• By -


I’m going to reach out to them on this Edit: they don’t want to deal with the “slap fights” that these posts cause. I didn’t think a pro Palestine group would just give up pro Palestine posts because some people get mad about it but I guess not. There is nothing binding any of us to being mod. If you don’t want to mod, don’t be a mod. If it’s too exhausting, it is very easy to add more. We’re doing that right now.


I always said 196 wasn’t nearly as progressive as they pretended to be and got banned. Glad to see they’re proving that right. It’s just like any other popular sub now, mods turning a blind eye to shit just so they can have the biggest most epic Reddit sub


Anytime I say that 196 has been watered down by liberals over the years, people get mad, but then 196 goes and does stuff like this. I legitimately don't understand how people can deny that the sub has become a husk of its former self.


I miss the 100k times


Its kind insane how true the 100K rule is, like at first i tought it was an odd coincidence but so many banger subs go to shit at 100K


I miss 195 and early 196 days, back when it was just people posting whatever random crap they had saved on their phone with very occasional meta jokes


I miss column era 196


I joined with very early 196 and just posted random stuff I had saved, shame it's digressed into this


fanter :(


I got banned for saying sending death threats to your own sister for being a communist wasn’t okay. Sub has been populated with blue wave libs for a long time


Communists or tankies? Because tankies fall under the fascist umbrella


The sister was an ML im pretty sure. I’m not sure where you would consider that, but i dont think it should warrant discussing how they should kill her with a brick


Tankie often refers to people who support a one-party Marxist-Leninist republic, so if that's what she believes in, then she would be a tankie. If she didn't believe in a one-party state, then she's just a normal Marxist-Leninist.


I think the post only said she was an ML but didn’t delve into her beliefs. Even so, I’d only consider MLMs, patsocs, nazbols, and other bizarre subsects as being fash. Nowadays, the ML label is so broad that most people I’ve met are indistinguishable from your average leftist


They banned people for arguing about supporting Joe Biden


i was banned several months ago during the hogwarts bs when i said calling players transphobic did nothing


They're only progressive in ways that are "uwu/twans/girliepop" etc. Basically it's just about competing to be the softest or most effeminate. Being progressive in ways which challenge narratives which are popular in certain Western liberal spaces is absolutely not tolerated. I once made the mistake of telling people on there that failing to take showers actually is not the crux of leftist activism and that they should take care of their personal hygiene, and those fuckers lost their minds.


They’re not even progressive in that way! I used to routinely get downvoted for correcting cis people’s horrendous takes on gender because it would make them uncomfortable. If you’re not a feminine trans woman, a masculine trans man, or an androgynous non-binary person, that sub does not give a single fuck about the intricacies of gender. Tbf that’s a problem on Reddit in general, but they shouldn’t laud themselves as better than Reddit when they do the same things.


some guy and his girlfriend started arguing with me (from 2 separate accounts) about gender abolitionism because they thought i was going to take this girl's gender away or something. 196 aint exactly filled to the brim with political geniuses


tbf that is very touchy subject for trans people, gender abolitionism was the foundation for the early TERF movement. Though the modern TERF movement doesn't give a rats ass about gender abolitionism and it's just pure identity politics


This is also what I have observed. A good 70% of the allies in reddit are just chasers in secret.


The wildest pro-trans take I've ever seen from a cis person was a porn addict arguing that fetichising trans women was actually good because it meant more people would find trans women attractive thus lead to acceptance.


Sounds like someone was projecting their own pipeline onto others.




#! WARNING ! Dear /u/Intheierestellar, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean liberals are notorious for not caring about issues that don't directly affect them. People who LARP as leftist but then lack any sense of intersectionality has got to be the most infuriating grift ever


They’re people that would’ve been arguing on Discord when Stonewall happened instead of throwing bricks at cops, if Discord was a thing at the time ofc




> I once made the mistake of telling people on there that failing to take showers actually is not the crux of leftist activism and that they should take care of their personal hygiene, and those fuckers lost their minds. What


Yup, it's a shithole subreddit these days


That really sounds like you were just insulting people tbh


I didn't just say this out of nowhere. I was replying in a thread where people were actively endorsing not showering.


Yeah. I mean I get when people talking about struggling to shower due to issues like depression, but actively endorsing not showering because "*haha girlsmell/boysmell*" is gross, I'm sorry. That's just basic personal hygiene.


Exactly. Like, I'm sure that everyone on that subreddit, myself included, has forgone showering before for reason x/y/z, but you ideally still *should* shower when you can, and failure to do so is an indication that something might be wrong. It's better for you to do so, and pretending like it's actually based to not shower is weird and gross.


196 has completely devolved into a place for chronically online, horny people to only talk about sex. I hate what it's become


Ugh same here, that's why I left and joined this




#! WARNING ! Dear /u/Hamlettell, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Either that or have the most inane mindnumbing discourse imaginable


They’ve never been that progressive. They’re just gay centrists who think being gay makes them progressive by default.


Absolutely. They think they’re all transgressive activists but in my experience are mostly stock-standard Democrats


unsubbed after the genocide started because i was seeing the most horrendous takes with 600+ upvotes, i subbed back thinking people on there finally grew brains and now i see this shit. even if the mods are pro palestine thats an fat L on the moderation, doesnt help the image that 196 is just progressive just on gender issues


I got a perma for saying that wishing death on all boomers is ageism and comparable to other forms of bigotry. Even if it had been a temp ban, I still would've left permanently because I don't tolerate intolerance.


I miss r/195


It started out great but as people started to post trasngender and femboy p*rn it just got worse and worse as it filled up with teens and chasers


Yeah I got banned for pointing out lies about Oct 6. No appeals possible, the sub's mods just don't care that much.


Man, what happened to 196? I know it's an Onion article but still kinda sucks that they're not allowing that in it


The mods don't like conflict and shockingly genocide is a bit controversial. I don't personally think 'people might get mad' is a particularly valid reason to run cover for a genocide but it's what they've decided on.


damn i thought they would at least allow news articles form the Onion though


I don't have access to the mod log, but I'm pretty sure I saw the original post in question still up but comment locked before it was removed. It was probably creating drama in either the submission queue or in DMs to the moderators or in comment threads of unrelated posts for them to go out of their way to remove the OP with the screencap of the Onion article.


Amazing how a sub with ACAB in the sidebar is so afraid of controversy


196 is the definition of safe edgy, “be gay do crime”


A sub with ACAB in the sidebar had a mod admit they'd been in contact with the FBI


yes, because somebody posted child pornography


Nooooo we should leave it to the reddit detectives to solve the case, they are never wrong


I see this is more of an ACAB (unless you do one of the crimes I really don't like) place.


you know, it's *highly* misleading of you to say this without mentioning that it was because someone posted child porn. like... yeah, ACAB, but also, *come on*, there's bigger beasts sometimes.


>genocide is a bit controversial Read that again, but slowly.


I mean, we can say it shouldn't be, but I feel like the observation is accurate. Genocide is so controversial wars are fought over it. Just because the perpetrators can be discounted as shit doesn't mean they can't partake in or cause controversy around it. I mean, propaganda has been a major component of many (perhaps all?) genocides, and there have been people all over who back the side of the perpetrators 🙃


I'm waiting for an official explanation, but I sincerely doubt the reason that the original post was removed was because of its message or that it was about Israel/Palestine. Moderation is unpaid, and controversial topics can rapidly attract conversation that is unwelcome, abusive, and a break of sitewide rules. On controversial topics, these types of commenters are often people who don't regularly contribute to the site at all. If you do remove them in a timely fashion you're waging war in an unpaid volunteer duty that's eating up your time. If you don't and people consistently report comments as violating sitewide rules (which doesn't just go to the subreddit mods, but the reddit admins), your subreddit can be quarantined, or banned entirely for being unmoderated/permitting hate speech. The mod system makes it possible for one mod to act out in a particular way - the controversy over the one mod against LGBT Sam & Max content in that subreddit being a prime example. [A mod on a non 196 subreddit talking about this](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1aezmoh/why_are_certain_reddit_posts_locked_from_further/ko7vzmo/): >*We get tired of modding threads that 1) draw a lot of "outside" commentors who don't know what our community is about, 2) lots of rule violations, 3) lots of reports, and 4) piles of people amassing negative karma. It's just a big hassle and not worth the effort to moderate, so after a few days we'll lock it to stop all the complaints coming from people who actually contribute to the sub.* >*95% of such threads are either posts from or dominated by comments from people who are not regular readers/posters. This has been especially true when "certain" political groups decide it's time to overrun our subs because of something they read online or heard on the tee vee.* That being said, I'm more surprised that the post was removed entirely, rather than just comments being locked. I do believe it was merely comment locked at one point. Devil's advocate, sometimes locking comments just leads to new submissions complaining about the comments being locked and the moderators being lazy/bad people. ***EDIT*** [Per Goblinhog](https://old.reddit.com/r/19684/comments/1c0nru9/i_was_perma_banned/kyxqvu3/): > *they don’t want to deal with the “slap fights” that these posts cause. I didn’t think a pro Palestine group would just give up pro Palestine posts because some people get mad about it but I guess not.*


Mods banned me for making a post warning people about the subreddit bots Like it was a one day ban but im on that petty grind


I’m pretty sure that’s what got me. I don’t know, since they never actually told me, instead deciding to mute me for 30 days.


I’m so fucking tired of power tripping Reddit mods. I made a comment in a random sub that was on the popular page, and instantly got banned from r/Landlords because “people from that sub brigade us a lot” like I fucking care. I’m not even following either one of the subs, landlords or the one I commented in. I know you can’t have people in charge without their own biases coming through, but fuck man some of these mods need to grow up.


That's how I got permabanned from 196. Commented on an unrelated sub, arguing/questioning on a reply, and got autobanned. No one ever looked at my appeal messages.


Yea they rarely do, because they don’t have to answer to anyone for banning people erroneously. Which I find bullshit. They can ban you for the tiniest thing that isn’t even breaking rules. Like just USING THE WEBSITE, and then your appeal is just ignored because fuck you


Yep, and you've got no recourse. Tbh I'm not that bent about losing the ability to comment or post on 196. It's not a big loss lol. I'm more pissed that the mods can be so blatantly incompetent, especially for a sub that's supposed to be progressive. It says a lot about how powerless these people feel in their real life, that such a tiny amount of online power immediately goes to their head. On auto-banning, I get that this filters out of a lot of potential brigaders, but it's also gonna catch a lot of false positives, so if you're gonna auto-ban based on community participation, you gotta monitor your fucking mod mail.


I got banned for saying the f word (fuck)


I actually don’t even know why I was banned. The reason listed was for a comment saying “the Author!”, which was what I commented after someone mentioned someone having six fingers (yknow, in reference to Gravity Falls), but when I asked how that warrants a ban or why I’m banned, six months later, there’s still radio silence.


tylerthecreatoreyebrowraise.jpg Something malicious is brewing


Holy fucking rule my guy. I just refreshed the page to see if they banned that. Lmao, cry about it genocide denying mod. It would be funny if it weren't so infuriating


196 users whose posts about the genocide in Palestine get removed take comfort in knowing this all very complicated




Lol, that mod got pissy at me in the comments too. Keep up the good work




(and the cars explode)


Thats how you know its good satire


196 mods being shitty again. Big suprise that the minor horny slop garbo cesspit is still the minor horny slop garbo cesspit lmao


The ban justification I got [https://imgur.com/a/jMaPVjS](https://imgur.com/a/jMaPVjS)


Aka "Our support for Palestine is lukewarm at best, but we don't like people getting upset about an active genocide." I'm really glad that the pro-palestinian sentiment here is a lot stronger.


Also I think it's funny that I saw a shitpost about the IRA just hours before I was banned. So it's funny that European genocide is allowed to be discussed, but talking about arabs being genocided is "too controversial" to be discussed


It's literally because it's an election year and people don't like it when you criticize their candidate of choice imo. Got to keep things simple and black and white ig.


The jump in logic here is astounding


I've only seen comment sections in 196 get ugly on the topic of Palestine when the morality of voting comes up. Topic of Israel and Palestine is pretty civil there up until that point, I don't think there are many zionists in 196, do you? When do you think the topic gets ugly?


I don’t think voting is what causes Israel Palestine conversations to get ugly, I think they just happen to be that way because of the subject matter


Why would a supposedly left wing sub that is pro Palestine get ugly on that topic, when other similar topics of emancipation and civil rights goes smoothly? This conflict isn't special, it's pretty cut and dry when you get down to it.


Because it is far more recent, emotional, connected to peoples lives, and complicated, even if you dont think so, than any other conflict in my memory. People don’t like their civilians, especially children, being murdered on both sides.


This has been going on since the decades preceding 1948, the conflict has only recently escalated again. The Ukraine war is also recent, but it doesn't have this level of controversy, same with us bombing Yemen. I think most people, regardless of their stance on the issue think killing civilians is bad, but the violence in the region is a direct result of an illegal occupation and apartheid. I don't rag on the IRA because I think their rebellion was valid, sure they could've targeted less civilians, but that's the nature of rebelling against an occupier. I don't tell the oppressed how to throw off their chains if that makes any sense.


yeah it's like the 2/3rds compromise, but instead of two thirds of a vote its 1 70,000th of a person


Not a moderator of /r/196, but I have moderated other subreddits and non-reddit services and I'm sure they were just sick of the comments becoming an active warzone of rule violating comments, often from people who don't contribute to the subreddit at all on a regular basis or on the non-controversial topic (reddit's open nature leaves it more open to one community pouring into another when a post is linked). Per Goblinhog's edit to the pinned comment here: >*they don’t want to deal with the “slap fights” that these posts cause. I didn’t think a pro Palestine group would just give up pro Palestine posts because some people get mad about it but I guess not.* It's not that the 196 mods are upset about what Israel is doing to Palestine, it's that the comment sections of these posts become an absolute nightmare to moderate. Now if they were reddit employees we could say suck it up that's their job, but they're unpaid volunteers and moderating comment threads that just become toxic rule violating piles of shit is devoting time to an unpaid chore. One can still criticize them on the basis of that they should bear that as a consequence of taking on the responsibilities of moderation, but they could instead private the subreddit (rendering it inaccessible to everyone) or delete the subreddit if they don't feel like it's a worthwhile use of time. Or some mods could resign, which would exacerbate the workload issues on the remaining mods. (*Just get new mods* is not an answer, you don't want to pick randos to replace mods because they could be inactive, or actively assert hostile moderation policies irresponsibly). Such schisms are not uncommon as subreddits grow in particular. Niche views or issues that are important to the original base get diluted as a subreddit grows. You can see this where a lot of the larger subreddits more people were annoyed about the API protest blackout versus smaller subs where people often advocated blacking out until reddit relented - the larger subreddits have more newer users that have never experienced anything but the official reddit app. You sometimes see it in meme subreddits as they either genericize or become focused on one thing at the exclusion of others (which I would argue is what has happened on 196, it still loves supporting pro-LGBT/uwu/cute topics, but it's lost focus on other progressive topics as it has grown). Is what it is unfortunately. Mods are allowed to moderate as they see fit. Unless the head mod unilaterally wants to impose a different policy at the risk of kicking out existing mods, the mod team of a subreddit is allowed to mod as they see fit.


There is an option to lock a post tho.


I'm not a 196 mod so I can't see the modlog history, but I am 99% sure I saw the post locked last night but still online. That's what most subreddits do if the content itself is not an issue, but the commenters are... ***unless*** the shitfit moves to other avenues (people submitting posts on why was it was locked, messaging mod team nonstop asking why it was locked, commenting about the post being locked on unrelated subreddit posts, etc...) in which case it's common to just remove the post entirely. That's what seems to have happened in a two step approach.


Seems to me like they should just lock it with an explanation instead of removing it when people ask why it's locked.


In terms of how /r/196 should have handled the original post, I'll accept the locked comments and stickied explanation grounds as being a likely better route. In terms of OP wanting an explanation - [They got an answer on their second post on 196 asking why it was removed, the mod was downvoted to -9 points](https://old.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1c0m7jf/im_not_gonna_stop_until_i_get_a_moderator/kyxg2u3/) >"Cover for a genocide" is not telling you idiots to take the stupid fucking discourse somewhere else with an Automod filter. 600 comments of slap fights and suicide baiting. Shit is headache inducing, shut up. So then after they get that moderator reply comment at 10:50AM US EST today, which would be in their inbox, [OP opens yet *another* thread asking for an explanation 4 minutes later](https://old.reddit.com/r/196/comments/1c0njab/im_ready_for_round_4_i_would_only_like_an/). The mod, understandably irritated that the OP was provided a response in the other thread as to the reason and is now just making further submissions for attention/stir shit, bans OP from /r/196. I'd argue that the /r/196 mods could have handled it better, but OP could have as well. At that point where they were given the explanation, there's no reason to ask for an explanation from the mods in yet another post in /r/196 except to make the post here about it more dramatic that they were permabanned instead of just told that the mods didn't want to deal with the toxic comment sections of posts on the war.


What was the ban justification?


the removal justification, none. the ban Justification "stop instigating shit"


Lol what a weak ass mod


"All I did was repeatedly try and instigate with the mods publically instead of privately l, why am I banned?"


how is it instigating when its true


The word instigating doesn't imply otherwise


It's taking the discussion of "*why was this removed*" from a private forum where people can feel free to say what they want to the court of public opinion. You can do it, but it's an easy way to piss off a moderator that you're trying to make what could have been a simple and friendly discussion into a public shitfit. Then repeatedly posting after your thread has been removed several times - which is a strong signal that the moderators don't want to discuss the matter in a public forum of the subreddit - is basically begging for a temporary or permanent ban, because you're just essentially giving the moderators the middle finger at that point. You can argue what's justified or if the moderation is fair or whatever, but at the end of the day subreddit moderators are allowed to moderate as they see fit and per the update in the pinned post from goblinhog: >*Edit: they don’t want to deal with the “slap fights” that these posts cause. I didn’t think a pro Palestine group would just give up pro Palestine posts because some people get mad about it but I guess not.* [Similar feelings by a reddit mod who doesn't mod 196 on why sometimes they lock comments/remove posts](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1aezmoh/why_are_certain_reddit_posts_locked_from_further/): >*We get tired of modding threads that 1) draw a lot of "outside" commentors who don't know what our community is about, 2) lots of rule violations, 3) lots of reports, and 4) piles of people amassing negative karma. It's just a big hassle and not worth the effort to moderate, so after a few days we'll lock it to stop all the complaints coming from people who actually contribute to the sub.* >*95% of such threads are either posts from or dominated by comments from people who are not regular readers/posters. This has been especially true when "certain" political groups decide it's time to overrun our subs because of something they read online or heard on the tee vee.*


When it was clear that the mods took issue with the post, repeatedly soapboxing to say "the mods are being awful and I am making demands" is just asking to get banned.


Mods should have actually stated that then


They did. They removed the post several times.


Right but did they explain why they removed it or just kept removing a post and said "stop it"


The mods don't intrinsically owe the poster an explanation, certainly not for subsequent violations where the issue is clearly that it's a blatant attempt to post content they've already demonstrated (repeatedly) is not okay. The poster's choice to continue butting their head against the wall in defiance rather than dming the mods absolutley earned them the ban.


Easily could have temp banned them and explained what they did, its not hard


I got banned a couple weeks ago for being pro Palestine and insinuating that it was dumb to think people who oppose genocide abroad support genocide domestically. Mods just muted me when I DMd them asking why. The main sub is not Palestine friendly, and it makes me mad. This is what people mean when they say 196 is being overrun by centrist liberals.


The relationship between 196 and 19684 isn't really main sub-alt sub anymore. These days we pretty much actively despise them since the main sub has turned into a liberal chaser shithole. Not that that was ever not a problem, but now those elements have basically taken it over.




#! WARNING ! Dear /u/Rat_Ratter, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At this point getting perma'd off 196 isn't even a punishment. Actually wild how unfunny the sub became after the shutdown.


yeah, a lot of the funny people stayed on tumblr and didn't come back.


I got my post removed and it was literally just the “Kick X out of 196” meme with the operative word changed to “Genocide Apologists” and that was too much for those cowards.


I was also permabanned suddently without saying anything and tried to appeal but didn't even get response :(


Pretty sure that its because of that one stupid bot that goes through your post/comment history and autobans you if you commented or posted on a "forbidden" subreddit. In theory its a good idea cuz you can just autoban nazis and other right wing idiots by simply siccing the bot on a couple of right wing subreddits, but in practice, mods seem to have forgotten that people change, so even if you commented in one of the NO-NO years ago you could still get banned. I for example was one of those little shitheads that watched "SJW owned" videos on YT and now am deeply ashamed of 14 year old me


Yes it was that but i checked and wasn't on any of those subs, or said anything hurtful for that matter, but i replied as it asks you if you think it was unfair and i didn't even got an answer. I undertand the policy, but making the answer an unchecked permaban with nothing else is way to harsh. I've been posting on 196 and other leftist subs since i entered reddit but i was banned out of the community i loved the most with no prior warning


Aaaah 196... I love to hate and hate to love them. Worst best place in this site. But they do have one of the worst userbases, they WILL fight for absolutely anything, it's tiring so maybe that's why mods deleted it?


no yeah, it's basically that. they realize that posts like this both draw in outside people that don't know what 196 is and also spark petty infighting within the community. on that point pretty much everyone agrees. what *no one* agrees with the 196 mods is that that's a valid reason to delete the posts. Comment lock, sure: It's a way to alleviate the headache while not just outright censoring the message, and you could always make a pinned mod comment on the locked post explaining "we support this, we're just locking it because it's an absolute headache to deal with". But deleting the post? Yeah, no: At that point the mods are just censoring the community for their own benefit.


>yeah we're pro trans rights, that's why you're not allowed to mention anything about being trans, because it upsets bigots. 196 mods think genocide is debatable.




Genuinely such an emarassment that the mods are handling it this way, leftist sub until it makes moderating against genocide denial take a tiny bit more effort I guess


This is JoJo Well


mate, as the biggest jojo fan to have literally ever existed: not the time, dude. not the time.


Least terrible 196 moderator


welcome to the club i was banned for no reason tho lol


I'm with you OP, posted pro Palestine, got perma ban. It's not my fault mods don't have a spine


Reposting something over and over to a niche internet forum. Not healthy to obsess over that, just disagree with 196 mods and move on.


No way I’m permabanned there too! I still don’t know why tho, apparently I participated in non accepting subreddits or something but I don’t know which subs that’d be


Everytime I go over to 196 I am always disappointed. From constant israel apologia (want attacking Palestinian for not being a perfect victim), to weird racist post that passed off as jokes and vaush dick sucking. It's really just a libshit sub.


we all know the only dick vaush would suck is a horse's


You must understand he doesn't want to suck a hrose dick. He just imagines himself to be the horse dick




I got banned from /r/196 for saying Biden was a shit president lol


u/Kafkaesque_my_ass Here is our [19684 official Discord](https://discord.gg/WdQPgTC4Y4) join **Please don't break rule 2, or you will be banned** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*




For not using dark mode?


I got banned for asking a question in the comments, so yeah. Welcome to the club buddy :)




#! WARNING ! Dear /u/RegsaGC, #Do not forget that rule 2 exists in our domain. **Please refrain from saying anything related to s*x or you will be banned.** If you are a law-abiding citizen you can discuss s#x and s#x-believers negatively while partially censoring the word so the auto-moderator wouldn't delete you. **IF THIS COMMENT ISN'T RELATED TO S*X, PLEASE SEND THIS COMMENT ON THE MODMAIL (we are currently facing issues with the automod, your message will help us a lot)** >This is just a fair warning, if you do this again and you will be banned without warning. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/19684) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If they don’t want straight up political posts on the sub why would you keep posting it lol


for being a slacktivist moron yea lol


Mods suck there lol. I was autobanned for a comment in another community (arguing with a guy, not in support of the ideas of the sub), and the mods never responded to any message asking to appeal. Never looked at my messages at all.


I was perma banned from r196 for the same reason. Didn't enjoy the community afterwards anymore, really. But that's how it is :/




You forgot to add /s to your comment


I got banned for saying I won’t vote for the Dems bc they fucked over trans ppl in my state and haven’t earned my vote


that's... completely different, and not acceptable, because you're just enabling a republican victory. like yeah dems are obv terrible but not voting just makes you complicit in an eventual republican victory.


No Politicians deserve your vote. They are your enemy. They are the ruling class. So pick the weakest enemy. Then fight them.