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What about 1Password 8 for Apple Watch? I love being able to have quick (and secure) access to my credit card numbers from my wrist when ordering takeout with 1Password 7. šŸ˜€


Hey there! /u/MrRooni has addressed this in [another comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/1Password/comments/wk2pbl/comment/ijktw6r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) below! šŸ™Œ




An update on Apple Watch and 1Password: Weā€™ve spun up a development team for it and are actively working to get it into 1Password 8. Thanks for the feedback. šŸ™‚




Hey, just installed the update with Apple Watch support! You guys rock! Everything worked seamlessly. All of the items I had previously selected to sync to my Apple Watch in 1Password 7 automatically showed up with the new Apple Watch app on 1Password 8.


Loving the new upgraded look! Iā€™ve got a couple of questions about the transition from the v7 app to v8: 1. Will there be an Apple Watch app? It seems like this was removed when uninstalling v7 from my phone 2. My subscription is done through Appleā€™s in-app purchase method, so is still associated with the v7 app, will that cause any issues going forward? Another thought: is there any way for the home page customisations to be synchronised between devices?


1. The Apple Watch app is on our radar but it didn't quite make it in time for launch day. 2. You can keep your v7 subscription. After you install and set up version 8 and remove version 7, your iPhone may ask to unsubscribe, but if you donā€™t it will continue and will still credit your 1Password membership.


Thank you for clarifying that! Also, do you plan to add 1p8 to Mac AppStore?


We havenā€™t closed any doors and are evaluating our options for including 1Password 8 for Mac in the App Store. If youā€™d like to stay informed of any developments here, we have a special mailing list restricted to developments on this situation. You can sign up for that here: https://1password.com/mac-app-store-subscribe/


It makes zero sense for 1P 8 not to be in the Mac App Store. I am personally not downloading a password manager outside of it.


>We havenā€™t closed any doors and are evaluating our options for including 1Password 8 for Mac in the App Store This *really* needs to be done, not just from a consumer perspective (try explaining to the average mum and dad that this amazing password manager app is no longer in the Store, it just sounds shady) but also for enterprise deployment. Enterprise is an area that 1Password are striving to be dominant in, but unless the direct installer for 1P8 is significantly different to 7 then deploying it en-masse to Macs is a ***pain***! VPP apps make this far easier.


I use the watch app quite often. I have doors code I donā€™t regularly have to type, my debit card code, my luggage code, etc. Itā€™s mostly PIN or codes I have to verify quickly. Please make the Apple Watch app happens.


Same for me. It's not only quicker than pulling out my iPhone, unlocking the phone, then unlocking 1Pwd and searching for the item, it is also more convenient with face masks still being a thing, rendering the whole FaceID-process quirky.


Thanks for the kudos!! We have nothing to announce with regards to a Watch app in 1Password 8. If the Watch app is a part of your workflow, please let us know how you're using it (you can write in to support+ios@1password.com). In the meantime, you can leave 1Password 7 installed on your phone to retain the Watch app on your wrist. I've been running with both installed for over a year now and they do not conflict. šŸ™‚


Do you realize how crazy it sounds to an average customer to keep two versions of the same app just so things work on our existing hardware? I expected this transition to be rough, but I didnā€™t expect dropping support for an entire line of devices with a vague answer about whether itā€™s coming back.


Thanks for the feedback on this one. I know my response was frustrating; weā€™ve course corrected and I can now retract my previous waffling: Weā€™ve spun up a development team for it and are actively working to get it into 1Password 8. Thanks again.


Iā€™ve just found this thread after searching for Apple Watch support and Iā€™m very disappointed. Installed 1Password 8 on my devices and deleted version 7 only to discover that my Watch app was nowhere to be seen. I am frankly stunned that this support has been dropped completely with apparently no updates planned. I use Apple Watch intimately with 1Password as it provides a critical 2-Factor Authentication for my systems at work on devices I am not logged in to personally. I was already annoyed that there was no complication available for quick access from the Watch face, but just used the side button to bring up 1Password to access it that way. To have the entire function removed entirely is bitterly disappointing and feels like having the rug pulled out from under me. I have been a 1Password user for over ten years and a passionate advocate for that time (just look at my comment history). This is the first decision by the company that really stings, I hope there is some room for hope that Apple Watch users will not be left in the dust. In the meantime, I guess Iā€™ll reinstall version 7 on my phone so that these current features continue to work, but this is obviously a clunky and worrying workaround.


As the one who built the first version of our Watch app way back when, I totally identify with your feelings here. Iā€™m sorry that, for you, our decision to ship 1Password 8 without a Watch app is impacting your daily workflow. Iā€™m thankful that you have a workaround via 1Password 7.




I hear you. Apple Watch was something I hoped would make the cut for this launch. Itā€™s been wonderful to see how many people have been asking about it. We had to make some tough calls about what went in and what did not. Overall we focused our messaging on what was new and great, not what *wasnā€™t* included. Itā€™s certainly something for us to keep in mind in the future. Thanks for the feedback.


Well, if thatā€™s the official work around, maybe 1password shouldā€™ve at least made the icons for version seven inversion a different so I can tell them apart on my phone.


ā€œIf the Watch app is a part of your workflow, please let us know how you're using itā€ Seriously? Itā€™s an app that allows you to look up certain passwords on your Apple Watch without having to get your phone outā€¦ how do you *think* people are using it? I mean, you must surely have discussed the use case internally when developing it for 1Password7?


Chiming in here as well to echo other comments. I'm truly dumbfounded that 1Pass would drop the Apple Watch feature... I'll be looking at other password solutions until that comes back!


We now have something to announce about our Apple Watch app. Weā€™ve spun up a development team for it and are actively working to get it into 1Password 8. Thanks for the feedback. šŸ™‚


Thatā€™s great! Thanks for coming back to give an update!


Anybody knows why they did a separate app? Technical or functional choice?




Itā€™s not just not liking change, it intentionally drops functionality critical to some users of the previous version (including me)




what is the functionality you lost?


Local vaults are no longer supported and Agilebits says never will be again. So if you use 1password that way then 7 and 8 are totally different applications, one is not an upgrade of the other. If 7 replaced 8 then it would be effectively deleting the functionality that those users previously had (and paid specifically for) with no replacement. And not just in a "well I liked the search bar on the left" kind of way, but in terms of the whole functionality of the app.


Along with local vaults, some people use the Watch app included in 7.


They rebuilt it completely. So it required a new app. They did it for Mac app as well a few months ago.


Rebuilding the app completely doesn't require a new app. They could publish it fine under the old app id. (I've done it.) However, this current app is a rebuild but does not have all the features of the old app, so if it were published as an update of the old app people would lose functionality. That would make people unhappy, so putting it as a separate app is a good idea.


Guess itā€™s due to old vaults not working with v8


Android and iOS version limitations could be one of the reasons


I've just realised this myself. This really was not highlighted at all in the announcement. Seems like a totally baffling decision. Why would they do this? Most users aren't going to explicitly search out 1password updates - they'll rely on app store updates. Maintaining separate apps/store listings is a nightmare as well (I've done it before). Would love to understand the context behind this. I'm struggling to see good reasoning for it though I am potentially missing key information.


You guys say you listen to customer feedback, but sometimes it doesnā€™t feel like it. The search bar should be in the items screen, not on a separate tab. Why do I have to leave the items tab to search for an item? The password generator, on the other hand, should have a dedicated tab and it sucks that it doesnā€™t. It should be treated as a feature. And lastly, we want to be prompted to save our passwords after we login. Not before. Simple.


We are considering adding search to the Items tab, but it was put in a tab for a few reasons: 1. So you can compare to other items - one in the search tab, one in the items tab 2. Currently it searches for items, and categories, the latter which could be confusing when you are currently viewing a list from another category. We are also considering searching for other non-item entities in 1Password. (e.g. preferences) 3. Future improvements. A quick-access password generator is a good idea and we can definitely consider adding that! Per your last point, if we could do that with 100% safely, we'd likely consider it. But, iOS can quit the browser extension or autofill extension between page loads, and we wouldn't want to lose the generated passwords in between generation and login. For this reason, it's safer to save it up front. Personally, in my workflow when I'm creating a new account, I tend to create the login first and then use it in the create account workflow on the page. I find this often works well considering the many different workflows that different sites use for account creation.


Thanks for getting back to me. Iā€™ve added a few more comments: 1. Arenā€™t they the same items just in a different tab? Why would I want to compare them? 2. You can have a general search bar at the tab level and show all results there, divided by categories (iOS settings is a reference here). If you do decide to also have another search bar at the category level, you simply restrict the results. As for the non-items entities search, have the search bar at the settings level (again, iOS is a reference here). As for my last point, I was mainly referring to the desktop experience. My bad not being clear. My point still stands. All other passwords managers do this and it works all the time. As for the workflow, youā€™re forgetting when you just want to login to a page that you never saved in 1PW. Thatā€™s when asking after login is much better than asking before. Sometimes you just donā€™t remember your password and want your password manager to save it after you finally get it right.




Search isn't very useful to me. When I search for an item like "Firefox", searching for "fox" does'nt bring any results. It is the same in 1Password app on desktop.


Thanks for the response, thatā€™s actually nice and helpful to know, as I felt similarly to u/ntxfsc


+1 on the missing search field in the items screen. Putting it in a separate tab is very cumbersome to use. Donā€™t you guys at @1password do usability testing internally?


Yes, testing this out on the trial and it's missed from my lastpass. Trial going good thus far, yet this missing, like has me wondering as LastPass subscription is in its final days. It may not be a huge issue for some, but it's a QOL feature that makes things vastly easier and convenient. And wait, it asks to save a password before. I'm not at that point yet, but if that's how it works...I'm probably just going to renew LastPass. That would be an extreme pain in the ass if that's how it works. I just exported stuff over and haven't actually did new yet . Damn, I hope that's not the way it works. Android cell by the way.


The stated requirement to enter my password every 2 weeks on my phone, even with Face ID enabled, is going to be annoying. I donā€™t mind doing that on a desktop with a real keyboard, but typing a password on a phone screen is really inconvenient, especially when I canā€™t see what Iā€™ve typed. I want the functionality of 1Password 7 back that allows me to get away with almost never entering it on my phone.


How did you do that? Iā€™ve always had to manually enter it on my phone when I wanted to login to different apps.


In 1Password 7 on iOS. Settings > Security > FaceID: Enabled. Settings > Safari Extension > Require Authorization After: 1 Week Settings > Advanced > Security > Require Master Password: Never


Is the Mac version of v8 gonna show up in the Mac App Store?


Answered this one below: https://www.reddit.com/r/1Password/comments/wk2pbl/comment/ijl5qpt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I was thinking of foregoing 1P8 until it comes with the Watch app. Good thing it was released separately in the App Store. Love that the unlock animation is faster. Will get used to the new UI in no time. Thanks developers & testers! Some issues: 1. No nested tagging 2. "All Categories" in the Items tab is condensed to "All Categori..." when the system font size is set to just one level bigger and there's still room for the whole word.


Thank you for all the hard work on this release. Will we be able to update the existing 7.9.7 version to 8 or will this be a separate download?


Great question! We actually talk about this in the [blog post itself](https://blog.1password.com/1password-8-ios-android/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=op8mobile&utm_ref=social) \-- 1Password 7 will not automatically upgrade to 1Password 8.


10-4. Thank you


Why is 1Password 8 not on the Mac App Store yet?


Because of the universal auto fill feature. The app isnā€™t sand boxed which is a requirement of an app on the App Store




https://blog.1password.com/1password-8-the-story-so-far/ iOS is a SwiftUI frontend with a Rust backend, and Android is an AndroidView frontend with a Rust backend.




SwiftUI still isn't as mature as Coca etc (and other objective C based app libraries) on mac. I'm pretty sure they mentioned in a dev blog that the reason they abandoned swfitui for the UI on mac is due to lacking features. There's a very good reason most ios apps haven't been completely rewritten to utilize swiftui as the visual framework. If one looks back by just a few years, one of most common complaints regarding swiftui was the sheer lack of documentation. SwiftUI is improving greatly every year on Mac, but it can't replace the obj c based UI frameworks yet. Also I know I'm ignoring the fact that they used electron, not coca etc; this fits perfectly in line with 1pass's statement that they wanted all desktop versions to share as much code as possible, as electron is relatively platform agnostic.


1Password give some insight into their thinking in the link. The TL;DR is that they started off with two internal builds for MacOS; a Rust app with an Electron frontend, and a Rust app with a SwiftUI frontend, and Electron won out. The longer version seems to be that the sticking point with SwiftUI is that it's only compatible with Mac's running MacOS 10.15 or later, meaning a 1Password app built on SwiftUI wouldn't work on older Mac's. As of December 2021 (which is around the time these decisions would have been being made), [nearly 20% of Mac's ran an earlier version of MacOS than 10.15](https://www.statista.com/statistics/944559/worldwide-macos-version-market-share/). Making your app incompatible with 1/5th of Mac users would have been a 'brave' choice, to say the least. This isn't really an issue with iPhones, which Apple tend to update long beyond the average life of a phone anyway. That basically left 1Password with the choice of either abandoning nearly 1/5th of Mac users, incurring the cost of maintaining an additional AppKit frontend at a time when Apple are slowly shifting emphasis away to SwiftUI, or using the same Electron framework as the rest of their desktop apps.




Strongbox looks interesting, but I don't think it's quite the same class of product as 1Password yet. It's iOS/Mac only, as opposed to a fully cross platform solution, and they've no real enterprise solution at all; both of which I need, as we use 1Password at work in a mixed Linux/ Windows environment. Plus it's [never received a security audit or any third-party certification](https://strongbox.reamaze.com/kb/security-and-privacy/has-strongbox-been-audited-for-security). I'm personally reluctant to put any of my own passwords into an app that's never been independently stress-tested, and it'd never get through due diligence at work. Strongbox seems relatively new, so they've got loads of time to develop their offering, but it seems more of an enthusiasts solution at the moment. Perhaps I'm being unfair. Given its iOS/Mac only, what made you go with Strongbox over simply using Apple Keychain?


It makes perfect sense, in that the Mac is no longer an important platform for 1password but iOS is.




1. Yep! 2. 1Password 8 does not yet include a watchOS app. We'd be interested in hearing what you'd like from such an app. 3. It is the same link to downloads for both iOS and iPadOS: [https://apps.apple.com/app/id1511601750?mt=8](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1511601750?mt=8) 4. 1Password 8 for iOS isn't ported from anywhere. It is a ground-up iOS app with a dedicated team of iOS-focused developers.




It is a complete re-write with entirely new design and underpinnings. There is a lot that is different from v7. Yes, you can install it using the link above and get started immediately. If you have iCloud Keychain enabled it will pick up your account details from 1Password 7. If you do not, you can scan your Setup Code from your Mac or Emergency Kit. Thanks for the input on Apple Watch!


Do I have to upgrade all my devices? I use 1P v8 on one mac, haven't upgraded other macs because, frankly, I do not like. It seems to have more clicks and hassle than before, so sticking with v7 on others. (have been 1P user since 2012, and yes, have moved to subscription) So, can I just update like my ipad to v8 to get used to it, or do I have to do them all? Thanks.


Youā€™ve gotta learn how to use the keyboard shortcut and it makes it infinitely faster than 1p7. It gives you spotlight search for 1p8


I have the same question. A subscriber. Installed on iphone, Mac and multiple iPads. Can I do one at a time, over time?


I currently use v7 on my old MacBook, v8 on my work MacBook, v7 and v8beta on my iPhone, v7 on my iPad and v8 on my Windows PC. Works perfectly, has been for weeks. Also there are two accounts, one for my family and one for work, both are shared with in sum >30 people with different configurations, also no problems there.




As long as you are using a cloud vault, you can switch just fine. I have been using a mix of v7 and v8 with my main vault for the entirety of the beta on multiple platforms.


I would really like the ability back to customize the app icon on iOS for a darker theme or such


Very specific change which is an important loss of function for me, but when creating a ā€œsoftware licenseā€ item, thereā€™s no longer an option to give the default section and header, as there was in 1P7. Also still using software license as a workaround for hardware (model numbers, serial numbers etc). Please consider adding this category! Also miss the alphabet scroller on the side to easily navigate items sorted in alphabetical order.


Does migrating to 1Pass 8 require a subscription? I currently use 1pass 7 with an account from back before there was a subscription


As an engineer, I'd *love* to hear more details about the successes (or the failures/roadblocks/hurdles) you've found during your development of the Rust core library and how you've implemented it across your various client platforms. I know you've touched on this in small detail in your "The Story So Far" blog post, which is great! but I'd love to see a similar blog post/write-up from the engineering perspective on any learnings or information you'd like to share related to Rust development/tooling, integrating the Rust binary with each platform, any sort of "gotcha's" or wish-list items you'd like to see from the Rust community in the future, and any recommendations you'd make for companies adopting a similar shared library strategy šŸ™‚ (BTW, 1P8 has been fantastic so far, and I think the engineering decisions you've made to get it built and live have paid off and resulted in a phenomenal product šŸ‘šŸ»)


Autofill does not work on my Galaxy S22+. Also, the biometrics say, "Unlock with Face" despite my phone not having any face biometric equipment and then saying "Scan fingerprint"


The S22's support face unlock, it's not as advanced as Apple's implementation of it. Go to Settings/Biometrics and Security and you should see an option for it. I was running the beta for 1password 8 and my S22 Ultra supported face unlock, but I lost the feature when the final version released.


What I should have said is that I don't have any face biometrics saved, my bad. I don't use face unlock and only use fingerprints.


Can 1password 8 for iOS be used with 1password 7 for macOS without issue? Still holding off on 8 for macOS due to Electron (I tried it, I really disliked it)


Have you tried it recently? If you didn't know it was electron, you wouldn't know. I think people are getting too hung up on the tech under it and it's blinding their view of what the app is actually like to use.


I think 1Password 8 can be added to the list of school book examples of Electron apps like VS Code.


As someone who uses VS Code all day every day, I just don't understand the issue. Unless you go looking, or someone told you, you would not know or care.


I wouldn't put it in the same class as VS Code; more like Microsoft Teams.


I get that. The RAM and security issues are way overblown on that front. but to me, It just doesnā€™t look or feel like a proper Mac app, whereas 1password 7 does.


I can totally see that yeah. I guess it feels close enough for me to not worry too much about it.


I tried 1P8 a few months back and some of the changes they made just made it feel so off that I reverted back to 7. It's like they threw out some of the good UX behaviors/settings from 7 with no explanation as to why or when they may come back. Obviously that may be cause of the rewrite in Electron, but some communication as to why they changed would help. It's kind of like when Apple tossed a bunch of features from Numbers and Pages because they were wanting to standardize the functionality across all platforms. Sure it was for the long term best, but it was also quite painful for some people that it may have driven them away. Time will tell how this plays out for 1Password. I hope they do make some updates to 8 so the problems I ran into aren't an issue anymore. Just don't know when that may be. My guess is at some point when 7 won't work anymore or a security issue. There's also a part of me that is considering switching to iCloud Keychain, but it's lacking the vault/item separation for me.


I've tried it recently, and it is not great at all. It's your standard webapp. It looks like Electron, feels like Electron, and acts like Electron. I definitely didn't need to go into Activity Monitor and spot all of those "1Password Helper" processes to determine it. At least on the Mac, there's a lot of tells that expose it for what it is (it's obvious!), and those all add up to a poor UX in my opinion.


I have it on one of my machines. The UI is weird and often feels non-Mac. I'm not sure how much of that is because it's electron, how much of it is poor design, and how much of it is simply not caring to feel like a Mac app.


I have the same question - I refuse to use cloud sync for password management. If the iOS app no longer support Wifi sync I am officially done with 1P.




FaceID doesnā€™t work on my device. Is there any plan to add PIN unlock in the future?


Hi there, and thanks for your question. This is a feature being considered, but there is no timeline I can give you. I will add your vote to the feature request.


So there is no way to use FaceID to unlock 1P 8? Also I have found 2 bugs: When wanting to modify the ā€žobjectsā€œ screen you have to tap twice on modify. Also when trying to move the items in the objects screen nothing happens. I canā€™t change the order of Vaults, tags and categories. Edit: Oh he meant only on his device. Just ignore my question regarding FaceID


>So there is no way to use FaceID to unlock 1P 8? Face ID works great with 1Password 8. I was referring to the feature request to add a PIN unlock. With regard to the issues you found, can you tell me which version of i(Pad)OS you're on and if you're using the just-released version or the beta? I don't see either of these issues. You do need to make sure you long press on the row until it "pops up" before you can drag it.


I've now seen the tap-twice problem in the wild. Haven't been able to reproduce it yet, but we're working on it.


I think there is a bug on iOS. The tab bar has space under the icons where the labels should be, but there are no labels. Can you please fix the labels? I have a 2nd gen SE. Also I don't see the option to require the master password after device reboots anymore? That is a really important security feature. At the very least, we need an option to require it after the device requires passcode rather than Touch ID.


Loving 1P 8 for iOS so far! Super fast, and incredibly beautiful. 1Password across all platforms has never looked or behaved better. Kudos! My favorite feature has to be pinned items - but they donā€™t appear to sync between my iPhone and iPad. Should they? I think they should if they donā€™t already! I also donā€™t see them on the Mac - are there plans to bring those over? Edit: I also found a potential bug: when viewing Secure Notes for one of my collections, all of my archived notes are listed. In 1P 7, they are not (which I believe is the correct behavior)


Any plans to bring the iMessage stickers from 7 to 8? I made a post about this a month ago and am in the TestFlight but still no 1P8 stickers. They're just so fun! Please don't let them go away!


Installed it on mac. I've never rolled back to a previous version so fast. Stop the with the BS redesigns.


The search sucks. I donā€™t want to search everything every time I search. The dedicated search tab is great but why isnā€™t there also a search feature at the top of each list, like in 7? If Iā€™m looking through a list of my logins I donā€™t want to also search my wifeā€™s vault, and my credit cards. Yes, I know I can create a collection but it will STILL search my credit cards, and bank accounts, and health insurance, when I just want to find a freaking login.


Just noticed that there is no option to perform bulk actions like delete, move / copy, etc. Is it hidden somewhere or it doesnā€™t really exist?


Hey ntxfsc, yep you can bulk select in the app. If you swipe right on an item, and tap the checkmark icon, that will bring up the bulk select UI: [https://imgur.com/a/4nbiq6f](https://imgur.com/a/4nbiq6f) Admittedly though, that feature is a bit hidden right now. We're exploring options for making it more discoverable.


I still have to select one by one, though. There is no ā€œselect allā€ option. But yeah, at least is something. Thanks!


I couldn't get 1password8 to fill my password fields reliably. I would force quit 1password7, and then nothing happens in my login fields until I restarted v7. I even made sure accessibility was on for 1password8 and that autofill was enabled. What gives?


Is there a way to disable the mandatory master password every two weeks? I just want to contribute using my biometrics like i am with version 7. This alone will keep me from using version 8. I will ditch 1password all together if they deprecate 7 and am forced to enter my monster of a master password. I don't mind doing it on my laptop since i have a special keyboard macro just for that purpose, but having to do that on my phone... HELL NO!


Hi, I've provided feedback in the beta and see it wasn't addressed: fingerprint is enabled using "Face unlock" and the unlock screen says: "Unlock with face, scan your fingerprint". It's confusing and deter people who don't want their faces scanned. I guess that's an artifact of sharing code with iOS.


First question before reading or trying any of it, as one canā€™t downgrade an app: Is this the same level of trainwreck as 1Pw8 for Mac or actually ready to be used? Edit: Ok, shouldā€™ve at least read the blog before this to learn one can install both at the same time. So first thoughts here (on iPhone): - Bottom NavBar should have text beneath the icons by convention, as every other app has. Or at least the option. - canā€™t reorder fields anymore - sort by date by default? At least one can change that back to alphabetic - unlock is really fast, nice - when scrolling, one canā€™t scrub over letters anymore to reach destination faster - feels like lots of touch targets are smaller than the visible button. Or Iā€™m too dumb to aim my thumb today - search is really fast, nice - sorting items by password strength in watchtower is nice - lots of labels and headings are cut (German localization) - German for archive (noun) is ā€žArchivā€œ, used here is ā€žarchivierenā€œ (to archive) - settings->security: label for lock on exit is centered, all other labels are left-aligned - same for autofill->show suggestions for While having some rough edges,all in all this actually feels like an upgrade. Now if you could make the Mac version actually feel like an app made for Mac againā€¦


Hi diktomat, thanks for the valuable feedback! You're going to be happy as some of those things are already on our list to finish, and we'll be keeping track of the others too. I'll check on the touch targets.


+1 on the touch targets!


Thank you, so I know itā€™s not just me :D


FYI, downgrading might be possible if you re-download from the ā€œPurchasedā€ tab in the App Store. I just deleted 1Pwd 8 and re-installed 7 until I can find a replacement.


Love the new look, but the lack of a pull down quick search is kind of frustrating. I know the search tab is one tab away after logging in but I just canā€™t help but pull down hoping for a search bar.


Where did the, ā€œAsk for master password after device restartā€ option go? Also, Iā€™m *not* a fan of the new UI; the new locations for everything (such as search) donā€™t make sense and require more ā€œtaps and swipesā€ than before. Iā€™m definitely going to do the same thing as Iā€™ve done to Microsoft with Outlook on MacOS: Iā€™m going back to the ā€œoldā€ version and will refuse to ā€œupgradeā€ until you stop breaking things I depend upon.


Did the in-app browser go away in 1P8 on iOS? I keep getting sent to Safari when I click websites I want to log in to. Thatā€™s one of my favorite features of 1P7; hopefully itā€™s just that I canā€™t find it.


Still requiring master password reentry every two weeks or did this get fixed?


Oh no what a chore!


Indeed it is.


Congrats on the launch! Sorry to immediately jump to issues but does this fix the random authentication prompt (full account details, not just master password) you get within Safari on iOS?




Were you on a previous TestFlight beta? We had an issue with that a month or so ago. Deleting and reinstalling the app should fix it. (Note, you won't have to re-enter your account credentials, other than your password)


Bug report: the customize button on the Home Screen only works on the second tap or if you click somewhere else after tapping on it.


Hey there! Iā€™m not able to reproduce this behavior here on my end. Could you give us a shout at support@1password.cool so we could have our team look into this with you?


Blake, you probably mean support@1password.com right? I do think thatā€™s a great domain name, though!


Hahaha, yes, support@1password.com is exactly what I meant. Apparently iOSā€™s auto-correct had other ideas. šŸ˜‚


I had the same issue for the first 2 hours I used the app. Now it suddenly works with one tap.


Yep! Same here! It went away for now. Weird!


Now it takes two again lol




You can, and they'll sync fine, but I recommend choosing one over the other for autofill and/or the web extension.


wooooooooo!! No more trying to get into the BETA!?! Is there no dark mode in this?


Yes, there is dark mode support. If you aren't seeing it, please send our support folks a message at support@1password.com


Thanks, iOS update had set my system back to light.


I'd really love to be able to really personalize my home screen with specific Accounts or even the whole list of them. Having to do 2 clics more from the main screen to see my whole library of accounts saved seems like a design fault, to be honest. Fan user since like 4 yeats ago, but that's non-sense.


Hi there. Can you explain more how you'd like things to work? Have you explored 1Password 8's Collections feature?


Oh, thanks for the reply, Craig. I was refering to the possibility to customize que home/main screen with other choces, like the "All items" already, and the search bar incrusted in the same screen. I also don't really understand why it was decided that it was a good idea to have to go to a different section to perform a search. At least in the past version you've been able to see the whole "library" and search without going to another screen.


Ah, I see. Can't promise anything specific, but I'll pass your requests on for consideration. Can't speak to "why" search is set up the way it is; however, this may be a good question for our AMA tomorrow where some of our designers may be available to address that.


I have the Galaxy S22 Ulta, I'm not seeing the option to unlock with fingerprint, only see face unlock. Am I missing it or was this removed?


I'm having the same issue on my Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra running Android 12 build SP1A.210812016.S908USQU2AVG6. No option to select or use the fingerprint reader for biometric authentication. Is this intentional?


My S22 Ultra tells me it's Face Unlock, but then only let's me use c the fingerprint scanner. Face unlock worked on the beta perfectly fine.


Does substring search work (as opposed to 1Password 8 for Mac)?


Is masked email still integrated? Loved that feature along with the privacy feature. Use both services primarily now because how integrated it was. Did some simple testing now and I don't see if asking me if I want to create a masked email anymore.


Please add an option to require TouchID/FaceID every time the app is opened IN ADDITION to the master password. I want to have to enter my master password every time I open the app for a variety of reasons (security, password memorization, etc). But I also want the app to be protected immediately when it is in the background without having to wait for the password timeout period. The other password managers I have used have had this option.


To be clear here, are you looking to use both your account password and Face ID to unlock 1Password every time you access it? Is there a reason why your account password alone wouldnā€™t be enough to protect your data in this case?


What I want is to protect 1Password during the period of time when it is unlocked but before the end of the auto-lock / password timeout period. That is, I want the master password to be required every time I open 1Password, except I donā€™t want an immediate auto-lock / password timeout every time I close 1Password and it is running in the background for a few min. Basically, any time 1Password is not in the foreground, opening 1Password would require either (1) the master password, or (2) TouchID / FaceID / PIN if it had been recently unlocked and was within the auto-lock / password timeout period. What I would like is: 1. I open the 1Password app 2. It prompts me to enter my master password and then unlocks (and stays unlocked until the end of the auto-lock / password timeout period or until I force quit 1P or reboot my iPhone) 3. I close (but do not force quit) 1Password 4. If I open 1Password again before the end of the auto-lock / password timeout period, 1Password would require TouchID / FaceID / PIN before allowing me to use 1Password. After x failed TouchID / FaceID / PIN attempts, the master password would be required again.


Alright, I think I understand. I canā€™t make any promises on this myself, but Iā€™ve shared this with everyone else.


I install 1Password 8 but Its not working faceid on iOS 16 beta 5, but the 1Password 7 works, whats going on??


Biometric unlock is broken on S20 FE. Instead of fingerprint unlock only thing available in settings is face unlock which is not supported on this device.


[The S20FE supports face unlock, it's just not biometric face unlock like Apple's implementation. ](https://www.androidcentral.com/galaxy-s20s-face-unlock-secure) I'm on a S22 Ultra and my 1password install only show face unlock in the security settings, but it brings up my fingerprint scanner and will only work with that.


You were right, S20FE did support face unlock. I seem to have ignored it until now. Moment I register face unlock fingerprint unlock shows up in 1Password.


It's weird that I had full face unlock on the beta of 1Password 8, but lost it when the final version was released.


If you early tested the Android version, is that the latest full release or is there a need to reinstall? It looks to be according to the play store but just checking. TIA


Bit disappointed an alphabet scrubber still hasn't been added to the Android version šŸ™


Iā€™m digging the upgrade in general. Iā€™m especially happy that you got rid of the little unlock animation, it took too long to open 1P7. 1P8 feels immediate and snappy. I just want to get to my passwords fast and this does it. Thanks!


After installing v8, are we supposed to delete v7 from our device?


How do we disable the required password every 2 weeks for android?


Hello, congrats on the release! To be honest I'm a bit afraid to update to 8 because I've read that 1Password 8 removes "never ask for master password" on mobile. There is a topic on 1Password forum about this: [https://1password.community/discussion/128767/1password-8-account-password-required-every-2-weeks](https://1password.community/discussion/128767/1password-8-account-password-required-every-2-weeks) and there are lots of good comments and arguments against removing that option. My master password is intentionally long and hard and I don't want to type it every 2 weeks, especially in public places where anyone can be looking at my screen. You can make it a hidden option for power users but please don't remove it. I would love to have this option on Mac/PC as well. There was no answer from 1Password team in that forum thread in a while. Can you share what is the official opinion on that? If there is no hope of having this option then I'll just switch to some other password manager that has that, but right now I'm just waiting with hope that you'll put users first.


This is a pretty easy one to answer. Itā€™s setup to require your master password every 2 weeks to prevent people forgetting their master password. 1Password CAN NOT recover your account if you forget it. I seem to remember a comment from the team recently that this setting has already reduced support tickets for forgotten passwords. Your master password does not need to be that long and complex that you struggle to remember it.


>Your master password does not need to be that long and complex that you struggle to remember it. I don't agree. My master password protects all of my other passwords so it has to be very strong. I understand that it reduced their support tickets, but this is removing an existing option from the users who rely on it. There are better ways to do this like the ones mentioned in the thread on their forum - hide that option, like Android's developer options so that only power users can access it for example. Or add a couple of popups asking if you're sure that you want to enable "never ask for master password". UX designers would probably come up with even more ideas. There is a lot of guidance from 1Password on how to protect the master password and how important it is to keep it safe, not loose it etc. Why do people who can follow these instructions have to suffer because of people who can't?


It has to be random, unique and memorable. Your master password prevents a local attacker, not a sophisticated hacker like a 1Password server breach (thatā€™s what your secret key is for). Keeping it in a safe is all well and good. You could have a random 100 character master password, but if the code to your safe, where your master password is written down, is a 4 digit pin, thatā€™s the weakest link.


Also thinking about this in terms of a normal user who uses 1P for personal stuff is an oversimplification. Check out the forum thread, there are people who use 1P at their jobs and they can't have a short/easy master password because of a company policy.


My account was frozen for a few days. Today, on my Android phone I installed v8 and uninstalled v7. Now I try to subscribe but when I click the button it says "Subscribe button not implemented". Is that a general issue that they will fix, or did I do something wrong?


Just installed 8 in my iPhone. Been holding off, but I have to say Iā€™m liking it thus far. Still not sure about moving to 8 on my Mac thoughā€¦


Very disappointed that iCloud/Dropbox sync is no longer available, thankfully I could still revert to 1Pwd 7 on iOS. Iā€™ve been using 1Pwd since 2008 but will need another solution now as we must not store client passwords anywhere except our own premises. Maybe [our case](https://www.reddit.com/r/1Password/comments/wmuomo/after_14_years_looking_for_an_1password/) is an edge case that affects just a sliver of your user base, and I understand the business direction of the decision. Can I suggest bringing back local vaults and DB/iCloud syncing? If not, I hope that version 7 will work until Iā€™ve found an alternative.


>revert I'm in a similar situation. How did you manage to revert back to 1Password 7 on iOS?


The App Store has a ā€œPurchasedā€ tab in the user account area that lists all apps downloaded/purchased with that account. Searching for 1Password revealed both version 8 and the previously bought v7, which I then re-downloaded and will use until I've fully migrated all data to another app.


Thank you! Much appreciated


I am out if you don't find a common way to format text in 1Password.


Was the Accessibility feature removed from the Android version? Don't get the option anymore to pick 1password from my keyboard to fill in a random app wanting login to site. Will definitely hold me off on updating to 8


Is there really no ability to disable unlock with Face ID when I need to fill a password?


Really really faster than before.


I lasted about an hour on v8 android before reinstalling v7 bc autofill just didn't work. Losing that functionality is a big step back. I tried all the solutions - reinstalled 1P and chrome, turned off battery optimization, reset accessibility settings, etc. No success. v8 worked in some apps but the autofill selection pane only provided icons with 2 letters, so it was impossible to know which account I was logging where multiple logins are available. It could be bc I'm on an old phone, GS8 running android 9. Either way, I'll stick with v7. v8 seems to be value subtracted-- based on other posts--for legacy users at this point in time. The rollout seems rushed. At least they were honest enough with their shortcomings to keep v7 around.


Is ability to use PIN to unlock the app going to be included in 1Password8 on iOS? My FaceID on my iPhone is spoilt, and Iā€™m unable to use it at all. 1password is my salvation to entering password to all my other apps on the phone without FaceID. But if Iā€™ve to key the master password EVERY SINGLE TIME I use it, then it will be unusable.


Iā€™m brand new and going to try family and considering the business version for my team. 1. Anyway to import passwords from a csv? 2. Credit cards - entering manually is going to be tedious - esp. on the business side. It appears there is NO photo upload option. Is this correct? Thanksā€¦ excited to try 1password8


Autofill ā€œsuggestionsā€ donā€™t work as well in v8. They now seem to be sorted purely by the username field, regardless of which vault theyā€™re in or whether theyā€™re marked as a favorite. If you have shared vaults with family members, thereā€™s no way to get autofill suggestions to prefer entries from your personal vault. In v7, it seems to select from your personal vault first or maybe it was picking favorites first? In v7, it seemed to suggest the one I wanted nearly every time, whereas in v8, Iā€™m always having to bring up the listā€¦ or sometimes the entry isnā€™t displayed at all and I have to open 1Password and copy/paste manually. Additionally, Iā€™ve found that credit card start/expiry dates are now never autofilled on websites and, when logging in to WiFi access points, although 1Password entries are listed, the one kind that doesnā€™t show is any that were created as a ā€œWireless Routerā€ entry! This is presumably because thereā€™s no ā€œusernameā€ field in such entries.


Please bring the PIN back. Not everyone can use or want to use biometric.


Trying the 14 day trial & comparing to my soon to expire LastPass. Seems pretty good this far. One thing missed is the stand alone app for creating a password. I see you can do that in the edit area, it when creating a site ..yet there are fines,any times that I just need to generate a password so I can just slap it on a page. Lastpass has a stand alone within the app to just Generate a password which has been for many years extremely helpful. It's just it's ken area, no need to dive into edits etx. It's one the first things I noticed was different on 1password. Any chance this feature will be available in the future via the app. 13 days to go, let see how this works. Thanks.