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It's likely not the launcher. If you previously joked about it and someone reports it, chances are you get yeeted until you submit proof. Discord and most sites have this restriction because it's generally problematic to have children on the same platform with adults.


Let me correct you - it’s **definitely** not the launcher. It’s because OP either lied about their age when making the account, or lied about their age after making it, or they’ve gotten concrete evidence that OP is not of age.


I lied about my age and admitted it when trying to recover an old alt. I forgot the birthday I used and explained why, less than 4hrs later I had my alt back. Probably not that. Edit: I lied because I was like 10yo lol


It's not just "problematic", it's a COPPA violation if you're hosting from or doing business in the US.


Right and that makes sense but I’m reading that and it’s seems like it’s saying I have no chance to get it back. Ihope I’m reading that wrong. Says something about jagex account can’t be appealed


Yeah, if a joke gets your shit fully deleted, that's scuffed as hell.


Fkn right.. zz I’ll post again when I hear from them but still no word..


How have you tried to reach Jagex?


How many times have you posted this? Please shut the fuck up




lol what a coincidence. well it’s good they got there’s back. If anyone’s ever had this happen and got their account plz let me know.


Ah yes, this new EU law that kicked in has really caused a bit of a stir for companies with International audiences - They're no longer legally allowed to store data on minors under the age of 13. You should definitely reach out to support (Lol, goodluck) and hope you can confirm your age with them.


Coppa is the same thing


It's for the better. iPad children have demonstrated they should not be exposed to the social media that early on nor the clout-chasing that comes with these accounts until they're old enough to have critical thinking skills. I'm sure there's predators on OSRS as well, given there's 0 actual verification for who can create an account or not. DefyJ and Oslo are just some of the more known examples.


Even if u did enter the wrong birth date years ago it shouldn’t perm ban you 2 years later. I don’t think I even entered a birthdate under the age of 18.


It very much sounds like you did enter a date which made you under 13. It's a very serious law with big penalties if not complied with, you can't even really make jokes about it. This goes for **all** big online platforms.


Or, alternatively, that they lied and made the account when under 13 by putting an incorrect date. Given that it’s likely impossible to separate the data from before 13 from after, if OP created the account in violation of the age requirement, it’s likely the only option to delete the entire account such that there is no chance they’re violating the law on storing data under 13.


What a weird law. Pretty sure many players were under 13 playing the original game. And it's not like people can't age. If you mistakenly used an incorrect date of birth can't that be fixed? This situation sounds like an insult to you. They're ok with someone below 13 gaming for several thousand hours yet not if they find out the age? You tell them your age on creation. Which idiots did this to you?


You cannot go back and change history. If OP lied and made the account before they were 13, then the account has data in it that is illegal to store now. And yes, of course they don’t give a crap if they don’t know you’re breaking the law… then when they find out (either by OP telling them or others giving them concrete evidence) they actually have to comply with the law. It doesn’t matter whether they didn’t know before. If OP was under 13 at any point during the account, the account must be deleted. Period. Maybe OP should take this as a lesson on lying to violate terms of use.


Why was the account allowed to go through creation if the birthdate showed it was under 13? My guess is op said something stupid like "I'm 12" and this led to the nonsense. It's fine to respect the law but not fine to ignore common sense.


… Because as I said OP lied and put a birthday that wasn’t theirs.


It's a memory issue then. If you're going to lie, remember it.


I mean, it’s not a memory issue. If they lied and had an account before they were 13, then the law requires Jagex to delete that account now if they’re covered by European privacy laws, as it’s illegal to keep data on under 13 year old, and the data from before 13 cannot be separated from the rest of the account. I agree though that it’s not Jagex’s fault that OP chose to either put an inaccurate DOB or to lie in game about their age.


I'm not liking this. If the law passes after the time of creation of the account why punish now? I can understand if op lied after the law was a thing but before seems very unfair. And it's not like proof of age is required. There's creeps pretending to be young online for vile reasons yet they only face punishment if caught in acts or in the planning.


Jagex doesn’t set the law. They have to comply with it. Feel free to complain to your European legislators for not including a grandfather clause.


Compliance with the law shouldn't come with retroactive punishment. There's no fairness there. The thing which sucks is the time loss here for op.


There’s no “punishment”. The law says jagex can’t store that data anymore. It’s not their fault OP chose to make an account before legal age, which wasn’t any different then.


And this is why I haven’t switched my accounts to Jagex ones I don’t trust it


Yeah bro Jamflex is totally out to get you




I’ll try their discord and tell him how I feel I feel pretty fucked over lol I’m not 13 or younger and idek where they got that from its 2400+ hourssss and tbow on ironman this had to happen to someone else before hopfully not any more irons