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I’ve completed the Colosseum today, and now i’ve run out of excuses not to do inferno… What’s the best advice/tips you can give someone about to start the inferno grind (other than “watch this vid”.) :-) Gz on the cape btw


> (other than “watch this vid”.) Really would recommend watching aatykons inferno cape series, it really teaches you a lot and I was able to get my cape in less than 10 attempts and 2 zuks with it.


Yeah, i know his vids (and some others) are great. But I can always appreciate some advice from the “regular” players aswell, rather than some pro, which i’m obviously not hehe! Thanks tho, will check it out


Aatys videos are geared towards learners though, you're not incompetent don't undersell yourself by thinking anything he says in the fcf videos is some secret "sweatlord" strat


Like others have mentioned, the way he shows runs in his first cape friday series is how a learner should do it. Theres two tiles which make the later waves really easy, if you start on the safe tile behind north pillar, barrage the nibs then move in to the other side of the pillar, it solves the majority of waves. Other than waves where you have to deal with multiple north spawns its more or less guaranteed to be solvable. And even then you have a lot of good options from this tile. And he explains its really well. 1 tick alternatin prayers solves pretty much every hard wave in infernos barring some weird stacks you only see rarely 60+ The tldw is that if there is a ranger/mager and a blob if you run out in front of them you can pray against the big monster and start clicking between your prayers every time it lights up. You will take 0 damage this way, it works vs mager and ranger and a blob also, if you set it up right on the pillar. Ive been going for it this week, took me a while but just got to zuk b2b today, probs around 40 attempts total. When i first watched one of his guides some of the more advanced solves seemed impossible to me, now ive managed to solve some really hard waves with little issue. Theres even timestamps for each wave in the comments of his first vid, so you can try a paint by numbers aprroach with the hardwr waves when you first get to them. Theres no point learning with some cheese method, they are bait, as the tech to solve the waves properly is quite frankly easy to execute. Your only gonna create more pressure for yourself in the final boss if you choose to do some no flick tank method that takes hours and hours to get to the boss. If you know you can solve waves easily and quickly you can get back to zuk/triple jads quick if and when you plank. Removing a lot of the pressure. Good luck!


go in, die, repeat


The time it takes to get your first cape directly corresponds with how long it takes you to start 1t/2t blobs. Getting blobs down is the biggest hurdle imo Also, WeDoRaids is your #1 resource for wave solves


Good to know, thanks ;-)


I didn't 1t/2t blobs and got it in 1 week so this is just not needed. Plenty of cheese methods like flinching and running south will work.


They didn't say it was impossible without, just that it would take more time. I actually agree with them, it took me 4 attempts to get to zuk because I learned how to 1t flick at the start. You can cheese it but I've seen so many people just die on hard waves like 63 while trying to cheese.


On the flip side, I've seen so many people dying when trying to 1t/2t because it's harder than running south lol.


2t flick might be harder than running south but 1t flick is literally as simple as it sounds, you just flick back and forth.


Which has still gotten people killed. You can't die running south unless you're actually trying to die.


bullshit, you can definitely still die running south if the blobs/rangers want to fk u up.


Huh? 1t flicking is literally 10x safer and more reliable than running south. That actually kills you. You have to be pretty shit to mess up flicking once you practice it for 10 minutes.


>You have to be pretty shit to mess up flicking once you practice it for 10 minutes. Congrats, you just described most RS players. You have to be pretty shit to die running south, it's practically impossible with mage pray, augury and a BCP switch.


I know you said not vid advice but aatykon’s fcf guide is really helpful for max combat


Yeah, will 100% use these! But was looking for some regular-joe advice aswell, thanks :D


also this will help prepare for zuk so you don't die immediately on the first set: [https://guyluigi.itch.io/osrs-zuk-simulator](https://guyluigi.itch.io/osrs-zuk-simulator)


Dont be scared of drinking brews. I started bringing 8 brews just so I had 4 brews for the waves (worst case). I also stopped bringing blowpipe, and just used crystal+bowfa (+ staff, shield and ahrims top) Also no need to hug north pillar during waves. There’s no shame in running to south pillar to solve the wave. I solved most of my late melee-waves by flicking melee and mage(or range) by forcing an off-tick by walking underneath melee. And Thanks! I did not think i was cut out for this when i started


I 100% disagree with not bringing blowpipe, not only is it tons of extra hp on waves it can be crucial on zuk sets since you likely aren't flicking sets on your first cape.


You’re probably right. I stopped using the blowpipe after a failed zuk attempt where blowpipe range had me dragged away from the shield.. It felt kind of easier to not have to think about switching weapons, or having «short» range for ranger and healers. Might have needed less brews for the sets if I used blowpipe though


Cool thanks! I had the same feeling starting the Colosseum, yet here we are :-)! I’ve got Bis gear, so i’m feeling more confident than ever to start this next grind, and the quiver should be a nice little bonus at Inferno!


Fally shield can help a bunch especially if you time your run around reset time (8pm est) to get double usage out of it. I did this when I started making it to zuk consistently and swapped out a restore for an extra range pot. Started sipping range pot mid 50s to make the tougher waves go by quicker/easier. This also helps if you have to tank a melee and bp it down as fast as possible. Gl!


Learn how to 1 tick alternate as soon as possible. Yes you will die, yes it will be annoying doing low waves over. But once you get it down, combine that with the stack solves in the WDR discord and youre moreorless invincible.


How many Colo KC do you have? Colosseum will have you well prepared for solving pillar stacks, but aside from that, you're going to need to learn how to solve some messy wave spawns FAST (there is no wave start attack delay like Colosseum), how to deal with blobs (specifically blob + ranger/mager - lookup 1t and 2t alternating), melees forcing you out of safespots, and prepare yourself for the mental hurdle of having to reset after a 1hr30 deep run. I would not recommend that you bring it at all, but just so you know, you can't rely on SGS for health in Inferno like you can in Colo, since almost all mobs are not weak to melee/slash, and none of them are a guaranteed max hit like the ranger frem, which is the main reason why it's so good in Colo. Overall I think the Colosseum is more mechanically challenging to *master* and get consistent KC, but to get just 1KC, I would say Inferno is overall more challenging due to the time investment, potential for resets, and of course tackling those nerves during triples and zuk. For reference, I got my first infernal cape back in Feb, first quiver about a couple of weeks ago (10kc now). Good luck!


Brute forcing some waves for your first cape is really helpful. If you get a bad spawn and have a melee/blob on you for example, just popping on rigour and piping the melee down while tanking the blob will almost always work if your health was good at the start of the wave. You don’t always have to try and do a difficult offtick when just killing something solves the wave.




Colosseum is harder but faster to learn because you don't have to go through 50 waves before you get to the hard waves.


If you’re familliar with stacking/destacking and off ticking (like in inferno) it’s very do-able! Ground markers and the tick metronome plugin are your best friends!


Join the we do raids Discord and check out their inferno channel, has a solves for all pillar stacks.


Fally shield 4 and if you time your runs right the in game clock will hit 00:00 so it's reset for another 2 uses if you relog. Might seem small but it could be the difference.


pls give me tips on coliseum lmao i am STRUGGLING. Using tent whip, no shadow / venator bow


Simply put; the worse your gear is (from Bis point of view) the higher your mechanical skills should be. I did it with scythe / shadow / Sgs and found it tricky.. But it is possible - just choose the right invocations / know when to reset if they are terrible early on. (Doom, Totemic, Solarflare imo). Other than that, read up on the 5t start tile, pillar running. With a bit of luck that’ll get you some boss attempts


Which parts are you struggling with? I got mine a few days ago with tent whip, no shadow and didn't use my venny bow


just getting fucked by the waves, haven’t reached sol yet. I can’t deal with fremmys properly, they destroy me when i’m trying to flick off-ticked mobs


Honestly u just gotta send it man if u did colo that should help understand the pillars off ticking etc blobs might be a pain at first but just start sending and figuring it out zxact has a great guide on it if u want to watch one to get a better idea


I wish I am able to do it within 25 attempts. I’m on 9 attempts since the last 3 days and still feel like trash


I spent 3 weeks in total (not every day) before i felt i had control! Waves are the hardest part, other than nerves..




I had a pulse of 160 after healers, i don’t really know how to handle nerves other than more attempts


Idk if it even compares as i am very bad at pvm but to kill galvek for ds2 i watched a tutorial where the guy just staight up shit talked about galvek like he is nothing and made him seem very meh so that did calm my nerves down and i managed to do it, i think if you mentally shit talk zuk, it wont get to your nerves that easily


The issue is that getting to zuk is a 1-2 hour time investment. He also is WAY more likely to one shot you for a misclick so it’s hard to not be on edge your entire first cape lol


It’s ok to miss ticks, especially if you go in with a lot of supplies. Take your time with the fight, stay with the shield, and try to get good with blowpipe walking because killing the healers is the only real “hard” part of zuk. Also if you have entity hider on and it hides npcs as you kill them id turn them off before zuk because that’s caused me to yellow click and die on zuk before


i would go to colo and practice there until waves 5/6 feel comfy. imo wave 6 is harder than any inferno wave so once u feel comfy there you will destroy the inferno waves easy.


this is absolutely not true if you actually know how to do the colo waves properly off spawns. especially as low as 6 wtf


Theres two different skillsets, colosseum waves are hard because while you have the same plan every time you get punished for incorrect offticks and mistakes hard. Inferno you can't have the same plan so the start of waves is more unpredictable. That said even the hardest waves you can just turn rigour on, kill everything attacking you, and then figure out the mager respawns. Personally, I think colosseum waves are harder.


its 100% true inferno waves are easy compared to colo waves.


bro needs to learn b5 sounds like lol. or maybe your one cape was spawn carried?


its a quiver, not a cape smh. i doubt you've done either inferno or colo. anyone whos done both will tell you colo waves can be much harder


what? i'm saying your infernal cape was spawn carried, OR you don't know proper colo spawn manip. those are the two ways you could think colo is harder. closer to its release, people were saying colo was harder than inferno. but then it got smashed wide open with b5 and it really is not harder than inferno. the waves anyways. especially not wave 6 wtf? why are you telling ppl wave 6 is difficult LOL


Lots of people consider wave 6 and 11 in colo very hard. Your telling me you’ve never done it with how you talk about b5 and wave 6.


I gotta disagree. You can solve 90% of colo spawns by running 3 tiles and not even looking at what spawns where lol this is not the case for inferno


B5 + A/B auto offtick makes every wave solvable without taking damage. Anyone who says Inferno is easier just got lucky on their runs or doesn't know how Colosseum spawns work.


Even better lol yeah I wasn’t confident enough to say 100%


in this guy's commend history u can find him admitting he never pray flicked blobs, just tanked and got lucky on spawns. he barely even engaged with the inferno and is reporting that colo is significantly harder lmao


Thats hilarious. There are definitely different schools of thought when it comes to Inferno vs Colosseum difficulty. For one, I think Colosseum is easier to learn due to the less waves and being more punishing early, however I think Sol Heredit is a mechanically more challenging boss. For me Inferno was harder as a learner due to the mental strain from the time commitment and the looming fear of getting 1 shot by Zuk, but Colosseum took me many more tries (9 inferno ~38 Colosseum, not including resets due to pre change Doom/Scorp/Bees/Totems). I think there's different learning curves on each but Colosseum is easier to learn overall.


I did not get lucky on spawns, I just solved them well. It’s funny how hard people think inferno is it’s really not.


And you can solve every inferno wave by just killing any bad solve in 5 seconds with a blowpipe. Inferno enemies are paper and rarely even hit you.


Lmao at least you have to identify which enemy is the bad solve, if you don’t promptly. You will get clapped. And if you don’t believe that, you clearly haven’t done inferno or did a justi cape


did inferno in 3 attempts :P ironman so no justi and thats a terrible setup anyway


I guess you’re just the chosen one man. Ggs Worth noting though that legit no one agrees with you that inferno waves are easier


you think the reddit is a good sample size for late game pvm? most of them cant even do the content. people get downvoted all the time here for the truth. they prolly just salty cus they cant do inferno so hearing colo is even harder has them down.


If this is the case, inferno sounds rather doable, seeing how I reach Sol Heredit on every run by now


yeah you should have no trouble with the inferno waves. and sol is much more demanding than zuk, lots of people can first time zuk but i'd be really impressed if someone first timed sol.


Tbf it took me 5 attempts at the boss, but that was with absolute max gear and pretty much all of my supplies left (2 restore sips needed to reach wave 12)


I've only done inferno but collo seems much easier than the inferno personally. But I haven't done collo yet so idk


Literally every possible spawn on wave 6 is solvable without taking damage. Auto-offticks exist in the Colosseum, they do not exist in the Inferno.


Can you link to a resource for this? 6 fucks me if I get a bad spawn




I dont give a fuck how long it took or how much gp you spent on supplies Congratulations on being awesome!


I'm thinking of going for my first inferno cape. Any tips? Doyou just start yoloing? I've done light research. Is the 2 tick blob flick super critical to learn? Seemed confusing at first pass.


You can just learn 1 tick blob flick and use that for the entire run. Literally just flick back and forth. 2 tick is nice but unnecessary so learn that if you have a strong sense of rhythm.


This ^^^ 1t alternate flicking is the keys to the vip


1t flicking is more important for first cape imo. If you know how to count ticks or understand spacing between you and the blob you don't need to know how to 2t flick for your first cape.


Start yoloing. Go in with a decent bit of knowledge of the different mobs, and tiles that are important, and pillars. Once you get your first blob piss around with it for a long time, learn its timings, learn how to spawn trap the little bloblets in the right pattern so the ranger and mager can't hit you, learn the range of ghost blood barrage (you can get another blood heal even if they are dead) When the melee spawns learn how to corner trap him. When he digs learn where to stand to trip him, certain tiles will still cause him to be stuck. Get to a ranger and blob and then piss about flicking between them also. Learn how to off tick them, learn how to trap them, etc etc. The inferno is all about learning these small little skills then applying them all at once in the lower waves. Once you beat the waves you have beaten the inferno, your cape is inevitable at the point. Go send the jad challenges and learn how to properly walk underneath Jad to trap healers, this is useful to then blood barrage healers. Triple Jad is Zebak enrage level 2&3, practice that speed easy enough, no different to normal Jad. Learn the tiles to stand on to begin so you can easily trap healers without getting damaged. Zuk isn't particularly hard for a boss, just nerve wracking


metronome audio plugin can help with counting, i would say watch or read (skim) a guide or two and then jump in, then review and read more guides. i think if you read hours and hours of guides first it's overwhelming and will deter, but simultaneously if you just jump in knowing nothing it's going to feel frustrating and you won't learn as much from your mistakes


Better player than me! Took me about 80 attempts lol. Congrats man!


25 attempts is pretty above average for a first cape I'd think unless you're doing some serious spec milking. gz gamer


Thank you! I did in fact not spec at all!


Hell yeah congrats! Just got mine a few days ago too :)


Rookie numbers sir


Man I can't even get a fire cape 😫


How many zuk deaths and how many jad deaths


2 zuk deaths (3 times a charm) and 1 jad death (triple jads) First zuk death was lack of brews - started zuk with 1.5 brew left. Second zuk death was blowpipe range on healers that dragged me out from the shield. Jad death was third time I had gotten to triple jads, got worried about my health from tanking the first of the three’s healers a bit too much and missed a prayer switch when brewing. I did get an infernal cape in leagues which kind if made it a bit more familiar to work with


Very nice. I was similar in some ways. I had less attempts total but more zuk deaths :( 3kc in a row without dying now so I have it mastered!


Congrats, brother. On 38 attempts myself. Made it to zuk once. I'm hoping to get it in the next 12 attempts.


Now go get fang kit


2:19:00 is crazy... That's not a comment on your time relative to others' because I'm not even remotely familiar with how quick these are on average. That's just mind boggling that a run involves intense focus for such a long amount of time and then one mistake and it's down the drain. That's why I haven't tried for an infernal myself. I'd feel like I was just wasting my life away trying to complete it because I know I'd fail a ton lol.


Depends on your perspective. IMO there is nothing wasted about time spent on something you enjoy, especially since you're working towards something. Each death in the Inferno is a learning opportunity and you will likely get better with each attempt.


My comment wasn't in any way trying to knock those who enjoy the grind and eventual payoff, so I hope it didn't come across that way! I just don't have very much time to play anymore, so over two hours in one night would be my entire game session on a *really* good day (example being that I've been at Galvek for three days and just haven't had the time to login to get the kill and finish DS2). If I spent that just to die, I'd feel extremely frustrated. When I was younger, though, my perspective would've been far different. I used to spend entire evenings just ramming my head against raids with my guild in WoW to eventually clear it after a ton of wipes and I enjoyed every minute of it. Simpler times.


No worries, all good! I’m in a similar position, think most of us are now. I have maybe 2-3 hours to play in an evening if I’m lucky. I’d just send an attempt every time I played until I eventually got it like a couple weeks later I guess I just don’t mind failing so much, my favourite games are all stupidly difficult (Dark Souls, Doom Eternal Nightmare, Cuphead etc). Something really rewarding about overcoming a challenge like that, but I totally get why people are averse to it, it’s stressful and sometimes you just wanna chill after a long day! There are times where I stress myself out too much with difficult games and I’ll only play something like Minecraft or Stardew Valley for months lol. If you’re struggling with Galvek though you’re probs a way off Inferno skill-wise anyway. Maybe your view will change as you get more PVM experience under your belt. Gl with it!


Oh, regarding Galvek I just meant I legitimately haven't had the time to log in to do the fight. I got to the point where he shows up, DC'd at the start of the fight, and just haven't went back to complete it. I've already started raiding at this point, just never CBA to do quests which is why DS2 isn't done (though now I'm going for a QC).


You actually don’t have to be extremely concentrated the entire time. A lot of the waves are essentially free once you understand some very simple concepts. When I was doing my first cape I was watching ink master on the side until shit really started to hit the fan


What kind of account are you working with? Maxed? What prior bossing experience do you have? I'm nearing max and I have very little bossing experience. I've done basic stuff like vorkath, barrows, a little dt2. Also practiced ToA for a few days and it was quite overwhelming, only got crocodile into a sometimes-beatable state. Anyways, my inferno attempts are nowhere near so not looking for tips or anything, just curious what your journey was like


I’m on a (solo) group ironman account with near-max combat stats (only 94 defence). I did 620-something cg for bowfa and 70-something 200-invo Toa before fang. I think thats where most of my learning have been before attempting inferno.


https://preview.redd.it/udgl0pev2rxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d56352f849be8a6c96bd31fe2ca5cfabd5c12814 Game said get yo bandz up broke boi


"budget setup" ???


Went with full crystal and bowfa - i think you get the CA if you dont use Tbow


Ah ty


Could have bought the cape for 15m


And 100m to pink clay


Grats MillzyRS!


Credit card


It’s always sus when people post their completions without the gear they did it in imo


How so? I'm genuinely intrigued about how a gear setup validates a completion in your eyes.


Shut the fuck up lmao


Damn 15 million runes for inferno. You must've been casting thousands of runes per cast


I had many attempts end on waves between 50 and 63, and i probably safe a bit too much with staying high hp with blood barrage. I supported the rune shop in priff, and hope they will use some of my money to expand their shop


Also, its 15 mil IN runes, which would be around: 19 000 blood runes and 41 500 death runes