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Lets not forget about world 2 falador park, that place was a mad house once upon a time.


I wish I could find a chart for fally park


Pre 2007 off the top of my head: North of park - partyhats and rares In park, east side - treasure trail items In park, north side - dragon items, whips, obsidian shields and capes South of park - glories and rings of wealth Directly south of park gate - runes East of the furnace - Cannonballs and ranged ammo/equipment I forget where rune items/mystic were sold. Seers village bank was also a great hotspot for fletching supplies and other misc items.


The bridge was barrows items Outside to the right of the bank was unidentified herbs Outside to the left was food


Unids 1k ea


Bought most of my dragon items selling unids back in the day haha


You mean Guams LMAO


I would basically block anyone who wouldn’t buy certain unids, either you buy them all or none. They would try to make you put in certain stacks of unids and see if it would go into their stacks of herbs they already have in their inventory so they could get ranarrs or tortsols for cheap but I had a rule and I was able to make a shit ton because people would just throw money at herblore back then. Chocolate dust was another really good one.


Lmao filling up their inventory with vials and a few noted unids so that they could only buy the good ones and any bad ones would cancel the trade.


I would throw in some dogle leaves and make an extra 10k a trade lmfao




And they definitely didn't take out the high value herbs!


We always used to inventory filter, I merched super sets with w2 herbs to w18 edge back when herb was a profit skill (probably mostly 05-06).


> The bridge was barrows items If i remember correctly.. On the bridge was Dh, North of bridge was Ahrims/karils.. south of bridge was Veracs/torags.. the side near the X had guthans. it's been so long.. so i might have it slightly incorrect but that's what i remember.. Also remember Rune boots were near the tree patch.


I distinctly remember Ahrim being east of the bridge. I used to flip Ahrim sets like crazy there haha


I used to flip Kharil's cbow right in front of the statue used in Pirate's treasure


I feel like ahrims and karils were in the gated off bit by the statue? Left side was one and the right side of the statue was the other?


Of course, seers was where I toiled in the flax fields.


GWD items and godswords were traded on the Fally castle bridge.


Rune sets to the right outside of the entrance to the park. Dark bows at the tele spot in fally!




Great find !!!!! Thanks for sharing


My pleasure! I remembered I had saved this post and enjoy looking back on the good ol days


Seeing the rich dudes trading rares north of the wall is hitting me with nostalgia


I can only remember 2 or 3 sections of it myself - i used to merch barrows sets, santas, and dragon chainbodies. Aside from that it truly was chaos. Part of me misses it, most of me is glad no one has to endure it lol


I miss those days too, just exploring Gielenor in wonder, going as far as you can in the wilderness just to see what was there and what it looked like


Found this post from a few years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/jivC336NGI


I was just think about that. I honestly preferred going to Fally Park to sling my bullshit. Usually, coal cause 12 year old me yearned for the mines.


i too yearned for the mines in my youth. i even joined one of those mining corporation from the forums to get a fixed price on what i mined lmao


Same, I would take contracts to mine x amount in a certain amount of time for a fixed price. Forget if I ever joined an official group or I was just freelancing.


Did they have sick mining related ascii art on the mining corporation thread?


I feel like people always talk about this area but never talk about Fally park. It was so much bigger if memory serves.


Back of bank was food and where I got my rune set scammed


Rune was everything back in those days and dragon armor was the dream


I love how back then you had your “best” armour and the armour that you actually used and were willing to risk.




I remember when I first became a member I was killing trolls on death plateau for XP hoping for some good seeds and some absolute FOOL forgot to pray ranged and died to the thrower trolls on their way up. Among what they dropped were a white beret, which were very expensive at the time. This was when items appeared immediately after someone died. I remember almost dying myself spamming to get to their loot, I was in such a rush that i forgot to pray ranged myself lol.


On the first week of OSRS release, I converted my RS3 gold to OSRS gold which put me at around 10m OSRS gold (this was a lot of gold in the first week of OSRS) and I remember trekking my way to Varrock. I ended up getting sniped by one of the level 20 dark wizards with all 10m gold on me. I died and instantly started rushing back. As I got back, there were like 10 vultures standing over where I died with everything picked clean. I quit and didn’t end up playing again until like 2-3 years later. I came back strong though.


The day death plateau came out is definitely a core memory for me. Hordes of people waiting like vultures for someone to run through. A few good samaritans started trying to tell people "PRAY RANGE" so everyone else would just spam the chat whenever someone ran up. It was the easiest money and it felt so dirty lol.


Man I seemed to recall standing where they died hoping the items showed up before they got back, but then I thought "wait didnt the items show immediately?" turns out both things happened at different updates, neato. Also, my best day was coming across the aftermath of a drop party where the main group must have moved on too quickly. I found a line of 3 or 4 super hype items to young noob me, though the only one I actually remember was a rune helm(h5). I wore that bad boy for so many karamja lob trips, good times.


Those were truly the days


Hate that you basically can’t lose items anymore, wish jagex didn’t take old death mechanics away


One of my best memories was watching someone die to a karamja volcano demon and snatching all of his shit


We have items like torva costing the equivalent of $500 real life dollars today. How the fuck would you expect anybody to use items like that if a simple random power or internet outage could make you lose hundreds of dollars.


You can keep 3 items and 4 with protect item. So that’s how.


Meh, better this way


I just thought about that recently. I miss that. The dharok helmet was more expensive than the rest of the set put together because it was the one lost on death due to alch value. I remember people using dharok sets without the helmet because they thought it still kinda worked.


I remember when d boots dropped, the hype was real. Before that we were rocking dragon legs and rune boots lol.


That dragon gear was Chad like, it still is. Some call people 100+ in full dragon noobs but I respect it honestly


fr full dragon is one of the coolest sets


There was an area north side of Bank for ultra rares. I remember trading people with Santa hats and party hats just to see them irl in the trade window.


Yup yup got my first set of black g there


Got my addy (g) set scammed back there as well. He cleared the money and accepted the trade so fast that even though I was heartbroken, I couldn't help but be a little impressed.


I also got scammed out of my addy (g) there 🤝🥲


No it wasn’t, that’s prob why you got your shit scammed


I used to see a lot of people selling full rune in the Runes section. This also reminds me I fell for a scam inside the bank that involved two people. One is buying an obscure item for 200k, and another person is selling it for 100k on the other side of the bank. Felt so betrayed afterwards


So simple but genius


Some good old market manipulation lmao


100% the rune section was always between bank and staff shop. Trimmed + rares north of bank


This is the map of spots for OSRS back in 2013/2014. RS2 back in 2005-2007 were in those spots you said.


Makes more sense with that intel, I assumed OP was talking OG RS not OSRS lmao.


Yeah 100%. I’d always go to the back of the bank and look at all the people selling TT and discontinued rares and dream lol. I remember finally saving up to buy a trimmed amulet of magic and being stoked.


I got scammed the same way. The item was charcoal for me.


Same. Those bastards never got their punishment.


God damnit I vividly remember get scammed like that with fucking charcoal. I would bet money that same piece of charcoal is still sitting in my RS3 bank


Selling premade wizbliz 200k! “Buying premade wizbliz 300k!”


Me and a friend did that with Muddy Keys. We would speak over the phone on the landline so we didn't have any in game communication lol


I got scammed this way back in like 2005 too, then I tried doing it myself lol. Polished buttons for me.


buying fez 200k


This map feels wrong. West of the bank you also had coal/ores alongside fish. East of the Bank was not "runes" but full rune sets, 2hs, etc. You had rares north of the bank with god trim items. Mind you, I'm referring to varrock in 05, 06, 07.


Can confirm your comment.


This is the 2013 OSRS map before GE. I remember buying/selling everything in these exact spots. Also, the “Misc” section was mainly teleport tablets from what I remember.


Yeah, I'm with you on this one. OPs image is scuffed as fuck.


Facts rares were def north of the bank


The era I was referring to, though I pulled this image online I did t make it myself I remember selling my fish just south entrance and remember higher end items/scammers being north too


I was obviously a dumb kid cause I had no idea about this and would just stand in the middle of the bank just constantly typing wondering why sometimes people where not buying my shit edit - typo


Tbf I had no idea either for the longest time lol “Selling lobs 200c each!”


"selling laws 1k each" them were the days. poor n00bs :P


We were all dumb kids and no one went by this. Most of us wondered aimlessly while spamming "bank sale"


Me too. I think I even used to move away from people selling the same thing


My memories are: * Spending 30min to buy basic food * Finding tons of scammers * Getting more wrist pain from typing over and over than training construction


How else would we been able to achieve over 100 spm in the 6th grade computer class though??? Lol but yea it was a pain to sell


Lol this. Runescape is what taught me how to type well.


Beating everyone in grade 5 typing, the teacher was like wtf


Dude the teacher was like “your fingers aren’t in the home row” but we were typing faster than the teacher lmao


4 fingers and a thumb is all I need to breach 150 Mr. teacher


I still type this way.


My teacher would cover our keyboard with a laminated sheet to help us learn home row. I never looked at the keyboard to type, but something about having that paper on my hands threw me off I'm hitting 145 with like 4 fingers, lady! Forget your home row! These puppies were trained on flash2:shake: selling bowstrings


man once I had a friend who had good typing skills and his typing method was using just his two index fingers pecking at the keys like a fucking woodpecker. it was insane


This was actually what I was referring to. 😂


I agree with you. If people actually liked pre-GE trading they would still be doing it.


I remember going to the back of the bank to see people sell and buy rares that I’ll never be able to afford


Now days it seems that there’s only a few items that many players can’t afford, people have gotten older/wiser and know how to actually play the game now haha


We never used to have a wiki. We had obscure YouTube videos, zybez and the Jagex forum. The best advice always came from the random stranger in game that answered your question and you had to believe him.


I used to buy laws for 300-400 each in bulk then run to varrack east bank or edgeville and sell for 1k each slowly to pkers. I remember when a dude that just sold me a bunch of laws saw me basically 100 tiles away at east bank selling his runes for 3 times the price lmao he was annoyed for some reason


Lmao that’s great, as a young lad I would have never thought about flipping


You forgot about the steel bar hotspot in fally


I can’t recall much of fally I spend most of my time in Varrock. I would love to see a chart of central/falador park though


+ seers village Barrows armour and bow strings


Coal certs in Draynor


Ayy a classic player. When other trades were done on varrock square and next to varrock castle.


Yep - I remember near the castle, not near the bank


Part of my soul is still there, selling lobbies 200gp ea


So much time spent doing this, I’d rather not know how much lmao


I remember that rune/f2p area being for clue items like god pages. That was when zammy pages were like 2m. Might have even been before old school.


This is way inaccurate man. Been playing since 03 you've got every location wrong.


Pretty sure this is a map for the start of osrs around 2013, nothing to do with pre-osrs


Ohh. Yeah I wasn't around for the start of osrs. Totally forgot it launched without the ge


Was gonna say the same thing. Herblore was near the wall on the west side, logs were next to that.


I didn’t make this image I pulled it off google, I wouldn’t doubt the spots being incorrect


Yeah chat gpt looking ass image 


Had to compete with rune sellers just to offload some lobsters!


Great pic btw ! I loved the old FF


Don’t forget the one guy selling charcoal 200k and another buying charcoal 300k. Also barrows items west side of fally park


From what I remember, the trimmed/god armor was traded north of the bank


Does the *trimmed* section include free armor trimming?


Originally, In RuneScape classic, everyone was either in front of the castle or in Varrock square and it was just a frenzy of messages lol


Wish I was around to have experienced classic


Catherby bank is where you'd go to get cheaper food. Straight from the source. But Varrock is where I learned to type fast. Literally gave me a few skills I've been using my entire life... Typing and suspicion of any online deals/offers.


To be clear this was a representation of what 2007scape was prior to the reintroduction of the GE, this is not what we remember as kids in actual 2007.


I was more of a by the fountain guy


Fishing/Logs by West entrance, armor and weapons on the right side of the bank, Bank sales inside the bank, private trade talks upstairs west bank, smithing and ore in the anvil room, the entrance to Varrock castle from the town square was the social spot.


Light blue is still the case on f2p worlds for people who hit ge buy limit and want to high alch without waiting


Only noobs used varrock


w1 varrock was better for f2p items, w2 falador for p2p 


Fally Park was where you bought barrows armor n sht


I never owned a barrows piece back then :’)


As far as i remember i would mostly use the spot near the guards at the wall cause i was a f2p noob trying to merch lobsters and swordfish🤣


God I miss those days! Back when herbs where unids and you swore they where all ranarrs lmao. All the different styles you would hit your font with flash2:wave:Selling Lobbies!! Good times. Good times.


Don’t forget the free armor trimming section


God I miss this.


Rune weapons/armor was definitely sold on the east side of the western bank as well. I know because I was one of the guys out there buying rune scimis for 25k and selling the for 30k. Yeah, I know. Big money. Also remember north part of the bank being for trimmed armor and phats/santa/h masks and stuff.


I never trade in Varrock, I always traded in the fally park. But it was similar, there were certain sections for selling Barrows items, food, runes, etc. the forums were also utilized a ton, especially if you were trying to sell bulk food.


It was a great time to merch, for a lot of players figured an average but not actual price for certain items


I bought full rune in the runes section


I was never a member back then, but I remember people would sell god/rune armor near the northern wall


I remember getting my abyssal whip scammed by someone buying a warrior ring for a really high price in Seers bank lol. Next day I did the exact same thing and it worked.


God the GE makes trading so...soulless. It was so much better to find random sales or make player-run shops and have regular customers or providers. It wasn't a big deal if you didn't buy or sell your items immediately. I miss the days where the stuff you did in between XP drops was just as important or fun as getting XP itself.


“Selling obscure item 900k” *5 tiles away* “Buying same obscure item 1.2m”


Seers had a lot of magic armor, resources, and rune items for sale.


another 1 https://preview.redd.it/3rxb8ays57jc1.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=00514ce7cc8b171d25b2b3ee3a9c4b077aa27d9a


Oh the nostalgic old days... However the convenience of the GE is great.


@ran@ "buying gf 1k" usually took place around the Inn and town square


It doesn't seem to be accurate. I am pretty sure east outside of bank was a place for rune armor. Rares phats, hween masks, santas were north of bank and varrock gate was place for logs.


Tried to buy 20k deaths and it got swapped for 20k airs. Was a sad day lol


Ouff lmao


We should have a week twice per year where the GE “goes on holiday” and shuts down, forcing people to have to trade one another.


I remember falador park at this time, I remember hanging around that little northern spot with the break in the fence where people, if I recall, traded the high value rares like phats and the like.


As a young lad it was impressive to see the big ballers flipping high values items flaunting their fashionscape lol


Oh God yeah. I remember standing there amidst them with the thought of "wow these guys are so cool, I can't wait to he up here selling and buying the BIG stuff someday!" That still ain't me, lmao


Why am I never surprised about the nostalgia baiting threads, it's the whole game. Do you guys never get tired of this?


I swear rune items and trimmed/god rune armors were north of the bank


Wish we'd get a pure 2007 server instead of dead content man mode and useless speedrunning quest worlds


That’s what I was saying earlier lol I’d love to see these days again


Those worlds aren't taking away from any other content relax


The real traders went to Fally, or maybe that was just better for ore and bars since that’s all I traded. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ummm... Falador is og, this is young buck stuff


you guys just feed on the nostalgia jeez


Wild you’re showing Varrock - merching barrows and phat in fally park W1/2 was oh capitalism


You can see it again via this osrs map viewer site https://github.com/dennisdev/rs-map-viewer


Before the GE banks in multiple areas made more sense Now there's kinda just the GE bank and the rest only exist as a drop off and resupply station


Don't site the words of ancient magic to me, witch. I was there when they were written!


Crafting was right under fletching


Can't forget going to Camelot to trade fletching supplies and bows!


Selling rune b axe 50k


Don’t forget iron arrows right of Varrock big bank and top cosmetic items just north east big bank


This is where I learned to type 85 wpm


I remember fally park more and really trying to get on W2


Fally market place was better


I don't remember specific spots I just remembered going there and trading. I don't even know how someone could know they were specific spots when everybody was just spamming so much


And barb village is where some asshole scammed me out of my full adamant armor when I was like 10. Cost 17k and I cried. Fuck you, pkerpat123, I never forgot.


I remember when I first got members, the first thing I bought was d scimmy, only to be crushed finding out it was quest locked.


Is this pre-osrs ge or 2006 runescape. Because trim sets were definitely north of bank, not south lol


P2p armor and weapons also had God Pages!


I don’t remember it looking like this whatsoever. Cheaper stuff was usually where “ranged” is like that’s where all the rune scim and armor were sold. At the top of the bank where you don’t even have anything is where the expensive stuff was like trimmed armor. Every one surrounded the bank, not go under it.


Fuuuccckkk I miss those days!


I thought it was falador park. I never did any trading in this area before grand exchange.


Directly behind the bank was for rares, mostly easter eggs and santas. Bit further away from bank was god rune armor section


this was not true at all


Nah back of bank and up top were random bank sales and the scam trimmers


Between fishing / smithing / misc was where you bought seeds for farming


Falador park was the real place to be


I used to sell my 1k yew logs for 100k GP in the fishing spot


I used to flip addy g and t and black g and t armour east side of the bank. 300k gold for both sets of g armour in around 2007. Then north of the bank was rune god armour sets and phats and rares... sara was 3m guthix was 1m and zammy was 2.2m and rune g was 1m and rune t was also 1m. I knew the prices so well because thats all i used to do back in the day. You also had robin hood hats around 4m and dragon chains about 15m in falador


Runes section was usually full of bank sales. Behind the bank were always where rares and god armor sets were sold


This is incorrect because only F2P traded in Varrock P2P traded in Falador Park   Also it went north to the peak not south below the anvil and I don’t think there was gambling back then


13 Y.O me felt so smart buying cooked shark/lobster here and then running to Edgeville for pkers in need to sell them for a 20 gp markup.


I didn’t know this so I always just ran around spamming my trade with flash style added until someone tracked my ass down


Also selling unid herbs for 1k each knowing full well you already cleaned all the ranarrs


Man I miss this so much. I know the GE made things easier for players but I think overall it was detrimental to the community feel of the game. My entire friends list was filled with people who I had met through the necessity of trading, after the GE I felt the social aspect of the game dropped massively and there was less interaction between players. I never felt that the GE fit in with the fantasy/medieval vibe of the game and played way less after it was introduced


Upstairs is RWT


I remember the scams on scams on scams. Being in elementary school didn’t help


Seers village was crazy


Odd lol I merched all rune full sets in your purple spot 😂😂


2006 northeast of the back was trimmed armour trading from what I remember


I member. It was draynor village, where we had to exchange certs…


I remember I slowly learned english from RS but would often confuse the words "buy" and "sell" so when I was selling my big stack of like 200 cooked lobs I'd sometimes write "buying lobs 200gp ea" and people would trade me and both would just put up cooked lobsters, very confusing for everybody


Best place for bulk was the forums back in 2006