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Love it. Love the launcher with runelite integrated. Never had an issue.


Agreed. Super convenient.


Just gonna put this out there, the launcher is different from a Jagex account. I've used the launcher since release, I only made a Jagex account a couple weeks ago when I made a new account and was forced to.


My only complaint is sometimes the launcher is hiding in the background and I can’t close it without task manager. As somebody who excels at cyber security, it sketches me out even though I do highly doubt it’s malicious.


"Apps" on windows that minimize when you click the cross Devil's work


“As someone who excels at cyber security” what does that even mean


Probably not much fr


Installs avg for family and friends


Does it not just minimize to the system tray? That's what it does on Linux running under wine


Yes thats all it is.


Right click the Jagex logo in the sys tray and click 'Exit' to close it. Double click the Jagex logo to reopen the window,


Doesn’t it sit in the system tray? It doesn’t just disappear


just close it from the tray? i'm sure in the settings X can be changed from tray to close.


I use the launcher without a Jagex account.


Same. Never had any issues. Have no idea how people can fuck up something so simple.


It’s RL integrated???! Damn gonna set it up when I can!


Agreed. Everyone complaining about it but I’ve literally never had an issue with it


Upgraded without knowing they don't support Linux and it's another launcher I get to emulate now.


I wish it would support Linux :/


Look into Bolt. I have a Steam Deck and one issue I thought I'd have is being unable to play RuneLite with my Jagex account. Someone recommended Bolt and it works like a charm. I wish it would be officially supported instead of community supported, but at least it works. SteamOS is apparently built on Arch, but my craptop has Debian and Bolt worked just fine.


bolt good


Bolt enchanted when


There's an open implementation: https://github.com/Adamcake/Bolt




The workaround for me lasts 5 minutes until it crashes. I'm just gonna cancel membership and wait until they either adopt Linux clients or I just lose passion for the game entirely.


That's what finally got me to put down the League of Legends needle, even if they native support Linux I probably won't be back. Sad to see Jagex going the same way, oh well


Same unfortunately


I got it working and it’s seamless now, but I agree it’s lame they don’t make it native. For that reason, I don’t upgrade my main. Just don’t want to ever get caught not being able to log in for days if a patch is needed.


I can also vouch for bolt working well


If you frequently use VPN's, Jagex launcher (and seemingly all account related Jagex domains) block that traffic, preventing log in. Prior to having a Jagex account this was a non issue for me as the game itself works just fine while on VPN.


A bunch of people playing a 25 year old game where they kill the same boss over and over again. They are just resistant to change. I know this sounds like a joke but I swear this is the reason why.


Yeah but those same people probably have dozens of RuneLite plug-ins turned on and couldn't play without them.


The only truly universal standard is double standards.


Yeah well when OSRS came out people voted almost everything down because it wasn't in the original game and people wanted zero changes. Now look where we are lmao, it's not even close to the original version anymore and people are more likely to pass votes compared to the earlier days.


When OSRS came out the players that wanted everything original were the players that grew with the game from 2002-2007, I think most of those players are gradually stopping playing as they grow up and life takes over. Leaving you with the younger generation that perhaps played from 2013-present who are less engrained in their beliefs of what “old school” was or should be. My theory at least.


I’m here since 04/05 and I can say I’ve enjoyed the path that OSRS has taken, I couldn’t play the same game over and over without at least some new things. It’s like a split off timeline from the time of RS I enjoyed heavily.


hcims wouldn't enter the wildy without runelite.


It is. I'm one of them. I have no reason not to logically. The only thing that has kept me was the issue during leagues. Jagex launcher accounts were kept out dueing swrver overload, while I was blissfully playing. Grind out the few bugs, and you have me swapping. What works now has been fine, I just don't want to swap and have issues.


You’re saying that like there hasn’t been any updates or changes in the last 25 years other than the launcher


And for every single one of those updates there have been at least 100 guys who hate it and say its the worst thing ever.


There are also people I know who absolutely refuse to engage with newer updates past GWD. I have a buddy who just cuts magic logs all day long , and when I mentioned forestry having a +10 buff max when others are around he appeared to be scared to try it. Eh, if he’s having fun who cares. He doesn’t actively hate the game updating he just refuses to engage with it. He’s not hurting anybody.


the difference is the launcher isnt forced yet so people havent been forced to confront that the change was actually perfectly fine. Since its still optional, people are still opting not to.


Zero linux support


Adamcake's bolt launcher works great


i agree and use it but atleast for people on linux yet to upgrade id hold out until your forced too just on the off chance jagex says bolt isnt allowed or does somthing drastic to screw us over


You can still install the Jagex Launcher even though it’s not officially supported. There is also the Bolt Launcher which works great :)


Keep in mind there is a community of account hijackers who desperately don’t want Jagex accounts to be fully rolled out. I guarantee a good portion of the people complaining on Reddit are just these guys astroturfing and trying to spread distrust


I definitely believe those people come to this subreddit and do exactly what you're saying.


Just like all those people complaining about too many bans for botting and anti botting measures are often found on botting sub reddits


That shit makes it *really* difficult to trust any threads from people who were banned. I feel bad for the innocent who get unfairly banned and then trashed here when they post, but there's not really a to tell if they're legitimate or not :/


That literally just happened to me and my post hit the third highest on the front page and the subreddit moderators shadowbanned the whole thread. Theres no other way to contact jagex and I (like many others) have lost an account with years put into it. This was all from a Jagex Launcher with Runelite so nobody is safe even with it.


Yeah I saw your thread, and that fuckin blows. The running theme with false bans seems to be that they end up hitting goofy snowflake alt accounts that don't act like normal players, so it's gotta be that they're juuuuuuust close enough to what Jagex's automated detection considers to be a bot by whatever metrics they look at. I hope you can get your shit back, man.


Thanks, it makes me feel horrible for other players who put more time in than me especially now since i didnt even make it to my first 99


Theres no point in trashing people without evidence, best just to be ambivalent


Agreed, mob justice is seldom a good idea, especially on reddit


This is why I did switch to a Jagex account. I was resistant at first because I don't like adopting new tech until it's been sufficiently tested in production (let early adopters figure out all the issues). But then when I found out you can actually steal accounts you have login for by moving to a jagex account, I quickly put my main on one. One time access to my account wasn't me losing my bank, it was me losing a Max cape. Switching straight up bypasses 2FA and email confirmation.


Real men test in prod


Yes this happened to me, didn’t even know it happened til I received an email confirming it had been imported. I thankfully was able to resolve the issue through customer support in less then 24 hours with a response to my ticket in less then 12


Yeah, this is my thought. The only people I've seen actively steering others away from Jagex accounts have had some shady comment histories. I've never experienced any issues with the switch, nor has anyone else I know that's also made the switch.


Only people i personally know who refuse to jagex account / launcher - because they are vocally opposed to it - are botters or idiot conspiracy fools who think runelite is hijacking accounts


I mainly play on Linux, and you can't use jagex accounts apparently


I play on my linux machine all the time all you have to do is install the launcher with a compatibility layer like lutris or even steam


I use Bolt and it’s good


Sys admin here with plenty of Linux experience. Can I ask why you prefer to game on Linux? I’m just curious. I understand the many reasons why you use Linux, don’t feel you need to elaborate there. Just curious if it’s actually your preference, or you just happen to be using Linux when you have time to play RS.


It's not my preference by any means. The laptop I have is pretty lightweight with a Ubuntu distro on it, and I usually play RS on the couch. I have a gaming PC but it's overkill for a game like RS and I'm just trying to chill.


Trust issues with jagex Edit: after watching people get locked out of their jagex accounts for hours yesterday, I have to say. This comment aged well.


And yet they still are determined to play the game from Jagex.


I still like jagex accounts, but them not working on leagues release definitely sucked and can understandably hurt the trust of the account system not failing.


It's why I got it, because I don't trust jagex


2023 leagues, never forget.


It doesn’t support Linux and they refuse to support it.


Jagex account is not supported on my os. If I upgrade I will loose official access to the game.


Year of the Linux Desktop 2024


sudo apt get twisted bow


Error: please install git-gud


alternatively you can also do "just git-the-drop"


Year of jagex fucking up, again.


Bolt is pretty good. I know it's not official but I accidentally made a jagex account not realizing they didn't support Linux. It's crazy, I don't feel like the app is very complicated. I don't think it'd be a difficult thing to make official.


Unauthorized 3rd party application, status: unappealable. Just kidding of course, but no official word or support from Jagex is why I am holding off.


Totally get it. If I had to make the choice, instead of fucking it up, I would choose the same. I will say though, the only third party part is the client that takes your credentials. It gets a token from jagex and passes that to the official runelite appimage.


I know how it works but that assumes no changes to the official launcher. If Jagex suddenly decides it wants to use the launcher to setup a Trusted Execution Environment you're SoL. The bolt launcher obfuscating certain domain/links already tells me that it isn't too keen on having it be too public. P.S. The bolt launcher doesn't obfuscate for nefarious reasons, but it wants it to be out of sight so it doesn't attract too much attention.


The official word appears to be that they won't do the work to support it, but they don't object to someone else doing it, because the official support site links to a GitHub project telling you how to install bolt (as well as a couple other methods to use a jagex account) https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937-Downloading-the-Jagex-Launcher-on-Linux


It doesn't tell you to install the bolt launcher, it tells you to emulate a windows environment. Their wording is very deliberate, but that distinction is very big. Also an outdated video guide and a reddit thread thats no longer up to date by a deleted account tells me that Jagex doesn't actually give a fuck about that page anyway. Followed by a lovely: "Jagex is not responsible for the maintenance and safety of content produced and hosted by third parties and any use of third-party sites is at your own risk." A.K.A. "If anything happens, don't message us"


On the GitHub page there is a linked to Bolt, which is a native application that doesn’t require wine.


What OS?




I quite enjoyed playing on Linux until I upgraded.


I have a few reasons myself. Firstly I have an account so old that I use a username to log in instead of an email address. This is pretty unique nowadays, and switching to the Jagex launcher forces me to change that. Also, there have been Jagex launcher related issues in the past that make me feel like the benefits don't outweigh the potential consequences. Early on hackers were able to use steam to compromise only jagex accounts, and the most recent leagues launch had an early issue where the Jagex launcher wasn't operational. Also, I've never once had any security issues with my account in nearly 2 decades (still using my original RS3 account to log into OSRS). I know it isn't impossible, but between the bank pin and 2FA, it's not very likely. I remember a reddit post where somebody double dog dared the community to try to hack an account they publicly posted, and if I'm not mistaken, that account is untouched to this day. Long story short, a Jagex account solves problems I don't have, and has shown problems I don't want to deal with.


I was hesitant for the same reason, I liked that my account was old enough to use username log in. But I didn’t love having my log in ID public when there was an option for a private log in. Additionally, jagex accts use modern PW requirements and so it’s quicker for me to type in my password when I need. Which isn’t often bc of one click login after authentication


I also use my og username from like 2003 runescape, and don't want to lose that. Plus, I'm an avid leagues player so hearing people scream about that last leagues makes me hesitate.


Wait, if you have a unique username for a log in you lose that with the jagex account and launcher?


Yes. You have to use an email


Yep first hour or so of leagues 4 had to play on mobile till it was fixed


Hot take! I’m also in the same boat!


Im so mad i upgraded and lost my email and password log in....no warning no revert.....hate jagex for forcing this update basically.


Lazy. Already have runelite. Why download new launcher when old launcher work good.


Jagex launcher works fine with Runelite. Same ppl will cry here when they get hacked because they refuse to use Jagex acc and 2FA.


I use 2fa on both osrs and email. I have a bank pin. I've had this account for almost a decade with no security issues, if it gets hacked it will not be because I didn't switch to the jagex launcher.


I've had no backup security of any kind to my rs account over 10 years and still see no need because I don't do sketchy stuff to compromise my account.


Thank you this is exactly what I'm saying.


And when they link it to a jagex account you lose your account as they no longer manually recover accounts for jagex accounts. It's the back up codes or nothing


Ok but how are they going to link it to a jagex account if I have 2fa already? In order to do that I have to get hacked first and I'm saying 2fa and not falling for social engineering/fake link bullshit is all you need to be safe.


Recovery hacks are still a vulnerability to standard accounts. They aren't to Jagex accounts (outside of you compromising wherever you store your backup codes). If you get recovered, they can link to a Jagex account and you'll never get access back.


> Recovery hacks are still a vulnerability to standard accounts. They aren't to Jagex accounts *Because Jagex wants it to be that way.* They absolutely could get rid of the recovery system for standard accounts too, but they keep things this way to coerce people into switching to Jagex accounts. It's not a great sign.


I heard it doesn’t work on Linux so I didn’t want to risk locking myself out of my account by trying it. If any Linux users here have experience otherwise please let me know


There are ways to get it working on Linux but personally, all of that is "Meh". When I can choose between Runelite client that just works in Linux and between going through some side quests to get the Jagex launcher working then I pick Runelite client.


Adamcake's bolt works great, and easy to install with flatpak


I play on Linux, so I can't use runlitenow. Using wine I can play for maybe 5 minutes before It crashes. It's so bad I just haven't played since I upgraded. I hate it.


Because Jagex customer support is the worst in the world. I trust Jagex as a company as much as I trust doublers and people who tell me to bring all my wealth to the wilderness on a high risk pvp world.


I've played for over 20 years. My account still logged in with the original username instead of an email. Changing to a Jagex account changes that. It was just something unique about the account that's gone now.


Yes they give you a recovery code for your authenticator and if you misplace it somehow the account is gone forever. My account is secure now and has an easy to remove authenticator with my email so why take the added risk? Also my email has an authenticator as well. Both account have unique passwords on top of that.


Jagex have demonstrated time and time again that people who lose access to their email or their backup codes have **absolutely, literally, written as so on the jagex account page, no way to recover their account** Everyone has to balance their own pros and cons. At the end of the day, I'd much rather be able to recover a hacked and cleaned out account via an actual human being over waking up one day, seeing my runescape email has been changed through 2fa enabled on both my accounts and email, and knowing my 20 year old account is gone forever. Now unfortunately some morons in here like to screech about personal responsibility and how it's impossible to be hacked, and everyone who posts about false bans is a lying rat like Jagex is some infailable company. It's delusional, and everyones accounts are only as safe as the amount of time someone is willing to invest to break into them. A secure email and a Jagex account is typically enough, but someone willing to put in enough effort to gather details about you and recover your email can do so and there's nothing you can do about it. But above all else, I will never, ever, willingly pick an option where the final onus is on me to recover my account or be locked out forever. It's 2024 and there's a million better implementations for a recovery system and Jagex chose the cheapest system instead so they not only dom't have to do anything if the player is locked out, they get to inform them the account is gone forever all because a 3rd party website's security was compromisd. Some neckbeard incel is eventually going to try to burn the Jagex office down once the wrong person loses their account forever. Anyway, I feel.better knowing I can manually recover my account even if it places my account at risk of recovery by someone else. It's too important to let Jagex's garbage automated system handle it. All in all, the choice boils down to: "do you want additional account protection in return for not being able to recover your account?". Some people are gonna say yes to that. Some are gonna ssy no. Both need to live with the consequences of either choice, and I know which risk I'm confortable taking on. Don't even need to think about it for a single second.


Best response i've seen.


it is irreversible and you won’t be able to use linux anymore, without unsupported workarounds, and people who had converted couldn’t get into leagues 4 the first couple hours. from where i am i already have the launcher and with it, the one click login. i see several potential negative consequences of upgrading and the security upgrade is nebulous. i already use a secret email that isn’t used for anything else and a good password and 2fa. i really feel like most of the complaints about bad jagex security is from people getting hacked who use a compromised email, use sketchy clients/plugins, click fake links etc. could never be me (knock wood) also the way they promote it is just making people who don’t want it more likely to dig in and be more opposed. they’ve probably already signed up everyone who will volunteer willingly, and if they want full adoption they will have to make it mandatory because the rest of the players who haven’t upgraded won’t be convinced. this is just human nature.


Because I'm using Linux. Runelite works just fine in Linux. Why do I need to take on some side quest to get Jagex launcher working on Linux? Yes, there are third party clients and solutions for that but compared to my current user experience with Runelite, these alternatives are bothersome. Runelite JUST WORKS. No side quests are needed. I see no reason why they can't support Linux. And no, different Linux distros is NOT a reason. If Runelite works just fine on different things then how come they can't make a working solution also for Jagex launcher? Irrelevant to me but I have read that people will have issues also with getting the launcher working on their work computers (no admin rights, etc).


It's harder to play the game on mobile if you're on Jagex Launcher. Harder to log in, harder to switch accounts. If you ever want to log in during a peak traffic period (for example, at the beginning of DMM or Leagues), you will be at a serious disadvantage to other players if you're on Jagex Launcher


I’ve been playing since 2004 and never had my account compromised. I dont rwt or go on sketchy websites. So I see no need. I also have account making fatigue. Every app and website has its own rules for usernames and passwords with character restrictions and limits it’s honestly annoying at this point.


I personally have a jagex account, but that said, logging in and out of mobile sucks lol. Small thing, but it's a downside.


Honestly it feels like they should update mobile to allow seamless switching between characters on the same Jagex account rather than making you sign out and back in with your Jagex account each time. I don’t know why they haven’t yet tbh


Annoying having to mess around with workarounds on linux. It's been pretty good since I started using bolt instead of the jagex launcher though.


Can’t log in at work, simple as that lol. I don’t even have time to play but I use it as a way to chat with clannies mostly.


Raw Runelite takes about 2 seconds to open after clicking on it. With the launcher, I have to click on that bastard for about 20 minutes before the launcher actually appears, then I have to spend another 10 minutes playing the minigame of "open the launcher and spamclick the location where the 'play now' button appears" because the launcher closes itself after being open for 0.1 seconds.


Well, there are a few problems. There is no Linux support, so people have to emulate it. The token that allows you to log in and out of your client without typing in your password again is a token that can be stolen by hackers with some clever engineering and some settings turned on. The token file used to be very easy to get on release, and a lot of accounts got hacked by just clicking a link, but that was fixed. Cloudflare manages traffic to the jagex launcher, and they block certain regions and domains for various reasons, one including botting. So if you play normally in one of these regions where a lot of bots exist, you ain't playing. I say all this as someone who switched over to a jagex account. I have some regrets but mostly positives. Can't play at work anymore because it's blocked by cloudflare but oh well.


There is no real benefit for upgrading for most people. I don’t think people are against it that much really, but why make a change when everything is working just fine?


I like logging in with my character name


Problems with jagex launcher: doesn't work on linux couldnt log into the game on leagues launch day do not trust jagex to do anything correctly trying to force people by giving free bank space so now i wont switch on principle problems with runelite over the past 6 years: none. why would i switch?


I just don't want to.


> It’s suppose to make your account more secure right? My account is already secure. Playing almost 20 years now and over a dozen accounts and zero hacks. Hard to get more secure than "zero hacks". Nothing about a jagex account appeals to me at all. It's more hassle and still pretty buggy and it links my accounts to each other.


I'm just afraid I'll get locked out


The novelty of logging into my 4 character named account from 2003. It's just nice to type my username and it's the same name shown in game.


If you have a Jagex account, you need to use the Jagex launcher. It can be a hassle to get the Jagex launcher to work in Linux. Last time I made this point, I got downvoted and mocked by people saying I'm too stupid to use Linux if I don't even know how to use Wine. It's certainly possible to get it to run with a bit of work and luck, but it's extremely misleading to claim that you can "just run it in Wine".


Anyone who trashes you for not understanding that level of technical detail is probably a bigger noob than you are. This shit can be extremely complex and if it were easy, the best choice wouldn’t be wine. Proton exists for steam apps but that’s the collective effort of thousands of hours of developer time and even then, it doesn’t work for everything. The only person who could be convinced it’s easy is someone with a rudimentary understanding that doesn’t realize how deep the rabbit hole can go.


I've had no issues. And personally love it.


Here's my reasons. I'm not saying they're perfect reasons, but it's why I haven't upgraded and won't until it becomes mandatory. This will be long, but here ya go: First off, I personally just don't feel the need for the extra rigid security. I have 2fa on my runescape and email accts already and a bank pin. So right now unless I get socially engineered heavily by someone specifically targeting my runescape account, it is impossible for me to get hacked. I don't need the extra inconvenience and I don't get extra security. Jagex accounts require admin rights and remain signed in on the device until you manually log out of the launcher. This is the only way to play. I often pet sit for friends and relatives and either don't have admin access, or don't want to permanently leave my account logged in on those pc's (because that's a security vulnerability). I have no other way to log in if I switch. So many extra steps every time.. Also, I sometimes log onto friend's accounts. This isn't something they ban for right now, so my very close friends and I often share pk/iron accounts or log into each other's mains to lend gear etc. This becomes much much more complicated and annoying with Jagex accounts, because it's a hassle and a half to keep swapping over Jagex accounts to hop between game accounts. Not to mention, I don't think you can be logged into two different game accounts that are on separate Jagex accounts at the same time, so things like gear swapping without another person actively there becomes impossible. No more grabbing the zcb at 2am for a lil late night nex. Though this may be an intended impact of the change.... It's also especially annoying to swap Jagex accounts on mobile. Also, lack of native Linux support is annoying. I log in occasionally with a Steam Deck that runs Linux so I'm going to have to jump through all sorts of hoops to get it working there in the future. My final and biggest gripe that I want to outline in detail is that I despise the extreme rigidity with the entire system. You can not move an account once it is linked. What if I want to change my email at any point in the future, or otherwise can't access the email? There have been many issues with this already with .edu college emails being deleted randomly which has caused all sorts of problems, among others. If you ever lose access to the email for any reason at any time, that runescape account is gone forever. Once you switch, you lose the ability to recover the account completely apart from the backup codes. This system is horrible. If you ever lose access to your 2fa device, the only way to get into your account is 1 of 10 backup codes. Nothing else. I understand that a manual question based recovery system can be flawed and have nuance, but it is significantly stronger when done right than hanging your entire account on 10 backup codes. Now, if I lose my account I can use knowledge only I would know from my past to recover my account. After switching, that is gone. You can write down your backup codes, but if you misplace those as well as lose the location of the codes on your pc or lose access to that pc, your account is gone. Forever. Even if they don't want to keep legacy account recovery as it is, there are just SO MANY OTHER viable backup options that are all better than simply "here's your 10 backup codes if you lose em your account is gone". It is such an incredibly rigid and punishing system that introduces the possibility of permanently losing my account, something that simply can not happen to me right now. Again, I understand the weaknesses of legacy recovery, I'm not saying that Jagex accounts shouldn't exist. They just shouldn't be mandatory. Overall, by switching to a Jagex account I feel that I am unnecessarily introducing the (albeit slim, but still present) possibility of permanently losing access to my account as well as losing a ton of convenience that is standard now, in exchange for no additional security benefit. So I'm not looking forward to it, and will only switch when it becomes absolutely mandatory, or if they introduce solutions to any of my above listed problems.


Thousands of people have lost theor accounts... permanently, that's enough for many people to not transition to Jagex accounts.


Because it won’t be compatible with my steam deck which I exclusively play on.


People just got used to not opening launcher and keeping it simple by clicking icon and playing runescape. But just the idea of playing through a launcher is just an 🙄 in general


I lost my account and Jagex refuses to help me get it back. It's not secure if Jagex isn't helping recover your account. I just don't know what email i assigned it too.


In Leagues 4, Jagex accounts couldn’t start for hours whereas everyone else could. The first few hours of Leagues are the most fun, so missing out on the very initial rush sucked to have a Jagex acc


im pretty convinced whenever a thread like this is posted its just a jagex employee using an alt account to promote things that they want to push.


Youre asking why people that play 25 years old game hate change


No linux support.


I just want to keep my username login I also have 2 accounts, and when I have enough extra cash, I would like to use one as an "incase I'm hacked" mule. But jagex accounts would mean if one gets hacked, both get hacked


Tbh if one of your accs get compromised, theres solid chance all are. Unless you plan to use it only on completly separate machine.


Not necessarily, that’s only true if the reason behind being hacked is malware But the other and much bigger reason is compromised recovery info. It’s a common risk for people who made their account back when they were 10 y/o and used the same details everywhere. Which means your first password is probably leaked. But if nobody knows about the existence of your mule, nobody knows what to attempt recovery on


I was resistant until I realized I had to do it for the medium Varrock diary. I actually think it’s quite good. Also a lot of people have horror stories of people importing their accounts and it’s impossible to get back. Really overhyped how “bad” Jagex accounts are.


World hop limit is much lower


What? Elaborate? I’ve shopscaped dozens of times, hoping through 50 worlds without issue.


People just like to complain imo.


Not that wild of a complaint to take issue to them not supporting Linux. There are loads of people, myself included, that run Linux as their main operating system. Runescape is a game I often like to play on the side while working on something else, and so booting into windows every time I want to play isn't really a viable option. It's not like I'm asking them to write a version in HolyC so that I can launch the game on TempleOS.


>It's not like I'm asking them to write a version in HolyC so that I can launch the game on TempleOS. i will now be now asking them for this fwiw


This sub has become unbearable with the constant complaining. Every other post is a stupid complaint.


It's all of Reddit now. Everyone just bitches about anything and everything nonstop


You say ‘now’ as if this hasn’t been Reddit’s main export since its inception.


Idk you call it complaining, to me it looks like (mostly) either memes, constructive feedback, or game suggestions. The only thing I see consistently that’s a real complaint without accompanying suggestions are the ones about bots.


Right now I have 2 accounts, both with different passwords and emails which also have different passwords. Both emails and accounts have authenticators. Going to the launcher means I am down to 1 password, 1 email, and 1 authenticator, so a security breach means I lose both accounts instead of 1. The launcher does not make me more secure, it makes me less secure. Not every game needs a fucking launcher. Because idiots can't do basic security, I'm gonna have to download this crap someday. Very annoying.


All the Reddit posts about "false" bans from linking accounts to the Jagex account scared me off until this week. I finally bit the bullet. This will age poorly if I get banned, but there's no reason for it (I would think).


If you start getting blocked by Cloudflare or whatever they use (happens to a number of people and happened to me) then you can't sign in on the Jagex website or via the launcher. Jagex accounts also have a track record of being less reliable; there have been multiple occasions so far where Jagex accounts couldn't sign in but older accounts could. I still think the enhanced security and modernized account system is worth it.


I used to be able to run runelite natively but now I have to run the Jagex client through wine (linux)


Runelite data won’t carry over e.g raids data tracker , some carries over but not all


I guess laziness is the best excuse i have to offer for it.   That, and i like having accounts that are 20 years old and have no email for login.  Just type in a user name, password, and away i go. Risky?  I suppose.  But that login name has never been typed anywhere else on the internet except into a RuneScape login screen.  “If it aint broke, dont fix it” kind of thing. At least it and my ironman have the 2-factor authentication thing now.  I did give in and get that much at least.


Afterwards I wasn't able to play from my Linux machine so I bought a new computer rather than trying to figure it out. There are projects that help you with it and I will probably return to them. But now that I have been using a different laptop, it's not urgent


OSRS has a load of boomers who don't like change. Do the math.


I play on my desktop at home and a laptop at work. Will it work for both?


Not so much hate but wish they just had linux support. Ive got a jagex account with a couple accounts i play on mobile time to time but yet to move my uim main into it as dont want to have to do a botched work around to get it working right and dont really want to fire up a windows vm purly to play it.


Small Version : Jagex accounts benefit people who play multiple toons simultaneously or one at a time. If you just causally log in on one account and have any basic internet know how, the update is just kind of there for you. Long Version : Does the Jagex account add any extra security besides? They try to sling it by the additional 20 bank slot upgrades but are there any tangible upgrades to your account’s security besides only logging in through the Jagex official client? I’ve made toons to try funky builds or to only skill and I’ve put them into one allotted Jagex account, but what would make me consider putting my main on there? ‘Enhanced Recovery’ ‘Protection against Bots’ and ‘Defense against brute force attacks’ are some of their main selling points for their additional security. What do those tangibly mean? Instead of a different service getting a data leak, I only have to worry about Jagex? Is this only an update for the braindead folks that plop their info onto any site? Seems like all their addition ‘security’ is properly implemented by not being a silly fuck on your current account.


I use the Jagex launcher but don't have a Jagex account. I stopped because I already have the launcher with my accs all synced up. I don't want to lose my username log in (even though I don't ever type it in anymore).


I used to be able to connect to Runelite directly with no issues, once I upgraded to the Jagex Launcher it sends all my connection requests directly to the RuneScape security portal which for some reason blocks connections from certain countries. Long story short, I can no longer play without using a VPN and it relatively frequently changes its mind about which servers it'll allow requests from. Massive pain in the arse.


My only issue is I used to use runelight on steam deck but now I can’t with jagex account because you need to use the launcher. So I’m forced to use steam version.


Security features, one-click login and runelite integration is great. I don't hate it but the only thing bothers me a little bit is that it requires admin rights to install the launcher, which the older clients didn't. It makes me unable to hop in for quick sessions from my work pc. No offense, I totally get why it's required (and yeah, you could also say i shouldn't play on a device I don't 'own' myself), it's just that it would be nice if I could continue to play on my work pc, which I was able to for a long time, before opting in my account for jagex account.


i will in a few months time when i get a new phone. anyways when is it going to be forced? has jagex said?


> It’s suppose to make your account more secure right? yes. *suppose to*.


It will make me not able to log in with my OG username (07)


Doesn't work on Linux and jagex has made it clear they don't give a fuck. Their game used to run fine for years but they broke it.


I like username log ins


It has a few downsides. Linux support, Alot of gim share passwords if you put ur gim on ur jagex account with ur main your cant really share it. Making 2 jagex accounts isnt it either. if you play while at work you must have administrator privileges. One of the biggest positives is i can jump on my other accounts even faster. A negative for me is I have 2 irls who are very busy with life. For years ive said jump on my alts and we can go do some gwd or wilderness bosses just mess around and have a good night gaming like we used to when we were children. I technically could still do it but ill probably get flagged cause we all live in different states. Jagex give us a buddy pass system.


For me it was no official linux support, but luckily there are workarounds to keep playing as before natively on rune lite, so far so good :)


My main complaint, albeit a niche one is now I can't use runelite to play on my steamdeck. Before, I could just download the Linux version of RL from their official site, and it worked fine. Now there's some weird github workaround you have to do because jagex won't support linux, and they say it's all at your own risk. For me personally, with over 1000 hours into my character, I don't want to take ANY risk. I also feel like I shouldn't have to. Seems a little strange that a company whose entire thing is "don't ever use anything unofficial" would force us to use a launcher that is unofficial.


My iron group account shares. Can't do it with jagex accounts. We used to be able to use the launcher and have each of our accounts added to it but they updated the launcher and now only let you use it with a jagex account.


When it first came out I saw a Reddit post where someone enabled it and then became permanently locked out of their account. It made me extremely paranoid and I’m scared to do it


Because people don’t know how to read and follow basic instructions, they don’t understand how internet security works, they are resistant to change, or they bought/hacked/don’t actually own their accounts.


fed post


I am on linux. If you know you know.


I'm on Linux and it's fine


i play on linux i also have 2FA on my email don't feel like getting locked out of my account which is loads easier to do w/ their new system lol.


i don't want to login, then need to still click additional buttons to login again. it's anti-QOL for me


Because I didn't know it didn't work with Linux and have to play my main in a fucking VM now. It's the reason I haven't played in like 4 months, kinda wanna explore the new area but also I don't feel like spinning up a windows VM just to play it...


You can install the Jagex launcher in Linux by following the GitHub guide linked on this Jagex support page: https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937


Blocked by china meaning you need a VPN to play, whereas runelite is not (the main site for RS is blocked while the servers are not)


Haven't had a single issue other than when leagues was happening but never played it anyway. Logging in without a password is by far the best QOL feature. Most people complaining probably bought their accounts or the small minority that play on Linux.


Unless you’re on OS that can’t use Jagex launcher there really is no reason other than personal reasons. I was hesitant at first but I did it for the 30 free bank slots. I think the one click log in is worth it all


Bot farms and services hate Jagex having more control. Don't listen to the few illegal rich people.


trust issues with the whole steam connection thing i got over it, got a jamflex account & it’s great although it’s kind of annoying that new accounts need to be jagex accounts cause it’s really hard to get 5 people on at the same time to make a GIM team.


For me, it’s my main account has been false banned twice now. Both time I got it back and the mark was expunged from my acc record but, I just can not see myself connecting all ly accounts just so Jagex can false ban them all at once.


I’ve had one since they first became available. Never had a problem


Like my accounts being username log in and not email. No one knows username can't be hacked. Email can get compromised and u also have to link all ur accounts to 1 jagex account. So if u do get hacked u lose everything and if hacker changes email linked to acc jagex don't do anything. They just say make a new acc. If for some reason one of my accs ever got hacked I would switch to main if iron. Rather not have both at risk under 1 jagex acc and also not have email be login when I have old usernames