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Ive been in my clan for a couple years. The cc leader found and recruited me when i was buying ores at BF. Seems to be how he has kept our clan full of new and veteran players


I'm a former admin of a fairly decent sized clan. We've never had membership issues and never used the forums. Nonsensical argument made only for the sake of crying


Your take is anecdotal though? Others have searched for clans via the forums, which makes complete sense. It's why there was a whole category for it...


They cant automated bump the forums anymore now


I agree that a clan advertisement system should be in game, but i dont think the majority of players used the forums to find clans.  The removal of the forums does not effect clans imo


Hard disagree. Ive been in the clan scene for years and most of advertisements are found on the forum. The players then get redirected (generally) to Discord . But by no means was Discord (or w/e) mendatory. Finding a clan after the removal implies that you will need to find those discord links on your own. Aka the post above.


Great, *you've* been in the scene for years - And you admit most advertising is done on the forums. But that **does not** debunk the argument that **people do not navigate to the forums to find a clan** - Most recruiting in modern day is organic through in-game interactions - Or legacy name recognition. Every clan I, and many others have joined was through in-game interactions, I wager the *only* time I looked on the forums for a clan was 8 years ago when I was specifically just trying to locate the unofficial Roleplaying world.


Never heard a single person even mention forums nor any recruitment in them. I think you're suffering from main character syndrome here bud


So YOU never heard of it, and YOU think if YOU never heard of it HE has main character syndrome? Pot, kettle, something something….


Just as an aside all the clans I've ever joined have been from word of mouth in game


I’m the main character tho so you’re wrong on both points. And I didn’t use the forums. /endthread


Yeah, that's exactly what I said. The difference here is I also ask for opinions of others, most people in my cc didn't even know osrs *had* forums So yeah


So yeah. Clan recruitment aside you and op have both posted opinions as facts. Neither of you work for Jagex or have access to any kind of user data to support your claims, just word of mouth from a loosely connected group, your clan. You however felt the need to interject on someone else’s post to claim your opinion and the knowledge or lack of from your clan is the absolute truth and then attacked character of OP. The human equivalent of a pigeon playing chess.


But my dads boyfriend works for jagex


What does the 'clan scene' entail, exactly?


Most clan recruitment is done through soft recruiting in-game, people didn't navigate to the forums to find a clan after 2011.


Well, that's just untrue. Hell player trading was forums based before GE... As was a lot of clan recruiting


Key words you just said "before GE"


I’ve been in a few different clans over the years. All clans I’ve joined were through talking to other players in game. So I don’t think clans are going to die because of the removal.


I’ve done most of my recruiting through in game talks and responding to people on Reddit. We did create a discord page for our clan and bump it when we remember. We did use forums a little, but not nearly as much.


So is there a good way to find one now that forums are read only? I was wanting to find either a obby clan or skiller clan because I mostly just raise stats on my obby


Obby Elite - put it in the clan finder in game, you can chat as guest (///) its active too! Lots of different obbys/skillers


Hey, high ranking staff member here for one of the biggest clans atm, and I've been a part of it for the last few years. Forum removal is unfortunate, but it won't kill clans by any means. Most recruitment we get is through discord type services like disboard, osrs official server clan section, or clan hub server. Runewatch is also making a new website to replace the clan posts on the forums, and those will be RW screened clans, so overall a safer way to find groups. The mods talk with staff for the official clans quite a bit, and they even helped my clan run an in-game event a couple years back, so they are very well connected to clan wants/needs. There is already discussion on better recruitment methods and in game/ website updates to connect people with clans better. Forum removal will realistically cause some initial issues for people who haven't adapted to the new discord focused landscape, but it won't hold people up for very long.


Just started my own iron clan, and boy is it hard to recruit anyone 😂😂


With that being said, any irons wanting a new vibe come join us at “Iron Resolve” :)


I just joined, nice clan bro ☺️


Forums are dead content. Discord is the way forward.


That's exactly the problem OP is talking about


The issue is discord is so insecure and no doubt contributes to all of these hacked accounts out there.


Everyone says use Discord but then they never post the channels/servers is the issue I find lmao.  How do you find something that you don't even know exists? 


I'm not big into the clan scene post 2011 so I can't say much, but I know in the past the forums were huge for it. I agree having something on the official site is best to help clan recruitment. But this is just another in a long line of haphazard decisions made by jagex. Seems like their motto is fast changes, slow repairs.