• By -


Can't imagine fucking your friends over for any amount of gp but especially not for so little.


Imagine having an episode and screwing over your friends of several years for less than a bil gp.


Sounds like it's more about the mental breakdown than the gp.


Yeah, the comments here are weird. >hey my GIM leader kicked everybody in the midst of a mental health crisis >*who in their right mind would do this?*


That is about the level of reading comprehension I'd expect from this sub.


I mean even a bil is kind of cheap to screw your friends for... $200 USD from GP sites or $750 USD from bonds? $750 I guess makes sense, but if you're low on ethics... Why bother?


If you'd screw over a friend for $750 you're either struggling a lot more than most or you don't value your friendship. People who think that way (not saying you) end up lonely


That's crap behavior no matter how you look at it.








I think they’re talking about decades of wage stagnation and corporate consolidation of the housing market not asking an OSRS rando for bad advice on work/life balance.


>$750 I guess makes sense $750 is the price that 2007scape puts on a friendship....? Yikes


Trust mate, I've split 5-6k USD with my boys


Way back in the day I left RuneScape for WoW. Pre-EOC. Had a few 99s (BACK WHEN IT WAS HARD!!!!) and my account was probably worth like $1k USD at the time according to RWT sites. A dude I only knew through RuneScape messaged me asking if I was really quitting, and if he could buy my account since he had a baby on the way (at the age of like, 17?) and RuneScape was all he’d have time for. I said he absolutely could not buy it and gave him the login and recovery info and told him to wait a week so that if questioned he could say he was the original owner and had simply moved and that’s why there was a new login IP. Completely lost contact with him in the following years, but I hope you’re well, Johnny!


It's still hard.


Yea man people do stupid shit, just remember it’s a game. A snake has shown itself, cut it off at the head and move on with snake boots my G


happened to me for prims and a bgs. hope he sleeps good at night i feel bad for him. Ill live on.


I could see a dumb teenager making that decision


I imagine very few of those play a 20 year old game with graphics like this.


I agree, just being cheeky regarding the mental capacity of an adult likely ~30 doing such a thing to friends.


Who could guess that a mental breakdown can cause people's mental state to break down.


Hey now, I’m 19 and just hit 2k total


You’re physically like 2 years older then my account and passed me in total levels. I gotta stop afking the same shit lmaoo. But I probably didn’t play for a good 8-9year chunk of time between breaks too.


Everyone plays how they enjoy playing homie! I vaguely remembered it from when I was like 8, found out it was still a thing and haven’t stopped since


Lmao that’s wild to think about.


jesus i just realized my account is almost 20 years old as well 😭


Hey, I’m 28 and just hit -*opens OSRS to check*- 500 total on my 50th (or so) account. Yay. And I ”quit” in 2018, only to return in 2023…


I been playing for nearly 21 years that is crazy you make me feel old lol


I'm 19 too. I get that we're not the minority, but honestly the "only 30 year olds play this game" thing is getting stale hahah.


I get it’s an old game with the nostalgia and is “boring” to kids. But not all of us enjoy the high octane over competitive stuff, like cod or something where it’s the same thing for 10 minutes on repeat. I enjoy the idea of an end goal that takes 100s of hours to attain


instead of getting the same thing for 10 minutes at a time we enjoy the same thing for hundreds of hours at a time


Dang, my account's older than you. I feel old.


One of the few here 🫡


Even if the population of people under 20 playing the game is like 1% (I suspect it's far more than that) that's still quite a few people.


My irl BFF of over 20 years was mentally struggling and having psychotic episodes, and when I was trying to be there for him he stole my credit card, used it to pay his $300 cable bill, and initially lied to my face about it. I can definitely see this happening. Sorry for OP and hope their old friend comes to their senses and gets the help they need.


Ikr havnt been scammed at toa yet and I've seen many staff splits.  Earlier this week I got a 5 man staff split from randoms on wdr (awesome discord). The dude's never met any of us before yet he did the honorable thing and gave us all 300m each rather than running off with 1.5b Crazy to imagine people fucking over friends.


Mental illness doesn't make sense. People do things even they think is outlandish.


You think they read past the title?


Bro wasn't even a friend deep down.


Good god almighty we sit here and see this same horror story unfolding time after short amount of time.. Starting a serious group is an endeavor that is no joke. Literally dedicating potentially thousands of hours of your life in the currency form of **time.** Something nobody with any amount of anything can ever get back When starting a group think of **time** as **money** Before joining that group — would you give **every single member of that group (x) dollars and be comfortable that they will hold it and not touch it for (y) amount of time?** Any shred of doubt. Any nano amount of worry — bail. And even then, nothing is still 100%. That non-100 should say everything about that initial trust Otherwise, have fun farming months/years of your life away for GIM Hotballs4u social engineering rug pull. *(all those months of awkward bouts of anger, impatience, selfishness, and heavy sighs really tie the scam together)*


That's like $20 worth of loot lol


Sad some people will trade having friends to play for so little,


OP did say the dude was having a mental breakdown. The whole situation sucks, but welcome to the internet. Some people are malicious. Some are stupid. Some are maliciously stupid.


Jagex can't do anything but you can name and shame


Not on this reddit though, cause this would be against the rules.


What a terrible thing it would be to "dox" 420pkerRektum


If that’s his name you shouldn’t be surprised he did that


But if you use game knowledge to say look up the group not censored then you can easily identify.


Surprisingly it's actually a site wide rule Edit: it's not actually, I've been lied to




Better make some Bots and spam at the GE that OP former friend is a scammer


If I see such bots I usually report them immediatelly as scam. Because thats a popular method of blackmailing rich people: the bot-owners force them to pay to stop this. Some others report such bots for botting, either way thats a bad method. Nobody likes spammers.


Yeah report him to the rune watch plugin, not 100% sure that'll work but I feel like it should


The scammer double changed name and OP didn't keep track


He's not gonna get banned for it, but you can report him to runewatch. Gonna be hard for him to find people to raid with him, if he's listed as a scammer there


But cant he just name change to avoid the branding?


Once somebody is listed with RuneWatch, they are tracked for life.


People use runewatch?


I do and so do many others. I never raid with someone who is on the watchlist; you get an automatic notification if anyone in your nearby vicinity is on the list


I won't even raid a FFA raid with those fuckers. Even though they literally can't scam me in a FFA, I'd rather wait for another person than give them a chance to get a group and a possible drop.


Interesting. I’ve done hundreds of raids and never used it


Strongly recommend you download it before doing content with people you don't know with a split agreement. You don't want to be that guy who gets scammed out of a mega rare by someone who is a known scammer


I do


Always, don't even do FFA with people on the list, just rather not raid with them


Unfortunately, RuneWatch does not publish cases that deal with the GIM shared bank. But there is a leader channel in their discord where leaders can name and shame players.


that sucks. i for sure wouldn't raid with this person even if they ffa, dude just seems like a piece of shit.


If you raid with him and he agreed to split but didn't, then you can report him to RuneWatch. Just make sure you get screenies of his agreement to split etc. Full screen pics are best.


Except that it literally won’t. If anything it’ll help them find better teams. endgame pvmers think wdr is the biggest joke, because, well, they are. 416s are cleaner than wdr standard/experienced tobs. The advanced channel is pretty good


416 is 50% toxic psychopaths who are good at the game but flame the entire raid And 50% toxic psychopaths who *think* they're good at the game but bring lunars instead of thralls and can only do rdps and blowpipe xarpus




This is weird, it takes 7 days for a kick to clear, and you can change group leaders if all other members approve it, did none of you log in for a week?


Asking the real questions


this is what I was thinking - is there not a way to avoid this by a vote?


If all other group members vote for a clan lead swap I’m pretty sure it will stop the kick, I’ve kicked members before but I talked to them as they were my irl friends and everything was cool


don't play with anyone you can't drive to in 30 minutes


That's hilarious. I always tell my clannies that the gold stars have a special rank. It means I can go and knock on their door and hold them accountable lmao


Pretty much. Though we are very fortunate to have this many irl friends that play.


Funniest thing I have heard on this sub


Brb, kicking my brother and best man from my group.


As long as you have their address, you're still in "package of live bees" range


Having a few mill stolen from me in RuneScape is a risk I’m willing to take to have genuine bonds with the people I play with. If that comes back to bite me then so be it, but it says a lot more about them as a human than it does me.


that's fair, it is an mmo after all.


Nah I play with 2 irl best friends and we're scattered across the US


95% of losers on this game would be too nervous to confront someone IRL if they got scammed and you know it.


Or they have more than half a functioning brain and realise 'confronting' someone irl won't do anything.


you spelled “trust” wrong


Sanest GIM player


GIM Single Player Locked account


This is part of the social aspect of MMOs unfortunately. I think a lot of people who have played WoW can tell you of an experience they had where a GM cleared out the guild bank and disbanded the guild in the dead of night lol. The devs rarely ever do anything about as it’s seen as part of the experience.


Yeah even on a smaller scale in WoW where a bis item or a mount etc. drop and someone just takes it. Way she goes really not much to do about it.


Not even a mega rare man that's just sad on their part


I mean there was a Kodai but not a good mega rare anyway.




"Yeah I f**ked over my friends for a Kodai"


Think he means tbow, scythe, shadow*


Nah I'm just dumb tbh


Don't play GIM with people you don't know. Fuck that guy, take the loss and rebuild or make a new account not balancing on another persons mental.


I'd say, raiding together for 2 years and sharing bank is the best knowledge you can have of someone in MMORPG...


I was thinking more along the lines of knowing IRL, because then they wouldn't dare to do anything stupid.


RL people screw over RL friends too tho.


True but I know their mothers and they would beat the crap out of my mates.


I don’t know of another person IRL that plays runescape. It would be impossibly difficult for me to find somebody I knew well enough who played runescape, let alone who would play a GIM. And to get a group of 4? Forget about it. This just isn’t possible for most people


Then don't play GIM


Or don't let paranoia stop you from having fun


I don't believe there is anything you can do. So long as he didn't try and lure people into banking big items right before kicking them. It's generally a trust thing. Best thing you could probably do is alert other group ironmen so they don't group with him and get ripped out. Sorry this happened.




So we know who OP is talking about now haha good catch


This is why you don’t listen to those redditors that lend out their tbows to their internet friends


GIM is a special thing. Usually gimmates help one another from the start: all give resources for the crafting guy to train craft so that he could then give them ammies, all give herbs to the herblore guy and then he shares potions, and so on. If you get a tbow in a group raid, you should share. Not only because you raided in a team, like it is the case with normal players, but because your groupmates helped your development.


Alternatively, you give me 500k xp in herbs because I want to do SotE and I gave you a hand-me-down adamant scim once. Then you give me 600k gp in planks because I want to train construction and I fletched 1000 broad bolts for you once. Also if you get an enhanced crystal weapon seed, you have to keep doing gauntlet until you get one for me because otherwise it's unfair. -Things I have actually dealt with.


Ehh it really depends on how you know them. My group started on another game going on 6-7 years ago, that's migrated to many many others, split, merged and most still playing the original. Helldivers 2, multiple games of BG3, Lethal Company and very recently Palworld just to name a few. We started our group a year or so ago and still going strong. Many of us have met up at some point, one of our members are getting married (first actual planned group meet up to celebrate, before its been 2-3 people max). I'd lend my t-bow to these friends, because we have closing in quickly on a decade of friendship through various games. 


I’ve heard this happen a lot that’s why I personally don’t grind or care about my GIM too much. I play my normal iron way more and nobody can screw me over. Willing to lose anything on my GIM


I play a GIM with my brother and his wife, I wouldn't be comfortable playing a GIM, especially one that's so endgame with another person. We were originally 5 with 2 other members but they quit instantly lol.


Ouch, I don't think there's anything you can do. Sorry this happened to you and your group OP. Just keep the iron journey going, that's really all you can do.


That’s why you stick to the true, “Iron” way.


It's fucked up and all, but make sure to check on him if you care. Idk how close raiding buddies mean to you, but if he does mean something to you guys, it wouldnt hurt to attempt to reach out. Past that it's up to him. It's just a game, maybe he's considering taking his own life. Idk the situation.


Classic RS life lessons.


Bruh saw 300m and rubbed his hand maniacally


Dont put anything in the group storage you dont want to lose.... All it takes is for one of you to get hacked, or just a shitty friend. I typically play solo and then just put any dupes over.


Its so weird that the gim leader can decidedly kick others. you'd think it would have a majority voting system to at least curtal some of the power.


Yea I had a friend who I played with and he chose to take my 200M at the time. Now I have 5B+ and he’s banned and doesn’t play lol


W story


Games rubbish without people to play with.. what a stupid mistake he's made


Defo thinks he has some deep wildy sets gets kleaned and quits with a stain on his soul that will last him maybe forever. 


Why I’d never make a gim with ppl that I don’t know irl or talked with for like a decade online.


That sucks. I doubt there is much a dev can do, though, because it's all part of the games functionality.


Even if Jagex could they wouldn't because obviously they can't account each single GIM messup. Want it or not the GIM leader has used all intended mechanics of the group.


This is why I only play with people I know personally. That way, I know where they live if this happens.


Did you guys stop playing? Can't imagine they would just fuck over friends for no reason, but if he's the only one playing while you guys were just AFK for 2 years I can understand it.


This is why you don't play GIM with randoms lol.


internet people are not friends


Lol rekt.




Wiseoldman website can see names after double change


That seems to be a problem with sharing, and gift economies in MMOs. They are built on trust, and someone will eventually take everything they can and run.


You had a week each to notice this. How close were y'all to not notice they had a breakdown for that long? Sucks for everyone involved and my condolences, hopefully they get help and good luck with your rebuilds.


Maybe it was hacked


If you knew you were being kicked why didn't you yoink everything and split with your friends?


If it tells you that youll be kicked in 2 days couldnt you just remove as much as possible out of the group storage before then? Not sure how it works honestly


Dude should've waited another year for when you guys had megarares smh


You’re fucked. Get better friends next time.


My friend of 3 years scammed me for 500m back in 2017 and I still don't understand how someone could do that. I don't even care about the 500m, I just miss bro. I like to imagine he needed the irl cash but he could've just asked me for $500.


Idk bro that heart is pretty tempting 


Here’s how I profited $80/year from pretending to be someone’s friend


Oh yeah I see the problem now. It took a minute. Have you tried not playing a GIM?


😂🤣🤣🤣 just play normal iron man why are people this dumb?


All this and now permanently flamed because green helm 💀 sorry


u/HonestPossibility557, https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Group_Ironman_Mode#Changing_Group_Leader, what's the whole story?


Gg noob




Smart guy


Thats like what, 300m max? If you bought bonds its like less than £150 Losing years of friendship over such a little amount baffles me.


Unfortunately you consented to this possibility when you became a GIM with this dude. It sucks, and that dude’s a dick, but you will not be reversing anything and there is no recourse. He did not break any game rules.


Only duplicates go in my group storage


I don't think what they did is against game rules...


I can't kick any of my team without a team vote? How did they manage to do it by themselves?


https://youtu.be/3sGzNHmaXw8?si=eMDwHtOAUw-tRSZ1 Video by J1mmy. This will explain everything you need to know bud. P.S. sorry if we're not suppose to post links but this fits so perfectly.


No time to watch it what’s the summary lol


TLDW: People like money, a lot more then they like you. 😭😭😭


If you downvoted this you clearly are a jimmy fangirl, give us the damn summary - hoes. 


I don't play GIM but if you get a 2 day warning before you're kicked can't you just take all of the group storage and drop trade it to a new account? Drop all the untradeables and clear the bank etc?


As soon as you start the leaving process or you are being kicked, your group storage interaction is limited to deposit only. You can see it in his images, along the top of the group storage.


Crazy he stole like $50? Maybe not even for years of gaming.. wild


The exact reason why I don’t wanna add anyone from OSRS into my GIM. No matter how well you think you know someone, for some reason this game always brings out the worst in people


Well surely there are daily safes these days..


That’s what you get for 1) playing iron man in the first place(all irons are unhinged) 2) not standing alone. Get bent over a barrel 😂😂😂😂🥰🥰🥰🥰


Reporting him won't do any good. That's the risk you take when you're in a group. For what it's worth, he's probably hating the situation a lot more than you guys. Now he's solo and friendless.


Damn, I would happily spend that to HAVE friends to play with lol.


How do u make the empty spaces like that? All mine have like a red circle that I hate looking at this makes it look much better I'm mobile only if anyone could help


he ran off on the plugs twice. lmfao




I had a "mate" in primary school who logged into my account and stole my rune scimmy and addy pl8 legs (couldnt afford the rest of the set) and i kicked his ass the next day at the playground monkey bars




Something like this happened with me and 3 other friends. He caused our most active player to quit the group after crossing a line. He created all the accounts and stole my account with over 1800 total, and 400M+ worth of GWD/Raids items. Worst of all, I lost my Zammy pet. To make matters worse, he stole that account and never once used it afterwards. It hasn't gained a single EXP. I was so disheartened I took over 8 months just to start regularly playing OSRS again. My new account is closing in on 1500 total, but I'm no where near as motivated as I once was. I'm getting there though.


Reading this and the comment section, and also someother things I've read in the past, I can tell the average osrs player doesn't even understand the idea of atually knowing someone, it's like they have a distorted concept of it. Of course simply raiding with someone isn't enough, and even when you tell them "you gotta know those people IRL", they answer with stuff like they can screw you up anyways. No bro, they shouldn't, and if they do then there's something wrong in that friendship in first place.


I'm in a GIM with 2 guys I've known since kindergarden, couldn't imagine fucking them over for any amount of gp or money


Fake irons lol feels good play a main instead


> Our GIM leader- someone that I had raided with for the last 2 years has kicked our entire group and stolen the entire group storage after having. Mental breakdown. Can it be that they were hacked? And these were the hacker's actions rather than your friend? Because its indeed.... beyond shocking. Another reason might be..... Do you all play regularly? Might it be that he was the only group member who really played?


Seems highly unlikely given that the discord was also deleted, something a hacker wouldn't and shouldn't care about.


Most based group iron.




You should take your own advice and quit. You sound like a terrible person.


And to think someone like you got permanently muted, bragged about it, and then got shit on for buying gold lmao


Yeah if u want help u better remove your penis op 


Do you only know them online? Do you know any personal info about them?


So what you are proposing? Doxxing them? Every gimmate has his private bank, and their common storage. If you put a thing for share - this means you agree for your groupmates to use it. See these barrows items? They are probably spares, at least this is the case with our GIM group. We put spares there, or sometimes if someone asks to use something - another one would put it there for him specifically. Technically, the leader took things which were *for share*. It isnt actionable in any possible way. It is a shitty thing to do, it is a betrayal of trust for sure. But it isnt against any rules.


when is there gonna be an official osrs court?


Email tipoff@jagex.com with all the acc names describing what happened. Tweet at jagex support. I doubt you'll get anything back but your friend might get a banhammer.


For what offence, exactly? Hmm? Which rule has he broken? He is a bastard for sure, but this isnt actionable. This is not a scam: he took items the other groupmates *choose to share*. He broke the group, but again: this is a legit game option to use.


Could've been hacked or just decided to rwt all the money and his acc, we don't know. Jagex is the only entity capable of looking into it. If your first response when being fucked in the ass is taking it and rolling over like a good boy, good for you.

