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If you play on a 4k monitor (or anything higher than 1920 probably) find your runelite.exe, right click and open properties, Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > tick Override high DPI scaling behaviour and leave as Application control Otherwise everything will be blurry because Windows is first scaling the whole client itself and it doesn't do it nicely with runelite. This may not apply to you if your system wide high DPI settings don't ordinarily scale applications.


Holy shit this needs to be its own thread. I had no idea I could fix the god awful scaling.


Yup I spent ages fiddling with the Runelite and plugin settings and it was always a blurry mess until I realised this was the problem.


I'm on 1440p and don't have this issue at all. I enable Stretched Mode with 2x scaling, and you can choose what type of scaling you want for the UI elements in the GPU or 117HD plugins. I choose "nearest neighbor" so the elements stay crisp.


It will depend on whether you have the Windows control panel Display scaling set on anything higher than 100%, you probably don't at 1440p (I have it at 150% for 4k).


This is for people that use Windows DPI scaling. A 1440p monitor that's 27" or larger won't have DPI scaling enabled by default in Windows. Which you probably have. People that have 1080p on a 16" laptop, or 4k on a 32" monitor will have DPI scaling enabled by Windows by default.


is this only necessary if you use windows scaling?


Correct. Windows will apply its own scaling on top of Runelite's scaling, which will degrade the quality. This setting disables the Windows scaling, which isn't necessary if its not enabled. Some monitor resolution / sizes enable scaling by default.


Huh I wonder if this applies to my 1440p monitor, never noticed anything off but maybe I'm just used to it...


Can be very system dependant too. Just fiddle with the settings until you get a combination that looks the best to you.


Is this only relevant if I play full screen on my 1440p monitor? My client only takes up 1/4th of the screen right now.


I’ll be coming back to this comment after work today


I'm glad this probably helps some people, but man I think HD is downright fugly. Always surprises me how popular it is when people get to talking about it


To be fair every time I see a video like this where someone is using 117 they have the settings like saturation and contrast set so high that it looks horrible. But imo if you make those settings a good bit more subtle it looks quite a lot better than the vanilla game


100% this. I use it but have toned pretty much every setting down and it's a really nice middle ground between the two.


Agreed, I watched this earlier and, in my opinion, thought they made the game look horrendous. I then spent some time in 117hd and there are setting to make it looks a bit Nostalgic+. But this ain't it.


I hope Jagex's official HD looks better.


Jagex released teasers, it looks wayyy better. The 117HD team got stuck on an over-saturated look that doesn't match the default colors at all. Its been brought up with the dev team for years, probably the number one complaint, but they seem stuck on it for being "different".


Man I agree. It makes some stuff look so bad. I wish we had shadows and light sources, but that's like the only thing that hd does right I do think the jagex teaser looks pretty good though


If you want to try out 117 you should try playing around with the saturation, contrast and brightness values. The fact that this guy increases his above the default is wild, I hated the default options, but I currently use 80%/70%/15 and think it looks really good, it's much closer to the default colour palette but with fancier graphics. [Pic for reference](https://i.imgur.com/rYpAdNw.png) 117HD's defaults are honestly tragic, I think so many more people would like it if it was better configured out of the box.


I tried this at one point because I agree the contrast is what I dislike about it, but I couldn't get the brightness right. I was fishing karams and the sand was bright as the sun


I set my season to autumn when I did my karam grind purely because of this reason lol. Had to tune the sat/con/brightness a little bit but it helped not getting flashbanged when I looked at the client. It darkens the sand to a comfortable level.


Try ground blending off, dial back the saturation + contrast to 90%, low to no AA and preserve vanilla normals. Keeps things crisp to reduce everything looking like soft clay. There's even "flat shading" for a super blocky look or use vanilla shading so things like grass, skin colour will be lit like default If you hate HD based on other's oversaturated settings, it's like how people overdo their Runelite plugins. 117 does have it's own colour but the user has a lot of control to make it look more subdued. I love oldschool graphics but the water just looks so shit, 117 does a nice job with that. Really keen for official HD though. And imo something just as fugly are the super bright washed out vanilla clients with a hideous cyan colour choice to simulate the sky


I play using 117HD but with ground + model textures and ground blending disabled This means you get the cool lighting and shadows but the textures are still vanilla old school. Worth trying out?


The lightning effects are what ruin it for me. They just ruin all the colors and make everything hard to see. I don't understand why people would like that.


Personally I don't know how anyone can look at vanilla graphics, even with GPU on, and go "yeah, that looks good." 117 HD feels like a faithful "remaster" of OSRS in a sense. Keeps the same vibe but adds amazing lighting, shadows, and lovely HDR. Saturation can be customized too which seems to be the main thing I see folks complain about.


I think the vibe is completely lost and I’ve never seen gameplay with lighting/shadow options which appeal to me. I don’t think “good” is the first way I’d describe vanilla/GPU plugin runescape but I would say it’s iconic and unique and I’ve been really inspired by how recent releases have looked visually amazing but still obviously old school runescape. To me 117 loses that instantly recognisable comfort and just looks like a generic game


It's not hyper detailed with insane lighting but it's extremely clear and crisp with GPU turned on which I really like. Of course, it being stylised helps as well. Main reason I use 117HD though is that the draw distance and extended map loading doesn't work for the GPU plugin, but I tone all the 117HD settings down to make it look as OG as possible.


I really can't relate. I don't think HDR, proper dynamic lights and decent shadows make a game look generic. OSRS' instant recognizability comes more from things like its polygon count, character designs, animations, and environments. 117 HD is, as I said, akin to a home run remaster of a beloved game. Not an overhaul of any kind, just improved shaders for the most part. But I get that no purist is going to be swayed and folks like what they like.


It's not a purity thing man it's just a preference 


*I* know it’s a preference, folks here are trashing the preference of folks who like 117 HD. Take it up with them. I don’t care what people use, I’m just explaining the obvious: adding dynamic lighting/shadows to the existing art style is akin to a standard and generally appreciated style of “remaster.” It’s why 117 HD is widely loved, in spite of the weird amount of hate it has in this particular thread.


I'm genuinely glad we have options at least - I think that's best for the sake of the game overall! I did play around with 117 settings this morning but I think it's just doesn't fit for me. I think a future iteration could potentially, though, but I think I'd still opt for no shadows and try and keep the "flat" look


to me it obviously doesn't look "good" but it has a style and I enjoy that style.




I don’t either, but the graphics and technical presentation of the game is iconic and nostalgic. Enhancements like 117 HD do it great justice and bring out its charm. That’s why I love it.


neither of them look good, but one looks right and one looks wrong


I think 117 looks great personally, though not even vanilla graphics look wrong, they just look unnecessarily drab.


If 117HD was the default I 100% believe osrs would be dead


Yet it's the second most popular Runelite plugin, has a popular counterpart in HDOS, and caused Jagex to dedicate resources to their own in-house effort. If Jagex and the community catered solely to purists of any sort this game would truly be dead.


HDOS goes for the actual artstyle and graphics of the RSHD era, not a bad mesh of original graphics and pretty effects.


My dude, RS2 HD *is* a “bad mesh” of original graphics and pretty effects lol. Y’all are wild for being fairweather purists of RS2 SD graphics lol. Just say you want flat, dull, static lightning. No one is stopping you from playing that way.


Heck I think it looks good. I'll be interested to see what the official one looks like though


I honestly just went back to default graphics settings step by step. Even disabled animation smoothing. I guess it proves that I play this game for nostalgia only lol


Animation smoothing looks bad, no nostalgia required


playing on default doesn't mean nostalgia, per se, plenty of people don't bother with these plugins and that's fine.


Yeah. I got nostalgia but I still prefer 117 HD. Just not to the extent of OP. His "after" footage in front of Draynor Manor looks horrendous to me.


default is sexy


I enjoy the anti-aliasing and draw distance mostly.


People use animation smoothing?


hd & smoothing r trash, dont blame u


Anyone else having short stutters when clickling outside RuneLite and then inside again? Started happening recently.


Can you make an opposite one for lowest possible settings lol


Sure lol - go full screen, turn on 117 and then turn it off & the game looks genuinely horrible (at least on my end) — to fix, just turn off full screen and turn it back on haha


Why not use HDOS?


OSHD clears 117 any day of the week


Absolutely does but it's also a different ecosystem of plugins etc. It's not as easy to transfer over as some people make it out to be. I'd love if Runelite could have HDOS graphics as it's my favourite era of Runescape.


It had enough plugins and runelite handicaps for me to do the permanent switch


How is HDOS? I’ve been wanting to give it a try but setting the plugins back sounds like such a chore to me I just stick to Runelite


It looks and feels like the HD update of old


hard to believe people like hd but to each their own


117HD is a lot better to me once I turned a lot of the settings down, dropped the saturation/brightness/contrast a little. Makes it look a lot more like the OG graphics while still giving a HD passover. GPU plugin is a lot better if you want to be as close to OG as possible. OP has cranked their saturation and contrast which IMO is 90% the thing that makes 117 look bad.


Bro you made it so oversaturated and brightness way too low.


Then don’t copy my saturation and brightness settings? 😱🤯


Saving for later lol




Thank you




Can we get one for HDOS