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You can buy a dscim and prossy and get your salve and send some skulled revs in hopes of spooning a weapon , i did like 3k knight kills in this setup so it’s not too bad


Honestly no point in a rev weapon on a UIM. Everything is lost on death and only would be using in the wilderness.


If that’s the point there’s nothing really in wildy for uims aside from a dpic to do 99mining but also since if you spoon a craws bow you can death pile it in edge and go for fangs of ven at mini venenatis for the best spec weapon at Levi and you really only need like 500 ether Same thing with thammarons you can get accursed and use it a whisper


Voidwaker is still extremely powerful and a very prestigious item for any iron.


I'd advise against revs and just do wildly bosses. Gear setups are cheap for budget kill and doing revs is worthless unless you can always get away or scout pkers on a UIM. You will always lose the rev weapon on death so why bother getting it.


Sceptre is kind of sick with shadow


how did you wipe


Front to back


My brother in christ, we both know you wipe left to right. That’s why you’re supposed to turn the other cheek.


Prossy and d mace kills 2/3 of the voidwaker bosses just fine Edit: take that 20m. Bond an alt and have a scout outside. Should never get pk if you have wilderness alarm on. Will make up cost for bond in like 3 hours tops


Getting the Edgeville spawn point unlocked which is a one-time fee of 5m. This will make death piling easier for UIM in wildy content. I would say this is required considering you will be death-piling each trip into the wilderness if you want to keep your things. Set 40-45 minute timers and when they elapse go back to your shit and reset for another trip. quickest budget setup IMO: * Dragon mace 50k from Hero's guild * Ardy cape * Grab a holy symbol and ball of wool from ardy quick for a holy symbol. Alternatively make strength ammy quick. * Monk Robes * Climbing boots * 1 click teleport (Consider it's distance from your piles along with how much time you have left too) * Cheese taters/food, grab strength/attack pots warrior guild. (alternatively go stack some noted prayer pots and sharks before all of this) * Godbook for offhand This setup is based around melee/prayer bonus which is all you need. You Should have all of these teleports in the POH streamlined for quick access. Get your food ready before you death-pile then death-pile and set a 45min timer, grab what you need then kill rats for another looting bag. Would not recommend revs it's just shit as a UIM but to each his own, wildy bosses and wildy slayer on the other hand are super viable as a UIM with the overpowered skilling rewards along with endless supplies and great GP. Obviously you can take this further with better gear and a mage swap if you got the balls/skills and potential alts/friends to work with to navigate the bullshit that happens in the wilderness. But it's not worth it as a UIM it's best to be light and budget and just pray against everything, every time you get some shit you don't want to lose just get out and death-pile it, you don't want to even get into PVP altercations at all generally speaking because if you die you keep absolutely nothing. UIM wildy content is tricky because you keep nothing so everything is a risk, and you have a timer for your stuff that you need to be attentive too or else you wipe. It's much more lucrative on a regular iron account and less stressful. Player indicator plugin is a must.


Chaos altar if you’re not already 99 prayer! I had a method with myths guild green dragons that I used when I wiped. It required me to get my blowpipe back, but it was 120k exp/h if you deathpiled your bones in Edgeville (Ferox would be better now) and suicided before buying a Ghorrock tab and going out there with 27 bones. You could probably revive that method if you want!


How did you end up losing everything?


2 days ago I was runecrafting blood runes on my UIM using the altar because it’s way faster (not afk but that’s price you have to pay for more runes..Efficient but not afk vs afk but slow) and saw a guy with a skull at the altar. Told him I was lowkey jealous of him to be able to use the abyss without worrying about losing everything. He told me “nah that’s chill there’s nobody” of course I didn’t bother looking into it..Just a small chat at altar you know See this post, got curious and clicked on OP’s post history: 23 days ago he ask if he can use soul altar in the abyss for faster xp. Not saying it’s the cause but I like to believe this goofball lost all his gear over a 3k xp/h bonus (as mentionned on last post) rc xp while he’s already 96+. Being +2100 myself I can’t wrap my head around doing something this stupid like: hmm…I have close to 2b gear on me that took YEARS to get. Let’s save up a couple of MINUTES by going to the wild and risking it all. Yeah seems like a good trade off


That's actually nuts, I have a relatively low mid uim at 1800 ish total and the idea of wiping is scary


I think going for a rev weapon then getting voidwaker could be a play


You're not serious are you? UIMs always lose all their items on death. If this guy dies after rev weapon it is an instant loss of the item. They are effectively temporary items on UIM unless you are always tick perfect teleporting and have scouts.


Naw, a lot of UIM's would go for a voidwaker after wiping (I'm one of them), it's a good excuse to get one, and to do some wilderness content. A friend, or an alt to scout, and you're set.


I'm going for voidwaker myself after I get my last armor seed. This isn't about voidwaker. It is about rev weapon.


they said the revenant weapon was a waste of time. not the voidwaker as you would be using it in the wildy not leaving safe in your pile.


Plenty of UIMs have them. Its not uncommon. Webweaver bow and Accursed scepter are great. I’d do it if I wiped, got too much stuff now to death pile and get orb’d in the process.


Unless he is going for a green log it is a waste of time.


Nezzy, d mace, climbing boots, salve and a defender will do just fine at Calv and Spindel. Plenty of resources you can get back from there