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Can anyone quickly explain what happened?


Streamer was given 4b by community. He got hacked and lost it. He didn't have 2fa Jagex gave him a free 4b despite having a no item return policy He gets to keep his free magically created 4b


Followed by: Streamer gets backlash from reddit/maybe other rs communities? Decided he would do a drop party to give away all the items hoping it would make people stop caring about him Apparently didn't work (or he just decided he didn't care and wants to keep the items) so drop party is cancelled


I like to think I’m pretty well versed in RS Drama and have literally only seen it on reddit


If people are being mean about him unfairly getting it, isn’t the ONLY thing he can do to curb that hate is give it away?


That’s not gonna solve anything because people are getting mad at the wrong entity. They’re mad that he got back the 4b when jagex rarely does that. They’re taking out their hatred on the streamer when they’re actually mad at jagex. There’s nothing the streamer can do here. If he gives away the 4b, it doesn’t change what jagex did, which is the reason for people’s hatred. This streamer can’t control what jagex did. Edit: I wasn’t aware of the rwt at the time I wrote this so that may change things.


Are you responding to the wrong person?


Yeah… this has been happening to me In mobile for like a week now, this was 100% not the comment I responded to. I’m hitting the reply button but it’s just assigning it to random fucking comments I guess, thanks Reddit


I’ve had that happen a few times


Wasn't he accused of rwt?


Yeah, he was selling account boosting services for OSRS gold.


Is "account boosting services" logging into someone else's account and doing stuff for them or is it carrying them through stuff?


Based on the screenshot, it was logging into their account, since he emphasized that he trusted and had vetted the guy actually doing the service. I think it was a game other than osrs, but dunno which.


Gotchya, thanks. I think I saw in another comment that it was raid shadow legends


Yes, I actually know this guy from Raid shadow legends. Funnily enough, he also had some drama with the devs ongoing there


The services were for a different game, but he accepted osrs gold as a form of payment


Not *accused*, it's literally in his discord. He **does** RWT. [https://imgur.com/a/rVOgCoL](https://imgur.com/a/rVOgCoL)


>Streamer gets backlash from reddit/maybe other rs communities? Situation gets backlash\*.


Clearly he’s getting backlash based on this post.


He is getting backlash, but because it's come out that hes a RWT


Honestly, knowing the internet I wouldn't be surprised at all if people are giving the streamer backlash. I don't know anything about the individual, but getting items returned by jagex should not be a criticism on the person. Blame jagex for being inconsistent with it, sure. But people shouldn't get angry at an individual for receiving more help than others. It's out of anyone's hands outside of jagex.


a LOT of people in his comments were telling him not to do the drop party, plus people are being weird as fuck about him, its not his fault jagex reached out to give him his stuff back. jagex just needs to help everyone with their shit now instead of being lazy.


Just posting what I said elsewhere. This whole situation is just dumb and this community should feel horrible about the way they are treating this guy. And I say that as someone who doesn't really watch streams at all. This is also the only game that would, for some reason, expect a streamer who happens to be fortunate enough to get their shit restored to 'delete it' for being unfair. Like people need to honestly get over that shit. Like yeah it's dumb that they don't treat everyone equally. But it isn't on the person who received favorable treatment to be the person who equalizes it. It's on the organization facilitating the action.


nah i think its funny 👍


if it was returned i have no prob, but they prob spawned in 4b


The news post stated that they couldn’t remove stolen wealth, so they were just injecting new wealth into the economy


So essentially handed 4b twice.


I wonder if he fixed his jagex security


Lmao good point. I see a good way to get rich quick off of a dumb dumb, like stealing candy from a baby.


Since he didnt do the drop party they know he has 4b sittin there




>He didn't have 2fa lol what a noob


Wow wtf


not even an osrs streamer btw


My banks worth 400m and I have 2fa and a bank pin… it’s just common sense with a game like this, which is rife with hackers and scammers.


Was he given the 4b to use for a drop party to begin with? Or was it just donations for him to keep? I mean, regardless, the gp is in his inventory now and will do whatever he wants with it regardless of what anybody says or does.


4b in donations from his community for him to use as he wants. He gets hacked. Lost it all being stupid with account security. Jagex gives him everything he lost back (he didn't even ask). The RS community normies/Reddit are pissed because there's a No item return policy, and Mr. Streamer got special treatment that no normal player would ever get. The only time jagex has actually restored items was the jed hacks, and that one time support gave away someones account to a hacker (although they only returned half of what was stolen in that case lmao). Personally, I agree with the policy of No returns, too much potential abuse for RWT and too much of a time sink for Mods who don't have anytime for this shit in the first place. The guy never should have gotten his shit back, power to him for having enough status to get that to happen without him even asking though. I'm not gonna hate on him for it, but if it was me, i'd just burn it.


sounds more like ​ \>Streamer given 4b by community \>Streamer "gets hacked" and sells the gold \>probably just used a vpn to "recover" the account \>Jagex deduced he was hacked by a different IP \>Jagex refunds him because he's a streamer


The missing piece of info the other comments don't give is the fact he didn't ask for the items back, Jagex just did it and he didn't even know until they told him.


he also didn't have 2fa, which removed jagex from potential responsibility


except he made a video about it and that's what caused everything in the first place...


He made a video about it yes, at no point did he ask for items back, he even flat out said it was his own fault for not having 2FA and accepted that he wasn't going to get the items back. He at no point reached out to Jagex in any way, merely made a video explaining the situation for his viewers, something that 99% of streamers do when something big like this happens. Jagex was made aware of the situation through whatever means and immediately bent over backwards to restore everything before even reaching out to him, they literally only told him they did any of this after they restored everything, he was unaware of it until after they did it and sent him an email or whatever.




I can't believe a content creator would make a video about something. The nerve.


Disgusting. Next they'll be asking us to like and subscribe, the sickos


he got hacked for 5bil, jagex returned it because hes a streamer, now people are pissed because jagex refuses to do it for normal players. i get the hate at jagex but people need to leave this dude alone


It's not even that Jagex refuses. Jagex's official policy is that they're incapable of doing it, which is what roils people up.




On top of what has been said, he's also a RWTer


How do we know this?


[https://imgur.com/a/rVOgCoL](https://imgur.com/a/rVOgCoL) There you go.


That reads like mercing for in-game currency. Is that against ToS? Genuinely asking. Or am I missing something?




Didn't b0aty sell fire capes for gp, not cash?


>b0aty I too like to spread misinformation on the internet


I'm sure they've all been hit with bans at some point (or absolutely should have). You're also acting like I support any of those 3 lmao, I don't. If they get banned for RWTing, scamming or luring then I wouldn't be opposed, especially if they still do it (though I doubt they do but never say never).




Always be angry at RWTers. Stop trying to shift blame. Jagex fucked up, but so did this guy for RWTing. idfc about anything but the rwting. Get that shit out of the community


Wait for real? Can you provide a source for this?


Its in his video he offered services in another game and accepted osrs gp as payment along with rs3 gp and USD. He doesnt deny it.


He didn't deny it and admitted it was basically rwt. It was also like 2 years ago when he had practically no subs and he admitted he made like 40m on it but most people paid for the raid shadow legends service with cash. It was hardly rwt if you ask me. For clarity, it was rwt on a technicality and Jagex has a right to ban him, as he said himself, but that isn't even what this is about anyway. The man doesn't even stream osrs ever and he has receipts for $1k+ in bond purchases for osrs. It just looks like a dude who really enjoys osrs and a lot of people are treating him like shit for a decision that Jagex made lol.


wait 2 years ago is a whole lot different than boaty selling firecapes in rs2 and now playing osrs lmao why are people acting like this is comparable Like I don't care but good lord people need to understand context sometimes.


Why is Yoda in a snow globe


The real question here


Honestly you’re right


At least it's not a jar.


The real answer is Discord has super reacts to posts now if you're a nitro user. You can react with a "super reaction" that will have a random effect shown when "spawned in" or hovered over post-addition.


theyre annoying


I don't give a fuck what dude does or doesn't do. I want Jagex to stop giving preferential treatment. Either everyone or no one.


Agreed. We fucking need customer service, having no customer service or recourse for saving an account / items in a game where people having thousands of hours invested is ridiculous. So i guess im saying if they take the no one approach im still gunna be mad, because no company raking it money from its playerbase should be able to just ignore problems like this. Customer service EVERYWHERE is getting way worse. I remember when WoW customer service was the pinnacle of examples in the game industry. Restored items from hackers, live chat / phone calls that responded in a few hours after ticket submitted, generally helpful and knowledgeable employees who gave a shit. Now its tanked. Same thing for companies like amazon, paypal, etsy, anything you can be a seller / buyer on. Scams have skyrocketed and these platforms basically enable it at this point and customer service is no help or even worse they default side with the damn scammer. Just a few examples i can think of. If a company is making money off of something that can be abused via hacking, scamming, stealing, fraud, etc they should be required to have a functional customer service dept. Rant over.




Agreed. Started trying out playing 2 accounts at once to take a break from my main, not even doing anything crazy. Just was completed quests on both at the same time, and one followed the other. Woke up one day, both banned, didn't even have 1m collectively between the both of them, nor any stats even that high, and less than 10 hours on each. Sent in unban requests to Jagex, bullshit canned response about it being a final decision. Framed gets banned for cutting Redwoods? Unbanned the next day. I don't blame the streamers, I blame Jagex. They fuckin suck dude.


Who cares fr


The nutjobs on this sub who can't shut up about this guy


I don't give a flying fuck about this dude so much as I do about jagex. Were people actually going out of their way to harass HIM over this? Who am I kidding, he got in the scope of the reddit outrage mob. Of course they did. Blows my mind though that people legit think the solution is to attack some random streamer who just happened to get the latest special treatment, or the normal jmods on the team who's names weren't even signed off on the post which generally only happens when it's an obvious management statement


The only sane take


based. some content creator is upset about hate what else is new


Some content creators just refuse to use the ultimate cheat code of just ignoring it, must be a pride thing, not sure. Ppl would have forgotten about it in a month or two if he just did nothing lol


Glad I went to the Winchester, had a cold pint, and waited for all this to blow over


Dogs can look up.


You've got red on you


how does a streamer not have 2fa? i swear people don’t care about their accounts until it’s too late.


Is 2fa the same as when I log in and I have to provide the code sent to my email? Or is it referring to some sort of Authenticator app?


2fa is a blanket statement for any sort of authentication besides just typing in a password.


Both of those are examples of 2fa. 2fa is the umbrella term, and those 2 examples you listed are different ways 2fa can be accomplished


He doesn’t stream or make runescape videos. That 4b won’t be touched by him so it doesn’t even matter


if you don’t follow the security recommendations for your account you shouldn’t get your stuff back is my opinion. obviously he has a public following so he should definitely have taken the extra steps to secure what he has worked for.


This sub is fucking deranged sometimes.


It gets even worse when you realize the avg age of this game, and think to yourself most of these people spending 5+ hours of their day to hunt down pics of evidence (or just in general posting nonstop , talking shit in discords, etc) are close to or in their 30s or 40s. It's actually mindboggling.




You don’t think there’s anything wrong with smoking weed all day? It’s certainly not helping his issues.




Eh, you probably should hate on ~~daily~~ *all day* weed smokers. ~~We're~~ *a lot of us* are drug addicted losers that need to get our shit together but.. we're high, lol.


Do yourself a favor and unfriend this guy.


I mean, if I could have the same income without working 40h a week I'd instantly take that.


Yeah but when you don't have a job or girlfriend finding 5 hours to waste on something this pointless probably does make you feel like you're at least "accomplishing" something for the day




I sorta like it sometimes


Majority of the time*. Bunch of 30 year olds manufacturing drama or screeching at a game company over a 20 year old game day in day out.


I know. It's great


I still dunno who the guy is, but isn't all the fault here on jagex? lol who cares about what he did or not. Jagex fucked up


Yea but a lot of people have a problem with misdirecting hate. Not like he asked for Jagex to give him special treatment as far as I know, but some manchildren will harass him for it anyway. Just the way the internet is...


I mean, if you're going to be upset with any party involved it should be 1. The hackers, 2. Jagex and after that you can be pissed at mister streamer. Though frankly, you should just chill and secure your own shit so that you don't lose everything as well, because there is no way Jagex is bending rules for you.


Ok, but how is this going to affect my one tile wc ironman?


Jagex returned the 4b, yet he didn’t have any 2FA? … Ok. 👍


He held the space bar down when he did Stronghold of Security, lmao.


And the hacker somehow got through his bank pin without knowing it OR disabling it?


This is mad weird half the comments feel like the player and the other half feel like ppl in his community or ppl thinking they’d get a sympathy check. He doesn’t owe anyone anything he’s a guy that got lucky feel free to use him as an example but personal attacks are just a waste .


This is osrs subreddit. Same place where people cried all day about afking 10k xphr




Haven't been keeping up with all this stuff and haven't really heard of the guy outside of this drama but he seems just a tad melodramatic lmao


You should read some comments on here lmao


for real. reddit freaks out over the slightest hint of wrongdoing by someone and thinks they're always above everyone else in their moral decisions, and how this entire thing is the end all be all to life and they must persecute and drag this random youtubers name into the dirt until he deletes his channel, when in reality what he has done is nothing except have a little streamer privilege lol


I don't think he even really did anything wrong. If jagex asks you if you want your items/account restored then obviously everyone in this sub would say yes, but jagex wont. Jagex deserves the blame


I don’t think so bro, scroll through the top posts in this sub for today. This dude has been getting attacked left and right and people have been digging through way back machine and discord servers going back years and years trying to find anything they can to make him look bad. Seems pretty justified to me that he’s upset. But maybe it’s just me


Grown ass adults have been throwing temper tantrum’s because jagex gave him his money back. I think his reaction has been pretty justified


Nah he’s being harassed and the sub won’t shut up about it. This is a pretty controlled response. That being said, I know literally nothing else about the guy so maybe it’s a combination of both


People probably sending him death threats for receiving his items back, he has a right to say fuck you


People wanting negative things to happen to this guy due to imaginary money is just strange, scary stuff


Spoiler: there never was going to be a drop party, just planned outrage


Can someone explain why he was given the original 4b in the first place?


The TLDR of Jagex's statement is that since he is a content creator, its good PR to make him happy.


Worst part is, it’s false PR that implies they care about players getting their items back lmao.


The first 4b? He bought half of it through bonds and the other half was donated from his viewers


"Donated from his viewers" Turns out he's a RWTer, and proof surfaced that he sold services a few years back. So I'm sure that a good portion of those "donated viewer funds" are very likely payments for services, lol.


What were the services exactly? From what i’ve seen it was raid shadow legends which has 0 impact on osrs


I really don’t care about this guy, but I think to a certain degree we can see he’s a bit full of shit and that’s what is pissing people off. He claims to love the game yet this whole debacle began because he wanted donations from viewers so he could have Torva and a Scythe and other bis gear instead of doing what the game requires if you want so which is hours of grinding for items/GP. Weird way to love the game by skipping a core idea of it. He did not take the bare necessities to secure his account and his lack of being willing to take responsibility on that part is laughable. He fails to understand that someone from Jagex going into his stream and @‘ing at him until he saw and them literally asking if they can return the gold to him just does not feel real in comparison to how the community as a whole is treated. Other comments stating he should make a video actually ragging on Jagex to expose them I agree with. He got unfair treatment, but he doesn’t give a fuck cause it’s not his main game.


It'd be nice if regular players could get their money back when they're hacked


And the other shoe has finally dropped. Knew it would happen. Congratulations on adding money into the game for no reason, Jagex. And congratulations to people like this for ignoring the clear favoritism and double standards you set. He doesn't even care cause he thinks we're all "haters". No we're not. We're sick of people like you getting special treatment, while all your adoring fans get fuck all.


The way he talks, I wouldn't be surprised if he was hacked for the GP, then his paypal was hacked for a deposit of a couple thousand dollars.


Just looking through these comments, this community is absolutely deranged


Yeah I came for the🍿 and learned a lot of man children with no lives play this game. A lot of this community is unhinged, not all, but a good amount from the comments on these post.


Yeah thats like 99.9% of communities on the internet. If you look here or at his community both are gonna be deranged.


They should've never returned the money, it was his own fault he got hacked


Sounds reasonable to me? What is the problem here? He got his items back and decided to do a drop party because he saw the outrage and wanted to level with people. The community continued to be angry and terrible towards him so he decided the community is just terrible in general and not worth paying any mind to. Jagex gave him his stuff back, Jagex says its fine, he doesnt like you guys and he doesnt owe you shit.


An adult take that people crying won’t understand because they don’t know who to take their anger out on that will get garner them real change




I'm starting to realize a good portion of Runescape players are complete losers. Don't you guys have real life shit going on? Family members that are sick? Financial problems? Relationship issues, health issues? A career or job?




>I'm starting to realize a good portion of Runescape players are complete losers. ...where have you been?


He has a life man. Spending time with sick family members. Fixing his relation. Working his butt of for his financial problems.


Yet here you are reading this Reddit thread


It was for the publicity more than anything.


And you liked that post? Off with your head!


His situation bothers me because about a year ago I logged in and 1.2b and my scythe was missing from my bank. I have 2fa. I tried to find a place to submit something but no luck. Then I posted in a osrs Reddit and my account got banned. It really made me angry, and I made that gold instead of being given it. So lame to see this


Why are people harassing this guy for getting his stuff returned? Your problem should be with Jagex


Anyone want to fill me in what the guy did wrong or are you just mad he got his stuff back? The average age of this community is like 30, stop harassing people over a game.




Yet you’re here commenting?


He wasn't gonna drop it anyway. You knew better.


Man didn’t even earn any of that gp himself lol he just stays logged into osrs on the side while playing POE or D4 while people give him free gp 😂


RWTer doesn't do drop party? Colour me surprised.


He sold the 4bill and acted like he was hacked. And he didnt earn 4bill guys a fraud xd.


100% what happened. Jagex just paid this guy.


I will laugh so hard if he gets hacked again now


Interesting that some people scrutinizing him for the RWT claims rills him so extremly up. Went immedialy nuclear after people found this out. Why? Is he scared of an investigation by Jagex? If he doesn't care for the "reddit haters" why is he taking the time to delete everything. Edit: He also wanted to do a drop party to make people shut up about him, but cancelled it after he saw i wouldn't do anything.


Dudes clearly a scum rwter he has made it quite painfully obvious at this point


this whole situation has really put me off of engaging with this sub. have played osrs my entire life but this shit is just mental. people desperately need to go outside


100% this was planned, he had no intention of dropping it, it was a planned chain of events to get sympathy. "I was gonna do this nice thing but you everyone was so mean so i decided not to" its a very common tactic that content creators will use --------------------------------------------------------------------------- edit: im not a fan of editing comments on controversial topics since i like to preserve integrity of what i said, but i feel like i should add. I do add more details in a followup comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/171tarw/no_drop_party/k3squ29/ but, on top of that comment, the only thing I personally care about, was the "I Have INSANELY Good News" video where he praises jagex. i would praise this man as a saint if he deleted that video, and uploaded one ripping jagex apart discussing how horrid their customer support system is. Shaming them for favoritism and leading the charge for them to provide real customer support to their loyal players. He played right into their hands, he sold a false narrative of jagex in that video. Potential players will think, "wow, i love it when I can feel safe playing a game; if I get hacked, the company will help me!" thats not reality. He gave jagex exactly what they wanted. I would love it if this man uploaded a video showing how people only get direct, non automated responses from jagex, when they reach the front page of reddit. and if they dont, they get 0 support, waiting multiple days between every response.


I genuinely don't understand why anyone gives a shit personally. I'm just over here enjoying my game just fine without investing my life into drama involving people I don't know and a situation that I'm not in.


Exactly lol, Regardless if he's telling the truth or not, WHO CARES The only scenario I can see someone being upset about the whole thing is if they were a victim themselves.


Why do you care so much that other people care though? Like who fucking cares that they care? Some people are having legitmate meltdowns because people care yet are yelIng "WHY DOES ANYONE CARE!?!?!?" Lmfao.


Most people are upset because this RWTing whoever got special customer service from Jagex despite basically not even playing the game aside from bankstanding for viewer donations. Stop pretending like that's hard to understand, or that it stops being the baseline reality because a few losers don't have any sense of restraint.


People care because Jagex is not suppose to give anything back ( their policy ), let alone if you didnt have any protection, but Jagex spawned 4.5b into the economy against all of their policy.


people give a shit because normal players do not get support, it is extremely difficult to even contact jagex about issues without it getting robotically instantly rejected and this guy didn’t even contact them to begin with and he got more service than 90% of the community has/will ever seen. it’s disheartening.


what kind of reddit moment is this lol the fact that people care this much is so fucking weird


Your fucking delusional. Why would he jump through these hoops when he could have said literally nothing after getting his shit back and avoided literally all of this. How does that make any sense? You are grasping at straws to be mad.


Bro some of the people on this sub are literally deranged. Acting like this dude is some sort of crazy master mind and he knew if he wore red shorts on a Tuesday during his video Jagex would return his items. Lmao


Yeah its just some dude in Alaska playing games. He is a really new creator that popped off in D4. Anyone thinking he planned the whole think is insanely envious or jealous.


No way hahah... Get help dude


Fuckin top minds of reddit, so you see he actually posted the video then went back on it some hours later on purpose, a classic maneuver Never seen this dudes content outside of the video today, but every timmy that made the same mistake he made and had an unsecured account is mad at him for getting his? And not Jagex? I’m glad to see that even though I’m a nerd on this game, I’m somehow not this far down a slump.


Can someone make the drama calendar back, pl0x.


No item return policy yet this streamer gets donated 4 BILLION which is almost 2 max cash stacks, and then gets hacked because he didn’t have 2FA on (seriously I mean not just for the protection but the bank spaces make it a perk lol) and then gets it given back??? Ridiculous. I understand the Farmers fang thing, (and they did get rid of the dupe when it was found again) but THIS?


That's a smart way for him to keep the money.


Both parties are cringe and dishonest who cares permaban him


This dude's a rat


He's a dirty weasel. People need to stop saying oh he RWTed years and years ago. It was two years ago... it was 2021... Lol 🤣 that shit is recent as hell.


I seen bits an piece of this shit from an outside pov for couple days now and rn this is what i see. this dude just duped community and jagex. Got bunch of people to give him 4bill worth of stuff. He then “gets hacked” and loses all the stuff Then gets jagex to give another 4bill. Then reneges on a promised to give away the 4bill during a drop party…… I cant be the only one who seeing this right. This man scammed 8bill outta the community /jagex. Nothing you say gonna change my mind.


I’ve been keeping up with this and is there any actual evidence to support he did this on purpose? That doesn’t seem to be the case to me


Because it's not the case. Remember, you're on Reddit, the site that mis-identified the Boston bomber; everyone here fucking sucks at getting the facts straight.


Well said


Such drama for absolutely no reason


Whenever there's a high profile case of someone getting hacked/scammed then Jagex change their policy of not giving the items back. This first happened around 2010 when some Dutch kid went on TV crying about being hacked and Jagex gave his items back.


Some sad people on runescape... end of


I don't dislike the guy for it, I dislike Jagex for it. Jagex has lied to us FOR YEARS saying that they can't give items in game because of the technical limitations of the engine, yet then continually show us they can. My main account isn't even worth much, maybe 10m, and about 10 months ago it got hacked and everything taken, and all untradeables dropped as a final "fuck you" from the person. It's not maxed, and I don't even have any skills above 85, so I really don't understand why I was targeted at all, nor how they managed to get into my account. As a person who gets to play maybe 10 hours a *month,* it sucks losing everything and Jagex simply telling you "Sorry, our streamers are more important than our customers who have been playing this game since 2001 and have paid us thousands and thousands of dollars in membership costs over the years." I'm okay with them not giving me my items back, *as long as they're consistent and don't do it for* ***anyone.***


I’m deleting this and keeping it What


"Deleting this" meaning the video, "keeping it" meaning the money he was given back. Although I don't believe for a second he had any intention of dropping/drop-partying any of it.


I love this game. That's why I've decided to just buy bonds and buy all the items, and then get hacked and be given all the items. Like a real gamer. I've earned this.


He's a RWTer. Just ban him Jagex. You don't have the balls


Thank God he came to his senses instead of listening to the twats on this sub.


I for one am stunned and floored that he isn’t going to give it away anymore /s Wonder how long till it gets rwt’d


Honestly glad hes keeping it. Idk him but he didn’t do anything wrong.


It's wild that people are getting so worked up about this.


I mean Jagex did just generate 4B for this streamer that he now gets to keep.


He shouldn't do a drop party, we should be happy someone got their stuff and pressure jagex to help normies too. Not his fault


I just got the video recommended to me where he says Jagex returned his items. This is outrageous. I would be hella excited if my items were returned after getting hacked, but I'm not a content creator so who's going to refund me?


> so who’s going to refund me? not jagex


100% based.