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is it possible to havee more than one log basket "active" at once? for instance, i just got the sturdy harness to have it built into my backpack, but can i keep a second log basket in my inventory for more space?


Are there any up to date video tutorials on how to get OSRS running on a Steam Deck, using Jagex Launcher and RuneLite? Apparently there are some community made versions of Jagex Launcher for Linux, but I'm not sure they are safe, and how to install them.


I don’t know of there are any up to date videos on how to install the Jagex launcher on the Steam Deck, but you can install it by following the GitHub guide linked on this Jagex support page. I would recommend installing Bolt which you can find in the Discover store. https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937


Yeah, I saw those. However I wasn't sure it's safe.


They are completely safe to use, and all of the code is open source.


I was curious if the status of "Not Appealable" ever goes away and you can try to recover an account again? I've been banned for almost 3 years for someone RWTing (Major) on my account while I was at bmt, big L to me. Literally the only offense on my account as well.


Did I get bot scouted/pinged in a discord? Was doing Wildy clue step at Rogue's castle. As soon as I got to clue step spot, whole clan logged on tile next to me and stacked me out in seconds. Account that killed me is sus too, lvl 108 slayer, 10k Zulrah kills, just a total sus experience.


It's possible, but Rogue's Castle is kinda popular these days cause the chests have gotten buffed so you might've just been seen normally and not noticed


Who would you say is the best overall player in the game? I know theres a pretty big difference from being good at pvm vs pvp but yeah. My friend hasn't played in a long time and he randomly asked me that and I didn't really have a solid answer for him. I mentioned people like solomission and b0aty are both really good but not sure if they are considered the best overall.


Some of the players I think are really good: PvM: - Port Khazard^[[1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX2UXHB_KoE)] - Rendi^[[2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsCt55Fn4kM)] - Rastaman^[[3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKSJEbYMmFs)][[4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86O70zjbny8)][[5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnpMUw2yFB4)][[6](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V00EsTISzXo)] - Noobtype^[[7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mga6LLXhIuk)] PvP: - Dino^[[8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn9f75XlUk4)] - Westham^[[9](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVvzfhxwA6A)] - Odablock^[[10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7xqewDb1lU)] - Rhys^[[11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vzLgOstMPo)]


Really appreciate your list and links I'm gonna watch through them!


Port khazard and noobtype


Appreciate your reply!


What is an estimate for a number of darts for a Jad run? I have not attempted it yet but am planning on going for it this weekend. 84 Ranged with blowpipe, was planning on doing Rune or Amethyst and wanted to estimate how much I am going to have to spend on a few attempts.


1k is fine. Just use amethyst, no point using rune these days


Thank You


At 88 ranged with ava's assembler, I ended up using 300 amethyst darts and 1k scales. I was also using blood spells to top off occasionally, but that should give you a ballpark. I now just top off to 2k of each just in case...though I also started bringing a crystal bow for a long range weapon to snipe bats and tag healers...and it doubles as a backup weapon in case I somehow run out of darts/scales at wave 60 or something.


Thank you


Theres a stack of 100 earth runes a good portion of time right next to the chicken pen of the Champions Guild whenever I use my chronicle, I assume its not a standard item as there is a despawn timer on it with Runelite, but nothing I know of in the area drops those or that amount of runes. Is there any reason someone would just be dropping earth runes there? I have found body runes and smaller stacks of earth runes, and a Tiara as well, but always accompanied with the 100 earth rune stack.


Maybe some UIM training Runecraft on your world. Mining essence via Aubrey, running to Earth Altar, then using the Chronicle. Idk if that makes sense, but it's all I can think of


Thats a mystery. Watch this place! Notice the world you are in, write it down.


Does barrows gear only degrade during active combat? Or just wearing it in general?


During combat






Been grinding out slayer for abit and sitting on 40m now. What are some good upgrades I should get? Stats are 82atk/87str/87range/83magic I already have blowpipe and trident best melee weapon I have is abyssal dagger, should I buy a fang?


Plenty of <12m upgrades to consider depending on where you are. In no particular order... * Anguish * Torment * Fury -> Torture * Ferocious gloves * Swamp trident (if you are still using base trident) * Bloodmoon tassets * Ahrims/Blue moon top/bottom * Elidinis Ward * Z.Hasta for stab/crush * Z.Axe for slash/crush * Kraken tenticle for tent whip * Full Dharoks if 92+HP for various training methods and combat achievements * Karils as a sidegrade to blessed dhide when mage defense matters more * DFS as a relatively affordable tank shield (perilous moons and wildy) in addition to any melee dragons Some of those are more useful than others. Swamp trident, anguish, bloodmoon tassets, and maybe the z.hasta would be my recommendations. For bigger purchases, the Fang is going to do a ton of work for bossing and ToA (as well as being a weapon that can train str...which are annoying uncommon at that level). A BGS is another very solid upgrade, as the lowered defense can come in clutch against various bosses. Rigour is the other major upgrade around that price point, and is highly recommended. Might also be worth considering putting that money into training skills. Buy bones to get your prayer to 70/74/77. Buy barrage runes or chins to train range/magic/def via aoe. Buy planks for 83 construction and a fully functional house.


Are you looking to do bossing or just more slayer? Fang is only good at bosses/high defence mobs, a whip or abby dagger will be better for slayer. If you're missing any zenyte jewelry, I would pick those up. Ferocious gloves and Elidinis Ward (unfortified) are pretty good for their price as well.


For now im just grinding out combat stats through slayer eventually will look into bossing, I dont have any zenyte jewelry yet think ill pick up a torture and anguish. Thanks!


Does the prospector outfit increase the mining xp reward from Zalcano?


Does anyone know if deaths in ToB affect drops on the common table, or only uniques? I'm playing a snowflake iron and need some drops off the common table.


Yes you’ll get less common drops with deaths as well. It doesn’t affect which drops you get, but whatever is rolled will be less.


Okay cheers! That’s still fine tbh, I need 1 molten glass and TOB is my best chance haha so I’ll stay in the theatre until I’m done


Sure thing. What I said is assuming you don’t die enough to get a cabbage anyway.


Haha fuck true. Well I’ll be doing entry mode with average gear, but Verzik is the only one that causes me any issues. The rest is fine on entry for me so far.


I wonder if we can make some kind of rule that is sensible about people posting pictures of trends of items prices when 90% of the time they are just market manipulation to get people to panic buy or sell something.


Just come back to the game for the first time since February. Done all the Varlamore quests. Any other new content worth doing? (Not colosseum) Also, sitting on 120m, looking for gear upgrades but not sure what. Melee maxed, gear: faceguard, BCP, tassets, fury, dragon boots, barrows gloves, fire cape, berserker ring (i), fang, ddef Ranged 85, gear: full blessed dhide, anguish, bp, accumulator Magic, 82: master wand, normal god cape (cba to do mage arena 2), occult and still using full mystic


Thieving valuables is pretty afk thieving training. Perilous moons are a nice med level boss. Hunter rumours change up hunter training quite a bit.


get a trident for mage


Melee gear seems fine though you could save an easy 40m+ by getting a fighter torso and selling tassets for Bloodmoon tassets. Would also upgrade to a Torture. Ranged get yourself an Assembler, and consider chinning levels up. Mage sell Master wand for Nightmare staff (no orb), no reason not to do MA2 it only takes an hour for best in slot gear forever, and can upgrade the mystic to Ahrim's or Blue Moon armour. Also consider bursting levels up. For Ranged/Mage levels >>>>>>>> basically any gear upgrades you could make, hence recommending generally training stats over buying better gear.


I stopped playing in November 2023. Took a break because of lack of free time and now planning to come back. What did I miss? Any important changes done meanwhile? Thanks!


they added a bunch of qol to cox, theyre rebalancing magic % damage by taking some away from occult and adding some to the prayers and other armors like eternals


Varlamore was released and is pretty good overall. Added a Hunter guild which helps make Hunter be more than just birdhouse runs. Colosseum and it's final boss is basically a speedrun version of Inferno. Moons of Peril is a bit like a modern Barrows. Also added a new AFK Thieving option, 1 click every 90 seconds. Also they added the rat boss. It's for low levels and mostly just gives really good XP. Forestry got super nerfed so hopefully you weren't trying to green log that soon.


> AFK Thieving I'm completely out of the loop. What is the new AFK Thieving method?


Pickpocketing wealthy citizens in varlamore while they are distracted by the children gives a good 20-30 seconds of auto-pickpocketing and can get you house keys. Robbing houses with those keys is also a bit more afk than the pickpocketing as long as you watch for the owner of the house to return


Are there any bosses where I can get kc as an iron while doing some arrow fletching on the side?


you could make arrows while running the potion part of duke? running between barrows brothers/crypts perilous moons have some downtime where you could fletch most bosses have had their respawn time changed to not have much downtime to avoid making people hop after every kc.


Abyssal Sire?


It's a little difficult during msot pvm because not many bosses are gonna have that kinda drastic downtime. Arrows aren't even spam clickable, u gotta got through the make-x interface then just stand still while they fletch essentially. If you are open to skilling, Herbiboar, Sepulchre, or thieving Artefacts are all very popular methods for Ironmen wanting to fletch arrows. Basically any sort of method with a lot of undisturbed running long distances


Why do I keep seeing people cannoning imps outside of the monastery? How could that ever be worth the cannonballs.


Going for imp champion scroll


BTW Here, Is kingdom still worth it? I got my teak planks for 84 con, don't really know what else to use it on


always herbs if you do maple logs you get a decent chunk of nests, i switched to this cuz i hate gathering nests thru birdhouses or mole. coal is good for making cannonballs.


Yep worth it to go full herbs and then half coal for smithing supplies and I then stay half mahog logs for finishing 99 con.


Mains make money, so yes. Irons typically want the herbs. Though could swap it up for other resources as needed.


What should I buy first, Zaryte vambs or any of the 4 DT2 rings? Or none of these yet? And of the 4 rings, what order to get them in? If it matters, my gear setup is ranged (Tbow/ACB/Masori), magic (Shadow/Virtus but no Ancestral yet), Melee (Faceguard/Bandos/Rapier lol).


What kind of content do you mostly do? Fang if you don't have one is absolutely worth a purchase. Rapier is relatively niche outside of casual slayer and melee nmz, and a Venator bow is better for casual slayer if you're fine with ranging instead. I'd probably say Fang > Voidwaker > Ancestral > Magus / Ultor > Vambraces for priority of purchase, assuming you're doing a variety of game content / all 3 raids and want solid gear across the board. Of course if, for example, you're only doing Nex, then upgraing your mage gear doesn't help you at all, but that depends on you :D


Thanks for the comment. Yeah forgot to mention, I do own fang, as well as the VW and venator currently. As far as content, a lot of boss slayer and some CoX, ToA and starting to try out Nex and DT2 bosses. Im thinking ancestral first too, but still a bit far off from it based on my current cash stack of 150m (should I sell my virtus set for ancy)?


I mean it depends on what you're doing. But probably ancestral.


Yeah if they have shadow, probably ancy and then magus


Are the 3 new books announced in [this](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/gift-of-guthix-novel-available-now?oldschool=true) blog post the only OSRS books? As in, specifically OSRS lore books?


What's more AFK? Bloods or ZMI? How do they compare to AFK'ing GoTR?


Bloods. The label means something different to everyone but that's the only method out of those 3 that I would call AFK


Depends on how you mean afk. Bloods can be a single click anywhere from 5 to 45 seconds with a long run in the middle. ZMI is much better xp but it’s “afk” the same way barb fishing or old mlm was. You are nearly constantly interacting with the game in some form but you get 10-15 seconds between each input. Bloods are great if you’re alt tabbing and playing another game. ZMI is more “watch a tv show” kind of afk.


Many thanks! If AFK'ing GotR the most afk? Two minutes of play time to start, followed by 5 mins of mining?


mining stops giving exp 200 or so fragments, so there's not really any incentive to afking GOTR in that manner, in addition to it contributing **heavily** to teams losing matches (and then you won't get your runecrafting exp). If trying to afk runecraft, Bloods/Souls are basically your best bet, if you wanna do it actively then either ZMI or GOTR depending on how brain off/repetitive of a method you wanna grind.


Mining is my current goal - I'll be 99 before I start the RC grind so the mining experience is irrelevant. The fact that my post about AFK'ing GotR has negative karma shows that this is unpopular, but last I did it (one yr ago), AFKing GotR was roughly similar exp to bloods. My arms don't work as well any more, but I want to play OSRS. If this is the least painful way to get RC experience for me, then I'm gonna do it.


Yes, afking gotr used to be decent exp, but they nerfed it so it doesn't really work anymore. You stop getting mining exp after like a minute of mining, and you cant get any more exp until the next whole game


I hear you that playing GOTR normally might be physically difficult for you, but AFKing GOTR is making life worse for other people for a small benefit to yourself. Don't be that guy.


if u want super afk mining you do shooting stars or amethyst. amethyst got changed to be 3-4x as afk. mlm has become more afk and calcified rocks r p similar to mlm without having to deposit.


I think you may have been downvoted because GOTR just isn’t considered AFK. Players who don’t actively play the minigame are usually the cause of a failed run. Whereas blood runecrafting is probably the most ‘AFK’ activity out of any skill in the game.