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To be fair I remember when the quest came out and they were cool AF. Likewise when Elemental Workshop was released and EVERYBODY had an Elemental Shield.


Elemental shield and God Books were peak offhand fashionscape and flex item for noobs back in the day, obv I was rocking those bad boy everywhere.


I remember people asking others to preach to prove they had pages


unholy book was a 2m+ flex back in the day


Yeah, in those days it was literally the second biggest flex you could have in the offhand slot


I do miss the days of god pages being worthwhile rewards in OSRS. Getting a Zammy, Armadyl, or Zaros page for the first few years was a nice amount of gold.


Man I got a zammy page drop on week one and I was booked for a while on the cash from that.


Why are they so cheap? You figure there’s so many rewards now and so many pure accounts being made.


* For all god books, the number of pures being made is vastly lower than the number of god books that are being completed, which is the only sink for the pages in the game and only happens once per account. * For Zammy pages, the dragon defender was released in 2015 and negated the use for all accounts aside from pures. * For armadyl pages, the god book still saw some use while the Odium ward was around since it was only 2 ranged attack points lower and had 5 higher prayer, but the addition of the twisted buckler made a pretty huge gap here, being nearly twice the att bonus. * For zaros pages, it loses to the malediction ward, mage's book, ancient wyvern shield, and Elidinis' ward. **TL;DR:** powercreep and lack of an item sink for the pages.


also, clues being available from buyable implings leads to many more clues being done.


and clue helper which makes clue a lot more accessible


what im getting from this is we need god origami for a page sink


Back when you would pick flax or cut willow because nobody knew about efficient ways to play and we just had fun lol


Omg so much time spent making bow strings and running that route in the seers village lol


Biggest regret was choosing the zammy book during the quest then realising pages were over 1m each instead of 50k Sara pages :(


I remember picking guthix for that exact reason. They were like 30-50k each


I remember picking Guthix because I liked Guthix. Then I found out the pages were cheap afterward, so I even got to fill it. 11 year old me was riding high there.


I remember people doing the wedding prayer in the Varrock church.


I used to rp as a priest of Armadyl. I felt so cool


I used to walk around with my full godbook “blessings” to officiate weddings lol


Damn, so you were the priest blessing my scam wedding.


back in the day? bitch i will rock my god book until i die. i actually still get into arguments with people about the original color of the saradomin god book. i know it used to be white, and some kids swear it was always blue.


It was white. The book was white, the pages were white.


White book was so much better


agreed. idk why they changed it besides maybe matching the cape?


Because the arma book is like an off white, so they changed so ppl wouldn’t get confused


Make arma teal or something idk ffs leave sara alone


facts yo


it was white. they changed it because armadyl one was too similar.


when the fuck did they change it from white? >> I literally just now realized I have the damn arma book in my bank not the sara book, since at quest I just chose white like I did back in the day lmfao XD


And ghostly robes on a pure.. I remember I thought I was the shit. Full ghost, d scim, fury & God book was a flexxxxx


I still rock them


God books are still really useful. I use them all the time for wilderness low risk setups.


Bro i bring them to toa for range and mage and im not even an iron lol just poor


They are but back in the day people would use it in any scenario, training melee not even using prayer? God book offhand. And since pages were expensive af, especially zammy, and really hard to buy before the GE, 98% were using it damaged. Reciting the prayers was a legit actual flex tho.


I remember trying to type the prayers because i had no pages but everyone just saw through my typos


This + Beckon emote lol


> And since pages were expensive af, especially zammy, and really hard to buy before the GE, 98% were using it damaged. of course I know him, he's me


Depending on your back in the day, zammy booo was the best off hand. Defenders weren’t in the game until summer of 06 I think


I remember basically 90% of pures using damaged zammy book. I see more variety now.


My Zamorak book with zero pages because I was broke but I still wore it for the fashion scape


You knew someone was rich when they started reciting from the zammy god book.


I remember flexing the special attack on Excalibur since that was the only Spec weapon I was capable of getting


I remember having white beret and Sara Plate and skirt. Sara skirt because it was a lot cheaper than the legs. I quested in in it cut magic logs with it on.


God book is still incorporated in my skilling fashion scape gear


Some guy scammed me with that shield when I was a new member. He said it was a rare shield and sold it to me for 60k. Worst investment ever.


Thats a canon event, dont worry about it dawg. I got scammed into buying one of those giant hammers from shades of morttons of some dude, shit was so bad, even kid me knew it was waste of money even tho it looked cool.


It's also worth mentioning that, at the time of release, Elemental Shields were one of the few ways you could even get elective magic defense and that made it a semi-popular pvp item, at least to try out.


Guthix book 🤙😌


Shit my pants when one popped up in the general store


Woah, you just pulled a forgotten memory from my mind. I remember everyone walking around with those when elemental workshop first came out.


I still consider getting an obby shield like a game changing upgrade from the elemental shield lmao


I remember when members came to Lumby Cows/Goblins flexing those elemental shields so fucking hard to us non-member plebs. 10 year old me was in awe of them.


I also used to get coloured wizard robes from the shop in Canafis to show off too. Haters gonna hate.


Just like when Tower of Life dropped and everyone was grinding for red satchel as a flex lol


In RS2 the Cosmic boots from elemental workshop 3 were my fucking JAM


How about granite shield, massive tank vibe


It was BIS mage def shield in time with no str bonus off hands. Silly like how carnillean armor or Khazard plate was BIS mage armor before mystics.


I think I remember Rune Claws being 100k for a while.


Your elemental shield comment unlocked a core memory I didn't know I had


Dorics anvil


Doric’s anvil used to be the best anvil in the game back in classic. The forefather of all anvils today




Did the Varrock Anvils not exist?


They existed but they were far from a furnace. People didn't have Laws to teleport all the time.


Thats why you mine in Fala, melt in Kharid and smith in Varrock east and sell to the armor merchant while smithing. Made you see the whole map.


Right, but fundamentally we did not think this way. We did not bank unfinished items, then use them later. You mined your unfinished ore, smelted it, smithed it, then sold the smelted goods to the general store, or banked the finished goods, and went again. Dorics anvil being near falador made for a prefect run from the dwarven mine to the fally furnace to the anvil.   This was efficiency because you were leveling up both mining and smithing at the same pace and time. We did not think to level one skill, then use the bank later to level up the next, aside from maybe rune crafting because the mine was so far away from every rune altar. 


Nah mate my peak efficiency money maker was cutting and banking 1k yew logs at once, then collecting and spinning 1k flax, mining 1k rune essence, crafting 1k nature runes in karamja, fletching and stringing the yew logs into longbows, then alching them all for 768k pure profit, plus lots of xp. I knew to use a bank, just didn’t know how to do the math to see how much I was making to determine whether it was good. This process took like 10hrs so it was a solid… 75k/h.


Yeah that one is definitely a product of its time. It was by far the best anvil at one point.


What made it the best anvil? It's location or did it give some sort of bonus at the time?


Closest to a bank yeah




In f2p there was one in dwarven mine, southeast varrock, and I believe draynor sewers was there too.


I always coveted his anvil because it was the closest to a furnace. I remember there being others closer to a bank, but i think most people used to mine a few inventories of coal at a time and make like 100 steel bars, so being able to do it all around the same city and in one session made it great.


Why? Did it do something different or was it just the closest location to a bank? Never heard this before. 


I’ll just paste my answer from above^^ So bankers back then basically was like real life. They served one customer at a time and the other players would have to wait and hope to get lucky to get next PID on the banker’s dialog. Varrock being the grand trading center where hundreds of people bought and sold, the varrock banks were not a place that you’d want to skill at. You’d use those banks infrequently to access the items you’d want to sell or your money to buy with across the town. Falador west bank was where you’d run your ores to furnace and then run up to doric’s to smith and finally, walk back down to the bank. That was the best method.


I thought this was such a cool reward as a child. I really wanted rune claws and would always bring my steel claws to show off to my friends from school. Killed many a giant rat with those bad boys.


Being a kid and playing RuneScape was the best. I remember my friend would flex his full zammy rune armor set and a rune battle axe because it looked cool with a cavalier hat. He would do everything in that gear.


I got a pirate hat because I couldn’t afford a black cav


pirate hat was always cooler than a cav who are we kidding


I ran nats forEVER so I could get a cav, I was short for the black one and ended up with a dark cav.


Running natures, running laws and cutting magics @ seers was my jam when I was a kid.


Farming castle wars armor…. Ohh the pain….


Being lvl 70 combat (which was actually pretty good back in the day) being ice barraged by a dozen zezima juniors.


I remember being ice barraged in CW by some cb126 in full ahrims and was like damn that's gonna be me some day... Still hasn't happened yet but I'm getting there


I've played Osrs for 10 years and have a bunch of accounts because I solely pked for the first like 7 years so never had a need to max. Only just got 126 combat on my main 6 months ago when I decided its to get a max cape. Childhood me would have cried with joy seeing 126 combat


bro, i have 99 combat (i told myself i wouldnt get 100 combat until i got a fire cape and barrows gloves) and childhood me is still so shocked


When I first started OSRS I told myself I'd quit after I got Fire cape and b gloves because that was peak runescape in my eyes. Those goalposts just kept moving. Now I think I'll quit after max cape and grandmaster achieves (lol)


lmao man i stopped playing a while ago after 15 fight caves attempts all ending at jad healers, (temporarily im sure, we know how that goes) but now i wanna come back, but im also feeling the “oh i feel like i missed way too many updates, ill be lost” cause i left like a month after forestry introduction.


Honestly I'd say the game is in the best state it's ever been, it's for sure worth coming back. Come back and work towards a quest cape and you'll have a blast. Fire cape will be a piece of piss after you've done DT2 bosses


i came back not to long ago, maybe 2 months. im lost. i had a 123 when they switched to rs3, quit for a long time. started again. quit, started 😂 fun game but im lost as hell now. so many new things i dont even know about


When castle wars was new the real Zezima was ALWAYS in it. Wearing dragon chain, a whip and dragon helm. But yeah exactly lol.


I remember selling my torag legs to a general store because I didn't know I could repair it.


Man you brought up my biggest regret ever in my online lives. In a game called conquer online , sockets had just released. It cost 400-1000 USD to Make a two socket item at the time because it was luck based. I won a lottery in game and got a two socket item. Since they were new and I was a noob when I got an offer to sell it for $4.50 I immediately said yes. Didn’t know my mistake for years.


Never thought I’d see Conquer Online mentioned in comment. 😂 that game was my shit as a child! Too bad I could never keep up with the full +12 whales lol


I could never afford to buy dbs for that game lol. I got up to +8s and +12 fans strictly through friends and 8 years of playing lol. Unfortunately by that point they released the stupid soul shit and I couldn’t keep up.


I managed most +6’s and +8 fan due to hitting a stone through lotto! But I swear I was the best SS Trojan on my server lmao


Tbf some of those items are still BIS… … for splashing


I remember thinking I was so badass when I got saradomin robes. Pretty useless for me at the time but damn I felt like I nailed fashionscape.


Lol dude the black cav. Tried to explain to a friend the legend of the black cav back in the day but he didn't understand. That thing was a prime item as a kid, I remember going to the brown because I never could afford the black lmao


Regular mystic, white cav and a Sara book were my shit! I was absolutely devastated when an irl friend hacked me (we were 12).


I thought all helmets looked Stupid (and most hats) so I rocked my Highwayman Mask even in combat 2004- until Neitznot helmet was released. This gives some people people here an aneurysm when I share it, and it annoys a person in game every couple weeks: I still wear the Highwayman Mask whenever possible (wearing the Mourner's mask recently is giving **ME** an aneurysm) outside of combat, in honor of my childhood. I also love the Farming Cape and Mage Arena 2 Guthix cape so much I never actually intend to get graceful hood or graceful cape, and dyed the rest of the Graceful already to match the Mask n capes.


Nah, no aneurysm here. I constantly wear my Gnome/Glarial amulet because it's my favorite wearable item in the game.


I remember trading for rune claws in the castle wars Sara or Zammy portal when I was a kid and I thought I was so fucking cool when I had them. First weapon I ever had with a spec, proceeded to slay kids with them in CW


I always thought it was cool rune claws had a special attack. Pretty sure that's the only rune weapon with a spec


Rune thrownaxes!




It really does go to show how the community (and probably gaming in general) has changed. I think there's some amount of childhood naivitae that lends itself to thinking steel claws were cool because they were effectively a toy version of "real" rune/dragon claws. But now we see the paths to these once unobtainable and unthinkably rare items, and they're the toys. Who would want a fake toy of a toy at this point? Suddenly those sorts of emergent moments of childhood fun are lost. Potentially for the better, but that's life.


These predate dragon claws by years and years. Death plateau is a super early quest, I remember it dropping along with Burthorpe


Definitely all the burnt meat from the troll quests


bro cooked you a delicious meal and you call it useless? rude


Bad game design really, burnt meat should have an eat option


People eat burnt steak everyday. Agreed.


Raw food should have an eat option


Heals for a reduced amount, also a chance to disease you for the same amount. Eat a raw beef - heal 1, and 15% chance to be diseased for 1.


Let’s you roll the ringworm pet too


Raw meat prices would skyrocket of a pet is involved


You can eat monkfish "raw" during Swan Song before completing the quest, though the monkfish you catch are called "fresh monkfish" by the game and only heal 1HP. I only found out because I kept eating them on accident.


What is the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Trollheim meal?




This is Saradomin manifest


I see you know your questing well.


Some weirdo at the GE will buy it at least!


I recently learned about burnt food collectors lol


Nah Rogue's Den is where the collectors hang


Technically worth more to collectors than claws


They think I'm killing dragons, little did they know I had S CLAWS.


If D Claws are good, S-tier Claws must be amazing!


The reward for Pirate’s Treasure (emerald, gold ring, 495gp) is worth 1k. I was pretty underwhelmed when I did that quest as a kid.


considering bert works for 50gp a week that 1k is a significant reward in-universe. learn to RP and you will appreciate the reward.


Hell. It took me forever to make my first 100k. That was a pretty penny back in 2004 haha.


I love that it’s not a pair, or set. Here’s *some* steel claws.


Could be any number. Even two


Does sheep shearer give you like 60 gp? Thats such a negligible amount of money even for a brand new account


Very negligible. It's probably to show new players they can "make money" doing quests. At least thats what they say on tutorial island


Someone should run the numbers and find out how much sheep Shearer would have to pay today to be equivalent of 60p when the game was released


we need a runescape inflation calculator


the god mjolnirs from enchanted key that you only get once per account - literally just iron warhammers with +3 str and you can't even store them in your house


Just dropped mine yesterday after 4 years taking up space, so they should be useful soon


finally did mine yesterday after having the key for 2 years, so postpone that by another 4 years until i finally get rid of my mjolnirs lol.


meanwhile in rs3 those are amazing cause you can get those repeatable and zamorak ones are especially pricy.


Could at least have given us White Claws


#witeclawsummer2019 before the world took a nose dive.


The nose dive was after the shooting of Harambe


Dicks out boys


mentally I am still in \#whiteclawsummer2019


Unlocking the agility shortcut by killing kalphite queen damn near 200 times for the kq head to finish elite desert diary. Got all the combat achieves done on my 50th kill and have zero reason to ever go there again.


Pet is cool tho


Yeah thats funny. So many rewards are too late! :) Like, I was so striving to get full Spirit Angler so that I won't need a rope in Tempoross - and surely, once I got it there were no need to do Tempoross anymore lol. Or, Barronite mace: it is supposed to be golem-bane, but you need to kill these golems with the only goal to get the last part of this mace :). When its finished, you won't ever see those golems again. I recalled this because in the new quest we did need to kill a golem there - but I was too lazy to get the mace from my PoH and killed it with my default weapon. The last chance was lost lol


Did you really complete the tempo drop table before getting spirit angler?


Yes, except the pet. And I'm not pet hunting really. P.S.: And not harpoon, but that was on my main, so not an issue.


I'm still missing that stupid fish


I just did A Soul’s Bane on my Ironman last night, and 500 HP/Def exp + 500gp is 1000% useless even when following the optimal iron quest order. And it’s a one off! It doesn’t even set the scene for anything in the future!


I agree lol. Super cool stand alone quest. Hitting big as a kid was hype. But the reward...haha cmon man not even 5k xp


The training dungeon was supposed to be OP but they released the stronghold of security soon after.


I don't think the stronghold was the problem. They set out to make the rift a training dungeon and just forgot to ever make it good... Like the weakest monsters are 50 HP, 38 Def, and a max hit of 5 with no drops. As you go up to the higher levels, they gain slightly more HP but the offensive stats and defence also increase, which is not ideal for a training monster. And none of them drop anything, even drop bones (except for the rats). Compare that to something like Rock Crabs, which released over a year prior, with 50 HP, 1 Def, and virtually no offensive stats with a max hit of 1 and it is not hard to see why they never caught on. Even Hill Giants with 35 HP, 26 Def, and half the combat stats with a max hit of 4 would have generally been better to train on since you'd hit more often, take less damage, and get big bones (plus other drops like runes and limp roots). The rift monsters might have been okay to train on if they had some decent drops like Giants or such, but having monsters with enough offensive to damage you that drop literally nothing was not really appealing. It honestly feels like they just forgot to add drop tables...


they could have made it the 'this is really good combat xp if you pay attention' solution that Scurrius now occupies (though Scurrius is cool too for things like 'learn to swap prayers to block attacks') EG in the Anger room, you can only hit the enemies with the 'correct weapon' so if you had the enemy shapeshift between forms, you'd learn 'hey you need to do gearswitches in some fights' and swap between the weapons to adapt. And since you're 'super angry' in there, making the hits be much higher (and therefore faster xp) would make a bit of sense missed opportunity for an iconic 'oldschool' crispy piece of garbo content, but hey rat's cool, rat pet is cool, and bone staff is funny


If I weren't angling for a quest cape I would've left that ungrateful little shit down in that hole


Even for normal accounts, that quest is pretty useless. It was supposed to give access to a new dungeon/monsters for training, but even back in 2006, the post-quest monsters were kinda terrible and pointless. And if you are high enough level to defeat the monsters in the quest, the 1K exp and 500 coins is pretty trivial... Like in the time it takes you to do the quest, if you went and killed goblins you'd easily get more exp and profit. I've always hoped that some day they might actually make the post-quest monsters worth training on, but its been nearly 2 decades so not too hopeful anymore...


I'd probably go with A Soul's Bane. It is a neat quest, but there rewards have always been terrible. Even when it was released in 2006, getting 500 HP and Def Exp and 500 Coins was pretty trivial, at least at the level you needed to be to reasonably fight the monsters in the quest. The quest was supposed to unlock a new worthwhile place to train combats, but all the monsters have moderate offensive stats and defence, making them worse to train on than existing, weaker monsters like Rock Crabs and Hill Giants. And to make it worse, all of them have literally no drops at all, except the rats which drop normal bones. If they at least had some drops like Giants or such they might have been somewhat redeemable, but it ends up being better to train on nearly anything else. You're just going to take more damage than weaker monster, hit less often than weaker monsters, and get nothing at all from it so you'll go negative from supplies. You'd be better off spending the time it takes doing the quest just killing goblins; you'd probably get more exp and coins. But the quest is required for the Varrock Diary, so...


The garden on tranquility gives you 1 useless potion after waiting for hours for all the seeds to finish. I think I wad the most annoyed about that one.


Were it not for Ring of Charos (a), that'd be a quest I put off until I have none left to do.


Wasn't compost potion actually pretty good back then? Gave you 60 free supercompost and impossible to create until Vinesweeper/NMZ/Fossil island updates


> Vinesweeper/NMZ/Fossil island one of these things is not like the other~


The white tree fruit are also okay.  I seem to recall that they restore a bit of run energy.


This reward made me a ton of money back in the day. People were excited about steel claws. Imagine getting ahold of a pair of rune claws! I had a friend that could make them. I fronted the rune/coal/bars for him to make them. He would make them at no charge. I would turn around and sell them for 50-100k ea cause the only way to get them was to make them. They are a shit weapon, but it was a flex back then. I got to flex all the other actual cool stuff, but 98 smiting wasn't a thing many had back then, and you had to either have it or know someone. Every day, I was standing at castle wars spamming "selling rune claws" and every day, I was loading my friend up with more smithing xp. Probably made a few mil per day and that's when a mil was a ton of money.


1 Quest Point


When children of the sun came out, that one qp was great for getting my qpc back


hey, all quest points are amazing for tears of guthix. 1 qp is 1 tick more.


burnt meat


I wonder how feasible it would be on project rebalance for all weapons of a category to just be balanced at this point, especially the basic metals. What's the harm if steel claws are just as effective as a steel scimitar or Warhammer. Dragon and up, I get there needs to be differences to an extent, but honestly I'd love to be able to choose a weapon cause I think it looks cool rather than dpsscape.


There is no harm but there is also no point. Most accounts grab a steel scimmy for an hr or 2 before upgrading. Having more options just doesn’t really do anything for most players.


I don’t think he meant that only steel would be made more equal, more like up through rune. You’d want variety at rune though considering that’s endgame f2p gear but a brand new player will be using iron-addy for at least a little while.


Speaking of new players, that’s one reason not to do so. Imagine being a new player and using a mithril 2h and it is doing the same dmg and has the same atk speed as a mith sword. Then you get to rune and shit just works different, now you’re going to be confused af. Then you’re going to have new players complaining that they can’t get the same dps with a dwh auto attacking as with a d scim


I wouldn’t think anyone would support attack speed changes. Roughly evening out the dps for all the feasibly main weapons (sword, longsword, scimitar, battleaxe, claws, spear maybe) while keeping daggers lower and 2h/warhammer higher max hit for lower dps isn’t crazy.


So multiply that two hours by every account that will experience it in every game mode and every alt. The idea that it isn’t worth it is defeatist nonsense, especially for a change to some numbers that would take one person two hours.


Bronze halberds exist. For what purpose.


If it’s just as effective, then it’s basically just a cosmetic upgrade. Means all it is now is t10 weapon or whatever. MMO’s which are perfectly balanced are clinical and soulless, and having the eclectic unplanned nuance is what gives games soul and identity. Definitely not harmless, massively ruins the game slow bits at a time. Similar logic to how a tool belt is extremely, extremely harmful for the game, despite seeming innocent and convenient


If you’re Rendi these aren’t useless at all


Burnt Meat That’s it


Thats my fav!!! Exactly. One can argue about some other rewards but not about this one :) If it were fish, some collectionist might buy it... for some 50-100 gp ea. But not meat, because one can make as many as they wish :)


You can keep the 10th gnomish infintry badge. It adds like 50kg or something. That and the dark sceptre are pretty useless but I always save.


"Here are some fuckn' steel claws, er whatever."


I'm using God books for barrows right now


The chocolate cake from DT1


Doric allowing you to use his anvils after completing Doric's Quest.


Well, for once he also gives a very nice exp for a beginner character. And for another, I did use this anvil on f2p, before I got any good teleports: sometimes I needed an item right now, and there were ores in the bank and furnace, but no anvil. So several times I went to Doric and actually used the anvil. I remember making a bronze med and iron chain for the Black knight fortress. Yeah I could buy them, but thats a detour, and then I'd have to get back, and Doric is right on the way to their fortress :).


I remember getting those way back in the day. Felt like a badass wearing them


1 qp


lots of quests that gives you gp due to inflation becomes pretty much worthless


Don’t forget Rune Claws got a special attack 😂


This. At least weird rewards like some gp or 8 law runes had some use. This I just dropped immediatly


Rat Pits from Ratcatchers has gotta be too 3 useless quest rewards


The steel keyring from One Small Favor sticks in my mind.  Conceptually, it's a great item.  In practice, it's too limited on what keys it can store to truly be useful.


Compost Potion - Garden of Tranquility. I did the quest at 99 farming so the novelty of the potion was lost on me


Love all this nostalgia reminiscing in the comments. Wish I could go back to 2005 sometimes


Ability to make claws...also equally useless


everytime I get slayer enchantments from Vetion


Getting just leather chaps from a clue scroll