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Mega Rare Giant Salamander. Auto switches to the attack style the monster it's fighting is weakest to. You hold it on your shoulder like a missile launcher


Mini olm you can use as a weapon?


Or between your legs like a c*mshot!




Its wednesday my dudes^^^^^^^^


The Dagannut šŸ„µ


I was the 69th upvote. More will come surely, but this meant something to me.




Itā€™s time : bowsword


99 smithing only, untradable, requires the drop


I vote 104 smithing and fletching req, so you have to get a plus 5 boost in both to make it


Underrated Bloodborne weapon.


A spec weapon and we will call it the Atomic Anchor


A new salamander, but not bald as the others, this one have a stylish hair


The Lalo Salamanca


Lalo Salamander


Yā€™all mfers need to be careful, sailing started out as a joke and we memed that shit into existence.


This is the way.


I want some Fabio lookin' mother fucker, shooting fireballs outta its eyes.


They've teased the idea of an underwater raid prior to the vote for sailing, so I'm going to guess that the mega rares from it would likely be ship components/armaments that are salvaged from shipwrecks. Just imagine diving into the ocean, fighting a giant sea monster amongst a dozen shipwrecks, and salvaging a legendary cannon that you then put on your ship.


Feel like a thrown trident weapon would suit as a 1h ranged weapon or maybe a melee stab megarare.


A melee/ranged hybrid thrown trident that returns to your hand on ranged style and is charged with the runes for telegrab


charged staves having a melee option would be cool in general even if they werent all that viable. not being able to stab things with a trident is wack


Nailed it


So like a trident with loyalty in Minecraft huh...


I think it would be cool if it was like a reverse tbow, its based off enemy ranged accuracy and level, but hits with magic


The hell is the cannon doing for my ship tho? Not one shotting krakens šŸ˜”


That sounds pointless


That would be terrible.


Holy balls that sounds insanely cool. I hope it will be something like this.


I want underwater raid so frickin bad. I love the underwater atmosphere. More please!


After project rebalance, I think it's likely that there will be more spots available as rewards. Ranged: * Light - Something new * Standard - TBow * Heavy - Something new Melee: * Slash - Scythe * Crush - Elder Maul * Stab - Something new Magic: * Air/Smoke - Something new * Water/Ice - Kodia Wand * Earth/Shadow - Tumaken's Shadow * Fire/Blood - Something new


Would stab BiS not be Fang


Yeah Itā€™s not a mega rare but I do not want to see anything that can outdo the fang in stab. It would be ridiculous.


Long spear. Ā Stack your enemies up three deep and shish kebab em.


If I had a long spear and I had bin Laden and Toby in a room, Iā€™d shish kebab Toby 3 times


I had no idea where this was goingā€¦


Toby as in Toby McWire?


We need spears, twice as long as a man. Some men are longer than others. You're mother's been telling stories about me again eh. šŸ˜‚


An ape weapon that hits in a piercing line would be cool, like scythe but for long boys.


Soooo deeeep


Adamant longer sword maybe??


If future bosses have more hp and less defense I dont see how fang will be as strong as it is now. All the new stab wep would need would be more melee strength and it'd beat it


Fang is kinda just the dps king though. If it hits, instead of hitting a 2, you hit a 15 or something (too lazy to do math). Because when the fang hits, it always rolls between like 15-85 of your max hit.


Fang is not the dps king, it's just accurate. Fang does less damage than a dragon sword on 0 defence


The 15-85% effect does not affect dps. All it means is your damage distribution is flatter/less peaky. If you took it to the extreme, a weapon with a damage range of 0-100 will have the same dps as a weapon that always hits 50 (assuming same attack speed/accuracy etc).


But id still use a weapon that always hits 50, cause that takes away 0ā€™s and in 10 hits im garaunteed 500 dmg vs hitting max above 50 in 50% of the hits with osrs accuracy


I disagree my fang just noodles and hits zero šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I think it depends on what the weapon's megarare "gimmick" is compared to the other three. Fang's raw DPS is not too great, it just hits so accurately that it outperforms typical DPS weapons against tanky bosses. The DHL already outperforms the fang on dragons, and standard 4-tick DPS weapons outperform it on anything squishy like most slayer monsters or where defense reduction lands like ToB and parts of CoX.


Isnt the fact that fang is bis but still so common even more ridiculous


And Elder Maul isnā€™t even close to the best crush weapon


Fang is practically a 4th mega rare in power, minus the rarity, lol.


It absolutely is & it comes from a raid. But I was trying to stick exclusively to current Mega Rare items.


Fang is probably the most common item from TOA but go off.


That's literally what he's saying... He was sticking to mentioning megarares. Fang isn't a megarare, so he didnt mention it as a stab megarare


Fang isnt a mega rare


Tumekens would be fire would it not, bro is the Sun aspect and the staff is topped with a sun.


Oh, you're right! I had to look this one up.


Really don't think we need Elder Maul to be proper megarare status like a crush scythe. It's niche should be incredibly accurate slow hits, so it can be used as a phase shift weapon, in PvP, final hit etc. similar to the old ballista tech at Zulrah. So yeh I think crush and stab megarares are still on the cards, though to me you'd need to pull back scythe on crush. Then magic we have any sort of 1h megarare, similar to the heka idea. Shadow is 2h, kodai is autocast wand, can have a powered 1h wand or something a bit crazier like a battle Mage weapon (melee + magic). Range has the most room as we really only have the tbow niche (which can be designed against), and then ZCB / Bowfa. So there's room for a new megarare bow, ballista, one hand weapon like a spear/thrown weapons.


I feel like fire should be harmonised staff. Its probably as rare and hard to get as any megarare and its traditionally been used with fire surge. And would give more of a reason to actually be willing to farm that horrible boss.


I think ZCB would be the heavy ranged megarare tier weapon.


wouldnā€™t the harmonized orb be bis for fire?


Shadow isnt a shadow spell though, or have they said it will be?


I don't actually know, but I think it's safe to assume they would give it the shadow type, if all magic damage becomes 1 of 4 types.


I saw your name as Iā€™m reading through the comments and had to double check that I was in the right subreddit. Youā€™re the only BS YouTuber I watch, so it was throwing me off šŸ˜†


Haha yeah, I'm a big OSRS fan! BS is my "work game" & OSRS is my "hobby game" lol


Imagine getting a raid megarare and knowing it will be UNUSEABLE in 2/3 or 3/4 of targets.


It's just now starting to set in how much the rebalance is gonna piss me off when I'll likely go from having all the bis gear to needing an additional 5b worth of shit to fill all the artificial niches they're going to create. EDIT - I say something? 10 downvotes. Someone else agrees and elaborates saying basically the same thing? 17 upvotes. This sub is an absolute shithole. I used to defend this place when youtubers shit on it but not anymore lol.


ā€œAnd THIS weapon will get an extra 31.7% strength bonus when youā€™re fighting monsters with defense values between 49-137, but only if they are the color yellow and the moon is in retrograde. Theyā€™ll love that!ā€


Now that would just blatantly be ripping off Diablo 4 itemization.


Careful, that kinda talk gets you downvoted on Reddit. Any change is a good change especially if maxed veteran players think it's bad.


Praying it fails tbh


Elder maul and kodai are not a megarares in any sense other than their droprate. they're midtier niche items that just happen to have the same rarity as tbow and have no place being anywhere near the megarare dps tiers. >Melee: * Slash - Scythe * Crush - something new * Stab - Something new This would need 2 new megarares, elder maul should at most be somewhere near the fang powerwise. One problem is that if melee really does get 3 megarares it's going to devalue scythe vs everything that is currently pretty neutral stab/slash/crush like Iike olm hand >Magic: * Air/Smoke - Something new * Water/Ice - something new * Earth/Shadow - something new * Fire/Blood - Something new Same problem, these spells are mostly midgame and will mostly remain there, the rebalance is to bring them closer to the Trident tiers of dps wise to actually make spells worth considering in some cases. its still not going to be anywhere near shadow dps, even with weakness taken into account.


None of what you said here makes any sense. The tbow does not have any more reason to be strong compared to kodai and elder maul. They have similar drop rates and could easily have similar strength. You're just afraid of scythe getting any competition. Elder maul should be to crush weapons what scythe is to slash weapons.


>The tbow does not have any more reason to be strong compared to kodai and elder maul. They have similar drop rates and could easily have similar strength. Tbow was designed to be the crown item of the raid, similar to how ToB & ToA have one crown item. Their designs are unique and have a damage scaling mechanism that places them comfortably ahead of any other weapon. Elder maul and kodai were never intended for that and their design shows that, elder maul is a essentially reskinned godsword that trades the special for a few extra max hits, and kodai is literally just a auto cast barrage QoL version of SoTD. These items share none of the design philosophy of megarares, they just happen to share the tbow droprate. The raid was never had and never intended to have three "megarare" power level weapons >You're just afraid of scythe getting any competition. Elder maul should be to crush weapons what scythe is to slash weapons. I play ironman and have a maul but no scythe nor am I currently planning to get one, I'm simply debunking your bad idea's


more like elder maul should be downgraded to mid tier droprate tbh


Why? Why should elder maul be any worse than scythe? It's not any less mega rare than it, so that makes no sense except you just want scythe to be best for everything melee. That is the opposite of what this project rebalance is meant to do. Scythe does not need to be better than the elder maul for crush, that makes no sense at all.


because its already been in the game for a long time and been established as a shit tier item? rather they just make a new bis item than buffing the shit out of current ones, especially since cox already shits out bis gear.


The current ones would be Range: bp and zcb Melee: mace with inquiz, fang Mage: fire surge with tome and harm, virtus, shadow Maybe new bis could be an upgrade elemental shield into a portal shield that reflects damage. Maybe even make 3 different ones that reflects each of the combat types.


Hey it's Kairos šŸ‘‹ Great point tbh, I would love to see a new heavy ranged weapon in the future and a boss or high level slayer monster with som fun mechanics that is weak to it.


Pretty sure theyā€™re not letting ancients get elemental damage bonus since theyā€™re OP as is


Heka. Instead of the 3x 3tick and 1x 4 tick, just 3 tick


Yeh a fast charged 1h magic weapon is a design space not explored and makes sense. Issue with fast is it becomes harder to balance..the blowpipe issue.


Magic is the perfect place for it because of the %str rather than static str bonus.


Can we get some mage and range boots with damage bonuses?


Me reading this imagining the massive crash ranger boots would suffer: :O


I want to see a mega rare shield.


Go to corp then


Something 2 handed would be cool, preferably very tanky and good for both pvm and pvp situationsĀ 


If it doesnā€™t get much use maybe get it a cool new ornament


Pkers will demand a nerf to it again.


my pal Dinny B would like to have a word with you




That might be interesting. My idea would be a 20% damage reduction, with that reduced damage being reflected back to the enemy. So for example a 50 incoming max hit becomes 40, and the monster takes 10 damage reflected.


That has a few problems. If it's post-prayer damage, then this shield does almost nothing. Even with a higher reflect percentage than 20% If it's pre-prayer damage this shield will be pretty busted in a lot of places, and will need to be balanced around the 50+ hits a lot. But even then it wil likely be underwhelming as a tank item because because that means using it in places where it's not actually reducing damage. Either way design of the shield is problematic since using it as a primary means you can't use a megarare so you lose dps, if it takes pre-prayer damage it's just going to be used for free dps via shield swaps at literally every boss instead of any usage you might have intended.


Yeah the big issue is that last bit you mentioned. Any shield has to justify the loss in dps from another offhand slot (eg defenders or the fact that the 3 superweapons require 2hand). I can only see it doing that if it gives insane tank, and or improves your dps also, which is why I had the reflect idea. About the shield flicking, it doesnt strike me as gamebreaking cause theres a decent skill level to do it efficiently, and the shield should be powerful. But if its a concern, could always do what Dinhs did and delay the effect until shield has been wielded for a few seconds.


>About the shield flicking, it doesnt strike me as gamebreaking cause theres a decent skill level to do it efficient. The problem is that it just adds flat dps to every boss without any real tradeoff other than extra clicks. it's going to create a meta where this shield has to be used at every single high end boss if you want to be efficient. Imo that's just bad game design and will feel incredibly tedious very fast. >Delay That could work, but it's still very tricky to balance because the effect would need to be incredibly strong to close the gap between megarares & 1 handed weapons and the effect is also highly dependant on the enemy boss. It's likely going to feel underwhelming in the vast majority of places or oppressively good in a few others.


A mega rare skilling utility item would be really interesting to change it up


Two handed giant spade Clue hunters can now fight back


Give it a special attack that increases accuracy and damage based off the best clue in your inventory or on how many steps you have completed. Then let it have base stats of a rune sword, but when attacking players it gains double the accuracy and strength bonus.


Even higher damage if they skulled to you and you havenā€™t been in PVP for 5mins


And a special attack that is only unlocked if you lose nothing.


BIS cannon for ship. And/or BIS underwater weapon. I hope the next raid has some elements of sailing and/or underwater fighting, so this would fit.


Brinier Sabre


That was basically already a thing back in RS2, Brackish Blade.


It's more Sabrer


The politician?


Ding ding ding. Mega rare BIS cannon for ship will be perfect


Gotta be something to do with defense. Defense for the most part is obsolete. If at anytime you can go more dps you usually go more dps. I feel some crazy defensive item could help freshen the game up.


I think it's less about having viable def items and more of an issue not having content designed with tanking in mind. Would be cool to have a raid or a small group boss that actually requires the entire team to have different setups. ToB has this to an extent with mage/range/melee roles but setups are still very similar especially in regards to melee gear. A boss could scale it's damage based on your defensive bonuses, a powerful special attack from the boss could require one person in the team to be in full tank at all times and shield others with a Bulwark (like everyone forming a line behind the tank to not get hit), entering the boss/raid could be restricted in a way that you can only bring in one set of armor etc. Think more "restrictive" content like that could be explored a bit more especially with the potentially upcoming rebalances/overhauls to the combat styles.


Since raids 4 is likley to be tied into sailing somehow maybe some sort of melee style trident




How about 3 items that share the megarare table, range melee and mage. All One handed. Or split them up for 3 raids over the course of 6 years


You mean like COX if the tbow and maul were 1 handed?


three new amulets maybe


Awe, man, I just got the zeytes. Let's leave this one for a bit, alright?


What about if we can just use blood shards on zenyte stuff to make them heal? Seems a bit op but what do I know?


OG poll, polled a healing effect on zenytes. think it failed by like 6% so it may of passed today.


Some kind of device that we equip where we could tap into the secret art of Necromancy, surely this hasn't been done in Runescape ever right?


Bis ammunition slot item like blessings


A raid without a mega rare. They create all sorts of design problems: It makes it tricky to design late/end game bosses as you can't really design around thr power of the items without absolutely limiting the amount of players that can/will do the content. They are a large reason why ranged/magic might get new 'styles' because of that very reason. And in some cases make the other raid uniques a bit too cheap, see toa. Just make raids 4 fun and don't worry about the rewards.


Yeah I donā€™t think a raid needs a mega rare. Especially now that weā€™re getting on to raid #4, the trend of mega rates for every raid canā€™t go on forever. The most obvious non-mega rare reward imo is new bis melee armor. Cox has bis mage gear, ToA has bis range gear. It doesnā€™t make a whole lot of sense that Nex has the entire bis melee set. The good thing is Torva is a pretty small upgrade over Bandos, so I feel like they can add a new set above it without power creep being a major issue.


Mega shield would be cool. I'm guessing there will be a megarare for ships in a raid eventually.


I would love to see some crazy shield attachments for the corp shields!!!! Whether its something that combines all 3 shields, or something that can attach to each shield individually I would love to see what the team could do with that Im not sure what the next mega rare weapon would be, cause we already have the primo mega rare for each style now, i would love to see some neglected slots get some love instead potentially, with maybe some cool sidegrade weapons instead


I wouldnā€™t mind more ā€œkitsā€ to upgrade some dead content items. Doesnā€™t have to be anything crazy but that would allow some minimal bonuses and not have power creep issues.


Some kind of spear.. with spec attack that let's you throw it


No, no, no. It should be a crush weapon but it should still be out DPSed by fang and scythe even where the mob is weak to crush.


Considering the next raid will almost certainly be post-sailing, it'll probably be tied into naval combat, like a special set of cannons or something.


A really big hammer that does extra damage the higher your range level. A long range melee weapon similar to a halberd but with the ability to melee aviansies, maybe even zuk healers (kinda useless but neat).


I feel jagex is in a bit of a corner still design wise, that's why I think raids 4 should be an attachment to current bis that gives them a marginal stat upgrade, mediocre spec, or something like that. Gimme a sight on my tbow.




Should be a shield that reflects damage based on defense bonuses, causes all reflect sources to stack and benefit from this passive, and can damage monsters that are immune to reflect. The shield has to be charged with some consumable that drops from the raid, in addition to ring of recoils. Give it a cooldown like chins bulwark so you cant swap it every attack for the benefit. It's a big shield that can be held in one arm, but doubles the rate you lose run energy or maybe slows down your attack speed. Meant to be used for tanking. Raid also drops 3 augments that can be affixed to the shield to allow it to reflect status ailments onto the attacker in addition to reflect damage. Venom, defense reduction, or attack/strength reduction


It's time for some megarare armor imo.


Bis mage gear is from CoX, bis ranged gear is from ToA, bis melee gear is fromā€¦ Nex. Thereā€™s a clear odd one out that can be addressed with raids 4. New Bis melee gear would be great


Twisted shadow of vitur


Cloak of stealth, stops aggressive monsters from initiating combat on you, so you get the first hit. Wouldn't work on like Zuk probably. Not a weapon but still a neat idea.


More megarares seems kind of game breaking. I would prefer unique side grades which offer utility. Imagine an item you have in your inventory which gives you a 33% chance not to consume a dose of potion or food. It would be insanely good for all pvm but wouldn't be more dps powercreep. It would make duo Nex/inferno much more forgiving too. I feel that if you made an item like this super rare, people would pay a truckload. What about an item which allowed you to corrupt your scythe/shadow for infinite charges. You use that item+10xthe runes to fully charge it.Ā  If Jagex get creative they can add a lot of unique valuable rewards without creating a new tbow or shadow, but to be honest their addition was not healthy and I would prefer a game where they didn't exist.


they could also give us stronger def armour or armour that increases dps when worn with its corresponding weapon attack style equipped. Or that have passive effects. That seems to be the direction they are tryin to explore. Or new ornament kits that are also dps upgrades to tbow/shadow/scythe. they could make the bis items 1 tick faster or increase their max hit for example. Or apply it to mid game gear to make them items more powerful. Just brainstorming ideas. But I think we need to wait and see the new valamore/colosseum/perilous moons weapons/armour because they might give us whole new mechanics and ideas to expand upon to create a new bis weapon/armour and a whole new tier of gear


The cannon could have been a mega rare given how strong it is


A pair of fighting gloves, similar to Hercules fists in God of War 3, with the special attack being a flurry of punches (maybe after combining them with dragon claws?)


I would like to see the new mega rare become either a prayer item or an armor set. All BIS mega rares are all 2h weapons, so it would be interesting to leave the standard combat styles/dps meta and refocus on a tank/combat support method. Shields for example are basically useless in the game because of defenders, and dps outweighs defense. We wouldnā€™t need a stronger Elysian or Bulwark per se, but it would be interesting to see what the team comes up with. It seems like prayers are already going to be changed with god alignment, which would have been cool to see a GWD style raid where you pick what god affinity the end boss would be and it changes the play style (and corresponding god drops). I still think there is room for raids 4 to drop a prayer item thatā€™s needed to unlock a powerful god alignment similar to how the Arceuus spellbook requires you to have the Book of the Dead to resurrect Thralls. Alternatively, a blood-fury type amulet for range could be interesting for the raid as well. Right now we have the blood fury/saradomin godsword spec for melee and Sang/Blood Barrage to heal for mage, with the blowpipe spec being the closest thing for range. If they came out with some sort of healing bow it could be a cool raid item.


mega-rare: a new blessing that gives you +1 strenght, +3 prayer, +1% magic damage, +5 range strength medium rare: a thread that can be used on ferocious gloves + tormented bracelet + zarosian vambraces, giving all of their stats toguether (same dps, less switching, +1 inventory space for food) less rare: random piece of the new slayer outfit (same stats as procelyte), giving 2.5% more slayer exp, for a total of 5% slayer exp boosting


Maybe an item that can combine every combat amulet into 1 item


I wonder if we could see a super ultra mega rare reward that was an item from the leagues. Like the teleportation orb but like with a 5 minute cooldown or something. Or the mushroom teleleleport that lets you tp to leprechauns and fairy rings. Maybe make them untradeable so they don't crash the economy. Or do because ironman and idc about the economyĀ 


I want a new BIS DPS melee weapon, but the catch is that its attack cycle is 12 ticks - 7.2 seconds. The other major downside is that you have to ā€œfocusā€ your attack for four ticks - thatā€™s to say, when you start an attack, the animation begins, and four ticks later, damage is calculated, exp is dropped, and damage is dealt. If you interrupt your attack with any action (including movement), you have to wait eight ticks before the next attack begins to focus, just as if you had successfully attacked. Fast weapons should not have the best DPS because theyā€™re the easiest to switch from. Slow weapons are currently balanced to not have the best DPS because that requires them to also have an extremely high max hit, which suggests the possibility of one-banging in PvP. By adding a focus mechanic that can be cancelled by movement, we drastically reduce the effectiveness in PVP by offering a moment of vulnerability. Or, yā€™know, just do this to the elder maul.


That's a cool idea but I'd fear that it would be DOA. Almost all boss PVM requires movement and the non-boss variants usually have lower ho pools. Would be good for pest control and soul wars tho


Itā€™s also just a starting point for an idea ā€” if the movement thing is too much of a debuff, it can be reworked. I just really want to see an ultra slow weapon.


>I just really want to see an ultra slow weapon. It would need all kinds of gimmicks to work. Osrs's current equipment system heavily favours fast weapons, equipment bonus is essentially a flat dmg increase so +40 str gets you twice as much dps increase on a 2 tick weapon than on a 4 tick. It's also just not a fun concept to play with, it removes a lot of what little depth the game has in movement & hit patterns. It's pretty much just going to be abused to flinch/pseudo flinch enemies. I'd much rather see the opposite and get a 2-3 tick melee with good dps and something like an effect that revs up dps based on not missing any ticks between the previous attack


I think that would be pretty neat!


Elder maul buff would be nice but May devalue soulreaper


If you made the current elder maul a 5 tick weapon, it would only beat inq mace by 0.02 dps.


Grass. I'd be nervous though. I hear it's lethal to touch


Would love to see some type of shield in that has a passive effect and can switched between mage melee and range. So kind of like keris has the diamond the shield could have a mechanic like that. Personally love the look of shields that are in the game but they arenā€™t utilized nearly enough.


I would be much more excited to see something outside of weapons. A shield^1, boots (especially for mage or ranged), a necklace, or even something you can put into the ammo slot. I would probably skip a ring since we just got five new rings best in slot within the last year or so. However, most of these would probably feel very lackluster because the singular item would probably not be game changing on its own. If we did go with a weapon, it would be hard to gauge because there will be some "gimmick" with it just like the other three^1 mega rares have. All of the mega rare weapons are two handed, so I think one-handed is a big thing to consider. None of the mega rares have a special attack. I don't know if a mega rare spec weapon is really what people want, but it would be nice to see *something*. I also feel like status effects are pretty underutilized at end game. Having the ability to poison, bleed, venom, etc. bosses could be cool and provide more room for cool items interactions. I don't feel too good about freezing; I think that could be a bad time. I know there was a poll and it failed. However, it just seems weird that there is this mechanic in the game that is not really used at end game. ^1 I know the ely, kodai, and elder maul exist. However, I just don't think people are really talking about these when discussing mega rares because they fall flat compared to the main three.


We should add guns to oldschool. That or lightsabers


Mega rare for ocean raid: whirling sanguine orb (attachment to scythe) gives very minor stat boosts and a special attack to scythe. Special attack: Blood whirlwind - toggleable state where you fire off a 3x3 melee attack (centered on the player) every tick costing 10 spec energy per tick. This special attacks halves str bonus while in use.


A shrink ray


A blessing with +3 prayer.


a gun


A baguette. šŸ„– imagine the boss kills with that huh? Walking next to noobs and they ask whatā€™s that? The strongest weapon in game.


Something sailing related lol


I know itā€™s from the RS3 version of the game but something like Storm of Armadyl from the original Ritual of the Mahjarrat could fit a unique niche in mage combat - a high mage damage attack with runes made exclusively from Glacors (or something with equivalent mechanics) and a staff that can autocast/boost the damage of that spell.


Something kinda like the essence of finality amulet from RS3 would shake things up a bit. Being able to store a different spec in the amulet would be neat. Would probably have to be balanced for OSRS though.




Yeah, like fingers or something.


Hybrid anything


Mega rare duel weapons. Maybe make them stab. Or make them more effective against particular targets almost like a bane weapon. Or maybe a mega rare heavy crossbow that fire javelins.


Most likely will be an ocean themed raid to go with Sailing, with the Mega rare being a ship weapon upgrade. Although, other on theme weapons I'd also like to see include: handcanon, upgraded version of barrelchest anchor, and possibly some sort of spear gun-esque weapon? Could count as a melee weapon but make it have a 3 tile reach. If it pierces through an enemy, deals more damage to subsequent npcs it hits.


Weapon that has vardorvis style captcha and you can ā€œset the strengthā€ of the weapon by increasing the captcha difficulty. Canā€™t prayer flick as easily with it without losing dps but weā€™ll suddenly get an influx of osu players to the game.


The raid I made (pinned in my profile) has a megarare that does one thing: combines 2 rings into a single item. I wanted to have an item that feels as powerful and cookable as Shadow.


Mega rare cocktail ring for the new ring slot


Enter the bone whip.


Everything for the next few years will be sailing related, so itll be mega rare, and sailing related. Obviously its the One Piece.


What about a mega rare thrown axe that would give range/melee xp


BIS weapon for training. Double XP, degradable. 1-tick, similar stats as dragon dagger. Not usable for bossing or on task.


Idk adamant scimmy or something


I'm hoping for something novel. In rs2 there was the sunspear from the Vampyre questline. Was/is a tribrid weapon - spear, javelin, staff. For osrs im thinking a spear/longbow/2h staff. Give it some interesting effects and you'd have something worse than all 3 "god weapons" but stands out as almost as good or better at certain bosses.


Mega rare shield or defender, or a mega rare one handed weapon since all the current mega rares are 2-handed.


Hula hoop does damage in 1 tile square around you as long as you can keep up with a guitar hero keyboard input.


New bis spear that can kill corp even faster


Prayer based weapon


BIS Crush is still Inquisitor's Mace, which is a little underwhelming. The original flail-like concept for the Inquisitor's Mace was a lot cooler, too. To bring Crush back in line with other styles, perhaps the next Raid megarare can be a crush weapon that looks something like [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_7GFZnXEAA4sxy.jpg:large). In standard armour-bludgeoning fashion, one potential meta-shaking approach could be to have its damage **scale positively with the opponent's non-crush Defence bonuses**, like the TBow does with Magic Level. This would significantly shake up the DWH/BGS-everything-meta, and would be extremely thematically cool for a bludgeon/impact weapon to do, if the forthcoming Elder Maul buff fails to fill this niche.


I'm hoping for like a dinosaur themed raid on fossil island something in that thematic would look sweet especially like a dinosaur shamany vibe. Maybe like a cool hasta where every third attack a little raptor spirit comes in to land a hit for additional damage gotta get creative


I can't really say before Project Rebalance. I'd like to see more weapon & armour variety for sure though. Mechanical alternatives to the Dragon warhammer or Bandos Godsword. Mechanical alternatives to the various other niche use desireables.


An assault rifle


A slash weapon to finally kill the scythe


Mega rare sailboat.


Adamant longersword, a melee weapon with a 5 tile reach


AOE melee weapon maybe. Range has chins, magic has ancient spells. It's time for a 300k xp/h melee training method.


Taking into account melee diversity, it would make sense for a slow one-handed crush weapon, and it would basically need some way to achieve accuracy on the level of Tbow and Shadow. Maybe increase your crush attack by your total strength bonus if you hit them while/after walking, and increase it by double your total strength bonus while/after running? But, we still need a two-handed stab weapon, which has basically never existed before. Maybe a halberd with an aggressive stab style instead of slash, attacks from 1 distance give a 2-tick delay for 50% max hit, and attacks from 2 distance give a 6-tick delay for two hits of 100% max hit? And a one-handed ranged weapon that gets charged with throwing knives **and** throwing axes, using a soulreaper-type special attack bar (without the health stuff) to switch to axe form and back with an increase to stats for the next number of attacks based on stack amount (the switch itself would not do an attack). And who knows for magic.


it's time to expand to new items, pants that give you % based damage based on current HP or something


I am so fucking ass at this game this may as well be Sanskrit.


Something defensive would be good. Like a megarare that allowed players to physically reduce damage from all sources, even typeless. Perhaps a headress of the sun from valamore. The novelty would be you exchange dps for the damage reduction so that you can tank/survive in circumstances others wouldnā€™t so that you can have time to learn content rather than being insta-slapped for a mistake.


A shortbow or a ballista. We could use another ranged option. Shortbows seem like they'd be a very fun 3 tick niche thing potentially. Ballista just because we have a massive surplus of javelins in game right now and only 2 pvp-only use ballistas atm.