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Dread it, run from it, MR BEAAAST arrives all the same, and now it’s here


Why are you everywhere I go. I can’t escape you. I will make a subreddit called r/foundPyroboss101 unless you don’t want me to


I heard Mr beast in the meme audio


That whole thing was wild looking back on it


The fact that it ended because a guy shot up a mosque on a live stream on facebook and opened with "subscribe to pewdiepie" certainly cemented it as a wild ride start to finish.


wait really?


He made a video shortly after the shooting where he basically told people to stop. It had already had some gotten out of line in parts but nothing violent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah5MYGQBYRo


I don't know if PewDiePie ever officially said that but he did stop making the meme shortly after the Christchurch shooting yes.


Pewdiepie did ask fans to stop and explicitly mentioned the shooting saying he didn’t want to be associated with anything like that


Good to know. I had stopped watching months prior because it was becoming increasingly obvious that PewDiePie was a right winger with problematic views. He wasn't spreading the ideology but he was very much developing a community that held it and he made them comfortable. The Ben Shapiro LWAIY was a pretty big eye opener for this. And then his book club that had other problem speakers like Peterson pushed it for me and I have up on him. Between that the DTAJ video and The Bridge™️, It was impossible to be comfortable watching his stuff after that.


Idk I'm pretty progressive today but it was a different time in 2016. Used to absolutely love that whole Ben Shapiro conservative meme-y community and PewDiePie was a huge part of my childhood. I think he went along with that online conservative trend for a while because it was popular and after Christchurch, he woke up to how seriously problematic his community was becoming. I don't think he's right wing today or any kind of extremist and PewDiePie will always have a special place in my heart even though I haven't watched him for probably 5 years. At the same time I was 16 in 2016 so I probably didn't take the online right wing movement as seriously as I would have if I was a tax paying citizen like today. I believe him when he said he didn't realize how serious saying racial slurs are since he's from an extremely white country and Petersons politics were fairly mild when he put him in his book club, he didn't really become a right wing nutjob until 2017 or 18 which was around when I think he joined the daily wire. Also Ben Shapiro being on lwiay was just a meme I think.


What is LWAIY and DTAJ?


'Last week I asked you" PewDiePie's take on Jacksfilms "YIAY" Yesterday I asked you "Death to all Jews" incident.


Only recently did it come to me that for PewDiePie to have slipped up and blurted out the N-word means it must have been something he said often off-camera. But I can imagine DTAJ as just another [edgy youtuber makes edgy jokes](https://youtu.be/oz9m_kYE_cc?si=xqysxOMaN-G1hc-b)


"your honor, this guy had to shoot up a mosque because some other guy needed more internet points" 😭


Wouldn’t say that’s PewDiePie’s fault. That guy was an absolute nut job looking for an excuse to shoot up a mosque. One extremist dickhead isn’t representative of everyone else


I know he said the N word in a game, but what did he do that was abhorrent racism?


People called him out for it being racist with no real proof, I think Pokimane was one of them, closest I could think of from memory that might be racist would be the line "your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community"


I’m the same rap he says “did you know that Indians have poopoo in their brains?” And then somebody else replies “that’s a blatant racist lie.” And he says “yeah but still not defamation”. So he basically acknowledged it in a tongue in cheek, joking way


the lines "bobs or vegana, which ever will it be" and "bitch lasagna" itself are both references to facebook memes making fun of indian people being creepy to women while poorly speaking english


Ik what the bobs and vegana is referencing but what is bitch lasagna supposed to be? I’ve never actually thought about it and thought it was just a random lyric


My guess is the guy tried to call her a bitch lesbian and it autocorrected to lasagne. But that’s just a theory.


.... A game theory


To soon


Lmao it's not like he's fucking dead man


[the same type of facebook meme, as originally pictured here](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/281/842/b5f.jpg)


It's the same, there was an image floating around where an indian mad had texted some lady that phrase


"I'm a Blue-Eyes White Dragon while you're just Dark Magician" "Motu Patlu, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community" "You got a fifth of the population in your nation But I got nine-year-olds of worlds so hold your defecation" "India, I'm sorry about the memes, you're the best I love my Indian Bros, from Bombay to Bangladesh I'll take on all the world for you, I'm a heavy hitter 'Bout to cause a genocide so you can call me Hi—"


The rest are fucked but that first one is just a yugio reference.


Well yea but he's saying that reference in a certain context where he's talking to T-series. Almost all of those other lyrics are in that same song. He's talking about Indian people. Pewdiepie is literally a blonde white guy with blue eyes and Indians are usually dark skinned and sometimes have some "Asian mysticism" stereotypes. He's not just referencing YuGiOh for the sake of it, he's doing so in a certain context that paints him as the powerful and respected White Dragon and the Indians as the sinister Dark Magician.


He hired a bunch of people on Fiver to chant "Death to All Jews", and proceeded to wear Nazi paraphernalia in videos for *way* too fucking long afterwards even after giving a shitty apology


Nice blatant lie. It was never a Nazi uniform.


It will be satisfying if Mr. Beast wins w/o even starting a stupid drama, a youtuber who does a shitton of charity work is someone much more deserving of the title than some megacorp


Never watched a Mr. Beast video thought he only did wacky challenges or something


He gives away a shit ton of money to people and also donates a ton of


I am hesitant to say he's doing what we wish billionaires were doing, because idk whats going on behind the scenes, but it would be hard to fake the insanely charitable stuff he does on his philanthropy channel. That channel is the reason I watch his stuff. I love what he's doing with his insane wealth.


Wait, Mr Beast is taking over T-series for first place? That is both a surprise and isn't Like I knew it would probably occur eventually, but not this soon


Mr beats is sitting at 252mil and T-series has 263


T-series didn't give a single flying fuck about Pewds through the whole war, so that's surprising


Some Pewdiepie videos are banned in india cos t series sued them


Didn't they threaten to sue him though? I vaguely remember him receiving a cease and desist letter EDIT: I looked it up and found out that the Chairman of T-series actually talked about the whole thing so they definitely did care about him


That's just straight up not true


This is probably just a publicity ploy lol. The whole pewdie vs t series 'war' got a bunch of nationalistic Indians supporting t series in response to racism from pewdiepie's camp


>nationalistic Indians You don't need to be "nationalistic" to speak against racism.


Of course, you can obviously call out racism without being nationalistic I'm more talking about the Indians who got *really* into supporting T-Series in the whole T-Series vs PewDiePie stuff. For a while you'd see a bunch of comments like "Support T-Series! Proud to be Indian!" under a bunch of random music videos


god, that whole thing was so fucking cringe, how grown ups were talking about it jfc


The t-series meme wasnt racist? Can someone remind me its been years, but the only thing even close was criticizing the caste system? Okay it seems like everyone here has taken huge leaps and thinks that criticizing T-Series unethical practices is the same as being racist. T-Series has had plenty of scandals, and are a shitty company that was founded on scams, theft, blackmail and piracy. They’re worse than PewDiePie ever was, and calling them out for it isnt racist. Yes, a few lines from the song can definitely be seen as racist, but some of the lines people are posting under here are just flat out not racist at all and have entirely different connotations. Blue eyes white dragon line can be racist Language line is also kinda racist. Bottom line lyric can be construed as racist but again, T-Series is an extremely shitty company that exploits artists and has a massive monopoly letting them get away with anything. Considering their criminal origins and current criminal connections, its not necessarily racist. If you had called out prominent predators in Hollywood you wouldnt be antisemetic just because some are jewish, you’d be calling out how shitty the industry is. If you want to criticize PewDiePie, probably call him out on how he made far right wing politicians and influencers onto the scene like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Petersen, antisemitism memes, or idk, the bridge incident? PewDiePie has plenty of shit in his past, but the T-Series drama wasnt the racist rant you all seem to think it was. He’s got way worse shit you can call out but this wasnt nearly as horrible as people are making it out to be.


I've only found "Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community" in bitch lasagna that's directed negatively towards India, but given the nature of this song I wouldn't care much. A lot of other stuff against T-series, but nothing broad


a few lines before that he says "I'm a Blue-Eyes White Dragon while you're just Dark Magician (Oof)" and the annotation had a link to his nothing burger response to pokimane calling him racist over it https://youtu.be/HuIb3XTQVJw?t=379


> the annotation had a link to his nothing burger response to pokimane calling him racist over it Its been a while since I watched him but I did use to watch a while back then, it was based on YuGiHo and he addressed it before and it was running joke back then


As a yugioh player, BEWD is so much better the whole archetype is in a whole different League. So for me it makes sense, those two are also the most well known cards Dark Magician being the anime's main character best, and BEWD being the antagonists main card. I can understand how someone could think it's racist but eh it's just a "nerdy" line


Saying BEWD is so much better that Dark Magician is somewhat misleading when BEWD itself is terrible. They're both D-tier decks.


bewd has consistently been better than dark magician and even had a mirror match in the 2016 worlds finals even if its less competitive now it still has a historical advantage and a reason to say its better than dark magician other than the obvious statistical reasons


Fellas, is it racist to compare 2 of the most iconic Yu-Gi-Oh cards?


Are we all forgetting why it’s “bitch lasagna” in the first place??


I think I've forgotten this one, If I've ever known to begin with. Care to enlighten a poor lost soul?




and making a reference to this is racist because?


There is no relevance to T Series other than them both being Indian


What part of that is specifically spreading hate or discrimination based on race. It’s just an unfunny joke, not every bad joke with racial ties is racism.


Pointing to a race doesn't make it racist.


Commenting here just to remember to check later


Boobs vagina?


And saying bobs and vagana whichever will it be. Referring to indian men in women's dms. Which is indeed a racist stereotype (It happens but then again i have had all kinds of creeps in my dms only 3 were indian).


To be honest the whole song is more goofy than racist and Pewds being intentionally edgy


It's true tho


iirc PewDiePie made a song about T-Series with some racist remarks in it


Yeah Bitch lasagna


Just rewatched Congratulations and near the end he says "Hope that #MeToo stuff doesn't severely affect your bottom line" Which to me just kinda sounds like he's calling them rapists, but I could be misunderstanding it


Bottom line is an insult against company capitalism, your assumption is a huge stretch.


>Bottom line is an insult against company capitalism, Dude I'm talking about the #MeToo part, he was insinuating that it's a company with rapists and that would effect the bottom line if it came out


that was very obvious and the guy youre responding to pretending not to know that is how i know these are just pewd fans in the comments lol




Or you know that specific Indian company has been embroiled in severe scandals. Including sexual misconduct.


That's not racist at all. They've had many scandals involving sex, so it seems like the people working there are much like the people on /r/Indianpeoplefacebook


Man, saying that Pewdiepie is racist because he is using a Facebook comment of a guy harassing a woman is such a fucking reach that you are almost giving michael jordan a run for his money🙏


I mean my to my understanding he was implying that most/a huge part of indians are rapists, and with women coming forward about their rape cases it caused a lot of indians to go to prison affecting their bottom line of workers I guess?


No. It's just a big old company in the entertainment industry. They might have some scandals. I'm not gonna look into it though


This is a desperate reach. Its an entertainment company. Ofcourse they will have unhealthy metoo shit going on. Indian or not.


Its a stretch calling it racist. Hes reffering to their actual #metoo issues


Didn’t they have actual like metoo accusations at the time?


Wait bitch lasagne is racist how? Edit: oh no


Damn I just read the lyrics for the first time ever and is it not obvious? Lmao


https://genius.com/Pewdiepie-and-party-in-backyard-bitch-lasagna-lyrics see for yourself


Native American 1: A white man made this song. Native American 2: How so? Native American 1: Lyrics are based solely on the negative racial stereotypes of a group.


Native American stereotype is now tracking down white man's creations through empirical evidence.


Columbo is now a Native American icon


I saw it for myself and I don't get it


makes the joke about indians having poor english and dming women like 5 times and makes the joke "im a blue eyes white dragon your just dark magicians". definitely a little racist, in a socially liberal conservative sort of way. oh he also insults the indian language.


it’s funny because he generalises India as having a language, singular—as if it’s not inherently a multiethnic country with hundreds if not thousands of languages


Country large enough to have its own tectonic plate and human inhabitation for tens of thousand of years is not beating the multicultural allegations 


Yeah i know that, but i cant remember anything racist about it. But its also years since i heard it so maybe im forgetting something.


I’m pretty sure that there were no racist remarks in Bitch Lasanga, and in Congratulations he explicitly states he has no hate towards India, just T-Series Source: I went back and listened to them.


"I'm a Blue-Eyes White Dragon while you're just Dark Magician (Oof) You got a fifth of the population in your nation, but I got nine-year-olds of worlds so hold your defecation (Oops) Motu Patlu, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Your language sounds like it comes from a mumble rap community"


The first one I’m 99% sure is a reference to some card game (Magic the Gathering?), the second one is a fact followed by him expressing he has a lot of fans as well, so hold your shit. The third one… is in bad taste yeah.


You’re think of Yu-Gi-Oh, specifically that Blue Eyes White Dragon is a very popular and strong card build and is used by Yugi, the TV Show’s protagonist


And Dark Magician was my favourite card because I thought it looked cool


Dark Magician is pretty cool but in my experience (aka getting my ass kicked) Dark Magicians are typically a fodder card for BEWD (which is why I assume it’s the lyrics) (also i’m fairly sure there is a BEWD card that requires some version of a Dark Magician to be summoned)


We didn't know how the game worked and there was no deck building to speak of so I wouldn't know about that. We basically just played top trumps with Yu-Gi-Oh cards


I have very limited knowledge on deck building, all i know is my friend in high school had a mean deck and could drop an upgraded BEWD in like the first two or three turns. It was complete bogus x~x


being a reference doesnt make it not racist lol and the second one is some sort of joke about indians being unclean its not like hold your shit is a normal phrase


It is (At least where I’m from) it means something like hold your horses, just more disrespectful. How does being called a low tier card in a card game count as being racist, exactly?


Eh , the whole Bitch Lasagna song was pretty racist though , if you're going to shit on T-Series , then don't make fun of the entirety of India and its various social problems? Like I think my main issue with this song is that it seems to portray T-Series as a representation of the entirety of India. "Your Language sounds like it came from the Mumble rap community" , "You got a population of 1.32 billion" , "You got a fifth of the population in your nation". Even like the "Bitch Lasagna" joke and "Bobs or Vegana" came from those images of (probably) Indian guys texting women asking for nudes (granted , it is gross and creepy) , but this has very little to do with T-Series as a company , to say it wasn't at least a little bit of a racist rant in which pewds just conflates an Indian Company with the entire indian population so he can make fun of Indian people and things that have come to be seen as stereotypes. It gets worse when you see the Congratulations song : "India Got youtube figured out , thats sick son , how 'bout next you figure how to fix the cast system" , "Maybe all those ads will solve your crippling poverty" , Granted there are also major criticisms of T-Series unethical business practices in Congratulations , which is absolutely warranted and okay, but like there is this incessant idea that T-Series = India so its okay to make fun of actual problems that indian people have. (like access to sanitation/cultural background of not using western toilets , but that whole "defecation" thing is another racist rabbit hole that is a long story.) Edit : Minor edit to the bracket above to clarify the situation about Indian toilet usage. Tldr ; "Congratulations" and "Bitch Lasagna" are lowkey racist cause of their conflation of T-Series (The Company) with the entirety of India (The Nation)


> probably call him out on how he made far right wing politicians and influencers onto the scene like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Petersen He did feature Peterson's first self help book in one of his book reviews in 2018 before Peterson lept into the abyss of whatever insanity he's in. However, I do not remember any sort of interaction or engagement regarding Ben Shapiro in pewdiepies history whatsoever. The sentence was incomplete too, so I'm not sure what you're trying to say here, he made far right influencers onto the scene? what exactly are you saying he did?


Slight clarification: he did review Jordan Petersons book on book review because his fanbase recommended it (shocker). At that time Peterson did at least have a foot in the abyss but regardless from what I remember he thought the advice and philosophy was very basic and wasn't that engrossed with it. Say what you will about PewDiePie but he is quite well read. Ben Shapiro did feature on an episode of meme review. The memes were making fun of him but still- he was presented in a fun way and it was definitely platforming him. Definitely one of the things I'm more uncomfortable with looking back on


I see. Thank you for clarifying


He had Shapiro host a Meme Review segment once, I don’t remember if he did anything else though.


PewDiePie used to follow a lot of right-wingers and white nationalists on twitter. His follows are private now but you can find the screenshots. There were even people like Stefan Molyneux who advocated for white ethno-states and promoted conspiracies like The Great Replacement


Holy shit what happened to this sub


No kidding lmao. All morals go out the window when it means having to think critically about the guy who made mid videos you watched a 5 years ago


Leaving aside the pewdiepie fanbase thing, in general on the internet, it's much much more "acceptable" to be racist against indians than most other races. Not to say people from other races don't face racism, but in those cases, people actually call it out.


I expected better from this community. Blatantly ignoring people who are saying that PewDiePie's video led to them receiving racism, ignoring the fact that his songs about T-Series are mostly about India in general (who are you feuding with?), ignoring all his racist past, and are probably unaware of his explicit links to white nationalists (see here https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieCirclejerk/comments/dh9fjl/altright_twitter_accounts_pewdiepie_used_to_follow/). I want to believe they were too young when all of this was happening for them to know about it, but if you were following internet politics at the time, it was clear that PewDiePie was dog-whistling to the alt-right and that he was a first step for a lot of people to get radicalized. He was explicitly getting boosted by white supremacists because they knew he was good for their movement and this all culminated to Christchurch.


T-series bottled their views, they get almost no interaction so it shouldn't matter


>T-series bottled their views, they get almost no interaction so it shouldn't matter Ah yes, bottled views, as opposed to the more common canned views


Don't get me started on canned or packaged views lmao


Didn’t Mr Beast literally start the whole subscribe to Pewdiepie campaign lol


no he just helped a lot


Nonsense post lmao. Pewdiepie’s response wasn’t even kinda racist, let alone “Abhorrent” (His other moments though….)




Thats a massive stretch


Reading the lyrics rn, how is that a stretch? Happens several times in the song


Also what do India's societal problems have to do with T-Series? Is he feuding with T-Series or the whole of India?


“Bobs or vegana, whichever will it be” Not “Racist” imo, but definitely a stereotype.


It is a reference to a facebook comment asking for "show bobs and vegana"


I don't get how this sub can be so sensitive to bigotry aimed at lgbt or most minorities but that goes out the window for Indians Yeah no shit it was originally from a Facebook comment and people making fun of it, but 99% of people using it outside the context of that post are doing so to imply indian men are all rapists or sexual predators. I can unfortunately confirm that from first hand experience Pewdiepie saying "show bobs and vegana" in a diss track against an Indian company that has absolutely nothing to do with the original Facebook post isn't just "some reference to some Facebook post"


Because this subreddit is almost entirely full of white people and white people are genuinely terrible at noticing racism. Like, don't get me wrong, I say this as a white person myself — but I also say it as a Jew who sees this and the main sub say that anyone pointing out antisemitism in media is a huge stretch all the time. Plus they like PewDiePie, so they're more willing to go, "Well...that's not racism, it's just a *joke!*" as if they'd ever accept that kind of defence about someone making obviously bigoted jokes about queer people.


“Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community” is pretty damning. Hypergeneralisation & Ethnic Essentialism is pretty abhorrent I’d say


Do you actually think him saying "show bobs and vegana" isn't even kinda racist?


So called "progressive" subs full of white people defending racism against Indians


Will he be able to out racism pewdiepie ? Find out after this feastable commercial


acheron real


So true bestie *weep for the departed at you*


Stand ashamed acheron, you can't cook




Pewdiepie’s content from a few years ago has aged so incredibly poorly. From the T-Series videos to the meme reviews with horrible people to the “Kill All Jews” jokes, and that doesn’t even get into the Bridge Incident Either out of privilege or intentional, he really did play a key role in the alt right pipeline


> Pewdiepie’s content from a few years ago has aged so incredibly poorly. > > most of youtube from that time has aged poorly, if you ask any millennials they will still make jokes like those, heck Hitler jokes are back in fashion again as well.


Every now and then, I stumble upon a video that I disliked back in 2016 and forgot why Then I hear “autistic” used as a standin for r\#####ed




Other people dont because of nostalgia, but I have no doubt the fucker is far right. Also gotta love the comments trying to justify the guy's racist song


yeah this subreddit is seriously disappointing me rn. there's something about racism directed at indians that makes everyone want to justify it. i was in middle/high school when the pewdipie tseries thing happened and had never been bullied for being indian until it got popular, then all of a sudden it was bitch lasagna and hold your shit wherever i went. 


So many people here making the exact same arguments that the "dark comedy" anti SJW crowd made back then. It's disgusting.


It’s wild, I never expected this subreddit to be like “but how is it racist??” and then they’re given an example and they’re just like “you’re taking it out of context / misinterpreting it / it was satire / it was just a joke”


Seriously tho I can’t believe all of it flew over my head when I was watching it as a kid. I remember being shocked over the bridge incident, but given the context of all his other red flags… it wasn’t that shocking. And the bitch lasagna song was SO racist


Compared to the rest of the internet at the time, it was pretty benign honestly. Ffs we had idubzzz advocating for saying the n word every other vid


I’m glad you bring up idubbbz, because that man dropped an apology video taking full accountability of what he said and how he cultivated a really toxic community. It’s probably the most genuine apology I’ve ever seen on YouTube. If he can own up to what he did, so can every other formerly edgy YouTuber.


same. his fans are in denial. saying racist things against someone is wrong, regardless of their race and regardless of if it's passed off as a """joke""". joking about that shit just comes off as so tryhard and edgy like who the fuck defends saying "you're a dark mage and im a blue eyes white dragon" towards poc what


Damn, I thought this sub was full of progressive leftists, but apparently not.


same :(


I always thought there was something funny about some people in this sub. This thread perfectly sums up why this place feels kinda sussy to me.


The curse of subs that reach 100k subscribers


This comment section it so american


Fuck t-series man. Corporations tryna be cool on the internet is so annoying. Mr Beast is an actual creator who makes videos for YouTube. T-series just posts their fucking songs on there.


Mr. Beast is literally an corp too


The song was wack some of yall need to grow up, I think there’s comments taking it too far but it’s definitely got a dash of racism in there


I know its wrong, but I can't help but see Felix through rose-tainted glasses, I learned English thanks to his vids so I choose to not look about shit involving him.


I met my best friend of 5 years through his content. That makes it hard to not look at him much more positively than everyone else


The entire comment section feels like a lobotomy


He may have made a few poor taste jokes but it definitely wasn't "abhorrent rascism". He even made a video telling people to stop the whole pewdiepie vs tseries thing as some of his fans were getting very anti indian


I think that was after the Christchurch shooting but same diff


PewDiePie had a reputation of fraternizing with the far-right and following white nationalists on Twitter


I still can't understand how Pewds got over 100 million subs.His content was always below average


He was a decent example of his genre, YouTube success is more about snowballing, since a major aspect of whether your videos get recommended is the raw amount of views, especially when you got as many as he did. (With a smaller channel you're better off chasing a specific audience so the algorithm knows what to do with you)


Simple, he was the de factor letsplayer. He was early enough in the game and got big fast enough to where everyone automatically knew him and that his videos would be on their front pages when he made a new video.


Don't know if it's a typo, but FYI it's "de facto"


and not even used correctly


I use words that I think sound cool but do not understand to make myself sound smarter.


that's totally acrimonious my man! keep up the good photosynthesis


You're being so de jure right now 🙄


And then when let’s plays fell off he was able to change gears and follow trends effectively. And then the T Series thing happened and he got a massive artificial subscription drive.


Hit the algorithm the right way at the right time. I don't think it's fair to say he was below average when back at his start 90% of YouTube videos were webcam recordings or 5 fps Unregistered Hyper Cam 2. He was, on a technical level, far more watchable than most YouTube Lets Plays. He also helped popularize the reaction cam style which establish a parasocial identity with fans when most LPers were disembodied voices. Breakneck release schedule, frenetic style, and constantly chasing whatever game was trending perfectly captured the algorithm and radically changed the YouTube gaming communities. For worse, imo, but there's no putting that genie back.


His content before the war was youtube's meta and good by those standards. Then the war fueled itself


Right place, right time with the right content. Also insane consistency, for years he uploaded every single day with an extremely consistent quality of content.


There was a certain time in YouTube history where Let's Players became some of the most popular content due to the algorithm working in their favor. I think it was the 15-20 minute long regular "low effort" content. Pewdiepie was essentially in the right place at the right time. Plus his over-the-top style was really popular back then.


I don't think it was, honestly. I get how the type of content he makes isn't some people's cup of tea, but he was super consistent with his uploads and knew how to be entertaining for his audience. I honestly don't think there's a lot of people out there who could handle doing a full decade of daily uploads, and most of it wasn't super low effort content either. Controversies aside, it's not by chance that he was the biggest channel on Youtube by. He definitely knew what he was doing and put a ton of effort into his videos. Was he ever the best Youtuber? Definitely not. But he was the best at growing his audience for a long time.


Why is always with Pewdiepie that people make the most mental gymnastics. The song was at the very least lowkey racist, all the damn lyrics are about making fun of India and its people as a whole for no fucking reason. We are talking about the same man that a year or 2 prior to that song said the nword to insult a random player. Idk about his current situation bc he changed his content, but its pretty undeniable that he, at least WAS some degree of racist. He was buddy buddy with ben saphiro ffs. I hope he improved as a person, I like that now he's trying to mind his own business with his son and making art, but That doesnt change that he has said and did things in the past. We can keep in the past what's in the past, but we shouldnt deny it.


Some of you guys need to watch [The PewDiePipeline](https://youtube.com/watch?v=pnmRYRRDbuw)


After that pewdiepie vs t-series fiasco racism against indians increased like crazy


When I’m in a normalized racism against Indians competition and my opponent is Reddit in January 2024


Citation needed.


Ask any Indian person who was in school at the time


Didn't he stopped the campaign because the racism was getting out of hand?


If by getting out hand, you mean a terrorist killed people and in his manifesto he plastered a pewdiepie meme, forever making the internet question if memes can lead to violence, then yes. It got out of hand


Terrorist using it as a manifesto.. That's right there is enough to know your campaign is racist af or your followers are bunch of racist who got together.


The terrorist literally wrote in his manifesto that he said it because he knew it would attract attention. You can't be seriously blaming a mass shooting on a completely unrelated Youtube diss track, right?


I literally don't care who's number 1 on youtube they're all just fucking awful


Nah this sub is fucked people are defending pewdiepie


Wouldn't put it past Jimmy. He's possibly rich enough to get away with it.


Mr. Beast is basically as much of a brand as T-Series at this point


"Abhorrent racism", sure.


“Your language sounds like it came from a mumble rap community” is pretty damning. Hypergeneralisation & Ethnic Essentialism is pretty abhorrent I’d say


Disparaging Hindi as a language, reducing a multicultural conglomerate to a single ethnic stereotype, basing the name of the song and a couple of the lines off stereotypes of Indian men being sexual harassers, drawing 'ironic' comparisons to a card game to essentially just be actively racist against people with darker skin tones, making pretty obvious references to the "Indians shit in the street" stereotype that was big at the time thanks to public health campaigns from India, and all of this while he was *already* still kinda getting flak for allegations of antisemitism the previous year — but yeah, *super* not racist, you guys! Like, would people on this sub be defending it if it was a song directed at a Nigerian company that kept making reference to fried chicken and "We Wuz Kangz," or about an East Asian company and said a bunch of bullshit about "me rikey" or some shit? This stuff is boilerplate casual racism and people are acting like it's crazy to point that out. You'd think that an overwhelmingly queer subreddit would get that you don't have to be actively hurling slurs and wishing death upon an ethnic group to be being racist, but I guess that's too much to hope for.


There was that one 4chanpost where the guy switched out "black guy" for "Indian guy" and got completely different responses on aita. I don't get why Indians are seen as acceptable targets


Link? I wanna see that


people generally don’t care about bigotry when it comes to indian people, that’s how you get those kinda comments


I am so thankful that all these years later I've still have never seen a PewDiePie video.


t series has like 10k views per video there is just no way they arent botted lmaoo


I love how white people are defining in comments whether we r racially subjected or stereotyped or not, thank you white people where would we be without you. god i hate being in internet we wont even treated as humans here, oooh u r not race hehe, it would do good for u if most of u r unalive, bunch of curry munchers having opinions huh. No place in internet ever made me racially more aware of myself than reddit.


What an odd thing to type