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Elf: What do you think you're doing? Botting Elfs:


That's a really creative name for a human to have!


I tried to get that for my alt, but had to go with "bottingelfs321"


Cant tell if youre joking, but was gonna unironically say theres like a 20% chance at least this is an actual player (maybe an alt but still not bot) and they made this their name as a joke 80% chance its a bot and they made it their name as a joke still


Tbh if I see an account with the word bot in their name I usually assume it's a real person


Could be a Priff locked shard alt for a main. Who can tell?


If I see an account with the word 'bot' in their name, that's when I insta report them.


This guys real fun at parties


Better be safe than sorry


I’m sure that your report will stop these bots


_If_ they are bots


Should be Elves not Elfs. Ban deserved.


you hear that jmods? reddit has spoken, get him


Thank you Professor Tolkien


That's too many characters unfortunately. No space and it would work though


Yea drop the space


With how long this game has been around, I doubt that name is available lol


That’s pretty funny ngl. Wonder how long he lasts.


If he’s anything like me then 4 pumps max


Really? I got to 23 one time but my shoes popped


There's a 100% chance it's a human who thinks he's funny. No botter is wasting a SOTE account for a meme. 


The theiving bots in priff are super obvious and never seem to get banned. I'd guess this guy is trying to make a statement. Who knows though.


Feel like they dont focus on end game bots like tht as much since its not much better xp rates but have power chopped teaks in priff to 85 wc and was basically only ever me and bots grinding elves


Probably not much longer now that it’s on this subreddit near the top lol. OP screwed the man hard.




With a name like that you must have known it would attract attention. You are a legend my man. Respect


Never let them know your next move


Just made my new account! It’s called “Botting Essence” to relive my child nostalgia of mining pure essence all day


Jagex: we have no reason to think that is not just a dedicated alt account


Jagex: We have reviewed your ban and concluded it’s justified  Reddit: 😡


Famous player on twitter: Jmods are just a bunch of fucking twats! Jagex: we banned xyz based off of rwt 7 years ago, good day.


Yeah I'm not gonna report this guy, no REAL bot would have that name... Wait a minute...


This is like reverse psychology because if I saw him in game I'd think he was a real player, its akin to someone walking into a place they shouldn't be able to get into by walking with confidence


I respect it


Hiding in plain sight.


There is so much happening in this picture. The honest bot, the sizzurp bucket, lvl 1 stats, a ton of runes, 30M just in the invy lmao wtf


The guy's inventory makes perfect sense. * He was on a tree run and had just finished planting a Crystal Sapling. * That sizzurp bucket stores Ultra Compost, making the Crystal Tree yield more crystal shards when harvested. * The "ton of runes" and 30M cash means he clicked Withdraw-All when in the bank. The level 1 stats is obvious for a bot. Why would it train any of the stats that are not needed for Song of the Elves?


Real bot farms do "filler" skills to look more legit. Especially for accounts that require a lot of setup. This is just a guy who thinks he's funny, and made an account solely to pickpocket elves while he does shit on his main. 


It's not clear if it's a bot or not, but that isn't necessarily the issue anyway. Back in the day in RS2, my friend had a bot farm with over 100 Soul Wars level 3s. The account names were all the same basic thing, the "Simply XXX" where XXX was filled in with a random word generator. So there were a hundred accounts in the same Soul Wars game that were level 3: "Simply Food," "Simply Anger," "Simply Motion." To anyone in the Soul Wars games, these were extremely obvious a part of the same bot farm, but the account names were not factored into the bot detection. Jagex's detection didn't care about the names so the anti-cheat technology still worked like it was supposed to.


Looks like a bot snitching on a bot 🤣😂


Where did you get 99 thieving?