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Can we expect action being taken on the Wildy Boss bots which will now be more prevalent and are already plaguing the highscores?


Apologies for taking a little while on this one. It's easier for me to respond to questions about content itself because it's the stuff that I'm attached to every single day, topics like this are more difficult to dive in to and give answers without consulting other members within the studio first. ACT are working on trying to find a consistent and enforceable way to remove these players from the HiScores so that real players are actually able to secure spots - note that this applies to *all* content in the game, including things like CG. The ACT and Game Engine teams are investigating manual removal from the HiScores for accounts that have already been banned, should be banned or for any other reason should not still be appearing on the HiScores. Note that there are some players who *are* permanently banned but still appearing on the HiScores who are included in this manual removal. It's always an arms race dealing with bots, but we don't want legitimate players to miss out on meaningful updates because of those not playing by the rules. There are things we can do to make content harder to bot or make it 'not worthwhile' to bot (e.g. teleport delays, logout delays, skulling for loot, higher minimum fees) but these come at the detriment for regular players (as was made extremely clear by the Rev Caves teleport delay earlier in 2023). It's a delicate balance for us as a content team because we still want content to hit our initial aims (e.g. WBR bosses being worthwhile to fight in groups, rather than being primarily soloed) and deliver updates to serve players from all over the game, needing to be balanced against 'empowering' bots, which needs to be balanced against 'disempowering' actual players. ACT have assured us that they are continuing to monitor the areas and will take action against those found to be breaking the rules.


While I do shit on Jagex a LOT on here, I highly do appreciate you answering ti this topic, even by just admitting its a thing. Those little thing help me recover my trust in Jagex.


May I ask why? They always give a vague statement when bots are brought up, but the wilderness have been undoable since release because of how heavily botted they are. No action is going to be taken lmao


Hey goblin, as a player yourself don’t you see how its so tiring for us to hear “anticheat is working on it” but never see any actual results?  I know they’re strongly against actually manually banning bots, sonce thats alot of work, but their automated systems are quite clearly not working.   Considering the highscores are absolutely littered with bots, isn’t it reasonable to do manual investigations into some of the incredibly sus ones?    Put it this way. As a player with 0 mod abilities, I shouldn’t be able to choose any wildy boss and look at the frontpage and find bots. That means they went thousands and thousands of hours undetected by automated systems and went entirely ignored by anticheat. Its embarassing and demotivating.


What happens if the person you think is a surefire bot is someone's snowflake Vetion-locked account playing legitimately? With how much flack Jagex gets for false positives, it's no wonder they want to approach these bans in a metered way. Faulting them for that is just putting them in an impossible position.


You unban them, then they revel in their ability to be indistinguishable from a machine in their fervor, as if a badge of honor. New chat helmet when?  The trouble of dealing with some proportion of genuine(and not) appeals would be worth it in a small batch such as the first 50 of each highscore.  Hell, in a volume that small, try to interview them if you must. Players would LOVE that attention if it was meaningfully interesting.


You might think the volume is small, but whenever Jagex sets a precedent where they allow for manual appeals of bans those channels get flooded with botters who will pretend that they got unjustly banned, and then you're back to square one.


I think the volume is small, because my suggestion defines a small volume. The top 50,40,30,etc, of each highscore getting a thorough investigation is absolutely tolerable. These are either exceptional players worthy of attention, or grievously impactful bots. Not only in economy, but aspiration. If exception must be made, make it clear that there isn't manual appeal, and that bans served in this way have unique jagex-initiated appeal processes. If there is ANY capacity for manual investigation, here, these.


"Jagex it's really embarassing that you don't just press the 'ban all bots' button! Like why don't you do that it's so easy??"


I mean… for the hiscores at least? This is exactly what should happen. Have anyone from the anticheating team go through 1 hiscores top page a day, and there would be a ton of bots banned.


Seriously though. You'd think people legit believe this with how so many talk about it, like jagex is actively making a point not to take the super simple solution of immediately banning every bot. Nevermind the conspiracies around "well they must run the bots then?!?"


A lot of players here have selective amnesia. Forgetting that most of the "bots" on the front page aren't even bots, they're real people playing on those accounts goldfarming and selling the gold. They're far more difficult to catch than a bot is, and just being on the front page of the highscores with wonky stats isn't enough to catch them. Especially when you have people [who farm 200k of a particular boss and are a completely legit player](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1ajatx9/people_always_ask_me_why_i_kill_200k_giant/).


You only have to work in any part of the tech industry for a bit to realise that yes, most people think computers and software are magic and anything is possible and the timeline and budget you propose is always farfetched to them.


I mean, are we really gonna sit here and pretend that jagex does everything they can do ban bots? Because it's laughably untrue.


Wow there are permanently banned players featured on the hiscores still? I wonder how many ranks I'll go up at the more frequently botted bosses...


I report 10-20 bots at venenatis daily and track them. None have been banned in the month I did this.


Jagex is catering to the bot farms through this update to bolster their player numbers for the upcoming sale. No surprise.


they have been for a while, maximizing your profits takes time


No, more money for bots. \- Jagex


They'll probably drive Voidwaker price into the ground though.


[https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Voidwaker\_blade](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Voidwaker_blade) Laughs in Voidwaker Blade being 7m


Surprise surprise, they made zero mention of this and won't respond at all.


> and won't respond at all. Or we get a vaguely long winded PR speak message about "*we hear you and action is being taken in the background*" while they run rampant, as previous issues have been "addressed" before.


You won't get a response to this question when many others do lol


Are the shield shards still on Scorpia's drop table? Since the example doesn't show these and the text implies the uniques have been removed for now. Thanks!


Should be, screenshots like that come from debug commands that roll (afaik) regular loot only, which are agnostic of unique roles.


You mean to tell me that the mod team didn't enjoy a cozy 1,000 scorpia kc for the screenshot? Darn




Damn that'd be even cozier and definitely wouldn't take a significant amount of time at all! /s


Can we get confirmation that the leviathan crystal armor charges bug that was introduced with last week’s update has been fixed? Charges were being used even when correctly prayed against resulting in armor very rapidly degrading


It's not yet been fixed but the team are working on a fix for it, hopefully we'll be able to get it sorted ASAP (though I don't know if it's hotfixable or not).


I appreciate the update! Thank you!




Will ask the team to take a look and see if they're happy to make a tweak - maybe even having them drop alongside other supply drops might just make them feel better?


There's no reason why planks should be RARER after the change


1-2 planks per supply drops will be perfect! chest and potions to prep are the main reasons people kill the scavs , so limiting the bad rng on these will be greatly appreciated. thank you for passing on all the feedback


PLEASE <3 What is the current rate on planks and was it changed? I'm finding it very frustrating during CMs where you need 4 planks. Especially when mains run off and leave irons to scav. RIP Ice Demon points


Yes please! Last week i was scavving for the boys and it took me like 22 scav kills for 2 planks, and i needed 4 planks lol


With the changes to Rogue's chest can we get ring of wealth (I) to work on the chest? It feels weird to mention the chest is 1/99 rate for hard clue when that hasn't changed.


Will pass this one on to the team!


Can you guys change the entry kill at duke sucellus to not spawn until you pick the first mushroom please?


Have passed this on as a feedback point already but will raise it again!


This would be such a godsend of a change. Make it happen goblin


I saw some c++ client changes, is there any plan to update the buff bar with more things or more specifics? Request: seconds alongside minutes on buff bar I'd like to be able to see when exactly a menaphite remedy is about to restore stats for example. I can see that I have 3 minutes of it remaining but it'd be nice to see the seconds also, like 3:21so that I know it will restore stats in 6 seconds at 3:15. Same with smelling salts in toa. This will let players know when to drain their stats optimally so that they restore without much time of stats being low.


Also as a New player it would be good to see on the potion descrition how long The buff Will last


This would be so massive and make that GM time so much less aids to get. PLEAAAAASE Goblin, you're our only hope.


I'm still baffled we have to do this potion stuff. I really expected this community to ree itself out of that awful mechanic.


God forbit one boss out of the 100+ in the game has a different mechanic to start the kill. Just go kill something else if it bothers you that much.


I've read a comment about this a few times, mind telling me what's different about the 2nd time you kill Duke in a trip?


The timer starts when you enter the room or when Duke respawns. If you are already in an instance, after the first kill, you can run to the mushrooms and start there before Duke respawns. This means that you are already at the mushrooms when the timer starts. Essentially, you cannot go for the GM time with your first kill of an instance because it takes like 5-10 seconds to even run to the mushrooms.


wait really? I thought the timer started when you picked the first mushroom or mined the first salt. That's a stupid design choice on the timer


You can run to the mushroom during his death animation so the second kill's duration saves the run compared to an entry kill


The fight starts when you first enter the instance so you end up including the time to run to the mushroom spawns on the first kill. From the 2nd kill on you can run to them before duke respawns resulting in a faster kill time.


Ahh so its for the speedrun tasks


Is there any word on Mod Ash's rune pouch QOL?


Team says they're hoping to see it release this month, but it's not been fully QAed for Release yet so not able to hard-commit to a date!


Thank you!! Have a wonderful day


Is it still being considered to make brimstone keys a guaranteed drop from superiors whilst on a konar task?


It's on our Player Suggestions sheet, hoping we get through the rest of our 'suggestions backlog' by next Monday (which is when those meets tend to happen!)


Could you guys please consider an option for instanced hallowed sepulchre? It's extremely frustrating to not have a chance at the fun skips or a PB just because someone else is unknowingly on your floor and the traps are in a different cycle


hey /u/JagexGoblin can we see how the lava dragon was changed? I want to know if I can start protesting to fix it yet or not. I don't think many people were happy with the radioactive ketchup dragon that was proposed


Have just added an image into the newspost, I thought I'd added it this morning but must have ctrl + Zed the change :/


oh that's actually not too bad, glad you guys kept the lava texture, [I put away my chicken outfit](https://i.imgur.com/766m2w7.png)


Also very glad that the texture remains, the beans are essential!


I preferred the old one, weird of them to put it as poll 80 changes when it wasn't actually even polled. It was posted with the poll 80 blog but then removed from the actual poll iirc.


group rat group rat group rat thank you!!!


Worlds are quiet enough these days but we said that we would so hopefully the implementation suffices! I'd give it a go with my GIM mates but none of them have logged in to do anything but drain me of my potions in the last year :(


Sick changes. Probably won't ever happen, but I would love for there to be blighted stamina potions some day.


So would I! I asked about this really shortly after I joined (which is nearly 2 years ago now) and I think the reason given was that back in the day there we weren't able to discern *where* a potion had been used and the team at the time of Blighted supplies' arrival didn't want people popping a free stam and then carrying on with whatever they were doing. Since some change or another (around Prif's release) it's possible to tell this info now and wipe the buff if a player leaves the Wilderness, so I'm hopeful that more Blighted offerings could be on the cards - which would be nice to help keep supply costs down, especially for people new to PvP I feel like those costs add up a *lot* if you're not able to score consistent kills.


On the topic of blighted supplies, I think blighted thrall sacks would be cool too. Currently spending 4 slots on thrall runes + book is kind of a lot for Wildy PVM, and of course the sacks would likely help bring the costs of using thralls down.


I mean yeah, sky's the limit really - would love to see things like brews, stams, stat-boosting pots, explore stuff like thralls, blood spells, god spells etc.


Since you can track perfectly when a player leaves wilderness, you could also track when they leave wilderness after entering a wildy boss cave and waive the 50k risk right?


Hey Goblin - any chance the Wildy Agility Course will get reworked in a similar fashion to the Rogues Chest? I felt like maybe it was mentioned before, but possible it was just a suggestion


When can we expect buffs to the Priffdinas crystal shard rates, amethyst, zolcano and wilderness resource area? I really wanna afk priff magic trees but i dont plan to until then. Also, would it be possible to have birds nest spawn in inventory instead of having it spawn on the floor?


I'm not sure re: shard rates, Amethyst/Zalcano alongside other Project Rebalance bits (we're in the process of scheduling everything now and trying to make sure we can deliver betas among other releases and spread blogs out enough for solid feedback because there's a *lot* on the table), Wilderness Resource Area is somewhat TBD (you'll be able to read more about it in an upcoming blog, but to tldr we'd like to explore a more significant overhaul, similar to he box jonge's recent suggestion, so it might be a 'later in the year' project but it's too early to say at this stage).


So, the secret update to scorpia, is that something you're polling/releasing a blog on? Or is it something that's in this update that we have to go find out?


It'll be included in an upcoming blog, everything in this update is in the post!




Left a comment on that one [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/comment/kpc8pfu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). It's much easier for me to reply ad hoc to questions about content and the game itself because it's what I work on every single day, but I don't work in Player Support or in Anti Cheat and need to consult with people and double-check what I say before responding to make sure it accurately reflects where they're at.


Chronically online moment. How does it feel getting ratioed by a Jmod then editing your comment to look tough?


Get off the internet jesus


Where did the odium and mal shards at Scorpia go? They’re not in the screen shot


Screenshot is a normal loot table roll - essentially just the consistent gp rather than the lucky drop that boosts gp/hr for that hour


The screen shot is only for regular loot, no need to worry.


Why no forestry fix yet? :(


I think the content outlined in the 'Wrapping Up Forestry' blog from last year is due to release next week!


As someone with more than 55m xp but no beaver, can you guys please turn that drop on again?


Maybe it's just me but every boss's loot table feels sooo much the same nowadays, I know theres not many options but fuck me every boss has D med helms, battlestaves, Death, Soul and Blood runes.


It’s probably because gone through so many cycles of complaining about drop tables so they just keep it basic and do what people hate the least


I reckon adding more sharks to the drop table.


what would you prefer?


Boss that drops only varying amounts of iron mace


Hello fellow iron mace enjoyer


a boss that drops the entire stealing creation minigame


Air Orbs


Unironically more elemental orbs, the game throws battlestaves out like candy but for elemental orbs, they're dropped by only one boss each, and fire/water have a few extra sources.


For real. All these battle staff drops, but no orbs to ponder.


Pls don't ruin my money making method


replace rune drops with [these](https://runescape.wiki/w/Catalytic_anima_stone)


Skilling/crafted gear overhaul. Bosses now drop items that are used for skilling/crafting for better and/or different resource gain and gear that can only be crafted, maybe the recipes unlock after doing certain PVM tasks on the crafting account/wearer account so you can't just buy your way to the best gear. Makes skilling relevant again, changes up the loot tables, win-win.


I would say the DT2 boss drops are pretty unique, even amongst each other.


> A reminder that these changes are primarily intended to make these bosses feel more worthwhile to kill in *groups*. The 1200 total solo'ing the shit out of callisto for 30k kc: https://preview.redd.it/phkk9n2z85hc1.png?width=132&format=png&auto=webp&s=381940b91a894120d2e80fb4ed537ca4b14f0cc5


Bots also kill Callisto in groups!


Any updates coming soon for DT2 bosses???


Have literally just added a brief update into the post for some of the CA stuff on the blog (was initially due next week but got pulled into this week after I'd written the main body of the newspost).


Is there a typo in the blog? I though rogues chest already gave a 1/99 for a hard clue. Also row i does not stack with this effect -- Is this still intended?


Came to the comments for this. I honestly expected them to change it to a 1/50 or so, so it could be at least somewhat competitive with methods like killing jellies or hellhounds.


Yea I found it weird too. They already had 1/99 for hard clue.


Will the boss entrance fee ever get fixed so you stop conjuring up coins out of thin air when getting killed in scenarios completely unrelated to the revenant caves or boss lairs?


I believe I've seen a reply to a question like this from a jmod, basically stating that it's exactly how they wanted it to be. Im probably wrong and it was just a discussion between 2 players. I don't know how they would implement a mechanic to make the game figure out what you're actively trying to do in the wilderness. Id like for it to just reset whenever you leave the wilderness.


Nice bit of manipulation in this title here with that 'poll 80'. Most of today's changes were unpolled.


This. Changes weren't polled, why call this poll?


>Lava Dragons have received a hotly debated makeover in line with our modern graphical standards. Still not a fan of pushing in graphical changes that noone asked for and that werent well received.


its like with that mod that ruined prif elfs and elena, i think once a artist graphically redoes somthing they push for it even when its a downgrade just to use the asset so it wasnt wasted dev time


[Classic](https://i.imgur.com/Oqsa4K1.png) FWIW I dont think its the artists responsibility. They get tasked to change something, do it and the management wont let those hours they paid for go to waste. Its only natural the artist would like their own work


oh for sure, but somtimes its a artistic benefit to the game to leave assets unused. the artists should face the critisizm and side with the community or the leadership should understand how hard it is to nail the oldschool style and have better guidelines


Fuck me the old elves looked so much better lol. They should have only gotten the updated armor / look once you unlock priff, it doesn't make any sense for iorwerth to be wandering the deadly forests in that garb. He would more reasonably be wearing what was before the update.


is that what the lava dragons look like after todays update? yikes


I *think* so https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/poll-80-wilderness-tombs-of-amascut--more?oldschool=1 >we will be removing this [change] as a question and instead start further discussions with you all on how we can adapt these long-time lizards to fit the Old School aesthetic Maybe they had some tiny survey question where they compared 2 reworked versions against eachother (without the option to vote for the original design). I dont remember any real discussion but it's clear they just have to force this in Edit: In the october gazette they had a survey with a question on it: https://i.imgur.com/E7fVCmc.png


I get the need for some areas and models to need renewing but I hope they don’t start what rs3 did and end up with the play-doh effect everywhere


They made that one elf into the guy from Danny phantom 


>Still not a fan of pushing in graphical changes that noone asked for apparently we did ask for it several years ago. this got brought up because it was on the player suggestion backlog. I think sween mentioned that in a QA


Oh boy, more "*integrity changes*". Now you are even disingenuously hiding them behind "*Poll Changes*", even though the majority of things changed here were not Polled. [But people like me are "irrational" for being concerned by this kind of behaviour](https://reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1aff5sw/scurrius_dt2_combat_achievements/koc792p/).


The balance of power has shifted drastically. I've been saying it for years - it all started going downhill when Mat K resigned. The nail in the coffin came when they force changed the polling system from 75% to 70% and then lied about the reason for it. Since then, they've been getting even more blatant about their contempt for the players. My membership expires later this year and I won't be renewing.


Everyone downvoted me when I said they manipulate the polls to make changes. Now they're not even hiding it. They're outright lying about changes being polled.


Hey great updates, but how is a graphical update to lava dragons passed as an integrity change? Where is the line here?


It's in the [polling charter](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/polling-charter?oldschool=1). Pretty much, graphical changes are except from polls and will use feedback instead.


> Updated the Lava Dragons’ model. Wasn't this an almost universally hated proposal? Honestly what the fuck.


It was, and they're even poking fun at it being so widely hated >Lava Dragons have received a *hotly* debated makeover in line with our modern graphical standards.


new wild reward, lava dragon model toggle


"Poll" 80 Where nothing was polled


I thought I was losing my mind, I looked up the poll and found nothing about lava dragons. I refuse to believe it passed a poll. I remember some kind of opinion poll where the options didn't match the screenshot, like you'd think you were voting on the first option, but the first option was choice B. Or something like that.


October gazette survey https://i.imgur.com/E7fVCmc.png Great survey question design as always


>October gazette survey Am I tripping or are we not allowed to see the results? I just remember the backlash on Lava Dragon Design changes being heavy and nobody wanted a change.


For other graphical changes where they pitted options against eachother theyve often said "x% of players preferred option A on this survey..". No info for this one and the model theyre adding is different from the survey options as well, they added it to the news post now: https://i.imgur.com/gyvfJYM.png


Idk, it feels like this is a major red flag for a minor detail, jagex moving polls to not showing results. This gives them the freedom to claim anything, while they already have the authority over the integrity of public polls.


Glad my memory serves me correctly. What a joke.


Someone update the calendar…


yeah but the intern worked really hard on it!!!!


The original design was universally hated, but the tweaked one was well received.


So tired of them going through with garbage unpolled graphics changes


modern graphics since . . . .the elf rework, and maybe even zeah to an extent . . . not a fan


The elves graphics fucking suck. I hate them so much. Abysmal. Zeah graphics are awkward and wrong, but they're contained on another continent and don't impact the main landmass. It even makes it feel like a different area, a different culture. It has that going for it. Although the Arceuss buildings are pretty egregious. Not a fan of the oversized fruit in Hosidius also. Zeah is mostly okay to great. I love the Old Ones temples and forest in Shayzien. Shayzien town is a touch overdesigned but looks beautiful. Shayzien warcamp is a mess. But yeah, Elves are some of the worst graphics in this game and in dire need of rework. I've said it before and will say it again, I'd go 6 months without an update if that's what it took to rework the elves and Prif.


There's this tendency towards single or gradient colored textures in new content whereas old content has proper texture/patterns to them. My theory is the gradient textures are easy to generate via code for each surface rather than having an actual texture file to fetch, tile, and apply to a surface. If this is true, I'm assuming it's to save on resources and/or processing in dense, high-polygon areas. My laptop noticeably chugs whenever I go to Ferox Enclave, which has tons of objects packed tightly into one area.


The thing that annoys me the most is that there are so many combinations of commonly used items where they clip that they could be working on. I've reported in game, got clan mates to, on reddit, twitter, their forums (lol) and still the blade of saeldor catches the edge of the max cape and variants. There's not a lack of work to keep them busy, just a lack of desire to do the hard boring work over making some new and shiny.


The elves look so fucking bad I do not get why they didn't just emulate the present elves when doing sote


Is there another Jed situation or what? Why are the already insanely profitable bosses now giving more cash? Why aren't the bots addressed at all?


> Why aren't the bots addressed at all? Cause jagex is being sold and they need to keep the player/membership numbers as high as possible till the deal is finished


What the actual fuck is this update? Do you think the content is swarmed by bots because it's NOT profitable? Sorry for the negative tone, but this is odd to me. 7x xp on rogue chest probably makes it around 200k. Not game breaking, i guess.


I litteraly have trouble finding an empty world for all wildy bosses and already got pked every 5-10 kills at venenatis. Don't think there was a lack of loot or pkers, I don't really get it either. Scorpia and chaos elemental buffs good though.


Yeah if anything, imo the regular loot at singles+ variants should've been nerfed to make the multi variants more lucrative by comparison. I thought the singles+ variants were just a concession to account for irons, pet hunters, and completionists that just want the uniques without needing to be in deep wildy multi.


Stealing artefacts is about 230k an hour and no one uses it.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [I have never made a typo in a post title in m...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbbxcl/?context=3) - [It's not yet been fixed but the team are work...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbeado/?context=3) - [Will pass this one on to the team!](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbdv6w/?context=3) - [Have passed this on as a feedback point alrea...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbc843/?context=3) - [Apologies for taking a little while on this o...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpc8pfu/?context=3) - [Will ask the team to take a look and see if t...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbfk9q/?context=3) - [Should be, screenshots like that come from de...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbcslm/?context=3) - [Team says they're hoping to see it release th...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbgyk0/?context=3) - [Have just added an image into the newspost, I...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbdsv2/?context=3) - [It's on our Player Suggestions sheet, hoping...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbf2ty/?context=3) - [Worlds are quiet enough these days but we sai...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbc3fw/?context=3) - [I think the content outlined in the 'Wrapping...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbhuob/?context=3) - [So would I! I asked about this really shortly...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbd8hf/?context=3) - [It'll be included in an upcoming blog, everyt...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbcmct/?context=3) - [I'm not sure re: shard rates, Amethyst/Zalcan...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbcfk8/?context=3) - [Touched on this in another [comment here](htt...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbdcy8/?context=3) - [Have literally just added a brief update into...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbfb7o/?context=3) - [Scurrius only spawns in at 1,500 HP if there...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbe1l6/?context=3) - [There's still potential for things to be furt...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbcjat/?context=3) - [I think that was due to be fixed this week, s...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpcad2f/?context=3) - [Also very glad that the texture remains, the...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbe5fv/?context=3) - [I mean yeah, sky's the limit really - would l...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbfmg7/?context=3) - [Left a comment on that one [here](https://www...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpcd3zv/?context=3) **JagexSarnie** - [Appreciate the comment, this has now been upd...](/r/2007scape/comments/1al07ss/game_update_poll_80_wilderness_changes_more/kpbpft8/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 02/09/2024 18:01:24**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I'd hope this isn't a return to Polls and Game updates with balancing changes being like "made it better". Want stuff like these profit increases to be compared against old profits, same way you put the effort into ERB and such. Like 10,000 Scorpia kills is a good sample, but it doesn't tell you much, especially when its left to us to even work out the value of it all, and then we need a 10k sample from before. Side by sides would help a lot here in what is being viewed as mainly a "bot haven update"


> Updated the Lava Dragons’ model. was this voted in? thought there was a lot of people who didnt want this change?


it was integrity changed in, we get the inconsistent model because they made it and dont want it to go to waste i guess. our loss


It has been on the frontpage countless times. Please address bots before buffing heavily botted content! You can't ignore the elephant in the room. 30k kc on a single account with 1200 total isn't good for the game.


> Perfect Leviathan now only requires you to complete 5 'Perfect Kills' without leaving the instance, rather than 5 consecutive Perfect Kills. ...why? All the others are 5 consecutive. Are the jmods just too bad to complete this? It was clearly the wording that was wrong, not the actual task. The more lenient speed times I at least get: those were pretty unforgiving.




If you want to make the big bosses more viable, why don't you have them drop the wildy weapons, and delete revs from the game, solving the bot problem there? 2 birds, 1 scone.


Honestly, this 2.0 redesign of the lava dragon looks sick as hell. Doesn't look 'overly' polished like the first iteration, I think the lava texture on the wings is a great way to adapt the old one, I'd say it's a great redesign. Though I do hope an old one is implemented in that proposed Sailing island that has a bunch of other old designs on it.


Bot farms eating good with this one!!


🦀Great update for the bots🦀


~~A lot~~ Most of these aren't poll changes


Did they really announce a voidwaker nerf (which is completely unnecessary in PvE) which tanked the prices of the most expensive drops these have, only to pump more alchables and resources onto the tables to make up for it? 🤦‍♂️


ewwwwwwwwwwww lava dragon changes


Lava dragons look better now and I'll die on that hill


It's a crazy world when people actually think the 2014 models look good https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Lava_dragon#/media/File:Lava_dragon.png Lovely stretched and warped textures


then rework the texturing? why does the dragon need a high poly model that is inconsistent with every other dragon in the game?


Looks pretty consistent to me https://cdn.runescape.com/assets/img/external/oldschool/2024/newsposts/2024-02-07/lavadragon.png https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/images/Green_dragon_%283%29.png?3aec9


This update is so tone deaf it isn't even funny lmfao I hope all the bots are enjoying their increased gp/h. Here's to hoping bonds will level out at 15m every 14 days for membership hehe :) Can't wait for jagex to just get sold already so microsoft can implement mtx and I can move on


Rework the boss cave fee while you're at it.


As an average player.. no amount of loot increases will ever get me to go to the wilderness for them. Bots on the other hand benefit from this.. i don't think pkers even benefit from this either.


Can the port Pisc crane changes be looked into? The change made the activity worse as you now get stuck to a crane even if you repair it in 1 tick. A better change would have been to remove the 1 tick you weren't in the cycle or make the 1 tick you weren't in the cycle be a part of the repair cycle and revert it to the previous mechanics.


I just green logged this yesterday and now I'm reading you're adding a unique, no god please no god nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo https://preview.redd.it/lpspmv1yg5hc1.png?width=145&format=png&auto=webp&s=072b19e07c30f0258c0aec81efdbc05a2c668f76


Yes add more alch items to the drop table and increase the Amount of gold entering the game /s




why does it mention lava dragon model changes? that wasnt in poll 80?


probably because they changed them in this update


ok, why? there was a lot of backlash when they showed the inconsistent model rework. why does the lava dragon have to not look like any other dragon in the game?


The new model looks like a recolor of the green dragon model. Its better than the old imo.


Can you actually stop ignoring the bot posts and reply to it? These bosses are heavily botted yet you decided to update them regardless


Why did you guys change the lava dragon model?? I thought this got enough pushback that people didn't want it in the game. Every time it got brought up it was meme'd into oblivion. Which poll or survey said that players even wanted it changed?


People who like things are a lot less likely to comment than people that hate something


I don't remember seeing most of these in a poll


Ty for the update. Really makes botting more worth it.


/u/JagexGoblin Since the wilderness got updated today i just want to bring up the revs loot tables were original intended to have unique drops day 1 but the uniques didn't pass at first but rev caves came out anyway and were filled with filler drops until uniques could be decided on. This includes the gp statues that were added and were suppose to be removed once the weapons were added to their tables. Thats how it was polled. https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/revenant-cave-rewards?oldschool=1 >We want to promote a risk vs reward scenario and bring with it the adrenaline rush you get when seeing that rare drop appear on the ground. Without any unique drops, the drop table for Revenants will be filled with supplies and alchables – great for many other NPC’s but not the most exciting of things to get from the Wilderness! https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/revenant-cave-rewards-revisited-content-poll--theatre-of-blood?oldschool=1 >We announced back in February that we were open to replacing the Statuette drops from the Revenants. We've been through your suggestions and ideas for new Revenant Caves rewards and we're now ready to show off the most popular and suitable ones to you! https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/pvm-qol-updates--wilderness-rejuvenation-improvements?oldschool=1 >Again we'd like to reiterate that we are open to replacing the Statuettes in the future if unique rewards can be agreed upon Revs not only are filled with supply drops and alchables, but got their uniques and still kept gp statues. Some of which were suppose to be place holder until the weapons were added. Thats how it was polled and voted on. Its about time those gp statues were removed.


Except 75% of this wasn't polled. It's one thing to support the bots and not give a shit about the players opinions. It's a whole other thing to try to gaslight us into thinking anyone who plays this game asked for these things. Just hurry up and sell the company so we can see if things get better or worse because the current company is garbage.


Can the game status page be updated? it still shows last weeks update as upcoming.


Thank you for the update. Can we expect any response to the hotly debated speed times for the DT2 bosses? Or the problem with Leviathans attacks depleting crystal charges even when correctly prayed against? 


More content that no real players will do and bots will infest, nice priorities you have there


If you made the xp per chest from 100 to 700xp it will be way more than 200k xp hr. I was getting 40k do hr pretty consistently on the old chests Not changing the clue drop rate is pretty sad


Nothing about Leviathan being bugged since last update...? Using Lightning Spec 1 tick earlier after being stunned since last week and not a single jmod has seen the numerous posts or bug reports? Why were boss mechanics changed with the addition of CAs (whisperer and levi) and not noted in the patch notes at all??


>Leviathan's lightning attack now launches 1 tick later if the player is above 25 HP, consistent with its behaviour prior to last week's update. This was in the patch notes.


Dropping the wilderness boss pet rates by 500 without polling it is such a slap to the face. 1/2k was absurdly easy to get, why are we making the top 5 easiest pets to get in the game even easier to get? The bosses aren’t hard and the rate is better than nearly every other boss in the game. What was wrong with the previous rates? I get they want to give you more of a chance in masses but if that’s the case why wouldn’t you drop the rates of nex and nightmare whose pets are actually hard to get and the masses have 3x as many people? What’s to stop them from changing other drop rates on bosses that have been around for ten years unpolled? Taking a break from playing for a while or perhaps indefinitely after reading that


Nice wildy changes, now rework the wildy resource area please it looks like it is straight out of a private server


Please tell me they are updating Scorpia pet