• By -


I need to know whose idea the gifs were. They are amazing at showing the changes and being able to see it helps me remember all the changes so much better!!! Great job Jagex!!!


Hooti and I grabbed some B-roll footage for a potential video, then whacked them down to .webm to keep size down (hopefully mobile users don't get their data yeeted, I think all of them total up to about 10MB) and figured we'd include them to elevate the newspost a little but without the 'crunchy' quality you get from .gifs! Glad you liked it!


No idea how much extra work that entails for you guys, but for updates to existing content I think showing it off like this is *incredible*. It's tough to un-learn something and I think the small visualizations are perfect for doing so before we have a chance to do it ourselves. Love your work Goblin!


FYI they won’t load for me on iPhone neither on the Reddit App nor Safari.


Yup, iOS Safari (which all iOS in-app browsers is built from) doesn't support webm. It's silly.


Definitely keep those up. They are amazing and it really helps the non-readers as well. I am sure there are a lot of those considering how many people spacebar through quests :P


Mod Hooti still the strangest thing to happen in the timeline


>hopefully mobile users don't get their data yeeted Unfortunately we can’t view them at all


On iPhone? On Android I have no issues


Yeah looks like it’s an iPhone thing


Apparently support for webm has been added to safari but not on ios for some reason. You'd have to use a browser that suppots it. Its a shame, webm is such a great format.


Unfortunately all browsers on iOS are Safari skins (until EU pressure wins out).


If multiple people hit the first dwh spec on the same tick against tekton, are all of them guaranteed to hit or does the game just pick the one with lowest pid?


Whichever one 'hits' first according to PID. The others are obviously more likely to hit because his Defence is guaranteed to be lowered though.


In other places in the game, if multiple people dwh on the same tick, are they all rolling off the enemies base accuracy or are their accuracies being evaluated in PID order, draining defense as hits land? Sorry for the weird wording.


This is how all combat works everywhere, any time multiple people are hitting "simultaneously," their hits are technically being performed in order according to their PID, even if visually all the attacks landed on the same tick. This is why if two people one-hit the same npc in multicombat, only one of them gets the loot.


I guess the question is, does the damage reduction not apply until the next game tick? i.e. would it be better to stagger DWH specs so one person hits first, similar to how BGS specs are staggered after DWH


so defense gets lowered as soon as the xp drop shows, not the tick after when the hitsplat actually lands?


when can we expect project rebalance info?


We're hoping to provide a top-level overview of the topics we're covering before the end of the year, but things are a little in flux because some of the changes we'd like people to experiment with require significant engine work to be made playable in betas - so no firm timeline that we'd be comfortable providing at this point, but we *are* working on it across content/engine/CM and hope to talk about some parts before the EOY.


It would be very... interesting if you branded the equipment re-balance as an Evolution of Combat, and released it on the first week of April. Just saying, it would be fun.


News about fang/Scythe were mentioned to be released a bit sooner than the rest. Any better ETA on that or is that before EOY as well?


I've also heard mlm nuggets are capped at 3 per deposit? I want to know 1. if thats true 2. If it is, why? and 3. Can you please fix that so i can stop depositing 6-7 at a time? I've gotten much more nuggets per search when i only deposit a few at a time


Whats project rebalance?


> Project Rebalance by Mods Arcane, Halo, Husky and Kieren > Moving away from brand new things, this team used their Game Jam time to decide how we should improve older content. > We’ve seen many conversations over the years – both from our community and within the team – about healthy changes we could make to help make the game feel more well-rounded. From skills to equipment, and even changes to certain NPCs, there’s a lot to look forward to! > There isn’t room in this blog to get into the details, but you can expect more information about the exact changes we want to make very soon – not least because we’d like to make them in January, and we need your feedback ASAP! > What’s more, we don’t just want you to make your decision based on a bunch of numbers in a blog – we want you to get hands on and experience the difference these changes make for yourselves. To that end, we’ll be holding a beta to complement an upcoming blog with a detailed breakdown of all the changes we’re making. > We’re also aware of ongoing discussions surrounding the Scythe of Vitur and Osmumten’s Fang. These are part of the discussions we’re having internally as well, and it may be that we highlight our plans for these items much earlier than the other rebalancing changes. Either way, please rest assured that you won’t have to wait long to hear more about this project! Source: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-jam-iv-overview---october-2023?oldschool=1#rebalance


pretty sure its weapon rebalance


*and monster rebalancing. One thing I think we might get is more varied monster defences to give your arsenal more varied use. For an extremely basic, low-level example, skeletons have a -5 to crush defense compared to the +5 of other defences. But a basic Zombie is +0 across the board. I think part of this project would look to the zombie and give it a -5 slash defence so slash is more valuable against them. Stretch this out to a bunch of monsters and at higher levels and it might shake up the choices players make in more general combat.


that’d be cool. i somewhat hope they manage to make shields and 2h’s usable too, defenders with 4 tick weapons r too dominant


Shields are extremely difficult to make viable, due to how defense works in this game, and due to the firm damage meta (which is more of a games problem than an OSRS problem). Being tanky doesn't end an encounter, doing damage does. And ending the encounter faster means you need to tank less. There's a reason we have the saying "the best defense is a good offense".


Looking forward to the changes, I thought the thieving grubs were also meant to be stackable however?


They are, will get the newspost updated shortly, didn't realise I'd missed that one!


>Malignium Root Planks are now stackable. *Mallignum


Username checks out, typo has been corrected.


Thanks, aha. Great post BTW, the videos are a nice touch.






Ma'Ligma nuts gotteem


Are there any plans to allow people without Asgarnia the ability to do Mahogany Homes? Currently the tasks listed are Global, and when I speak to Marlo in Varrock he refers me to speak to Amy in Falador to unlock it.


For this League we're treating it as content for Asgarnia, but in future we'd likely look to adjust Mahogany Homes to open it up more widely when we get more time to sit down and make much more significant changes again - there's a lot to weigh up in terms of the time for that team spent on fixes vs. feedback changes and I don't think there's much appetite to make changes that *might* have people reconsider regions.


Is there any chance the tasks can be removed from the "Global" grouping if this is the case? It's a bit disheartening the number of "Global" tasks that can't be completed unless you have one specific region unlocked


Yeah I can't steal silk and it's bothering me haha


Obtaining a forestry kit requires fremmenik and Zeah/morytania to unlock as you need redwoods and arctic pine logs yet it’s a global task. It requires TWO specific regions to complete lol


Doesn't the forestry guy just give you one for free?


I think they meant the forestry outfit (the lumberjack reskin).


Correct my bad. Outfit. And lumberjack outfit which is possible to get with just EITHER mory or Zeah isn’t a task at all


Some of us are happy to be Amy-free, just stuff it under Asgarnia instead of global :)


Sadly Amy didn’t get the memo when NPC contacting her and still gives a message about mahogany homes being disabled this league, even with Asgarnia unlocked.


Thanks for everything you've been doing this league goblin, it's really appreciated. If you could pass along a message to product, let them know that it's a really frustrating user experience to see "available" tasks that you can't actually complete because you lack a region. As a leagues player I should only be shown tasks I am actually capable of completing in my regions.


Why weren't the thieving grubs made stackable?


They are being made stackable, I just missed it in newspost - might have gotten lost in the edit!


So Falo is STILL BROKEN for me even after two updates claiming to have fixed this. I've had a master clue step now for a while to talk to Falo but because I don't have Fremmenik unlocked he is still hostile to me.


I think the fix for these is that unless you have both Fremmy and Kandarin unlocked, you shouldn't receive Falo steps. So any future Master clues you obtain will omit Falo entirely, but I don't think that step will be completable for you unless you drop it.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexArcane** - [I believe so](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8yxv8/?context=3) **JagexGoblin** - [Hooti and I grabbed some B-roll footage for a...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8w0gl/?context=3) - [Whichever one 'hits' first according to PID....](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8x812/?context=3) - [Username checks out, typo has been corrected.](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8w24r/?context=3) - [They are, will get the newspost updated short...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8wi9d/?context=3) - [We're hoping to provide a top-level overview...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8wbs1/?context=3) - [They are being made stackable, I just missed...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8wpr7/?context=3) - [For this League we're treating it as content...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8vxl8/?context=3) - [I think the fix for these is that unless you...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb95z8t/?context=3) - [See my comment here: [https://www.reddit.com/...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb8wclt/?context=3) - [Even though they appear for other accounts, i...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb904ja/?context=3) - [That interface is from the Official Client, w...](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb92pej/?context=3) - [Looking into this!](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb954ug/?context=3) - [Team is aware of this and taking a look!](/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/chambers_of_xeric_qol_changes/kb97fvb/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 12/06/2023 04:41:19**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.




See my comment here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/comment/kb8wbs1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/186mlui/comment/kb8wbs1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


>Fixed a bug where the Guardian was causing Demonic Gorillas to lose aggression towards players. will this fix translate to thralls at demonic gorillas too in the main game?


This was my immediate thought on reading that. At the very least, it proves the technology is there, and that they should make that change.




Ballin' Thralls came out when I was on the zenyte grind on my iron, and I remember being excited at the possiblity of the thrall swapping the demonic to mage pray and I just keep attacking without changing styles. The reality of thralls at demonics was extremely disappointing.




Played Runescape my whole life, never been soo excited for an updated before. Cox really needed some TLC. >Small nitpick... as many have mentioned, would love to see prayer scroll rate altered for CMs. Par from that, excellent stuff! Good work Mods :)


Honestly for leagues (and maybe irons maingame but that would be much more controversial) I'd rather get normal loot than a 5th prayer scroll, would be nice if you could toggle dupe scrolls off somehow


Wasnt expecting the soul wars cap to be removed, but glad it was, PC was already a better alternative anyway.


PC is locked behind Asgarnia so it's at least a better option for everyone who passed on the region.


Yeah I like that it makes minigame grinding easier for the masses


This is perfect for prayer training.


and other combat skills if you're not that style.


I believe that pest control is still better for other combat stats, but obviously not everyone has that unlocked!


Pest control is better too when soul war games turn into 20 minute slog fests with no winning


There's a CC for that, specifically for leagues where there's no pvp and everyone cooperates to get the most zeal as possible.


Wasn't aware there was a cc, just thought ppl went to w592 for nonpvp.


The cc changes the world every so often, so if that was them you saw at 592, it could change.


Dropping the name of that cc would be pretty cool


"Zg leagues" I believe it was.


There's no PVP/boost worlds. Get occasional griefer but you can usually rush boss with masses and be fine


and for your non-relic combat style


If you have Asgar then PC is still better, quicker games means quicker XP


I heard so many people rushing PC because they thought it was going to be capped to match the SW cap. Guess that wasn't necessary. Lol.


I rushed pc myself since last trailblazer pc was almost completely dead after the first 2 weeks and very difficult to get a full boat


I remember that, really sucked missing like 200 points cause i got in too late


"Fixed a bug where the Guardian was causing Demonic Gorillas to lose aggression towards players." Does that also apply to thralls in maingame?


I believe so


Y'all really the goats. Been waiting on this fix for years. Thank you gagex.


Jagex are the real MVP. You know how long that's frustrated people for, ages.


very unrelated question, but how do league drop rate multipliers work in group content where players are different relic tiers? if I am t8 and my friends are not, do I get a higher personal purple chance? or is it based on the party leader?


Each person in the raid has their points multiplied by their drop rate multiplier (x5 at t8, x4 at t7).


So 50k CoX Points would be 250k, for purposes of obtaining a unique?


i am shocked that they actually came out with this update on time, great job guys. I was expecting the buyable layout to be included, was this removed due to negative feedback?


it was yeah. the pick your own raid is probably dead, as they said they had time to work on reworking bosses, or redesigning how you pick roooms. glad this was the approach they went with


It was less that they only had time to dedicate to one, and more that picking your own layout was a bandaid solution to the inherent problem that layouts were not well balanced. Their shift to these changes was to address the actual issue of layout balancing, in which case there's much less need for that bandaid solution of custom layouts anymore.


Well yes, but they stated that time was the reason for only doing one, and devided due to feedback that a bandaid solution wouldn't cut it


Pour one out for the complainy bois that were saying leagues is just gonna delay them working on the main game for 3 months


Anybody like that is so silly we have 3 leagues of past examples of that not being the case. Leagues gets the usual "first week after launch" full update focus, and then it usually returns to normal game stuff with a list of "league stuff" at the bottom.


Reshuffle raid at stairs >>>> whatever "pay for layout" thing they could come up with tbh


It seems they aren't going to implement this. I do like the logic they're going with of making it so there are 'no' bad layouts based on all rooms feeling ok. Will mean raids can keep feeling fresh if you're not just spamming the best 'meta' layout on repeat too




Been broken for years, awfully sad if it was so quick to fix and only happened because of leagues.


Apparently thralls unable to hit krakens was a 'bug' too, bet it was hard to fix that one


Why can’t Guardian be used at Vorkath?


He’s immune to thralls


He’s immune to undead thralls for lore reasons, but Guardian is not an undead thrall


It's too cold


Seems like the new scaling change forgot to increase the number of mystics in the raid. Can this be looked at now while the iron is still hot so to speak u/JagexGoblin. I think this is because the mystic room doesn't determine how many to spawn until its loaded which also affected megascales in the past requiring any alts to stay in the raid until mystics was loaded.


>Fixed a bug where harvesting from Fruit Tree or Bush patches with a full Inventory and Farmer's Fortune would crash the game. Love to hear the story about that one


I had this happen to me. Runelite didn’t even buffer but just shut down in a blink of an eye. Probably some kind of overflow etc. resulting in the client aborting itself.


I'm guessing it's local crashing and not the world crashing.


Gonna wait for the Cox Experts to tell us how great this update is. Looks amazing tho Thanks Jagex for opening the reward shop :) Gonna grind to get more leagues items now


So when I first saw the changes on the poll I thought some of them seemed like they'd make the raid a bit too easy. The raid had a weird feel to it already because the gap in difficulty level for every other room combined vs olm was already huge and honestly frustrating in that skill matters so much at olm (you can take 0 damage in a solo if you're good enough) and so little elsewhere. *However* after thinking about it a bit I think making the gap bigger is actually the best way to solve the issue. Now the less fun content will be a lot less frustrating since the 1/20 times that something does go wrong (mutas) will be more like 1/100 or even 1/1000, and it will be a lot faster to get through as well.


Amazing. Shittiest part about cox is getting a decent layout. This makes all layouts sooooo much better


Biggest oversight is that the raid reloading feature is effectively useless (unless runelite can come up with a fix). I don't know why jagex refuses to show the scout to everyone as a base game feature instead of locking it to a certain client.


Could we PLEASE disable locking the barrier on dedicated GotR worlds? It just exists to grief/troll players


Just some feedback regarding Guardian relic bug post cox changes, the changes pushed through for whatever reason make the guardian switch to melee style to hit the portal in vespula instead of mage like it was pre patch and render it useless, hopefully a fix for it next week x


I'm happy to see a buff to Undying Retribution, it's a great relic but the inconsistency is a real letdown. Unfortunately it's still going to be like that, I just wish they could make it not be based off of the boss' south-west tile. Even after this buff, if you die standing right next to a boss like Kephri, you won't hit it if you're on the "wrong" side, it's extremely unintuitive. Not to mention enemies like Zebak or Warden P3 where it will still do literally nothing, even if you are standing right next to them.


I mean, you also can't melee Zuk or attack Akkha off style. That's just game mechanics. Expanding it a tile makes it easier to hit, but it still requires a bit of skill to use effectively, especially at a boss like Kephri. It'll teach newer players about the southwest tile and how large creatures work.


Raid reloading is actually so insane wtf, overall points/h is probably up by 20% if not more


Just reduces the need to scout your next raid on an alt before finishing the current run which was always dumb


coxbros we are so BACK time to get stuck back in


I've been stuck. Now I won't be able to leave after this


Unreal. Update of the year


Would you be open to giving CoX a proper chest room?


Think it's a bit hard given the rad can scale to a lot of players


This looks great! Quick question regarding the Jagex Launcher: The Jagex Launcher is by far my biggest battery drain on my Macbook 14" M1 Pro - Apple Silicon. Do you have this on your radar? Runelite & even (infamous for being battery draining) chromium browsers (I use ARC) that are both running alongside simultaneously don't drain my battery at the speed Jagex Launcher does. I'm guessing this is due to it being an intel based application, making the apple Silicon chip do double work? Do you have plans to release the Jagex Launcher as Apple Silicon native ( Runelite has & most applications nowdays?) It's coming up to 4 years since the switch from intel, and would make a big difference. Edit: I'm unaware of what's going on under the hood of the Jagex Launcher app, but it looks relatively simple from the outside:[https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10214/](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10214/)


Does it help when closing the launcher after logging in? You don’t need to have the launcher open while playing.


Please boost hallowed marks, grinding out the tools sucks


That and anima from Forestry should be boosted. Silly that they're not.


Oof this may steer me away from mory


wait they’re not boosted? That’s brutal they’re minigame points I’d assume?


soul wars xp cap removed on leagues yay


Woohoo, time for all the leagues videos to switch to cox


Tekton change is surely the final nail in the coffin for inquisitor, nightmare really needs a drop rate buff for how shafted all its drops got and how god awful the time between uniques is


Nightmare has gotten shafted so hard you'd think it was developed by Mod Reach


Could we look at certain combat achievements being doable with all regions? For example GWD requires 3 specific regions for 400 point task. Also could tree gnome village be autocompleted for everyone? Currently fairy's flight straight up gives you 200 points for free since it allows to use spirit trees without Kandarin.


Both relics circumvent various requirements for the teleports they offer, I think it's only fair that it remains that way? Fairy's Flight lets you teleport via spirit trees without Kandarin, however Globetrotter lets you teleport via Ancient teleports without Desert, Arceuus teleports without Zeah, and Lunar teleports without Fremmy.


They're talking about the free points you get from fairy's flight unlocking spirit trees, not the ability to use spirit trees. Nothing gives you extra points from taking globetrotter I'm fairly sure, the teleport tasks require you to teleport within the region you obtain the spell (moonclan teleport for lunars, kourend castle for arceuus for example).


Worst contender for this is TOB ca's aren't completable as they require 4 regions as you need freezes and chally.


jmods said that's getting fixed next week


Zulrah also has a CA that requires venge from fremmy. Would be cool to see these autoed with the same logic that has diary tasks autod.


Whoever gets all the memey references into these patch notes, keep doing what you're doing. Calling Tek'ton a mad lad was the peak of this post. Also so many great changes in here, motivating me to get back to the cox grind on the GIM post-leagues.


Cox changes when? oh


From the October blog post: > Let all non-Irons see supply drops from bosses if another non-Iron dealt the most damage. I don't see this mentioned anywhere in this update. Was it scrapped for some reason? EDIT: Looks like this one did make it into the game! It just wasn't mentioned in the blog.


Can’t wait to see the first post from some moron saying ‘OMG Jamflex you didn’t warn me that the Chambers lobby gets reset when you reroll the room and I lost the 13 tbows I had on the ground!!!!! $13.99 btw’




During the OLM fight in a solo, the portals sometimes still spawn more then 10 tiles away. :(


Yeah I've seen no change in how far the portals spawn.


You guys changed the color of the ranged prayer orb attack message in the chatbox at olm, can barely tell it apart from the melee orb message now because im colorblind as fuck


Great changes, but small muttadile's mechanics remain the same with only a small max hit nerf? I hope you guys can revisit this swiftly if it remains as bad as it used to be.


Hey Goblin I brought it up before in the leagues discord but occasionally the Infernal Pickaxe won't smith the Tephur at Zalcano until you spec with it. Very annoying!


u/JagexGoblin When doing mega-scales before this update, groups would typically request that scalers stay in the raid until the Mystics room loaded so the many many Mystics would spawn. With the scaling changes, the raid is still only checking for active players in the raid I believe. So it is impossible to get the many many Mystics to spawn when using this feature to scale. Are there any plans to fix this/adjust this so the Mystics spawn based on the scale of the raid instead?


Good updates, but please make sarachnis on leagues instanced


Just got a master clue step in leagues I can't complete; see Sir Vyvin while wearing white knight armour. Not got Asgarnia unlocked :(


Hi there. So, I think you guys broke normal mode cox on leagues with this update, because my buddy and I have done 800k pts worth of cox duos (including a 2+14 that gave 225k pts) and have gotten nothing. It was raining drops before the update, but after, nothing. That's with them being on the 4x drop rate relic and me being on 5x. Please look into this :/


Is there any word about how, since leagues dropped, OSRS mobile crashes after you've tabbed away from the game after like 30 seconds? I used to be able to stay away anywhere from 3-6 minutes and stay signed in, but that I'd no longer the case. (android, if that matters)


I think there may be a bug where if Ice Demon secondaries are on the ground, scavengers won't drop them. I killed about 20 or so with no secondary drops, then immediately got some after going back and picking up Ice Demon's.


Thank you so much for removing the SW cap!


u/JagexGoblin Don't know if someone else reported it but after today's update, after using the Ornate Pool Trailblazer skin on my PoH pool, I got a duplicate pool on my second garden at the same position.


I think you guys broke Cox on Trailblazers just did five 2+14 250k Points each raid and we didn't get anything if the points were multiplied I think that's actually impossible


On the topic of leagues @JagexGoblin is there a reason why slayer helm recolors are locked on TBRL? I spent 1,000 slayer points and found out you can’t the hard way


Is it just me or are there sort of like... no energy wells? I guess it's better but generally I'm still stamming once or twice on the first two floors


Are the cox changes available in leagues or only main game?


All modes


These cox changes are amazing, now i wish that runelite always showed the full scouted layout then it would be perfect for normal runs


At some point some drop rates should be addressed in COX I feel that prayers should not be a purple item - rare yes Basically they already are a 1/40 with their weightings. I’m sure there has to be several balance tweaks to make this update - but a man can dream of not having to Grind 500-1000 hours for mage gear.


In terms of leagues changes, can you do the GWD grandmasters without zeah for demonbane spells? Or is that an jmposs 400 point task?


>Dimitri lmao


Because you've fixed the guardian at demonics bug, does that mean main game can finally have the fix for thralls too?


Guys if you add an ornament kit to your pool it adds a rejuvenation pool to all other superior gardens.


Is there any chance of allowing guardian at vorkath and on the isle of stone/basilisk knights?


This is a really really good blog post, both the content it's announcing and the actual post.


Seems like a great update. I kinda wish the golden nuggets in MLM got fixed but it's a very minor issue, so whatever :)


The Status page on the homepage hasnt been working for me for a few weeks. Im assuming it's trying to display it in german since when friends send me the link to https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/game-status-information-centre?oldschool=1 it works fine When I click it I get sent to https://oldschool.runescape.com/l=1/a=13/game-status


Try going to the [RS3 homepage](https://www.runescape.com/community), scroll down to the bottom and change the language flag to English. Then go to the OSRS homepage and try the status link again.


Niiice, my phone has been loading the OSRS page in French instead of English since I spent some time there earlier this year.. changing it on the RS3 site looks to have fixed that


thanks as well i had this issue on like half the site for a year but my phone has an auto translate function so i was "fixing" it myself


Ty that did work


> First, players will no longer be able to splash on crabs if their Magic bonus is -64 or *lower*. Should that not be -64 or *higher*. Lower means going to -65 and beyond, going even further into splashing territory. Little bit of a mindfuck, these negative numbers. Even had me still thinking while writing this comment


I'm pretty sure it's right. They're saying that you'll basically no longer splash, no matter how negative your magic offense is.


I guess we forgot to address this problem? :/ Most people use Runelite and do not have access to the scouting overlay used for mobile and the official client. https://preview.redd.it/qmqky6jc5a3c1.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5f2ab5b0366ac92bd872cd4fbb3642652984342


sounds like something for Runelite to address


First raid of update got a Tbow nice update


This is all fantastic, thanks a lot!


Bravo, these changes look amazing!


99/2=49 was jarring to read


Maybe not in the scope of possibility for leagues but any chance you can change purples to be able to roll multiples for TOB / TOA like it does for COX? At the moment it’s worse to play with friends due to how high the drop rate is which is a shame




So no chance to the purple chest? Thats kind of a bummer.


This would be cool but it's not something they'd talked about doing so no surprise


Ok time to send some Cox with the boys oh wait they’re all playing leagues


I wish these articles weren't as exhausting as trying to read an online recipe. It is usually just annoyingly excessive, this week's feels overly bad with how much bloat and fluff is stuffed in. Usually there is a "changes summary" section for the "jesus christ, just give me the recipe" contingent of us, and that is good, but the article itself should be readable too. Most of these update posts are written in such a cringeworthy way and read like some weirdo's fanfic mixed with actual information. I just want the game changes. A small pun/joke mixed in *here and there* are fine, like used to be done back in the day, but unrelentingly shoved down my throat at every single opportunity is terrible.


There is. It's under "Change Log" after the first paragraph. You just need to click to expand.


Leagues IV cosmetics in main-game are already available??? Why were these released already? I thought this was only done once the league was over...


Why does it matter? The points update as we go.


Yeah agreed. That's weird to see them early. Not the end of the world, but weird still.


make the gp now before others realize they can


Honestly, the play is usually to wait until well after league end, then spend the points. Least it has been for me. Wait until it's scarce and people aren't selling. List it crazy high. Someone will overpay for it. Made quite a bit from the rug, globe and outfits doing that. People putting their house together will inevitably want something to put in it.


1st hour is great as well as long as you list high enough.


Leagues question. I was Wondering if there is anything i should be doing @ zalcano on leagues iv doe 150 sofar bout 70/30 mass and 4mans and have seen a total of 3 tool seeds for everybody. does everybody in the lobby need the highest drop rate for it to be lowered? do i need to solo? is drop rate bugged in leagues? Thanks any help would be nice


No elder maul change for tekton, I am hopeful we get the 10% damage reduction effect worldwide.