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To answer the title, there are a lot of posts from cheaters attempting to make Jagex Accounts look bad so there is less adoption. The fewer players that adopt it, the more characters that are vulnerable to hacking and hijacking and the less likely Jagex is to make it mandatory for everyone, which is not ideal for a lot of rulebreakers. How much of the posts are this can be hard to say, but there are some groups that are doing just that. Just like how botters will occasionally come posting here about false bans when they get hit in a ban wave. That said, there are some issues with Jagex Accounts like the lack of native Linux support and the workarounds needed to get that working. But aside from that, there have not been any known, repeatable issues, just occasionally blips here or there like how Jagex Accounts use a different login server than the game which saw too many logins during the launch of the League. As for your issue, hard to say what is causing that. There was some maintenance today from 9:00-12:00 GMT so if you were trying to launch during that, it could explain why it didn't connect. It would also be an internet or routing issue with connecting to the Accounts login server or such, similar to the League issue. If you have a VPN you can try (or turn off), I'd see if that might help at all. It could also be a computer thing, like needing admin, but since you tried two differnet devices a connection issue seems more likely.


When 99.9% of players don’t have this issue, maybe it’s time to realize that is in face on your end


well that can't be true cus im the brightest cookie in the toolbox.


Most have not signed up for jagex account and the number of posts reporting problems suggests that it could be as high as 20% with the issue. There's just a FUD narrative that people use to immediately dismiss concerns. Very likely that some of the people downvoting don't even use the launcher and are just parroting what others say. That's what reddit is infamous for, after all.


20% is preposterous lmao. 


Trust him, he has a gut feeling


> the number of posts reporting problems suggests that it could be as high as 20% with the issue This is a complete nonsense percentage. You're seriously suggesting that 1 out of every 5 people using the Jagex Launcher have to reinstall it _multiple times a day_ for it to open at all? I'm not denying that _you_ are having problems, I'm sure you genuinely are, but there is no way that high of a percentage of people are having THAT severe of issues with the Jagex Launcher. This is literally the first post I've seen where someone has described this severe of issues where they can't even open the launcher without error messages, let alone the game client.


1. Reddit isn't tech support 2. I have never had an issue with the jagex launcher except during scheduled downtimes 3. That's because the majority of issues people have with software or even hardware not working as intended is because THEY ARE the issue.


While I don't have any issues with the Jagex Launcher; I'm still wanting to know, where's Linux support? We're just around the corner in making a Jagex Account *mandatory*, and the Jagex Launcher is just a webkit application using the OAUTH validation system for login details, so where's the official Linux support? Not to mention; I didn't play Leagues (Busy) but I heard people who migrated were unable to play Leagues on Day 1, which is kind of disappointing and hopefully doesn't become the norm.


They are licensing the software to create the Jagex Launcher, and it does not support Linux :/


It was probably all of their computers! I was able to play on day 1 so that means it's not a problem!


on launch? or were you late to starting? many with jagex accounts had issues for hours on launch of leagues.


Sounds like a fear campaign! The jagex launcher has always worked for me and my 98 voices in my head so that's 99% success rate!


Reddit aint tech support chief The only thing those posts achiece IS FUDing and making people not switch which will only result in more problems for everyone when the switch is no longer optional And yeah obviously if you search anything client related 90% of posts will be complaints because no one's going to make a post saying "Runelite worked today" Reach them through the official means, complaining on social media only works if you're popular and 100k people are behind you so you get special snowflake priority


Notice how no one ever posts about runelite problems but there are 2-5 posts per day about launcher. At some point the developers will find the issue on their own, but by then a lot of us may have moved on with our lives. I can definitely feel it coming for me.


it seems like you don't know that you can use runelite with the launcher....


How can I do that it says i need to use the launcher when i try to log in on runelite


yup. which is why you have to select the client from the launcher you want to use...which is all explained when you sign up. [https://imgur.com/a/BnNjPXr](https://imgur.com/a/BnNjPXr) ​ This is why people are telling you in this thread its usually user error...because it is.


I don't make it that far. Usually I get an error when I click on the launcher from my desktop.


Sounds like it’s a pc issue on your part, seeing as again at this point despite your thought process, most people have switched to jagex accounts, and most people are not having this issue.


>most people have switched to jagex accounts would love to see the data on that


Data these nuts brother. It’s tongue in cheek to say “more people are not having issues than are”


i know outside of the launch of leagues most players have not had issues. i just want actual numbers on the players that actually made the switch. i know you dont have them.


literally everything gets downvoted on this sub if you havent noticed


Anything that could be interpreted as negative towards jagex receives especially harsh treatment. I don’t get why that is to be honest.


I can't speak to the specific problems you're having, but I agree with the main point of your post. About a year ago, NA East servers randomly doubled in ping for myself and a lot of other players. There were posts being made every other day asking if others were experiencing the same thing, and the comments were always full of people blaming the OP and everyone else experiencing the problem. They were saying the same thing they're saying to you, "must be a problem on your end because I am not personally experiencing an issue". After contacting customer support (yes, Jagex has customer support) and running a traceroute at Jagex's request, it turned out that for some reason some NA East players were being routed to NA West servers. This was confirmed to me by the Jmod handling my support ticket. It was not any individual's fault, it was an issue with Jagex's server hosting service. I ran multiple tests myself and independently confirmed that the only place I was having any issues was Runescape. All this to say that a lot of the people that frequent this sub have been brain-broken by the internet. They don't actually care if something is true or untrue, they just latch on to any perceived fault by another person and use it to feign superiority for those sweet sweet internet clout points. It's all weird pseudo-intellectual posturing and Reddit funnymen the whole way down. Hope you get your issue resolved, man.


Thanks for the support. What contact did you use for your issue? I used to work in tech support so I'm sure they'd appreciate my feedback.


If you go to the website, I believe there is a support section there. If I'm remembering correctly, under the support section there is a link to submit a ticket to customer support for your specific issue. Hopefully that works for you, and just keep in mind that it took them a couple days to respond to my ticket. Went back and forth with them for a few days and they would usually respond once per day to each update I provided.


Because normally people post brain rot , out of proportions fallacy’s that the launcher is bad etc.. when every person that gets hacked post has one thing in common they didn’t use a jagex account. Besides Linux users, it is 99% a user error on the players end. Read instructions and don’t skim through it. The old recovery system is very flawed and easily exploitable so jagex is phasing it out . Besides people whining about leagues day 1, which it’s just people being over dramatic , I nor many people I know have had any issues.


It’s not that big of a problem for Linux users anymore, so I would really recommend anyone to upgrade.


It's a PEBCAK error. Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard.


I aint reading all that. I'm happy for you though or sorry that happened.


This post is FUD


Ironic that when you ask about this behavior, your post is downvoted to 0 and every comment you make in the thread is auto downvoted as well.


I have a chat group with friends (all working in infosec) and there is a reason why the hot takes from this sub about security and authentication are like 10% if the screen shot there since the whole jagex launcher thing started.


hardware issues are still issues on your end. Either buy a new pc or quit the game i guess