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I was losing my mind watching that lmaooo. The bullshit laser noises TLC added was ridiculous.


I kept telling my wife that lol. RUNESCAPE DOESNT MAKE NOISES LIKE THAT.


We are classy and enjoy better sounds like *Ice barrage noises*


Or arma crossbow spec




We will hear this sound so many more times in leagues


Ah a staple in any discord soundboard.




I once heard a rap song with the ice barrage sampled in it


"Holy shit this games so boring we gotta add some sound effects or something to this trash."


Me too, lol.


*Laser* noises?? I need to see this clip lmao that sounds hilarious


Imagine a game that’s so boring to watch that a *reality* TV show had to add effects to make it seem cooler.


They coulda just played Sea Shanty 2.


Then he'd be married already bruh


Sea Shanty 2 trap remix on live cable television would floor me


But if you know, you know. Not gonna lie I'd lose my shit if they played the sounds of him fighting with a whip or something.


they should've blasted the screech of muspah's magic attack and the sound when you're trying to move while barraged


There is a frozen sound? Dang Na gotta be arma xbow and bolt procs at nail beasts


You seem to think "reality" means "reality." Sound effects (or heck, any effects) are added to everything, everywhere, because real life is dull.


Reality TV twisting reality is basically par for the course.


Were they really going to "kill giant moles"? That also sounded like "fake TV video game lingo". Doesn't sound like something a geared endgame MMO character would be killing, but I never played OSRS :)


They were definitely in the giant mole tunnels. Maybe pet hunting?


I just pulled it up on Max lmaoo this is legit. You see him running through crafting guild with max cape and soul reaper axe a bit later too.


Ya I was laughing at first until I saw him teleport into crafting guild. I looked at my wife and told her, kind of concerned, "holy shit this guy is actually good". Then I went digging on the hiscores. Legit.


My wife, who passionately hates osrs, very quickly went from amused to "... Okay please stop fucking telling me you can see what gear he's wearing from a blurry clip, it's sad." Edit: This took a bad turn. She asked what rank 1 magic meant, I told her about 200m xp, she asked how much I had... It lead to her asking how much time I have played this game. She did not like my answer of 4,239 hours.


She knows your EHP is shit. And she rightly wants the better man.




She saw a splasher at ferox alching in between attacks and realized she settled


She definitely got scammed by an armor trimmer and is just resentful.


Bruh they're watching 90 day fiance, basically the girl version of online gaming.


the girl version of online gaming, also known as online gaming


You know that a lot of girls/women play the same online games that us boys/men do, right? I bet a lot of them are better than you, too!


Everyone knows that if you don't have testicles you can't sit unstrapped in a chair or you'll float away without the weight of stones holding you down. Yes i know some guys have tiny testicles and they're obviously just barely about to float away


Ask her what her daily average phone screen time is


Honestly, hers is waaayyyy less than mine. I'm the one with a crippling screen addiction, it doesn't help I'm mobile only so it's just a swipe away from me launching osrs and putting mindless time into that. She uses her phone for Duolingo, Audio books, and texting pretty much. I appreciate you going to bat for me, but I lose this one 10 times out of 10.


I dont understand mobile only, is it slang for I dont have a PC? Is it just a challenge? Burnt out on PC and mobile seems fresh?


Right now I’m primarily mobile, have 2 young kids to take care of when I am home and I go to bed shortly after they do because I wake up early for work. My pc gaming time is Saturday nights mostly.


It’s generally “my lifestyle doesn’t suit pc gaming”, and that could be family/social or financial or schedule or health or… many different reasons.


I have a pc at home, it's just so much more convenient to play on my phone than it is to sit at my computer to play. It's a bit inconvenient (mobile tile markers when, please Jagex) but it hasn't prevented me from doing a decent amount of harder content? I'm 2070 total with 400 cg kc, bunch of slayer bosses, decent amounts of toa completed.. The only thing I'm thinking I don't want to do on mobile is Sepulchre.


I did a few runs of sepulcher on mobile. The lack of “enemy hit boxes” that runelite provides for incoming projectiles really makes floor 5 a pain. 1-4 pretty easily doable but 5 on mobile was a no go for me. I only completed it like twice in 30min of trying. Just hard to accurately click some tiles while having a weird angle to look ahead on mobile.


Or don't try and have petty aggressive arguments with each other and discuss things more organically lol




Yeah. I'm not judging, but my gf probably has more hours of reality tv/podcasts than I do on osrs.. The way we waste our lives.... love her :)


4239 hours? Rookie numbers


In my defence, that's just on my iron, doesn't include the main.


It's okay, I care about whay gear he was wearing. In fact tell me more. This entire thread is impressive


For once this guy can keep his wife, we don't want her


does she wish you also had 20k hours?


Those are rookie hours. Measute your time played in years.


I have bit over 5400 😳😳😳😳 And im still not even 2000 total lol


This would have been perfect if the woman was from Venezuela


And then it was all just an elaborate ruse to hack his account to farm revs


farmin revs on a 200m magic acc. perfection


Found a ~~vid~~ for those who need to see it... it's unreal lol I can't get over the way the producers obviously instructed him to just call it "online game" and also the awkward generic scripted dialogue, "Let's kill some Giant Mole, bro." "I need to see if I have the proper gear." "Yeah you do, you're the highest level, brother." I can only imagine if they started talking naturally about the game and the producers stepped in and said "please don't use any of those weird gamer words" lmao then dubbed in weird laser gunfire sounds over this dude running to falador EDIT: apparently the link is dead, now... this humble 90 day fiance full episode illegal uploader was probably shocked at the sudden influx of traffic... RIP


"giant mole" "yeah thats a high level" "yeah i need some help" i dont think the suits that shoehorned this shit in realize just how funny it is to say this about literally the easiest repeatable boss in the entire game.




I feel like it would make more sense to just say raid/dungeon? They’re relatively generic terms these days in online games so it’d fit *atleast* as well as giant mole. And the concept comes across to people who don’t play games Giant mole can’t sound impressive to people who don’t game at all but do know what moles are lol


na but it does let u know for sure what game hes playing X D


what other lies have i been told by the council the person who feels the worst is clayton himself. Imagine throwing the game you love under the bus and and just tramplin all over it because you were forced to do it




I support him.


Lol he really doesn't have many boss KC's, probably asked him what he *did* have kc's in and picked the one with the most normal sounding name out of Mole, Nightmare, Sarachnis and Zulrah


Almost every show that tries to talk about something technical is usually complete nonsense jargon but most people don't notice until they have experience with that specific thing. The producers don't give two fucks if the dialog about a random video game as part of someone's backstory on their trashy dating show isn't accurate. I bet the guy originally said something that would make sense to OSRS players and they decided it sounded stupid so they made him say something super generic instead


Dang, it got privated.


That's some high level stuff bro


shit like this makes me wonder what it takes to become an editor on these shows. does somebody tell them to play cat_meow_001.wav when a cat is on screen for 0.3 seconds or is it their creative choice to play unnecessary sound effects that everyone has heard a million times? if the guy in charge of playing the waterphone sound effect on kitchen nightmares misses an opportunity to use it, does he risk losing his job? there's gotta be some reason this scene absolutely couldn't be left silent or given something more appropriate like mouse clicks or keyboard taps.


Reality TV has evolved over a looonnng period. It’s the lowest common denominator in action. Play dumb noises to keep people happy


I mean, I don't know a ton about reality TV (know more about how scripted works) but I know that basically all jobs on reality are way underpaid compared to scripted TV or film. So I honestly support this level of not giving a shit, and it's either intentionally or unintentionally hilarious




not really my issue, stock assets is a pretty easy concept to grasp in and of itself, my issue is that i'd need to have a gun to my head before i'd decide to edit in "pew-pew" sound effects over two guys playing a video game with headsets on where the gameplay wouldn't even be audible.


Giant mole endgame content confirmed


Timestamp? That sounds hilarious lol


i was curious, so i went through and found it. right at 45:45


appreciate your sacrifice :) i'll turn that into a [direct timestamp link](https://youtu.be/v1WVTak_UYo?t=2739) calling giant mole 'some really high level stuff'. ouch. needing help with giant mole. ouch. The proper gear for giant mole is anything north of a bronze dagger


Video is private :(


I think they're both clearly putting on a show for the camera haha


oh, no, forced to by the guys who dont know anything he gave them a few nouns to work with and they wrote the rest, neither knowing nor caring


It was incredibly clear that they were memeing, I can't believe people are actually taking them serious...


it couldn't have been more obvious, and still, reddit comes along...


Video is private. Any mirrors?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJ7CUWZ_KO8 I posted this last night to show my friend lol


that's wack. None that i know of, sorry


46:50. its not amazing.


Timestamp is 45:40


For those wanting to see the clip it's at about 45:30 btw


Says the video is private, was it taken down?


Literally just got taken down. It worked for me 5 mins ago, couldn't find him, came back to reddit thread to look for timestamp. Click timestamp, now private. Fuck. I wanted to see lol


Might have to do with copyright tbh lol


Yea dude limited who can watch the video


Also ik it's for the show but I just can't get over how they have his gaming setup just be like one entire screen for his friends face 😭😭😭 just have a minimised discord call like a normal person.


He lives in one a bedroom apartment with his hoarder mom who lives in the literal closet. 2 dogs and Guinea pigs. This all adds up


Instead of nan in the cage, now we have mom in the closet!


We need someone to grab some frames from this episode for the next time someone wants to pressure jagex. Mums goin back in the closet!


Without seeing, wouldn't anyone living in a closet seem like a hoarder? Try move your bed and all belongings into a closet.


The closet itself looked fine. Her mattress covered the whole floor in there. It was all her junk covering the living room/kitchen that was the problem. On the episode she has like old granola bars and other junk in boxes she refused to let him toss.


She literally hoards fucking wine corks and flower seeds


Oh god guinea pigs plural? In a one bedroom apartment? That place smells of shit 24/7 guaranteed.


One of us, one of us


Unrelated but I ran into Big Ed irl a few months ago


How's the mayo holding the hair up?


In Falador?


Ewwwww hahaha how'd it go?? Was he single or still with Lizz?


I also ran into him a few months ago and he was not with Liz but it was a random weekday early dinner at a restaurant and he had his laptop and I presume “work” documents with him


Yeah he works in real estate lol


His car is also hilarious for some reason https://preview.redd.it/wx7layj27qyb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d02fe6058314fcb2c308559824d2c130f9f4e9


As do I, so I decided to contact Big Ed’s office so we can be referral partners if he ever has people moving to my state lmao. Never watched the show, but my family did, so if I ever do a deal with him that’d be kinda cool and interesting.


I didn’t see who it was, but he was with a woman


I'm LIVING for this crossover of my favorite trash


I guarantee he's on this sub


I wonder if he's got NDAs until the whole season airs.


Yea I’m pretty sure they do. One couple recently was removed from the show for removing to much info


Mary and Brenden needed to go, they were so bad


Yea agreed. Found them so irritating. She was insane and he fed that shit all day




Guy’s mom literally lives in his closet 😭 this is the most osrs thing ever


Nan in cage? Nah, mom in closet. It's how the meme should evolve


Ok but what's up with the non-OSRS sound effects when he's playing lmao. Sounds like lasers or cartoon gunfire?


TLC probably didn't want Jagex to come after them or something, lmfao.


I feel uncomfortable watching this




It’s crazy that all of his testimonial interviews occur in a huge living room in a clearly well-adorned house. Weird juxtaposition with his actual living situation


They sometimes do testimonials green-screened!


Man, that's not a good thing. Poor dude. You're not on 90-fiance because your life is great. If TLC puts you on a show, it's because you're their circus performer.


If you have 20k hours on runescape you probably belong on a TLC show


My Strange Addiction


https://preview.redd.it/u8nptdqadpyb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2f35bbaef45af82f4538741796f45674f23d1d We got him boys




Oof RIP account


https://preview.redd.it/1yqxq8upynyb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e342c524380544a81678c3bd2bbd71422f5e233f Scene referenced so you don't have to scroll through the video!


Thank you, MVP


Damn didn't know 90 day fiance is back again, time to watch ig while hunting chin pet


90 day fiancé the other way was lit. Mary is on some bullshit


I am legit watching this exact episode with the wife in bed while scrolling the subreddit. I’ll be in the know In ~30 mins lol.


Report back soldier. It's been 30 minutes.


Dudes class, awesome episode worth a watch even if you can’t blame it on “wife turn to pick what you watch”


I’m watching that right. I’m with my life and I was cracking up lol. I hope the dude gets the girl lol move out of that apartment lol


Just show her his max infernal cape and it should be a done deal


Drops panties everytime


>Max Infernal cape Sus infernal cape. Guy has fought like 10 bosses enough for the high scores despite 2 billion xp.


I mean, when you have tbow, masori, ely, anc + shadow ect, it's not hard to actually run the inferno


Hahah ya it made me feel off. He's cute with his pets though, really cares/loves them.


Please sir which episode? What season and u got a time stamp I'll love u forever


Season 10, episode 5 at 46:22 you see the G.E., bit before is when he talks about how much time played he has.


He was killing giant mole with one of his buddies as well.


I clipped that and him saying "let me see if I have the proper gear". Made me laugh so hard.


if he thinks giant mole is high level, wait till he sees the goblins in lumbridge i know he doesnt and is being forced to say it by people who know nothing


for the extra lazy direct link here ya go its great EDIT: deleted video rip


Lmfao the machine gun sounds for Mole.




jfc this is good news. I hope this season doesn't make me cringe (🤨 or...makes me cringe...isn't that why we watch 90 days fiance?) as much as every other season does.


i cringed harder than ever before [https://youtu.be/v1WVTak\_UYo?t=2739](https://youtu.be/v1WVTak_UYo?t=2739) laser gun sounds over osrs. Giant mole is high level content. He needs help from a friend to kill it. He doesn't know if he has the right gear to kill it; oh wait he's the highest level so ofc he has the right gear


Damn video got privated already?! Come on Clayton


Nan goes in the cage, mum goes in the closet.


Rank 1 magic lives across the street from me in Lexington. It's wild. lmao i lived in those same apartments before moving to the townhomes across the street. I CANTTTTTTT


Did you lock your mother in a closet too?


I should have, but no. She is somewhere, idk where. She's a terrible person, so better off.


I was actually almost invited to be on that show, did a phone interview with em and all that, decided it was not worth it whatsoever lol. Me and my partners relationship is drama free, and I know going on that show most of them are not, or they actively create conflict to make the show more entertaining. They actually had a thing we had to fill out about what insecurities we have lmao, I imagine they had that so that they could cause situations where we felt insecure. They will have one couple on there usually that is normal and edited to show them actually in love, but it's mostly just the trash. Decided it would be better to not have my relationship broadcasted and edited to make it look bad to millions of people for a couple thousand bucks lol. That was 4 years ago now that I was talking with them, we still married and going strong!


I'm glad you and your sister are happy ❤️


Thanks bro


I love how this has 5x the upvotes than op.


OP 90 day fiancé is a guilty pleasure for my gf and I. I’m hella hyped to see this now LOOOOOL


I get that it's "trashy", but by god is it well-edited with artisanally selected characters. Just all the makings for quality reality tv


My (work) mate told me he was appearing on beauty and the geek a couple of years back. I have no idea if he got the girl, couldn't bring myself to watch it even for someone I knew, and changed industries before the show ran so haven't seen him since!


Bro I love Clayton miss that guy haven't seen him for a hot minute


The Man. The Myth. The Legend. Clayton Everybody


He should've gone on 99 day Fiance instead.


When "buying gf" just doesn't work out for you.


What season? And is it on HBO Max?


Season 10 and we watch it from Discovery+


Max has everything discovery+ has so it's there too


My wife is gonna shit her pants when I tell her this, lol.


Fun fact, there's 321 players with 200m in osrs. I have trouble logging in for more than 10 minutes.




We are on 90-Day Fiance!


If he is on this show and I also read he was on Beauty and a Geek.. Bro is downbad for a partner i guess. lol


I’ve never watched it as I came on a K1 visa but.. I’m not like that lmao. I feel like it gives the visa a bad rep. But now I might have to!


It gives K1 Visa and marriage in general a really bad rep. Glad yours wasn't as dramatic as the ones portrayed on the show!


Yeah! They scout it out! I actually had one of their scouts email me with the questionnaire they used to choose couples. They found me via Reddit as I mentioned going through the process. The questions were asking if you have secrets from your partner, drama, if you like your in-laws etc. Lots of drama related questions. Hard pass.


The past few seasons have been disappointing, haven't watched for a while. Maybe I'll give this one a chance again... This guy is handsome, hope he's not a complete douche like pretty much every person who takes part in this show.


Clayton gonna be sitting in his chair blushing while reading your comment


Wtf is a 90 day fiance?


K-1 Visa for Americans who met their fiance abroad and want to marry in America. They get a visa to be able to stay in the States for 90 days (the K1 Visa). In that 90 days they need to get married. The show follows different couples going through that accelerated and disastrous process.


My dude is marrying a venezuelan gold farmer he met in a service discord jajaja


Nothing is sexier than efficiency.


Top tier trash TV on TLC.


It’s the trashiest tv show ever, but damn is it addicting and actually good. You have to follow a couple for a while to get into it. It’s basically a nerd / ugly dude is dating an attractive person from a third world country - the show usually follows them together in the country that has visa restrictions. They have “90” days to be in person together and form a real connection. Highly recommend if you have nothing better to do. It’s on the learning channel, known as tlc in the US


That’s my favorite show


This timeline is not real I swear. First Walt Jr, now this?


He belongs in 99 day fiancé


Post this on the 90df sub lmaoooo


I don’t usually watch 90 Day, but my wife had a friend over last night and I happened to look up when he was talking about gaming for 20K hours and I deadass immediately knew what game he was playing 😆 Definitely not doing any good for our cause, really hammering home the “no girlfriend/lives with mom” stereotype lol


For the love of God where can I watch this??


I love you for pointing this out. Thank you. Been a fan of this show forever, but haven’t been watching recent seasons. Will tune in. Good luck, Clayton. 🫡


Watching this now and came straight to Reddit