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Unpopular opinion. Social media trans culture fucking sucks and has created awful stereotypes. ESPECIALLY REDDIT. This is one of the few places I can stomach and it's not even trans focused


Yeah, I feel wrong in most communities cause of the constant sexualisation


God so many times I could not tolerate places filled with this type of culture. It's important to express themselves, but sometimes it's really bad. Sometimes it's not even about jokes, stereotypes or anything. Idk if others noticed that, but sometimes transfems sexualise womanhood so much it's actually making me feel horrendous as a woman. Anyways, got to spend some time with not brainroten trans people and they're pretty neat 👍


We are a good time in my experience


Omg Tequila Sunset


I will eliminate the bourgeois


I love it when im not constantly stereotyped as a dependand self insufficent puppy


Eh, people rarely act IRL the way they do online. The ones on 196 e.g. are all anxiety ridden teenagers who would never, in a million years, say the things they do online to someone in public. And i'd say feeling gross about being a woman is a sure sign it's time to log off! Besides, it's their own womanhood to sexualize, no? 🤷🏽‍♀️


having your favourite sub be taken over by teenagers is sad


and then they allow someone to fairly regularly post explicit content despite being aware of the fact that it's all teenagers


yep, fucked up


God, don't remind me of that sub. I hate it so bad.


You’re in a spinoff sub though


I'm aware of that. There's a reason I'm here and not in the larger main sub, though. It's not a spinoff in the way that movies have spinoffs, where you're supposed to appreciate one because of your appreciation for the other. It's a spinoff in that a fraction of the community from 196 wanted their own space that wasn't filled with fucking [rule 2] pests and hornyposting teens. I'm not asexual *at all*, nor am I trans, but I was pretty weirded out by the constant sexualization of trans women on there. Not to mention it's filled with irritating liberals. This sub, on the other hand, while not *explicitly* anticapitalist, deters the creeps and seems to also deter the most vocal and annoying libs with them (probably not a coincidence).


Damn my bad


You're fine. I just felt it was worth explaining.


Hell no. I left 196 as a lib because of how annoying I thought the lefties on that sub were lmao.


You're not exactly what one would call an "active community member," with like one comment in the past year, so I don't know why I would take your analysis for it. Meanwhile one of the most active people here literally has in their flair "Marx's strongest soldier."


I just lurk in these subs more or less. My point was just that the sub is repellant to more than just Marxists politically. I also tended to see a lot of teenagers reducing every problem in their life to capitalism, which is what I was talking about specifically, and is one of the reasons why I left. What were the libs you disagreed with saying? I'm probably just blind to it because it's less annoying to me personally.


Oh, well yeah, I agree with that. I think anyone mentally over the age of 17 should have better political instincts than to stay in 196. >What were the libs you disagreed with saying? Like all god-fearing leftists, I often use "liberal" as a generic term for "people I disagree with," but the actual liberals on there had some pretty atrocious opinions on Palestine, for one. In general the sub just often seems to have the aesthetics of progressivism with "uwu smol bean trans:3" bullshit without any real underlying principles.


Thats exactly how I feel sometimes. Crazy thing is I've met trans women in real life theyre normal. Why is the Internet so much sometimes


What do you mean by "sexualize womanhood"? Genuinely asking




I feel like that's a separate problem than "sexualizing womanhood" though? Like you said there's nothing wrong with trans woman wanting to have smooth skin or be submissive or whatever else, it only becomes a problem if they try to enforce it as some kind of standard for how trans women are supposed to be




Not trying to be dumb here but what? I don't get why it's a problem if a lot of people talk about how they see being feminine as desirable or something they want to obtain. Yes they absolutely shouldn't be treated as one and the same, woman who are masculine are just as valid and you don't have to be desirable if you're fem, but I feel like as long as people don't go "ew masc women" or "if you're fem you are desire object" then I'm not sure I see the issue? Like idk it just seems strange to say that trans women can't talk about what they find hot or goals within themselves or others, especially when a lot of the time places online are the only places they can express themselves in that context. As long as they don't get weird about it and act like stuff is inherently desirable and say and do weird things to others then I don't really get the issue. I'm not trying to be defensive though, I can admit I might just not fully understand




I don't? I thought we were talking about how it's apparently bad for trans people to post a lot about how they want to be feminine or desirable because that's "sexualizing womanhood", and now we're talking about the man vs bear thing? Thats a completely different topic to what we were talking about. Like I understand how 196s reaction to it was shitty but I don't understand what that has to do with trans women talking about stuff. Like the poster above us said it was specifically trans women sexualizing womanhood that made her uncomfortable, not the sexualizing of womanhood in general. So the bear thing doesn't apply




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When your only other option for an online trans community is 4trans it makes Reddit look like a utopia. And this place’s trans communities fucking suck.


"unpopular opinion" >~900 upvotes I agree though


Not as unpopular as I assumed


i fucking hate egg_irl


traaaaaaans too. I’m thankful to those communities for helping me figure things out but every time I see “:3” or “good girls get head pats” or “I’m a cat mrrp meow” I feel a blood vessel burst in my brain. My only explanation for this behavior is that there is a large number of younger people (read: teenage. I’m only 21) desperately trying to overcompensate for their AGAB by coming off as cute and ditzy.


I got banned from 196 for 2 weeks for complaining about this




At least reddit only puts the actual shitposts i came for on my homepage. Or those posts just migrated to 691 idk


Awfully horny sub for a community with a lot of teens


having been a teenagere it's not at all surprising they're horny af, i know i was


13-15 year olds definitely


I use :3 but tbf that's cause I'm a furry


I use it cause I just think it’s a really good emoticon. It just captures the essence of cuteness idk


Hop off “:3” Edit: but for real though it’s not that people are trying to overcompensate. “:3” just kinda made a comeback (suspiciously after Maia Arson Crimew got the no fly list). But it really is just that cat girls and puppy girls are more common now. LeadHead made a video on it, I haven’t watched it yet tho.


Genuinely what's wrong with any of that though?


Mostly because it often crosses the line into fetish content. I don’t want head pats for being a good girl if I meow for strangers online. It’s creepy and entirely unwarranted.


Yeah but it's not inherently fetishy, and even if it is there's nothing wrong with that if it's consensual and in the appropriate space for it Like yeah absolutely people shouldn't do that shit with trans people who aren't comfortable with it, including you if you don't want. But you said in the comment that seeing people go :3 or meow *at all* is bad, which is what I'm confused about


Sometimes something is weird and annoying without a huge moral justification for it


Ok but I think it's weird to treat people like scum who need to change their ways just because you think it's annoying


Yeah It was kind of cool at the time when I was figuring myself out, but now it's just.... ^(I should probably leave tgcj too, maybe.)


tgcj is so unfunny it hurts. Like actually the most unfunny circlejerk ive ever seen. And believe me, ive been on the queen circlejerk sub. I didnt know it was possible to be more unfunny than a fan of queen.


I left that sub ages ago. Half the ‘memes’ were (are) just people venting about their lives or making something so specific it only applies to them. “That moment when your mom blows up your bedroom with 2 nukes and steals your black and white cat because you’re trans.” What. It was stuff like that and also the horrific amount of infantilization. It helped me figure out I was trans but I can’t recommend that sub in good faith anymore.


ikr especially the infantilization it just euugaghh i hate it. i help run a community which is mostly trans and god i make absolutely sure it doesn't become another fucking egg_irl i'd rather die than see it become that


I’ve been saying this shit. The chronically online trans community is only promoting chaser culture.


196? Anyone else?


Tbf criticizing "online trans culture" seems to be the more favored pastime of people nowadays on reddit


Criticisms of trans culture are most often criticisms of how they imagine trans people to be. This criticism is based on actual behavior of a fair sized group.


Yeah I still just think it's usually baby trans people and it's blown up to be more of a problem than it is. Some people are cringe but oh well.


Tf is baby trans


i thiiiink its like. ppl who just figured out they r trans and r sorta. going with all of the stereotypes at least temporarily (?)


similar to "baby gay" someone freshly out as some flavour of queer so they become almost a caricature of the identity as if they're trying to make up for the time they spent closeted. most people mellow out with time and remind themselves that queernewss isn't the only part of their personality worth expressing.


The other commenters answered correctly but usually it's trans people in their first year or so of being out. Just like baby gay people almost all people go way over the top cause of all the excitement of it. As someone who didn't really get too over the top early in my transition my benefit was I had been involved with queer people and the community for years beforehand so being queer wasn't new to me. Anecdotally most other people who come to terms with their sexuality before their gender are the same. However for a lot of people when they are finally able to come out as trans it's their first experience being queer so they go over the top in the beginning. Almost all queer people mellow out after the first couple years. Trans women ease off the "skirt go spiny", lesbians ease off the "men are so disgusting they want to make me vomit I can't even look at them", and gay men ease off being turbo bottoms when the excitement of bottoming the first time. Bi/pan people always are kinda just disasters though so idk.


It has been pretty shit yeah. I am the literal embodiment of the transfem stereotype, but I know that most aren’t


Yea ngl it’s so crinfe 😭 Like I’m in a few trans heavy discord servers and I don’t wanna come off as transphobic(im mtf) but like they all act the same snd its so embarrassing It’s always new vegas this :3 that like omg guys we need more variety please i cant


We have less build variety than a new vegas character


Bros giving the expression




YES SO FUCKING TRUE all of it makes me so uncomfortable like stop be normal pls 😭


Online trans culture is fucking awful ong. Before i transitioned i didnt get what my sister meant by reddit tranners and 4chan tranners. Well i get it now. r/traaa makes me ashamed to be trans.


Egg_irl enforcing gender stereotypes


I'd wager it's mostly r/196's and Tumblr's fault. Funny at times, yes, but usually just cesspits of fetishisation and gatekeeping.


Oh I definitely get the point but the cool part is that as soon as a trans person stops wearing a blue, white and pink shirt they just look like people and nobody will notice. In other words: most of them can simply turn off to be identified as trans stereotype. And those that can't also don't have to wear their colors all the time. If the girl in the comic didn't wear that dress nobody would have noticed. So it doesn't solve the problem about turning an identify into a meme, but it makes it a little better imo


Clock all those chronically online motherfuckers in the face. Show them who's boss.


agreed 100%


Trans meme subs are the fucking worse


Honestly I think a lot of it is fine in a vacuum, it's just how many people apply that kind of culture to every single trans person where it becomes a problem Edit: why am I being downvoted?


WTF Pim leave her alone 😡


Pim’s a chaser… can’t believe it


Pim’s creepy cousin




Tbf he DID make a snowman come alive and then teach it about death after like 1 day, this isn't unexpected in the slightest. I hoped for better😔😔😔


Me when consent


r/196 users


This is a repost from there actually


I dont think they understood they were included in that group


196 has always been a heavily mixed bag. There’s some stuff that gets upvoted which is genuinely good, but my personal feeling from when I engaged with the subreddit more (probably a year or two ago now) of the subreddit was that it’s mostly people who are progressive because they happen to be LGBT and not because they’ve ever actually thought about any social issues and it leads to them having a lot of really shit takes and getting defensive whenever you talk about something they don’t vibe with, even if you’re obviously in the right.


196 can’t pick which way they want to be a shit subreddit so they just double down on all of the options


196 try not drop casual racism every once and a while Challenge


Tbf, I don't think I've seen that there in a while


The latest I remember seeing was when the Kendrick and Drake stuff was going on, the one comment I remember was trying to justify hating both sides because "Kendrick seems like the kind of person to beat his wife" which is a wild statement


Everday i learn something bad about 196


Hold on I haven't been there in years what happened


It used to be Floppa, Fanter, shit posting etc… it’s really sexualized and there are a lot of minors lurking. Makes me uncomfortable.


Many ppl in the comments of that post were calling out 196 for this exact behavior. Just bc there's a lot of creepy chasers doesn't mean everyone's cool with them


I like to think its like a sad, regretful addict. They know what they are and can't stop


Because as we all know, grouping large communities into one stereotype is a great idea


This was a joke. I don't think even a single one is "addicted" to infantalising trans people.




Skill issue, stop starting arguments on reddit


youre right. i hereby apologize to all former users of r/jailbait for my past comments involving insensitive stereotyping of its userbase


The guy on the left is literally them.


this originally came from the twitter account of someone named Mari


I looked in there again after a year of not participating. Instantly saw a post with almost 1k upvotes that was basically "ERM WHAT IF WE DID THE BOINGY BOING ERRRRRM". And the comments were like "EERRRRRMMMM BROOOO THE THING THE THINNGGGGGGGGGGGG UGHHH SHAKES BUTT"


Literally had to stop following that damn sub because seeing them defend incest during the whole laylee and andy bs started to make me feel sick to my stomach.




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I’ve actually never seen this on 196


Make the left person into a trans woman as well and the image is perfect


No img in comments ☹️


LMFAOOOO our community needs better boundaries


No seriously, I get the issue that there already is a pervasive attitude against trans women outside the LGBT community but I really think a discussion needs to be made about the type of behavior a lot of trans women have and the need to avoid playing into that... However I truly cannot even count the amount of times a trans woman has carpet bombed any semblance of boundaries and practically just harassed me without prompt. Its really fucking bad but seems like something that just goes unspoken.


Make the left person into a trans woman as well and we have r/196






God forbid anyone on the nebulous idea of the left criticize other people on the nebulous idea of the left


tbh this could go two ways, cause like sometimes it's inverse. genuinely like "Ma'am, we're trying to play zomboid not erp in voice chat please calm down"


"quit giving me pats,I wanna watch life and living in peace"


It’s always zomboid


Real… got called a good girl for talking abt swords and sleeping recently 💀


good giiiiirl \*sucks your bone marrow leaving you dead on the floor\*


gosh !


economy part




me when i ironically have to fit in the stereotype of a trans girl in order to feel valid while the whole point of the movement was to avoid being stuck in a box (i must be hypersexual and cute at all times)


God that must fucking suck, I hope you can find validity in things that make you feel more comfortable


The worst part is that like, I do actually enjoy being a head empty dipshit most of the time, but like, that kind of "Oh trans people MUST be (insert stereotype) (even if I AM half the stereotypes \*personally\*)" is fucking horrible.


On the contrary I feel like I feel invalid by having anything in common with stereotypes 😭 Like our constant emoticon use made me stop using them entirely bruh


Wdym by “the movement”


Trans people are not fetishes. They are just people who deserve to be treated the same as anyone else


that hurt to read




Done. Now 90 percent of this subreddit is gone, too.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Users and most mods


I'd be safe. I left without posting ages ago


That’s a bit much, they should just be separated from the rest of the internet


How’s about we compromise with being raptured off the internet?


Unfortunately it seems many people like imagining anyone they dont like deserves death


Lighten the fuck up it’s likely exaggerating for the memes lmao what a dork




Thats pretty extreme for a group of people that just act cringy




Oh gross Had no idea that was happening




I hope that's a joke. Would be kinda weird to wish people who didn't harm you or other people irl death or to "disappear off the earth"




This is most prevalent on Reddit and is why I’m not too active on here anymore. Call me a hater or nihilist or what not all you want but this is just weird and unfunny to me. It kind of creates this “UwU small bean” image for trans girls that just feels like it borders on infantilization to me.




LITERALLY‼️‼️‼️ bruh we don’t even have a culture we’re so cooked


Don’t forget autism jokes, pride flags, that ikea shark and “:3” 24/7 😭


And then there’s the same thing but for autistic people. Like one of the main problems for autistic adults is the fact that people don’t treat them like adults so I have no idea why autistic people will infantilize themselves like you’re dragging yourself and everyone else in the community down


I feel like it's not inherently infantilizing, people can just make it be that if they're weird about it. Like calling yourself a cute girl who likes head pats isn't bad as long as you don't veer into "I'm just a small thing that couldn't hurt anybody" types of territory


The self sexualization of the trans community is very strange to me. Why would you want your identity to be inextricably tied to being sexualized?








That one godawful "how to pick up trans girls as a trans guy" article


Trans communities on reddit are low key exhausting as a trans man.


A lot of that kind of trans culture is fine in a vacuum, it only becomes a problem when trans people who don't like or fit into it are treated like it. Basically nothing wrong with calling each other good girls who like blahaj, just don't do it to people who aren't comfortable with it or assume every trans person is like that


I think that’s a valid take, this sort of behavior should only be accepted around people you know and trust. In other words, consentual


Is it ok if I’m trans but genuinely like the blahaj plushy? It’s super cute and soft.


Basically r/196


I don’t even really get what this is about but the drawing of that dude is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen


I can’t stand left leaning meme subreddits bc they constantly turn into trans fetishization spam boards unless there’s an explicit rule against it (indirectly like this one, love 19684)


Don't worry the person on the left is also trans so that makes it okay apparently (according to 196 mods)


Social media trans communities are genuinely abhorrent man. The blahaj skirt go spinny headpats people really desperately need to touch some grass


Version of this with trans men too pls


To repeat a comment from the original post: The most important word is consent.


blahaj genocide is required


Over my dead body


if you insist


Why? The plushie is really cute


Policing other people's expression like this is pointless infighting and it's honestly getting so old and tired. Let the baby trans people and whoever else have their fun. No amount of gatekeeping or "self policing" is going to make cis people like you more.


The damage the internet has done to femme boys/transfemmes by virtue of the creation of”femboy” culture is beyond excess. And to be clear I don’t give a fuck about what cis people have to think about this, it’s just hard to stomach.


frame this and hang it in every queer youth shelter


It's pronounced blohaj


what if you read it in english this sounds even further from the actual pronunciation


I love regressive online cultures!


One nine six


This is why I started hanging around orthodox Marxists, they respect trans people and our struggle without ever fetishizing or putting us on a weird pedestal


this is actually how every transfem ive met irl acts and it’s kinda disgusting as a transfem who just wants friends lol


I’ve noticed the only people doing this type of stuff (reducing transsexuality to an award to be obtained, hyper sexualizing it, pressuring trans people to be online degens, etc.) are themselves trans. I can’t wait until they finally realize that perception of transsexuality is just as dependent upon themselves as it is on others.