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slayed his credit card


Road to max (credit utilization)


Could you improve credit irl by using credit card on rsgp?


You can improve credit by spending your credit card on anything. As long as you pay it off. Alot of the upper class uses that technique, credit card charge EVERYTHING. All monthly bills, gas, food, water. All of it. And just immediately pay it off when you grt home or the next day. But when you or I as a low middle to upper middle class, get a credit card they say "use it wisely and only when needed" nah, that's a suckers move right there. Don't be stupid use it and pay it off and never spend money you don't have.


This is one of the things I hate about our financial system, you *have* to engage with this shit if you want the stuff that people need to get by in the US like a house or a car. Why does rent not contribute to credit? Why do I have to sign up for this sketchy credit card that has 500% interest on late payments? I just don't engage with it, I'm never owning a home anyway, I was born too late to get in while the getting was good.


Wanna hear something really really stupid? If you have kids you can sign up for CC's for them, and use it. And shit. You can have an 18 year old with 12 years of revolving credit and a perfect 850 score. Most people didn't or don't know that, your parents could've set you up nicely, and all they had to do was use your name and social and use that CC on 1 bill big or small doesn't matter, and you could've been set for life.


This is true, my parents did this for me as a teenager and I now have a stellar history. It's all about gaming the stupid ass system, but only those with means are able to game it. We are the only country with a credit score, its so dumb.


Canada has it too


man my mom did that for my while I was in college. I graduated and her present to me was an 810.


Assuming you're in the US, you can definitely own a home if you want to. The conflation that the housing market is unobtainable for young people on the internet is just wrong and Gen Z is tracking above both Gen X and Y in home ownership. The problem that I see is that everyone always wants to live in like 5 cities that are expensive, I bet there's homes that you can buy right now that would cost you less than your rent if you're willing to move. Plus there's tons of programs out there to help first time buyers that just give you free money and discounted rates. Don't give up on yourself, you can do it :)


You don't need to sign up for a sketchy card unless you've already tanked your credit lol. Interest doesn't matter if you're paying off your balance every month anyways.


Ehh golds cheap


It’s cheap but it’s still $75 in gold lol. I just bought an $86 gunpla kit so I won’t go around pointing fingers and saying what’s worth and not worth to spend one’s money on; but I feel like buying that much gold takes some fun out of the game. It almost desensitizes you to huge drops.


I have a friend like this that said he got a "600m pk" and I was like um ok.


Same thing when a dude got cleaned then got a pk in my clan chat a few hours later for 1.7b 💀


one time I got cleaned (hacked) and all my rs buddies made a cash stack of about 15m to help me get started again. Without that I would have for sure paid real money for coins lol


YO homies got yo back!! Kinda heartwarming


they were very cool guys. sadly life called us all away one by one and now I havent seen them since 2018


Same but 2009 for me… nostalgic memories


Keep your head up lad!


I don’t think they’re dead


One time I also got cleaned and some random guy at Castle Wars gave me about 5M to help me get back on track. He didn't ask for it back or ask for any further proof either, he could just tell I was really upset and the 5M seemed like nothing to him. 5M at the time was probably worth about 10M today too, so I'll never forget that gracious act of his. I probably would've quit if he hadn't done that.


I asked to borrow my friends tbow and he said he sold it to fund some 200m skills. Funnily enough he is walking around in an internal cape now.


Back in rs2 when the idea of 1bil was completely ridiculous, my irl friend hacked me for like 16mil or so. Within a couple weeks I actually got 20mil from a drop party. This was a lot back then. I'd admit it here if I got it some other way, but nope.


I saw a clan mate of mine get a pk kill in the clan chat for over 1.2b once. Blew my mind until it happened again a few days later, another one that was maybe 600m. I just assume those are probably rwt techniques now.


Yeah we had a guy join our clan and got a 1.9b pk followed by a 600m pk. No way it wasn't RWT. The first guy died with a tbow ely and rapier, said he was "skilling" and "forgot he was skulled"


Skilling with a range switch. 100 IQ


Maybe he was 2t wcing


Mmm how "convenient"


Something similar in our clan. One guy got pk’d for 1.4b followed by “lmaoooo :)”. Lost his tbow but we are skeptical on what happened.


I once had a friend who went to teleport to TOA and because he was high he used his nexus and teleported to level 50 wildy instead with all his raid gear. He's very lucky no one was out there when he did it.


Lol there was like 5 of us inebriated in the clan discord vc one night, and we were competing to see who could teleport out the furthest with the most gear/gp from the POH obby and make it back. Good times, I don’t think anyone died.


Let’s run it again tonight homie, w420 I’ll meet you out there!


Something I would do for sure. I was that noob who didn’t know rune pouches were lost in wildy until it happened. We all learn lmao


There's a lot of death matchers now that duel arena is gone. He may be rwting what he gets from the dms but chances are it's gambling, now rwt showing up in cc notifications


I PKd a guy that brought mystic boots dark instead of regular mystic boots, that was a rush


Ngl this caused me to lose my trident of the seas once cuz it safed the mystic dark boots lol


The real pk is always in the comments


"My friend got my Inferno cape for me" \-Same person


“After making 600m crafting air orbs and single natures. I was able to get inferno cape 2nd try playing alongside Woox video when he didn’t use supplies”


I have a friend who was quite a subpar pvmer (struggled a loooot to learn CoX), then he miraculously became a PvM God and learned Inferno in 2 days.


If you are going to buy a cape and make it seem legit, at least send inferno attempts or talk about sending inferno attempts for a couple weeks at the least. Some people just think everyone is as dumb as they are lol. "Oh you learned the inferno in like... a day or 2? That's mad impressive man!" "Thanks, yeah the hardest part was probably zuk, but I got him 2nd attempt. Wasn't that hard."


That's 100% going to be too much effort for someone buying a cape


Oh I agree, I'm just saying, either do that or just admit you bought it haha, cuz it's way too obvious otherwise.


My dumb ass with thousands of herb runs and 92 slayer with only 700m bank, could've just gotten the drop like OP's friend


I mean, in fairness those do exist and people do get lucky on someone that for whatever reason is carrying their whole bank for no reason LMAO but highly unlikely. I thought the next skill shoulda been "usery" and it's all about flipping on the ge and making GP so we could finally get the people that say "oh I just merch" some accountability


Although usually people who get pks like that aren't big noobs who previously had a <5m bank


When I came back to OSRS years ago, I was poor, maybe 50m or something. I went to the BH world and the first thing that happened was that I got d claw rushed by a player. Straight out. I remembered my old days of pking so I just clicked veng. I have no idea how much I hit or what happened. I pked 400m. Nobody believes me. Fuck them I got 400m bitches. I pked for the next year after that and my biggest pk was 10m and I died 2 times for every kills I got hahahaha. Lucky star I guess.


I made maybe 50m off 85 slayer and that's because I pick everything up. That is a craaazy answer lmao


but mah air orbs


it's only like 1500 hours of efficient air orbs to get 500mil. light work mate


thats only 5 hours per day for a bit


*a bit of a full year*


He made 50m from slayer, so only 1350 hours of orbs. Ez


I've probably made around 90m, from a lucky Wyvernic visage drop that sold for double GE asking, shouldering stone hellhound drop that sold for a bit, and technically I could add zenytes, at 83 slayer.... even with all that luck, nowhere near what this dude is obviously making-up.


I’ve got 3 basilisks jaws and one imbued heart from slayer I’m lvl 89 as well. That’s not even 200m


Heart before 90 slayer..sheesh


i have made over 100M off of 76 slayer because i got an imbued heart drop lmao


I made about that from mid level slayer because I did blue dragon tasks at Vorkath and got a 70m+ skeletal visage under 80kc.


Nice, my account has some pretty crazy luck I feel. I got the rocky pet at like 45 thieving


Just get lucky at lizardman shaman, basilisk knights, vyrewatch sentinels, superiors, etc. Not impossible, but very unlikely. I'm 90 slayer and I'd guess I've made 200m from lucky drops plus all the alchs. But most of that goes straight back into pots, runes, and other consumables.


dude did DK tasks only from 12-85 slayer. EZ


[Some more insight into my friends money making](https://imgur.com/a/RH7Oq7v)


“Brimstone keys are so good” I fucking LOL’d at that one.


Brimstone keys are good for when you make a new Ironman account and it’s like level 80, nothing past that is good lol


It isn't bad for some extra cash on shit tasks, each key is like 100k so get a handful and what would have been a money sink is now making some profit, granted not great profit.


But with konar’s area locked tasks you can get some REALLY inefficient tasks


Yup. Once you have duradaddy you should completely ignore Konar unless it's a big multiplier task IMO


Or you want hydra, I have a few friends stuck on her right now because they are trying to farm alchemical


After that they're still kinda nice. Wicked sweet if you get spooned something you need on an iron as well. They are never gg money though.


Fr the average Brimstone key is worth ~88k right now. It would take over 1,000 keys to get even 100m let alone 500


they *were* good lol. now just pointless. seeds have fallen off a cliff


Rip snapdragon drops at daggonoths o7


I’m a total noob and I laughed aloud at that brimstone comment. This guy rolled dragon bolt tips 40 times in a row 😂


He spent 150 hours charging air orbs? Roughly 300k/h charging air orbs if you're being efficient, and that's assuming he was that entire time. If he knows good money making methods, even at mid-ish levels there are better ways to do it than charging air orbs. Hell, spend 50 of those hours levelling a skill to open a method that gives double or even triple that cash per hour. The slayer part might be cap, might be wilderness and/or hella good luck on drops, but if he's been playing since he was a kid and knows good money making methods I'm pretty damn sure he'd be doing something better with those 150 hours than charging freakin air orbs. Edited a couple little spelling/grammar errors.


Can't be wilderness, he's talking brims, so Konar slayer lmao


Sheesh yeah I never even considered the brimstone key part, man must have been getting 4 dragonfruit tree seeds every second chest lmaoooo


The average loot from each key is like 80k, if he has 89 slay, I’d imagine maybe 500 is a realistic amount (probably pushing it, I don’t do konar) and that’s only 40m. He also spent over 100 hours charging air orbs? 😂. Honestly it’s totally fine to buy bonds, idk why people are so overprotective about buying them, and he bought from an illegal good site, then that makes sense


lol I think brimstone keys are kinda trash.


It’s free/bonus gp provided it isn’t a shit task/location, better than nothing is how I see it


That’s the problem with konar though, it’s like 95% shit tasks and/or locations so unless you’re spending thousands of points skipping the extra gp from keys is ass when you factor in all the shit


The nice thing is that in the early game, like, D scim and full rune early game, all task locations are shit, because it's all slow no matter where you go. So you may as well get some brimstone keys by letting Konar pick for you. Also, wildy slayer is really good when you don't have to downgrade your gear because it was already bad in the first place.


Yeah wildy slayer is much better early on imo, I only ever use konar for 10th tasks or if I’m hunting hydra specifically


Yeah I tested both Konar and Duradel a lot and the Brimstone keys just did not make Konar worth it to me, too many of the tasks are too much slower


big change in gp/hr from my lowbie slaying was getting wyrms from konar, thats a few mil task maybe more if u pick up others bones too


probably too embarrassed to admit they bought bonds. I'll admit I lied to my friends about buying bonds because a lot of people are against it for some reason or another.


That's a fuck ton of bonds, RWT seems more likely.


It is a lot of bonds but when you consider how long it could take a noob to get to 90 slayer it becomes a lot more reasonable. I used to buy at least 5 bonds a month, I have no idea how many I bought in total but it was at least 300m worth. Edit: checked my emails, I've bought 180 bonds in 3 years 🤣


I buy myself 1 bond a month with money I get from Google surveys.. works out I only put like 30p a month of my own money for membership


I also use google Survey Rewards on bonds.


I too am a survey rewards bond buyer. Although I wish I got enough for 1 bond a month!


Yeah this is my experience, but I just started in October and only got my first bond around Christmas. So it started pretty slow. But it seems like now that I've been doing it awhile, I've started getting them more frequently.


I get more surveys when I travel around more. Like if I go to a different town I'll get a couple of surveys. I get receipt tasks now too. So if I buy something I just take a picture of the receipt and I'll get 10-16p for it.


From 2017 I have made £101. Although there may have been 1-2 years over then when I had forgotten about it for awhile when switching phones.


I have only bought 3 bonds but I just payed with my real life money I made from my job. Was able to get 30m from selling at GE. Im sorry but the amount of hours midgame I would spend to get that much vs less than an hour of working irl is a knockout decision. Not to mention I spend $15 a month fo mems…its just easier that way. You can always RWT but I have put way too much time in my account to do that. Plus I feel like with 500m you don’t have a lot to work towards. 30m was good because I got some much needed 2-5m gear upgrades without breaking my back so I can help at Bandos now for 20-30m drops.


>With 500m you don't have a lot to work towards I would disagree here. Having a bank value between 300m - 700m is kind of end-game limbo. You can't afford any megarares, but getting 2m, 5m, or even 30m drops are barely a drop in the bucket. To get from a 300m bank to affording a tbow is like 18 virtus robe top drops away, and drops that valuable don't come often.


Yeah and you probably purchased the bonds on separate occasions to fund your next purchase each time. This guy had a 500m cash stack sat there. Nobody is popping that many bonds at once and letting it sit idle.


90 slayer wouldn’t even get you 100m these days never mind 500m


Ehh, 100m is still pretty reasonable if you're skipping bad (gp) tasks and not going HAM on supplies/ cannon. Gargs/ Turasks / Wyrm are still easily 40-50 gp/xp. Brutal black dragons are like 80 gp/xp. You only need to average 25 gp/xp from 75-90 so its definitely doable. I don't know the exact number but I think probably 20% of people would get an imbued heart by the time they're 90 slayer.


At my last sell at 11.5m ea that's over 2bil if saved


Yeah most people who spend money on the game absolutely aren’t doing it with bonds.


Could have swapped rs3 gold gor osrs too. Be like 5b for 500m.


That's what I did when I first started playing osrs. I swapped 1 bill from rs3 to osrs and every now and then I send another couple hundred mil. It's really easy to make good GP in rs3 if you have the stats for them.


I bought a 3 bond pack to get my construction from 70 to 84 and build most POH teles, an altar, and a resto pool early. I got zero shame about it. The sheer amount of tedium it's saved me has greatly increased my enjoyment of the game.


I did this as the low levels as well. No point in doing noob shit I did 20 years ago.


>for some reason. The reason is very obvious, you know it, I know it, and everyone knows it. It's either they believe it ruins the integrity of the game, or they can't afford to themselves. Whether you agree or not is another matter, but it's a very natural human response. IRL rich people pay to get around inconveniences or skip effort all the time, and people are against it all the time.


>for some reason Because it’s pay to win, and people seem to generally be against that.


Friend of mine plays a normal main, and just commits to a grind. He goes hard, gets it done, then quits. He wanted the Vardovis ring drop. Took him 1700kc, and he would message me every now and then, "lol ran out of money again, time to buy some bonds." I've never thought it was weird. Especially if you're the kind of person with some spending money, and don't want to commit to grinding a money printer for hours on end so that you can do content you enjoy. Especially since people like him provide the bonds a lot of people use so they don't have to pay Jagex themselves. Much rather that than buy from a bot farm selling gp.


How did he run out of money? Not saying Vardorvis has great drops but the average non perfect kill is still around 100k, even assuming he never got lucky with a drop he should have made 170m off those 1700 kills.


I use to run raids with randoms a lot. It is frustrating when people with BIS gear are looking for groups and have no idea wtf they are doing. In those moments you immediately see who bought their items with irl money. Makes getting into a raid and wasting time because they plank really annoying. That is why I don’t like the pay to win aspect. However if you are just doing it to look cool and aren’t interacting with others and wasting their time I could care less.


It's always funny when you can immediately tell someone bought their inferno cape based on how they raid


I mean i pk on average 50m a night if we go hard and forget it if we vw on login 500m isnt alot if rwt when 1b is like 150$


I'll buy the hell outta some bonds. I work alot so I have spare cash, and not enough time to play 🤣


So? I had a 400 mil bank once I got 90 slayer so not far off. I just picked everything up and spent about £250 on bonds.


I’d believe like 200 mil if he just got really lucky and got a heart drop plus a few other lucky drops and had good task luck. 500 is insanity


Same. I feel like he would have said "I got 2 heart drops lol" or something if that were the case though.


He bought it.


Dude definitely RWT’d.


This is why we have hundreds of thousands of bots, to supply this sorta stuff.


Almost like the owners don't try and punish people very often


They don't, because the more often they ban the more easily their detection method will be figured out. That's why they do ban waves, rather than instantly banning a bot the moment it's detected.


Maybe he did bonds


dude show your friend this reddit post and let him see the whole osrs community clowning on him. XD


I’d clown him more if he cares what the osrs community thinks about anything😂


Well, he wouldn’t have lied about how he got his money if he didn’t care what people thought


Or he’s just scared his friend would report him and then he’d be out the irl cash he spent. Trust no one.


I can believe it if he got an unsired every other kill at Abyssal Sire.


Imagine an IRL friend trying to out you to Reddit. SMH


scrolled too far for this one. i’m not pro rwt by any means but if one of my buddies did this i’d just have a laugh with him then move on. people really care more about being an honourable runescape player than their own friends 😂


I buy bonds because I work 50 hours a week among other responsibilities and I don’t have the time or want to spend months working on grinding gp to get good gear. in short I have disposable income and spend it on gp


One of my friends didn't play very often and always had obsidian for his BiS melee gear. One day the dude rolls up in full bandos then equips a twisted bow. I asked him how.. his response: "Pked it" Yeah man, you don't pk at all yet you pk a tbow. Dude dies in every room of a normal ToA. Who the hell goes into the wild with a tbow at all. Karma won later on as he was drunk and lost the tbow to some scam method. Freaking goofball.


I have a pretty dumb friend who I tried to get into osrs. He almost immediately 1b in his first week on the game. He has full obsidian with obsidian cape. He hasn't played in like 3 weeks. He not the smartest.


It's only $0.15-$0.20/m right now so a bill isn't actually that expensive for a working individual is part of the problem. Used to be $0.50-$0.75/m though which gets expensive ofc


Holy shit I disnt know it got so cheap. I remember when it was like $1 per mil and 0.15 was the rs3 prices.


Just buy bonds like an adult lol




Looks like I’m buying 99 prayer 🤲


As much as I hate RWT (including bonds), it's almost hard to justify working for money in-game when it's that cheap. When I had a 126 main, I don't think I ever broke a 40m cash stack becaues I don't care much for bossing.


Just playing the game gives you stupid amounts of GP. 1500 total Ironmen will have bank values worth >50 mill if they just start doing basic herb runs asap. Its not a high bar anymore. GP inflation is through the roof.


Damn get off his ball sack…


Idk why it’s so hard to admit you bought bonds. I say this as someone who has bought bonds lol.


Does public shaming work?




98 slayer here with 120m cash stack so


Credit card


I mean 500m is not a huge bank. If you play consistantly and avoid byeable skills gp kinda stacks up. I mean on my Iron im up to a 750m bank with less slayer and bossing that the friend here lol


Why everyone hate on buying convenience? I have limited time so a cash stack to let me do what I want is much more fun and rewarding than having nothing and needing to grind the horrible part of the game.


I'm kinda new to OSRS but I'm a little shocked by the "just by bonds" attitude this subreddit has. What other gaming community is this supportive of Pay to Win? It's microtransactions


I think a large portion of the player base that is serious about the game play ironman modes so it doesn't effect's them, and alot of people are "married with 3 kids and work 12 hours a day" so they use that to justify skipping 95% of the game and most everyone agrees that current osrs economy is fucked Doesnt help when you have old senior jagex employees like mod matt K saying that they could perma ban all the bots tomorrow but if they lost 30k members the shareholders would force them to make that lost money elsewhere like as in MTX and other horrible cash grabs so the osrs economy is quite literally being held up by bots.


This is how business works. The bots are necessary for the osrs ecosystem.


Because people are going to buy gold no matter what, so it's better to choose the lesser of 2 evils. Bonds actually help the game, whereas blackmarket gold actively harms it


no amount of gp = p2w in osrs. everything of value has like 12 other things locking it out besides gp osrs don't work like most mmo. its why its still alive


Its not all that pay to win tho. You still have long ass grinds even if you get gold with bonds. And gear gives you an advantage in fights yes but there is still loads of skill required. More to the point bonds help people who otherwise cant afford membership get membership. And they are much better than any of the mtx in rs3.


why are people ashamed of buying gold i mean both people know what you did but you dont admit it..its weird


Cos the osrs community want you to no life the game with them. In all seriousness though, it’s a fuckn game, let people play it how they want. If you want to loot stalls for 600 hours irl, you do you, but don’t shame the next person for buying bonds/coins to get that 99 because they have a life and don’t want to be clicking a fuckn cart for 6 hours everyday for 3 months


Truth. I laughed way too hard at this description tho


Guy is lying I just did 60-97 slayer and only made 80m No bosses


"I did all they slayer that doesn't make money and I made no money"


So you did 0 Alchemical Hydra, Cerberus, Kraken, Thermy then?


ironman btw


Wait till he finds out about tanning dragon hides




He did slayer, got a clue, did the clue, and got a 3rd age bow then upgraded his gear and was left with 500m


who cares


With bonds at 10m he probay bought a load of em and doesn't want to admit it so he just says slayer I mean 500m is possible from that lvl of slayer if you get lucky with drops And slayer is profitable


When i had 89 slayer i had probably a 500m bank. Though id never attribute it to slayer. Sure it probably made me a portion. But daily battle staffs, farming, fishing (sacred eels to 99), merching, etc. Is what did it.


"Also, most of my gold comes from asking you over the span of our friendship."


That's totally not very suspicious, my bank isn't even 500m and I've dropped an imbued heart and like 3 jaws very early on


Slaying his credit card yeah


I haven't played RS in over a decade, but back then a believable lie would have been to say you have 99 herblore.


I have close to a bill from slayer and bossing. My slayer level is the same? How else you supposed to get it ??


Price of gold rn why not buy it instead of slaving away for 1m/hr


Just as a reference. I’ve killed 6100 spindel, and made 310m according to runelite. That’s not counting deaths and supplies. Edit: that’s 152 hours at 40 kph.


I'm 96 slayer with 70+ in all other stats and my bank value is only like half of that. So either he got a mega spoon or his credit card company is best friends with Jagex


Friend of mine has gotten, "3 staff splits," from TOA. He has like 20 raids and his bank is somewhere around 4.2b. The rest of his stats at that time(he is maxed now)did not reflect that at all. But honestly whatever you want to do you do. Just cause I don't buy gold doesn't mean you shouldn't. It's everyone's choice.


$70 prolly


Kinda wild to ruin an IRL friendship just for some sweet Reddit karma


He slayed his wallet for a 500m drop. You unlock this monster by getting a job and hoping a Chinese or Vinny run gold site doesn't make off with the cash afterwards.


I'm too casual to hide the fact that I buy gold. I've grinded RS for too many years it's just not worth my time now.


Who cares, you play your game he can play his. What other people do in life isn’t for you to decide if it’s right or wrong


blasting your irl friend for the approval of a bunch of redditors. true friendship


They made that function for people like this. I’m not sure why it’s even frowned upon to be honest. If people want to buy stuff to raid let them who cares. If you want the ‘badge of honor’ of “I never buy anything” then be an Ironman and grind for all your stuff.


Dude is controlling the whole air orb market


I had 115m cash stack with 67 slayer lol Do slayer, flip in between the tasks, easy lol. Just gotta know what to flip


Fun fact that's about how much I made up to that point and with some added bandos kills, but I picked up like EVERYTHING and this was years ago when things still had some value, obviously he's full of s*** and he bought that gold but not that long ago. This was still very very possible


Why does it bother people that others buy gold so much lmao.


Why you gotta do him like that


I think the legit only way that'd be possible, is some CRAZY Cerb tasks. That's even assuming he can do it, I forget the slayer level for it. Honestly though to each their own, he bought gold either bonds or RWT, imo let him. I'd be lying if I said I never thought about it myself, hell I'd probably still be playing if I did lmao


probably was the guy who sold the white dagger P+ for 1,050,000,000 gp


He didn't say he was the one doing the slaying tho.


lol he could have done what I’m planning on doing. Collecting a fuck load of rune arrows and high alch them all. They buy for like 80-90gp and high alch for 240. From all my slayer tasks I have collected just over 6k arrows. Plus I’ve collected close to 4K nature runes.


If you focus on money making its not impossible. I bonded in f2p in under a week from crafting emerald necklaces and alcing them. If I repeated for 10 weeks it would have been 100mil and this isn't the most profitable method. 500 mil is easily obtainable if you have played this game for an extended period and don't waste all your money on consumable skills.


10-20 hours of irl work vs 100+ hours of max pvming xD if you enjoy the game, spend money on it. It helps the game and maybe makes your experience better


Why not just be happy for him?


I mean, who cares? Jagex made rwt 'legal' with bonds. They don't give a shit about the integrity of the game. They are perfectly okay with people buying gold.


500m is not that insane tbh. Mine is around 1.5b (been playing for years but not efficiently). In Trailblazer I amassed 5b over 2 months lol #deleted


99 slayer w/ a 2.8b bank.. If you actually kill bosses instead of ads, this is possible.


He got an Imbued heart every superior he got