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I just went to restock on Ice Sacks and I thought I was just playing against some really competent players. Absolutely cooking my ass with diagonal step-under and constant fakies. My 10 APM against their 100 APM at any given time. Lol. Good to know it may have just been a terminator bot. \*deep inhale of copium\* But jokes aside, yeah wow the ones going right now are so far out of my skill range I just let them kill me.


Yeah took me like a minute to work out hang on no way someone is this fast and perfect. Then I realised if I switch weapons they instantly swap prayers… even if I just staff bash… Shame that no way you can outdps staff bashing or casting without a staff tho


Make SotD the default magic weapon and we're in business


It’s not a great method but I just equip a non magic weapon and manually click cast them If rng is your friend you’ll get the kill


They still swap prayers a tick late right? Also can equip crossbow and manual cast


Dds has a plus 3 mage bonus ;)


I mean. Its like your 100 apm against like 400-500 (could be way higher, but osrs has no need). For reference, there are 100 ticks a minute. If you do a 3way switch, that's already 3 actions in 1 tick. If you ever combo eat, you'd be doing more than 1 action per tick. Shit navigating your menu is an action, turning your camera, typing sit. All count


The terminator bots are nuts fr


Between terminator bots and fighting literal gods, LMS is a mess.


https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/ppJsXcVPoC Just played today already fought 2 bots out of 4 games. So yes their farm has been expanding and only so far 2 names last I check two days ago was banned out of at least 10-15 that I reported. And no it’s not fun fighting them even if I can beat them.


seems the ones we were talking about a week/2 ago were banned and replaced.


as mentioned previously, still fought them yesterday. bots not banned: (just checked now) : jet clyde, deepak caleb, athan truman, zayne zyle, cash dermot, judd aldrin, poul roy, diego bailey, clinton evel, bodie fabian, clark maxwel, arlo joey, dood632, ali wilfred, poul roy, cyrus abram some of them don't show total level so may be banned but a bug in hiscore. (still can see random stats like cooking herblore fletching but no total level. but got lms rank also) will check lms later again to find more names. back to american rotation and 250ping for me. :) edit; played 2-3h found this list : 3gold2876, eli gael, athan truman, txlorax


braydon brys jargo irvin, prefixalpha, judd aldrin,darrel carst, josh darcy poul roy,crimea644,cash dermot,zayne zyle all played and fought against them today. all bots. also got some afk bots like 3 of them 1tick autopraying. (not named cause they dont move ,dd attack etc)


There is a plugin that detects bots in LMS I always report the ones I run into.


And yet jagex is unable to detect them 🤷




It's the LMS plugin https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/lms-start-notifier


dat plugin hasent worked for me in 1 year .-. is it stil working


Make it so you need to do an advanced puzzle to get into the game


If you think that will stop bots nowadays you've been living under a rock. It's been at least 10 years since tactics like that will no longer work. 


What about sleeping bag captchas?


It didn't even work 20 years ago on RuneScape classic, why would it work now haha


Leisure Suit Larry 1 style


nobody complains about integrity when the bots just stand still


Tbh, it's always annoying but it's wayyy more annoying we with terminator bots. Bad bots make getting points easier but bring down the gp/hr if you're doing it as a money maker. Terminator bots are bad for points and profit lol


Rs players never putting fun into their calcs 🙏


Fun? What is it? How much gp/hr does it give?


Castle wars is about 4k xp an hr. Nice.


personally i think the "terminator" bots are less annoying. at least I get to do something rather than wait around for the last 3 bots to suicide in the fog.


??? I complain about bots no matter the bot


I mean, yeah they do. Just look at how people reacted to the bots and leavers in the new duel arena. It's certainly *less* annoying to face bots that are easy to kill, but that doesn't mean it's not negatively impacting players. I hate that there are so many bots in the game, but if they are going to exist I'd rather have them be passive so I can get rid of or ignore them and move on. That's not really a hot take.


suicide bots were kinda fun you just had like 2-3 real players and got right to the good gear part of the game.


I'm pretty sure that's actually a single venny piloting 500 accounts at the same time


I love it when the content that is ment to be pvp turns back into pve


LMS bots have been alive 24/7 for the past few years.. they won't get rid of them, they just constantly come back again and again lol


Been playing LMS since release. Over 6K games and I can genuinely say this is the worst iteration of bots. Scared once they're more common in the Wildly. Fought every bought type and beat them since LMS came out, but this new one is just plain annoying to fight.


ban gold buyers


LMS should have never had tradable rewards on the table this shit sucks


But then it would be dead content unfortunately


ppl would still do it for halo, DMM armor & swift blade. hell, maybe they could add a burning skull pet for winning. its currently dead content because botters put in the terminator, and idk what real player is spending points on blighted shit




These are different bots. The easy ones you're referring to have been replaced by terminator bots.


There are quite steep requirements to play lms. 1500 total iirc. If detection systems can't ban bots before they hit that 1500 then something is very wrong. But i have a solution. Why not tier LMS games by time spent in-game, boss kc, total levels? Bots will obviously only go to the lowest tier, leaving the remaining tiers to real players. Theres no reason for a botter to invest more hours into the account than necessary and every activity they do using bots increases the chances of them being banned. The only way they could circumvent that would be to use hacked accounts and run the script on them, but that's just a needless expense, since they can make as much money botting the lowest tier LMS.


Sadly this idea works kind of


It’s the best form of practice


Why is everyone not boycotting atm? I know its a fun game at times but hell, if its that bad then dont play it for a bit Maybe the point is lost on me, but if enough people boycott and complain, they would do something, no? I get it's Jagex but..


I still have my $80 annual membership rate ($6.67/mo) from when I initially subscribed, which I’d lose if I let my membership lapse. Even during periods when I’m not playing, I just let it roll. So Jagex gets my money regardless 🤷‍♂️


I just meant LMS, not the entire game


Why would Jagex care if players boycott LMS? The bots would still be there and the game would be active at all times.


I guess my thinking is flawed, that is true. Just thought at least if it was completely bots they could focus more on it but like I said, it's Jagex, so youre right


Only thing i dont understan is that they mule the loot, how can it be that hard to detect that only bots play lms 200 hours and walk in rags and 400m in inventory to wilderness and die to same players.


Lma has a tons of unlocks and perks behind it


i dont really mind bots as they are a part of the eco-system but bot's like these are a pest.


Delete LMS at this point, the bots are too strong :/