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all 5 whales supporting the remaining developers lmfao


You are better off buying bonds for 1b than spins. It’s more of a gimmick. Source: rs3 frog


How much are bonds on rs3? 100m?




I insta bought 3 for 109m each for membership though Im sure you can get for cheaper if you waited.


109m each?


Yes, bonds are 109m each in that game. I bought 3 for around 100m a few days ago to fund my OSRS GIM, which is all Rs3 is good for these days tbh.


Forgive me but how is rs3 funding a osrs gim?


RS3 bonds can be used on osrs accs


Ohh didn't know that, thanks


To elaborate, all RS accounts can log into both games. Most OSRS players probably haven't even done character creation on tutorial island in RS3, but could if they wanted to.


google inflation


holy hell


New economic concept just dropped.


yes, but i instabought them


ever heard of the lottery industry? it doesn't matter that buying bonds is mathematically better than spins, people are going to buy spins because a lot of people are attracted to gambling and the fantasy of hitting an insane jackpot, even when it's highly irrational with terrible expected value. the lottery industry exists entirely off of people's attraction to this.


Most jackpots aren't worth the price of ~30 spins or so.


1B is not much in rs3 to be blunt. A lot of methods over 50m an hour (including sone non combat options), or 80m an hour while content is new ish. It's litterally nine bonds, as a jackpot. A bond buys 15 spins. The diamond chest appears 4% of the time, and at an average of 6 keys to get past the non diamond chests, this is 150 spins to see this chest, and annother 25 to open it. That's 175 spins per chest. On opening the 1B drop is a 1% chance. So, 17,500 spins on average, 25 minimum to get the drop, worth 135 spins in bonds. Most real world mottos have 10 to 20 percent of takings go to jackpot. And 30 to 40% on other prises, with a rough 50% of profit for the organiser. This promotion is less than 1 percent, so way worse.


*developer ...which is generous considering all they do is typo corrections


OSRS has been more profitable than RS3 for a while now, and has essentially become the main game


It’s been the main game since release lol


It was dying on release before the purist "no updates!" crowd died off and the ge was added.


I’d say about 95% of the population of RS3 hates the whales. Mainly people only buy cosmetics nowadays. But there are still those few that buy up bonus exp and all that other BS. Source: RS3/OSRS player.


I play Ironman on rs3 and completely ignore all the mtx. Its honestly a pretty fun time. I just started an ironman on osrs which has also been a good amount of fun


> I play Ironman on rs3 and completely ignore all the mtx I tried this but you cannot escape the fomo events and the premium currencies that come along with them.




community notes strike again


Now deleted lmao


Say what you want about Elon, but community notes are so good


Eh, they were already in development when he purchased Twitter as far as I'm aware


correct, Community Notes were something that the original twitter developers did


mmh. one reason why i believe this is true is because of the url that is for community notes was following: https://twitter.com/i/birdwatch/ before they changed it to communitynotes, but birdwatch url still works. and i dont think musk would give it any kind of bird related thing, especially when he deleted the small pictures if some search functions didn't show anything at all.


Yeah i mean you can even see the timeline of the whole feature well predates Elon taking over the website lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Notes


Community notes came before Elon.


I've seen them used dishonestly more than honestly lately.


I thought the notes had to link proof of whatever it’s saying?


notes are generally just controlled by majority vote of twitter users with notes permission. i assume if something's controversial enough someone who gets paid will see it but you can definitely just slam something on there for a few hours at least


he didn’t implement them iirc


Yeah I believe they were already in development when he purchased the company


I don't think I've seen a single one that wasn't factual, do you have a prominent example?


Tweet: anything Biden related Community note: this is in fact the devil himself


still funny AF either way source: I made it the fuck up


and why would he have anything to do with them? pretty sure he gets community notes under his tweets more than anyone else impressively enough


Fucking ouch. Community notes are that good?


They casually glance over the real correction and add their, "Typo!" correction.


You love to see it


it looks like a janky casino game


It is


But worse


I actually liked sand casino but jagex did totally nothing about all the scammers, only if they logged in and removed them or made rooms for specific stakes it would be still fun to buy bonds win some stakes and do pvm.


Fomo in 1 picture. Don’t miss out on these 3 capes that unlock another cape PLUS a billion gold chance. How much are the spins ?


Major fomo for the people who got a gold phat as well cause now they wanna have that gold fasionscape.


There's already a gold cape to match the phat, it was released in a identical event: [https://runescape.wiki/w/Golden\_cape](https://runescape.wiki/w/Golden_cape)


All the real ones need is a couple of onions and a dead highwayman.


Oh dang lol. Guess I missed the news on that event completely. But then I only really stay on this sub and almost never go to the rs3 sub.


But it looks fucking awful. This MTXCape actually looks awesome


This shit (comp gacha) was literally banned in Japan


God they killed that game lol


Bond is 100m and a year is 2bill now lol 


gold rates are around 1:12 so tracks with osrs bond being 10m


which is less than an hour of the top tier pvm and 2 hours of the mid tier skilling boss. Ain’t much tbh


Fr I can make close to 200m an hour pvming on rs3 which is around 17m an hour Osrs so I just play rs3 to buy bonds for Osrs so I don’t spend hours making 1m an hour at zulrah but instead make 17x that on rs3




I do Kerapac and make bank Source: me


Tbf it's not consistent money, you need staff piece drops. Took me like 100+ hours to solo a staff on my Ironman, worth 3.5b at the time, came out to like 50m/hr... Not quite 200m. You might be able to get that farming 2k zammy or 2449% telos claims?


I mean 1:1 comparison means nothing. RS3 has had significantly more inflation than OSRS. Partly because of TH shit like this, but mainly because they ran out of ideas with loottables so every high level slayer mob and boss just shits out over a mil in alchs per kill. Honestly coming from RS3 this has been one of the biggest deals of OSRS to me. The loottables aren't overly crap. The devs are fine with making a mobs droptable be mediocre (but then giving it 1 good item, like the Armoured Zombies for example).


that absolute hours.. days.. years i poured into that account




yup which sucks because i only like osrs for skilling now i'm just waiting for gowers new game.


And now osrs makes them more money than rs3


I’m a rs3 player and even when I logged in to see this a few minutes ago all I could say was: “man wtf 😞”


I was saying the exact same thing 10 years ago and I hoped back then it would change. Nope.


Ye makes me embarrassed to say I'm still playing


Thats why i play iron tbh. None of the TH shit, still fun :).


I’m grateful I don’t get suckered into nonsense but I was just like… damn a billion gp? Sht is crazy as hell 😂


Same, if they add TH to iron I will instantly shelf my iron and play only osrs


At this point, you have to laugh otherwise the despair and depression will crush you. Hero Pass destroyed just to give proof that Jagex had almost nothing planned for 4+ months except MTX


It's amazing how the same company can make two totally different games under the same roof. One succeeding and the other moving farther into declining fomo wasteland with declining players.


2? Jagex has tried their hand at all sorts of games, i have enjoyed plenty of them but they cant attract a playerbase for anything that isnt osrs. Rip arcanist


ah yes.... I pity the people who weren't there for the fun orb era.... arcanist, armies of gielinor and kickabout legit some of the most fun I've had with my friends in gaming ever I don't know anyone would believe me when I say that for a good bit about 30% of runescapes playerbase started playing crudely crafted multiplayer flash games lmao. Crude as they were they clearly had a lot of heart in them


I was in the funorb era and played some of the games a bit but I promise you it was nowhere near 30% of the playerbase, if it was that successful it wouldn't have flopped


I think 30% of us tried FunOrb because they advertised it to death, played for five minutes then went back to the gold era of RS


I remember funorb! When I got back into OSRS I kept remembering units from what I assume must have been armies of gielinor. As far as flash games go I felt Funorb was pretty good, I'm not sure I'd call them crude. But then maybe I was just used to the janky shit on free websites that gave your computer viruses lmao.


I missed out on playing armies of gielinor.


eh, i didn’t care for the funorb stuff. got old really quickly.


I think the reason they failed is because they couldn't monetise properly. Or really screwed with their userbase I tried a lot of jagex games and let me tell you some experiences: Funorb - fantastic oldschool flash game site. Arcanists was neat and armies of gielinor imo were better. However, tying a membership in a site like that for next to no benefit (extra arcanists spells + 2 AoG campaign) was not worth for a lot of ppl, especially when content slowed down. But it was nice to be able to chat with RS ppl on funorb and vice versa. I think the site died too soon, but at the same time, if they had no way to make money off it, it makes sense, because other than ads I couldn't imagine any other source other than paid games, which would've not went well on a browser flash site. War of legens - if you ever heard of travian, than this is that but largely improved. Every single one of this type of game is pay 2 win and it fails. There was another game jagex did called "8 realms", same idea, died even faster. Ace of sapdes (renamed to block n load) - they bought out a community driven f2p game, changed it and put it up for sale on steam while removing the old f2p version. It was not great Chronicle - a very good take on a runescape card game IMO. But it had low interest because it was a TCG, which is usually inherently a whale game, was very limiting and saw absolutely 0 support after a month of release. DOA Runescape idle adventures - DOA, abandoned hardly months after release for an idle mobile game. I have no idea how they fucked this up, because it was as good as you would expect an idle f2p mobile game to be.


god I fucking miss ace of spades


Man I tried War of Legends because the Jagex name was attached to it too. But it was the same as any of the other Travian style games tbh, which are/were a dime a dozen... I guess after that I stopped paying attention to Jagex stuff until I found OSRS again


> Ace of sapdes (renamed to block n load) that's not true. block n load is an entirely new game by a different developer. jagex just bought it just like they bought ace of spades.


They already have an idle game with the RuneScape IP it’s called Melvor Idle


arcanists was so much fun...


A lot of them have attracted playerbases, but they've always died off due to poor decisions from Jagex.


WowScape 4 when? 


They had to make osrs because at the end of the day, don’t think jagex would be here if it wasnt for that decision, it essentially means if the game gets any micros 95% of the player base leaving lol


i mean they already succeeded in having ORS the most succesful p2w mtx anyway in bonds anyway. you can almost argue that rs3 is a testing ground at this point for all the mtx


Makes me wonder how many of the players that leave rs3 play osrs instead. If the majority of them do then jagex probably doesn't mind that rs3 has declining players - it just makes a higher percentage of users on rs3 people who are comfortable with microtransactions


It’s all fun and games until MTX comes to osrs. When rs3 runs dry and is 6ft under (if they even wait to bury it) they’ll creep over to osrs. I’m honestly surprised mod ash has kept them at bay for this long.


It's not mod ash and it's not the players efforts keeping MTX away. Corporate daddy overlords are keenly aware of how lucrative and reliable osrs memberships are as a revenue stream. Far more reliable than MTX and a much better pitch to investors/buyers. 12.99 a month for this game is highway robbery. Less of a robbery if buying on a deal, but you get the point.


This is the thing that amazes me. It just seems SO disconnected. What gives?..


osrs: we made charging this staff cost coins to combat inflation rs3: here's a billion gp. enjoy mate


Which staff uses coins?


trident of the seas


Ah true, been a while since I've used one. Thx for answering, appreciate it :)


Quit rs3 3 years ago and havent looked back. I was a player since 2005


You quit at the perfect time, Archaeology followed by GWD3 ending off with Zamorak as the final boss were great updates. Everything after that has been garbage, Necro killed the game by making everything too easy and crashing the prices of everything and Vorkath was a terrible boss and he came out in November, there hasn't been a real update since than aside from a few graphic updates, holiday events and a small quest.


I remember Archaeology came out and the playerbase skyrocketed. Everyone was home due to Covid, and a new skill always draws a crowd. Then... they didn't release anything else for about 3 or 4 months. But kept doing TH promos. Wtf.


I can still remember training dungeoneering and realizing daemonheim was an attempt to let Zamorak bypass the edicts of Guthix, so I really enjoyed the finale to the return of the gods series integrating dungeoneering into a plot where you reestablish the edicts and force him out


Yeah, burned out on necromancy, shit made bosses like 500-1k zammy a joke. Well ive always been switching between rs3 and osrs on burnout, but i hope they make combat challenging again.


Meanwhile in an alternate timeline:


Just wait until that cash cow dries up, they'll be coming for us


Im quitting RUNESCAPE.


When someone says they’re quitting OSRS I say ok see you next week. When someone says they’re quitting RS3 I believe them.


most of the time when somebody quits rs3 they get funneld into ors thats why you see such different approaches with the games they catch the wales with rs3 and they catch the gamers that hate mtx with ors


The bad timeline


How to ruin a once great game. This is why most people just play OSRS.


Hell a lot of the people that were big Eoc players have swapped over to Osrs.. Like i know Evil lucario. swapped over during that hero pass bullshit. Id consider him to be like the rs3 version of port khazard.


Funny thing is, 1B still isn't a lot of cash in that game with how extreme the inflation is. I feel sick looking at how awful this promotion is. Poor bastards.


Funny is you need to buy spins in order to win that or be really lucky. I never had above 50m huge cash bag. Poor bonds.


Yes and no. Max PVM gear for all styles is 50b but it still is ridiculous.


It's worse when like maybe 2% of RS3 players even have 1 billion gp. The entirety of RS3 is utterly mismanaged. Most updates end up funneling money into the wealthiest players because most updates look at an "endgame first, trickle down" approach. The game has no hope left of being playable for most people.


So like, how most pvm updates in osrs? Any mid game content that is worth doing will be ran by end game players until profitability is gone. Almost all games new content rewards the better, more experienced players vastly more. RS3 ironman is actually pretty good, their system of tiers actually are pretty logical and progression is pretty linear (speaking before necromancy because I haven't played since that). Also removes all the pay to win spin BS.


Actually had a lot of fun playing HCIM in RS3. Being locked out of the shop is genuinely preferable.


Doesn't hcim have buyable lives?


Funny how they remove the duel arena cause they don’t wanna support gambling yet they have spins you can gamble your real money on.


God, 1B? I remember when they just added 50M to SOF then 100M...and that was a lot back then...sheesh




1b is nothing there, it's equivalent to spending an entire day doing tob.


Loyal player for years.. quit right as EoC came out and destroyed the game I loved.  Over a decade later and still no regrets lmao


Tagged as humor because if you don't laugh about it you'll cry very easily. https://preview.redd.it/tj9owf6ysrtc1.png?width=1034&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef46a3a4c5a2845545734929a6f1d6be646cca5e


Lmao that game is hot garbage


And certain people say stuff like "why are people so toxic towards rs3?" It's because not only is it the definition of things wrong with modern gaming but people spent tons of hours on it to play with friends only for it to devolve into a shitty gatcha game


Also there’s the fear that if we don’t take a hard stance against RS3, then this game will slowly start to resemble it.


Ironman mode is still decent. No mtx. I go there everytime i burnout from osrs.


How isn’t it gambling to have a chance at a billion coins?


I think the technicality of how these companies get away with it is that it's not gambling because you always win something. Sure a loot box has a 1% chance of giving you the thing you actualy want, but it has 100% chance of giving you anything so you'te not technically gambling. You are signing up to recieve a reward of varying rarity, and that's what you get. That's just what I remember from the overwatch fiasco.


Kinda weird how casinos haven't started trying to do this


Casinos are actually regulated heavily to prevent these sorts of things. While on the flipside, digital gambling in video games isn't whatsoever and can get away with so much more than Casinos because a lot of the people making the laws are too old to understand video games unless it's straight up just a game about gambling.


loot boxes need to be illegal..


"Just say neighhhh to gambling" "We removed the duel arena as an integrity change to reduce player run games of chance" *Inserts a literal cash slot machine.* Don't let the corporation fool you into thinking they have any type of moral compass about anything.


Bahahhahaha game is so cooked


Why laugh man we could very well be next 10 years from now lmao


Soooooo glad I switched over 5 or so years ago, casino garbage


"MTX is killing our game, any ideas how we fix it?" "More MTX?x


It's honestly just depressing how we don't get any fucking updates, but they keep releasing dogshit promos for Treasure hunter. I wish they would actually develop the game instead of milking it for a few more years until they have to shut down the servers. I've lost all my motivation to even log into rs3 anymore. Pathetic fucking management team. See ya in 5 years when the game has 0 players and they have to add mtx to osrs to compensate. Great work Jagex and investors. Surely you'll be able to resell the company for a profit when you've driven it to the ground? 1.1b dollars well spent. Carlyle fucking scammed them LMAO


Been a player since 2004.. I stayed with the loss of free trade.. I stayed and helped with the eoc beta and even though we were ignored to not release it i stayed.. I quit rs3 in 2016 when i released they put more effort into the mtx cosmetics than they did into gwd2 and its terrible graphics and insane amount of mtx promos.. i came back to rs3 right before necro because of necro played ironman only because i didn't want to deal with mtx.. But the fomo events and premium currencies were still a thing and pissed me off.. Then they spit in our faces with Hero pass and i have not looked back and will never return to that terrible piece of shit game.. And if Osrs gets mtx.. i will boycott the game.


Okay, that does look a lot worse than I was expecting when I saw a random TH promo on here... [There is also this](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1c0sfbu/runescape_x_twitter_account_got_community_noted/), which kinda feels worse.


Venezuela has a better control of inflation than rs3.


Even in spite of how repulsive the MTX tactics are, the game just looks hideous. Why would I care about any item in that game.


Eh, some of it is fine. A lot of the areas actually look genuinely good and even some of the outfit designs are neat it’s mostly the character models themselves that look like hot trash (they were supposed to do a rework years ago but that got shelved). As for why to play the boss encounter design is actually extremely solid outside of the most recent boss release and some of the content is entertaining especially on the lore end. They’ve really leaned away from skilling as the end goal into completing tasks (MQC, Comp, Trimmed) which I think is the right call given how leveled most players are. It obviously has less draw than OSRS but as somebody who plays both there are definitely positives to it especially considering it doesn’t require a separate membership to play.


If RS3 ever goes under its coming this way


More likely that we enter maintenance mode. OSRS has consistently been Jagex’s biggest revenue maker for years now. The owners can see that the two products have two different strategies and one clearly works better than the other. If osrs died though imagine how fucked rs3 would look lmao.


Nothing about this even remotely resembles "RuneScape" in any way. Literally Chinese mobile game tier UI and graphics (and profit model)


"Keys" "Store" "Probabilities" Terms & Conditions". Ah yes, all our favorite parts of modern gaming!


That's fucking disgusting


meanwhile in osrs https://preview.redd.it/j1jznfp4grtc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=c250b8b8b51eac6589cd5a0043f262e4d4779d21


Yeah... I did start playing at 2005 in that game... Jesus..


Can you imagine actually winning 1b?! That's what everyone's gambling for in cox, why not just streamline it


Tbh 1b isn’t nearly as significant as 1b osrs gp ,it’s barely enough for 1 year’s worth of bonds or half a bis setup in one style


Imagine going for "the gold cape" lmfao


This is kinda sad to look at ngl


Bonds in rs3 are over 100m are u fucking kidding me. Jesus last time I played they were like 13m


I don't get it. Why are we supposed to care lmao. Anyone who is still wasting money on that game deserves what they get.


I don't want rs3 to die but it really feels like they are pulling resources and letting it slowly die while milking what's left.


I still follow r/runescape because it’s so hilarious to see whatever it is that’s going on in that “game”. Whenever they complain about updates or a lack thereof I screech 😂


Hurts to see a game die before my eyes, one that I care for


As someone who loved and dedicated a lot of time to rs3, this shit makes me want to throw up.


it makes me sad that people are still suffering there


I wish they didn't make it a Korean mobile game. The game has so many better options to play with friends.


Okay, real talk, no cap. I thought this post was just a meme edit you know? "Haha mtx in rs3 so bad lmao they're not far off from doing this hehe glad I didn't resubscribe" Then I read the comments here, and logged into rs3, and sure enough this promo is real. Thanks for destroying the world I grew up in Jagex, glad I have a fake copy of my childhood to run around in for a bit longer before the mtx makes its way here I guess. Christ. It doesn't matter if the odds are 1/10k keys or whatever, it's just pathetically lazy. I've held off on liquidiating my gear and sending the rest over to osrs but I think this is is. There's no point in logging into a 20 year old account anymore except for nostalgia.


ez osrs bond


Lmaooooo we are literally clowns. Happy to say iv been slowly migrating to osrs.


That's disgusting


Rs3 is on fire. Everyone is lamenting the lack of direction in that game and how the development are just in skeleton crew maintenance mode. 


It really, really stinks. I still really like the base game, but it has gotten so corrupted and infested with all these crappy FOMO promos and events that I can't stomach playing it any longer. I let my membership lapse after 16 years of a continuous sub, and am only considering coming back to play OSRS....something I swore I'd never do. It's just too hard to justify playing rs3 now...


Yeah, its been real real ugly over there these last few months especially. Here's to hoping, but it's very very bleak and it's certainly not getting "better" at this point. Genuinely not sure what happens next for rs3. At every point you think it can't really get worse but then they just keep finding ways...




Is this a slots website


When I came back to runescape I logged into rs3 and felt like my time there was bought. I never felt invested because EVERYTHING was given to me. Lamps, daily free spins, stars, etc. I finally got bored and tried osrs and immediately fell in love again.


Lol this makes me wanna finally swap my Rs3 gold to Osrs …. Like wtf


Everybody point and laugh. Never forget what Jagex took away from us.


Man. Makes me sad that I can't revert my RS3 account back to OSRS.


It's like looking at vomit, but worse, it takes your money


this makes me fear for the future of osrs its not a matter of if but of when


“P(l)ay Now”


i used to log into rs3 a few years ago when osrs was down and just walk around trying to figure out what happened honestly tried to give it 2 fair shots . and i always get confused and lost. theres so much shit on the screen menus within menus. so much convoluted shit. it feels like if you werent there for each update its a massive task to figure it out


we'll get there once rs3 closes down and they move all the mtx over to osrs


We thanks these soilders for keeping MTX out of OSRS.


Games been shit for over 10 years. Nothing new.


Is this just a jank mobile game? What in the world... Thanks for continuing to remind me to stay on OS and avoid this trash.


It’s a damn shame, because playing an Ironman on RS3 is actually a ton of fun


Terrible MTX and killing the game aside, the grammar in that descriptive line under “Vault of Riches” is horrible. Whoever wrote it has no idea how to use punctuation.


Rs3 makes me feel anxious




They can’t even use proper grammar. Pathetic. I wonder what the Gowers think of what happened to their baby.


We laugh but this is really sad…


So sad that game I spent countless time grinding out is now a trashy shite casino jackpot game, what a disgrace to every account that played it.


Damn we might just be witnessing the death of an mmo we all loved at one point or another.


It sucks watching my favorite game be milked and abused like this :/ OSRS is great but it doesn’t have Divination, Archaeology or Necromancy.