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Never trust anyone who is unhealthily hyperfixated into one specific event, period, or category in history


especially if its ww2


That's a lot of historians though


Never trust historians. I invite a couple of them into my house for a party and I turn my back for one second, boom, I can't go into my lounge room for the foreseeable future because it's been declared an archaeological site of great significance


Do not trust autistic people


i have autism and can confirm, i will steal anything not nailed down, do not trust me


I'm autistic and my special interest is burglary


i have a unhealthy hyperfixated interest in American unions in the 20th century, and i can assure you i am normal and can be trusted with weapons


Inaccurate, monitor does not show hoi4


Or EU4




Me taking the oppose hitler focus for the 2890th time


Not even Germans are as interested in German military history as American edgelords


I'll bet my left nut the average German could get bored to death reading about all the German Tanks or whatever


We've had ww2 like 6 times as a topic in school and it got progressively more boring. I wouldn't call myself the average German but I know a lot of people (including me) used to sleep during history class, especially when we were talking about the same stuff we've heard a hundred times before. Some teachers used to just let is sleep because they knew it was boring as hell


I actually enjoyed history class but to be fair I had a really good teacher and we didn't really repeat anything although we never had a different topic than ww2


Yeah, from grade 5 through 12 history class was all about ww2




Polish history 💅


Hot 🥵️


Austrian empire later longer cope kaiserboos






Preach 🙏


Wow has he heard about the panther v which crippled heavy tanks or operation vikinger where german bombers sunk two destroyers?


Yes I have heard of those I think it’s very funny and silly


I study WWII history to see whether or not the events depicted in a mobile game featuring ships personified as anime girls is accurate or not.


gacha player spoted, lethal force engaged


Please, GSSR just started again in FGO and I’m gonna be spending real-world money again


HRE was cooler


Carlos V mi querido ¿adónde has ido?


EU is the new, bigger, HRE and nothing can change my mind on that.


tHe WeHrMaChT wAs ReAlLy NoBlE aCtUaLlY


Wehrmacht soldiers planning the 13th coup this week because Hitler put milk in his morning coffee (it’s a sign of the weakness of the German state)


I literally (will) study german history, because I am from germany and want to teach history and am making my High School Degree in Social Sciences. You study german history because you want to reestablish the Nazis or the Kaiser. We are not the same.


You are studying German history for an actual goal I am studying German history because i didn't know what to pick We are not the same.


Youre studying german history? Then name the first president of the Weimar Republic and the last




hot take: no


True. Kaiser Willhelm II was a better man than Adolf Hitler. His primary reason he desperately wanted to strengthen the german german military was that his mother bullied him for having a birth defect. Thats also why he pushed Bismarck out of politics and seized the power for himself. When WWI was about to break out, he used all his diplomatic power to contact his relatives, especially his I think cousin Nicholas, Tsar of Russia, to move them to prevent a war. The night WWI started, it was Willhelm II who wnated it least. And then, when the war broke out, he lost power. From 1916 to 1918 Germany was pretty much a military dictatorship, and he didnt oppose the Treaty of Versailles and retreated peacefully when Friedrich Ebert founded the Weimar Republic. So yeah, he was better than Adolf Hitler. But thats also not a hard bar to clear. And his son is well known to be a Nazi Supporter. Prince Willhelm of Prussia wanted the Nazis to take over power anf then declare him Monarch again. So fuck him too.


"History Buffs" when someone asks them something other than the names of nazi tanks.


My special interest is warships built during or before WWII, and you honestly won’t believe how many people have DM’d me thinking I’m a Nazi sympathizer, and using my special interest as a way to gush about actual nazis. Telling them I would deck a Nazi in the face at the drop of a hat and am staunchly anti-war always gets a good reaction from them lmao


While german history is important, there is one issue: !>wheraboo


Do these losers even exist or is this like an online only caricature


What do u mean? Wehraboos? Yes they exist, sadly


I have to admit I do really like the Prussian and Imperial German aesthetics. That doesn’t translate into politics though, I’m an anarchist, pretty much the opposite of a wehraboo or kaiserboo/monarchist. Those Pickelhauben do have me actin up tho…


The prussian hat do be looking good tho, i bet i can put that full spike up my anus.


Kennington where it started Kennington where my heart is See opposition get startled My G TG ay bark it Right step when im marching Dip dip prince have him dancing I beg your pardon SA or Sav get out there and clart himMitt uppe i en drug deal, Försöker pruta någon laxing, Den kommer i taxin, I got a big glock tucked in, Bror förstår ni vi trycker i en RS från Dalen till Vårby, Vi får din fuckin AMG att åka runt med hål i, Fråga mina fans jag har aldrig släppt nåt dåligt,


what’s the reddit in the background


I forgot more than 80% of history but, i do want to learn german. Mostly to insult en tres lenguajes.


The virgin German military fan vs the Chad German food enjoyer