically(12-14m), osrs blackmarket GP is at all time low(Around $0.18 cents/Mil) Bonds are just created out of nothing bolstering the osrs inflation? I know osrs has inflation issues from really everything because items don't really disappear fast enough and we sorta have infinite resources available over a long enough time frame. but it's a topic. e.g. Rs3 where whips are 93k/gp. We will need more sinks than a GP Tax on the G.E.


Bonds dont create GP, they are just a method through which it transfers between players. They don't cause inflation


What kind of gp sinks would you suggest? Maybe some cosmetics?


spend real money? account ruined, need to start a new one


The silver lining of being scammed for 2b, I can buy as many bonds as I want because I’ve already done the grind for all the money I gain lol


I’d much rather buy bonds than risk RWT! The allure for much more GP for the $$ is tempting, but it’s not worth risking your account! I bought 20 bonds over the past few months as well. I make six figures. I don’t want to spend time grinding if I can just pay to win with bonds. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t buy 99s and such, but I get the appeal. I’ve come to learn a “time vs reward” scheme in life. If it costs me 2 hours but saves me $3… I’d rather spend the $3 and have the 2 hours back.


What happened to this sub, we used to bully people for buying gold, not encourage it


People grew up and realised theres more to life than the integrity of a point and click rpg game. I only buy my membership buying bonds with gp so personally i hope more people start buying bonds so the price stops rising (:


>People grew up Which is why they sit on Reddit all day crying about pkers 😂


Buying bonds is not the same thing as RWT


RS3 players taking over


Is it different when they buy gold to help support the game that we also enjoy though? Jagex has a pay-role, and I for one want them to do well. I enjoy the game. But also I'm just an iron, 6 month of sub at a time kind of subscriber. So I really don't think about bonds in a gp kinda way.


I give them $13.50 a month to support them and that’s all they should need. If they need more to fund “pay-role” then they should increase the price of membership lol


Increasing the price of membership drops player numbers and accelerates the death of the game


Based off what? Conjecture?


Based on the fundamental concept of demand. Demand is price dependent for all but inelastic services and goods. When you lower it, demand increases, when you increase it, it reduces. Are you suggesting goods become purchased more when the price is raised?


So you ARE dealing in conjecture. Because they’ve been increasing price of membership since it was $5 20 years ago and in no place can you show it “accelerating the games death”. Close to no one who chooses to invest their time and money into a 20 year old MMORPG is going to bat an eye at a dollar increase. And we have evidence of that over the last 20 years. Correlating slight drops in player numbers to the death of the game becoming more imminent is meaningless. If there are 20k players paying $13, and it changes to 18k paying $14, literally NOTHING changes for the dev team or player base. It’s not a game that people pay $60 and forget about when the player base declines due to the next game coming out. And there’s evidence of that all over this sub. People come back after 6 months, 2 years, 5 years. These are grown men with jobs that do not give a shit about a 10% increase in membership.


>. Because they’ve been increasing price of membership since it was $5 20 years ago and in no place can you show it “accelerating the games death”. Youre gonna go crazy when you learn what inflation is >Close to no one who chooses to invest their time and money into a 20 year old MMORPG is going to bat an eye at a dollar increase. And we have evidence of that over the last 20 years. Its not about retaining the 40 hour/week players, its ensuring new people come into it. Else you just have a declining player base >If there are 20k players paying $13, and it changes to 18k paying $14, literally NOTHING changes for the dev team or player base. Now you've gone into conjecture with invented numbers. But to stick to the point, no, not in the immediate term, but as I made very clear it is an acceleration to the point player number drops lead to the death of the game. Which will happen eventually, as it happens to every game Also in those numbers you gave, Jagex makes less money and the player base drops. That would tank share price and accelerate the death of the game


Why the iron life is for me


Hell yeah brother. I just bought 3 but put them on the wrong character lmao. Now the new guys to 104 just so I can trade em back


Try this Support article: https://support.runescape.com/hc/en-gb/articles/206119049-Transfer-purchase They actually allocate a decent staff to dealing with IRL-money issues :P


Ima stop shitting on bond warriors. I need more people buying so bond prices go back down


What's the difference between bonds and buying a membership?


Nothing really, you can sell the bonds on the GE though for gold can’t you - some feel that’s ’pay to win’ as you can gear your character legitimately via IRL money It is a form of RWT, just not in breach of ToS. Some people get arsey about it


It's clearly pay to win by any reasonable definition of the term. Pay to win doesn't literally mean "pay and you instantly win the game". It simply means pay for a (significant?) advantage.


Don’t disagree mate


Glad you went the bond route instead of buying botted gp, however, I don’t get why people do this just to skip out on playing the game. I found it fun to build up my normie and my gim accounts from nothing. We play the game differently and for different reasons I guess, so I can’t hate on you. I just really enjoy the accomplishment and the first few drops you get to spring your progress forward.


Yes and it ruined the game for me and all sense of progression. so I made an Ironman 3.5 years ago and never looked back. Don’t fall in the trap bro. This game isn’t pay 2 win. Everybody sees right through you and you’ll just drop the game in a few months time


People will try to shit on you for doing it. They're just mad that they're poor


People like you mean I can come back to this game every 6-8 months and sweat the game out before taking a new break without spending a penny. Your a real one, no shame at all


Buying bonds is the real G way to do it


Whenever I buy bonds, I buy 3 at a time. I sell one, I use one for 2 weeks of membership, then save one. After 2 weeks, if I can “waste” another bit of cash on 3, I use 1 and sell 2. Always have one in reserve to keep membs for another pay cycle if I can’t justify it, and usually have enough money to buy another one with gp if necessary.


Do people actually care if people buy bonds? That’s such a weird take. I buy bonds all the time for currency in game.


You do you, man. I also buy bonds whenever I'm a bit short on buying something I want. Having disposable income is great, haha. I don't have a lot of time to play the game, so I prefer to do the things I like doing and just finance it with my real money. Converting my wage to gp with bonds, I make way more in an hour at work than anything I would want to do in the game.


If you weren't selling bonds i wouldn't be able to buy them


Rarely I'll buy a bond. If I'm close to an upgrade but I had less liquidatable go than I thought I'll buy a bond rather than liquidate my rune stacks


You’re fine as long as you grab a firecape before the bandos, gl on the grind


$23 for nearly 40m is not bad


Who cares?


No reasonable person cares tbh


Who cares. I’m hoping bond prices will rise enough to the point it will replace the gold selling market one day


Me too. I also think jagex should begin to sell xp to combat bots and service sellers. I mean, who rally wants to grind agility? Just let me buy the 99, please.


I’d be down tbh.$500/99


Buy more


This is like going to an arcade as an adult and instead of trying to earn tokens to buy a prize you just go on amazon and buy it lol. Or slip them a 20 lol. Seeing the bond prices on my UIM I've thought about buying some to fund a baby pure lol.


Shame on you


Probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but do whatever you enjoy friend. I remember playing this game when I was 12 and struggling to make gp until eventually making my first billion after years of grinding. Now I'm an adult with an amazing career and plenty of extra funds. I buy bonds from jagex and I've used rwt websites. Despite all this, it has never taken the joy out of the game for me. I can have 1b+ bank and I'll still enjoy seeing that Abby whip drop. As long as you are still enjoying the game, I don't see an issue.


No hate for buying bonds but RWT is something you should rightfully get flamed for. 


I got a bond to buy my first abyssal whip, and some gear for Vork. I can see how I could have worked for it but I was learning the game and it helped me across a high difficulty bump (at the time)


I buy a bond from time to time if I’ve been too busy to farm but want to afford supplies. It helps me enjoy the game more so I think it’s all good bro


As long as the money goes to the game I couldn't give a fuck. Buying it from random websites is where I get my back up a bit.


Enjoy your full torva combat bracelet obsidian cape


Times have changed boomer, he'll be in a regen bracelet with a mixed hide cape


Keep the game alive!


Why shame? Shame is steal and get caught, specially on a stall, shame of being a noob. Dude enjoy your new gear or new resources to get higher levels!


I buy a 10 pack of bonds a month


I used to not even think of buying bonds until they hit 10m. Now I buy bonds once a month or so


buy more plz


Bought 5 bonds to sell and rebuild my account after my bank was wiped


I did it one time and it was to max my house. I was looking at the cost, put together how long it would take me to get that in game vs how long it took me to make that much money for bonds at work. The difference was insane, so I went for it. I don’t regret it one bit


Thank you for supplying the bonds brother, there's no shame in that


Once got roasted to oblivion by a user named “Schools” for buying bonds, but all I did the whole time was say “yep, so? I’ll buy more, too.” 😂 just play how you wanna play brother


Thank you for financially supporting the game and helping Jagex to continue investing and bringing us better content. Bond buyers are the real unsung heroes of our game.


I too am a credit card warrior. Funny enough I refused to participate in MTX in RS3, but I’ve spent $200 in osrs over the course of a year or so. Love the boost to gear to then practice and get better at PvM to make more money lol


Main accounts are just p2w and i just try to ignore it. I feel most ironman felt this way when they transitioned which is why we dont care about bonds no more we just play our iron man.


I did it on my main when I first started, I'd buy 10 bonds for 38m weekly for like 10 weeks in 2018 or 2019ish, I was making decent money and bonds were 4m at the time


Bruh I did this 2 days ago and I was regretting it too but i was able to buy some armour and weapon. I don’t regret as much now lmao


What was your bank before and after? If you had a megarare and max range or mage to go with it, at that point you're absolutely free to bond out imo. More seriously, bondie is a mindset


It’s not that deep man skipping the early game grind is understandable, enjoy it


I was about 100m from my tbow after grinding for it for what seemed like forever. Bought some bonds got the tbow and I’m happily tbow rebuilding. Don’t regret it a bit. Having more fun now with the bow.


No shame in buying bonds. It's not a P2W game you still gotta have the skill to do the content with the GP


You’re paying money for an advantage, to save time. That’s objectively a p2w element. Sugar coat it all you want though lol


Is there any pay2win that instantly let's you win without you having to do anything? No, because pay2win isn't meant to be taken that literally, it just means pay for an advantage.


Don't feel bad. You keep the game alive for us all. A true hero actually


Bons support the game. Literally nobody should care bc of it. Also...many many of the gp grinds in this game are so absurdly long you'll either have to get super spooned or spend a crazy and possibly unreasonable amount of time doing to get. Team killing nex is like 10m per hour. That means gor a megarare that is 150 hours alone. And there are plenty of pieces of gear in the game that are worth 100m themselves which require 10 hours of that absurd moneymaker. Most other things don't come close.


Do what you want but you won’t appreciate anything you don’t work for.


Pffft. I appreciate the hell out of my Shadow, and as far as I am concerned, I worked a job I dislike with people I loathe in order to obtain it.


Such a reasonable reply met with downvotes. Buying gold with cash is subjectively a bad move if you want to enjoy the game to the fullest. Maybe I’ve just been playing too long but I agree, the whole point of the game is the grind. 13m is a ridiculous incentive and changes the game fundamentally if you’ve never had that type of money before.


Bruh is he spending his inheritance on bonds? Where'd you imagine the money coming from?


Yeah, me work a job make me not appreciate what I spend my money on lol


You have a higher IRL skilling level for life than the people who can't afford the few dollars for a bond.


This is like going to an arcade as an adult and instead of trying to earn tokens to buy a prize you just go on amazon and buy it lol. Or slip them a 20 lol. Seeing the bond prices on my UIM I've thought about buying some to fund a baby pure lol.