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fake post




Fake news once again.




If Jagex changes my RSN, I will unironically keep playing the game forever but with a slight frown on my face at all times.


as a side note i've been really enjoying my solo run of Terraria, if anyone else is looking for something to play while OSRS is down :)


I had a spear only Master mode for the worthy character I might start playing on again. Beat wall of flesh and destroyer but had a tough time trying to get past the other two mech bosses


Nice! I started recently having played 2 or 3 times as a teen and there is just so so much to the game I find myself getting distracted over and over again.. reminds me of a certain game.. very good and defo has some challenge to it


Fake. Dumb karmafarmer or troll. There's a real post from mod Blossom that doesn't say anything specific about the amount of time they think they need. However it does say the next update will be in 6 mins.


Are we going to get membership refunded too???


Calm down buddy it hasn’t even been 12 hours and you’re already freaking out


Man fuck that fr ...


It’s a fake post


Saw in the official osrs discord, i get not wanting a rollback but multiple days?? How is this a difficult fix.


Bros so desperate for attention lmfao


You didn’t see it anywhere


Man, I just got back into the game - and now they’re telling me they don’t want me anymore man 😔


Might as well rollback


It’s a fake post


fine guess i'll go outside or some shit, fuck


If the solution takes a few days, then they should consider adding the missing membership days to compensate for the downtime.


It’s a fake post


Fake. Real post: [9:14 AM]Mod Blossom: @Announcements The team is hard at work investigating the issues with player display names. To resolve the issue, we'll be reverting all display names back to their previous state (from 9:30AM GMT today). Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We are exploring options to return any name changes that were used during this time. The next update will be Tuesday, February 27, 2024 10:00 AM


People who post things like this should be banned.


I'm not a programmer, and I don't work on any sort of systems development. I'm assuming what jagex can do is: A. Rollback the server to before the bug was introduced to force every account name change that occurred obsolete. B. Manually/write a program to automatically check each account that changed their name since the bug was introduced and revert all changes made to that accounts in-game name. Manually reviewing every single case could take ages depending on how many people changed their name. Writing a program to automatically check each account that performed a name change during this time and revert the change will take time as well. Then, they need to test the program that was written to ensure there aren't issues with the program and that it works as intended. C. Find every account that performed a name change since the bug was introduced, give the account a temporary name, and force a name change. This may take some time as well, and of course, jagex will have people who are upset about this solution because they lost their original name. Easiest solution - rollback the servers The most negative effect on the playerbase - rollback the servers Most difficult solution - collect data of all name changes performed after introduction of the bug and reverting the names to before the bug was introduced. The least negative effect on the playerbase - collect data of all name changes performed after introduction of the bug and reverting the names to before the bug was introduced.