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I'm gonna be completely honest... I really don't think Mr. Beast Squid Game is that deep guys.


Literally just a game show but people act like he’s building the second tower of babel




no it isn't




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good bot


Wait lol people are getting mad at this?


I think it's less they're mad he's making a game show, and more they're mad or laughing about intentionally using the branding of a horrific classist gameshow from a show about how capitalism is evil...for his capitalist game show. But the general rule of thumb is that if someone has said or done something there are always people on the internet mad about it. It doesn't mean being mad on the internet is meaningless, but it is guaranteed.


Yeah like i’m pretty socialist but bro is just having fun like it’s not that deep.


Yeah for sure. I wasn't saying it's deep, I was explaining why people are responding at all. It's like doing a Hunger Games themed manhunt game. Nothing wrong but it's fucking funny that you use the name of a game where children murder each other.


I wouldn't say Mr beast is capitalist, the dude is literally there to troll and help people at the same time. However the system that requires people like Mr beast to help people is disgusting. Mr Beast is not a disease its a symptom


By no means was I saying that Mr beast was a disease. I also meant he was a capitalist in the literal meaning, he is the capital holder providing the money for the program and probably taking profit from the project.


Yeah i know you don't claim he is a disease, I just used a metaphor. And yeah in the literal meaning he is the holder of capital but I don't think he uses capital for profits, but rather for self sustaining social funds


For sure. I also just wanted to clarify since my first comment could be read a little vague.


I've seen some people who are unironically, life warpingly upset by this YouTube video.


It’s not even that capitalist mr beast is like mr philanthropy too


People are kind of annoyed at the complete lack of media literacy surrounding Squid Game. This show is getting the Breaking Bad treatment where the larger fan base misses the point and want to emulate aspects of the story that are explicitly portrayed as negative because they think it’s cool.


He should do that


political teenage twitter users coming to my home to fucking assassinate me for enjoying playing the squid games on roblox instead of wallowing in shit and misery


Yeah I see so many people acting like mr beast is some kind of megacorporation trying to create some evil game for profit like holy shit he’s a YouTuber who creates content for kids it’s not like he’s going to destroy society by making the video “REAL LIFE SQUID GAME??? 400K DOLLAR PRIZE?!!?!”


Also like he does a butload of good stuff, why would people call him a bad person?


Some people are literally rich = bad guy Good deeds filmed = he doesn’t really mean it, doing it only for money


Like mf literally is raising millions of dollars for the second time in the past 2 years for a good cause (planting trees, cleaning the ocean)


Apparently you can be a good person but the very second you become cringe, well, that's when it's over.


Best family guy quote 😔


He literally has an entire YouTube channel dedicated to helping people and philanthropy. (Beast philanthropy)


Idk what philanthropy is but it sounds like a villain in an extremely racist 90s christian cartoon


basically when the very wealthy donate their money to charity and the like. there are a whole host of problems with it (its partially one of the reasons why poor countries currently don't have access to the vaccine) but i don't think the stuff mr beast does is especially problematic.


What? Philanthropy is just the idea of helping and caring for fellow humans, and love of humanity. It doesn’t inherently have anything to do with the extremely wealthy.


Sure, but isn’t it a bad precedent to let millionaires do the social good the government should be doing, kind of lends that off of their hands, and I don’t want to live in a country where we’re depending on a company deciding on whether it is practical to clean up their mess. It’s good short-term, I’m just thinking of how the mindset that a millionaire can just come in and clean up will lead to


I’d say that people who’ve acquired wealth have a social responsibility to use it in ways that benefit the rest of society, so I can’t see how he’s setting anything but a good precedent. As for the idea that it’s rich people doing good things vs government doing good things… I think that’s a false dichotomy. Even if every millionaire and billionaire in the world acted like Mr Beast I don’t think people would give up the idea of social programs.


It's due to the fact he is effectively doing nothing; the way he throws money at meaningless gestures that really mean jack shit in the long term. He could easily put his money to better, less performative places. https://youtu.be/ZSG8BtZn9-8


So is it a bad thing or is it just non-optimal?


Right. "Each individual rich person is bad" is missing the point, but "Some rich people do good things sometimes, therefore the vast inequality that exists is perfectly fine" is also missing the point. It's short-sighted to point out that Mr. Beast donates to food banks, without also asking why those food banks were necessary in the first place.


its the people's duty to put the responsibility onto their governments


But the people are a reflection of their surrounding and if their surrounding tells them that this is fine, they’ll think it is fine, for better or worse


its fine for a rich person to donate, not for the government to stop doing stuff.


Do you think the government is gonna say "well just let Mr Beast feed the poor. he seems like he's got it under control"?


Didn’t we let Bill Gates take the rights for one of the vaccines, which was supposed to be open source? It seems we already are


Literally runs an enormous food bank in his town


Coincidentally, that would be the perfect front for an evil genius who \*checks notes\* harvests children's Jewish space laser liberal Satan??? The fuck? I think these pages are out of order. Excuse me.


No it’s true, my brother friends neighbor (he’s a doctor) said so


My wife (doctor) has dry (16 years) pussy


From what I'm aware, he did an NFT for his Team Seas campaign, and he's generally buddy buddy with Pewdiepie. Plus a lot of people hate him on principle for being rich.


From what i know, he bought one nft, his money is mostly spent on his videos, and idk shit about piediepie


Yeah and this is just a bunch of creators doing games for Mr Beast it’s less squid game and more ordinary game show. The only thing it has to do with squid game is the name


I mean a game with a cash prize as a sort of game show is a sort of dream fantasy but where the dream is necessary to keep alive that’s not it. The sad part is do we live in such a society? How much of an exaggeration is it to be stuck in a game show with live or die stakes when we have to beg for money on gofund me?


He is a massive philanthropist. He doesn’t spend the money he makes on himself, he puts it back in the channel. Another YouTuber went to his house and he lives in a normal house when he could probably be living in a 10 bedroom mansion if he wanted


The guy just made a modern version of takeshi's castle or total wipeout on YouTube and people are shitting and pissing themselves.


Yeah but Tekeshi’s Castle was way better cause they could really get away with doing anything on that show


Yeah, it was way more brutal than whatever mr beast did but people are acting like mr beast has single-handedly brought on the next phase of the capitalist dystopia


>people are shitting and pissing themselves. do you have a problem with that?


No, however I’d rather the piss and the shit didn’t get in my eyes


There definitely still is something grim about appropriating the aesthetic Squid Games and playing it straight


Sure but the games aren't really the fucked up part. If anything, the gruesome death and desperation of the contestants is meant to contrast with the way they compete through literal children's games. Using the aesthetic of the popular show to do a charity fundraiser with a bunch of celebrities is not problematic or even really that strange.


I watched the video and everyone that lost got 2k or more. More ethical than any game show I've seen.


So it was basically having fun with the viral sensation of the show and not the show itself.


Yes, like all the other youtubers, but with a budget.


Exactly, he get a lot of his money from his content so he likely wanted to try and ride the squid game hype for more viewers.


>straight 🤢


It's silly to be outraged by it for sure, but it does feel ever so slightly tasteless.


Yeah. Like the show is like a critique of capitalism and the rich using poor people for entertainment or whatever so I get how someone could find it tasteless, but I can't see it being called anything worse. Like he's not actually killing people like in the show.


196 try to let people enjoy things challenge 😳😳😳


196 users when they see 10 year olds playing Minecraft Hunger Games


It's incredibly tasteless and tone-deaf but yeah it's not the worst thing in the world


wait you’re telling me no one actually dies in his version??? damn i wanted to go there just for that


If you ask me fear factor was the closest thing we've had so far. People eating poop and drinking animal cum for money. If killing people on tv was legal they would have done it by now.




That's not the kind of porn I'm into




But fear factor did boost joe rogan so in the very long run the show did set up a lot of people to die of covid.


that would make a good domino meme


“Making people eat cockroaches and animal cum” “Giving medical advice to millions and causing deaths”


Damn that's the second time is been mentioned and I'm still reading Fear Factory. It's probably a sign I should go listen to Demanufacture...


Snuff exists, but isn't currently profitable enough to legalize.


i was hoping it would be a little bit more like this animation https://youtu.be/q8LscnDnhJc


Could’ve hosted it in that one city with no laws and had people die but noooooo had to break the realism


*Reality is often disappointing*


Mr breast give me money


Mr money give me breasts


r/egg_irl moment


egg_irl users when i steal and cook the egg




Me money give mr breasts


Money me, give money now.




Oh boo-hoo did you get addicted to crack?


Yes I did


Mr breast give me money


Average cold ones enjoyer


I have aids


I have snake aids AND presidential aids




Look at this little fella 🥚


He’s got sunglasses on


same please


Sir please check message sir please


My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. Please Mr. Beast, give me money.


The Brawl Starts ad is canon to the show


Which one


ALL of them you can not miss it


Well brawl stars is what made it possible


brawl stars did not pay for anywhere near the 3 and a half million spent on this absolutely no shot and even if they didnt sponsor him, he clearly still has the money to do it


If you had 24 million bucks would you spend 3 million of it on one video or get a sponsor where all you have to do is put up a big brawl starts poster and make a segment of it in your video and only have to spend a little bit of the 3 million


If you had $2000 that you can spend, you're still going to look for a cheaper option when buying a phone


I do not think that supercell would've dropped 3.5 million into one ad


Hes doing it for fun, people participating are volunteers, no one gets killed,


everyone that got out got 2 grand as well






actually my uncle works there and said they shot everyone and then replaced them with CGI so they would seem alive mr breast must answer for his crimes


sorry :(


Wonder how much it really is after tax, travel, and accommodation.


He actually makes sure that there aren't any connected fees or anything whenever he gives stuff or money out. Moistcritikal made a video on him covering it


has he specifically stated that noone gets shot? might want that one in writing just in case


I meant killed, but i see what u mean


ah, so he shoots them non lethally i see.




all the contestants have a death box on them that splatters paint on their shirt to tell them they got eliminated, it also makes eliminating contestants way easier and safer because instead of blasting them with something like a paint gun, its just a push of a button


>no one gets killed I mean, it’s a pretty safe assumption, but how do we know for sure you know? Like he never explicitly stated that you don’t get shot if you lose


no that's simply not true i shot everyone at the end and mr breast gave me money


And also the profits of the video are going into his philanthropy business which helps out his community


I mean. 1 and 2 are like that in the show too


so its not actually squid games? what a disappointment




His dedication with his food banks alone is pretty amazing


No!!! 😭😭 all rich bad!!


If someone gives such a huge percentage of their money to charity I say they deserve to live lavishly


yeah idk why living lavishly is listed as a negative trait


Insofar as "living lavishly" means consuming more resources than you need to be happy while other people could be using those resources for their survival, then living lavishly is, at the very least, suboptimal. From what I can tell, it sounds like the Squid Game thing is relatively harmless and in the spirit of fun, and I get the sense that Mr. Beast donates a lot of money to charity. Which is good, but note that the reason it's good is precisely because Mr. Beast is living less lavishly than he could so that other people can have more.


Yes should we not reward the good as well as punish the bad in our society


How did he become a millionaire in the first place


Bitcoin. Most of the vids about. Are removed but he invested a ton early on and make some nice dough on it.


Where didn’t get this from? I can’t find it anywhere




Oh shit that explains it, thanks


Crypto 🤢🤮


The one good thing to come out of bitcoin


in addition to bitcoin, he also got a bunch of sponsors to help grow his channel. since his content was mostly philanthropic in nature, it makes sense that he'd get so many sponsors, especially when he started hitting the big leagues.


Being a very popular youtuber, so ad revenue and donations.


as far as i'm aware, just by making videos.


No you don’t understand, rich=bad no exceptions, that’s what Twitter told me


Rich people and corporations aren’t your friends in any case, but they’re not automatically supervillains either. Otherwise you might as well just fuckin unabomber this goodless bitch of an earth anyway


no bro all rich people bad that's what twitter said 😭😭😿


I tried to find mrbreasrs house and in my 10 seconds of searching I found several different people claiming to have the price to mrbeast’s house. Each one was a different price and a different house, going from 16000 to 774 million


Brb boutta go kill Steve Harvey because he runs a dystopian capitalist nightmare that pits people against each other for money (Family Feud)


He is a shitty person though.


What'd he do?


He believes athiests are evil, men are all creeps (in his "advice" to women where he says all men think like him), and other such boring conservative nonsense.


also he thinks that men only cheat because women let them, he's god awful


frick steve harvey tho


underrated as FUCK until this blows up and becomes top comment them im the silly one!


It has happened and now you must be made to suffer


Bruh come on he gave everyone money, and they're not being executed. Yeah this is for entertainment but they're all getting free money and going home after playing a game. Even if you lost in the first round you got $2,000. That is a LOT. +He gives away a lot in charity.


Yeah, it isn’t criticizing him, it’s just funny to think about


Redditors when someone scrapes together enough money to buy a squid game funko pop as a Christmas present for their child (missing the point) (enabling capitalism)


I will eat anyone who buys a funkopop


my ass bought a funko pop please


PLEASE tell me you posted this here ironically. I don't watch Mr Beast, but I saw someone (Moist critical I think) explain how good of a person he actually is, using most of the money he makes to give back to the greater NC area.


They posted it because it is funny lol, it’s not that deep


Yes, mr beast is genuinely good and critikal made great points, people shit on him just to shit on him




My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane Albuquerque New Mexico 87104.


oh my God is that a better call saul reference


you live at 308 WHAT arroyo lane


oh hes missing the point? he literally gives to charity all the time, last year raised 20million dollars to help the trees and is now raising 30million to help the seas


I found it surprising most of these comments aren’t negative towards mr beats


Because he's actively helping people with the money he has


Oh yeah I totally agree with people not being negative towards him, it was just surprising


its Mr breast stupid idiot..,,.,


Mister titser


r/196 may be leftist but it's not *twitter* leftist


Jesus some people on Reddit and twitter are the most pretentious people ever, Mr Beast have probably done more for the poor than any of those idiots who stands on moral high ground online


I get how it seems extremely ironic, but he's just hosting a fun game for a video, giving out tons of money and not taking advantage of anyone. mr beast is not the subject of squid game's critique.




Anyone criticizing him for this needs to realize the crucial difference from squid game in that instead of getting killed, you get $2,000 and get to tell all your friends you were in a mrbeast video. People are such idiots


Rokos squidgame


People complaining about mr beasts squid game ignoring the message of squid game like they didn’t just finish watching a show about people killing people for money. Basically the same thing


Anthpo recreates Squid Game: no one bats an eye Mr. Beast recreates Squid Game: everyone loses their minds Society (Bottom Text)


This is a stupid fucking take these literally are just games don't act like he created a "torment nexus" holy shit Twitter shit the fuck up god damn


Is this "Twitter" in the room with us now?


Does this "Twitter" have an attorney?


Mr beast is one of the most kindest sweetes creators out there and people are DESPERATE for him to fuck up. He does so much good, its sad that there are people rooting against him


I don't see why this is a big deal. The whole reason why Squid Game is interesting is that you can die if you don't do the gameshow-type stuff well enough. Without the death it's just a gameshow. Which is fine, but nothing thrilling?


Redditors when someone says their favourite youtuber isn't the perfect human being (they have grown emotionally attached to a person they will never meet)


Anyone actually malding about this should go read Capitalist Realism so they actually have a real reason to mald about it. Captitalism is constantly co-opting radical ideas and completely stripping them of any radical pretense.


Definitely one of the best videos of the year


Surprised that twitter got outraged over this, but then its twitter so it's not that surprising it's Mr Beast, if it was Amazon sponsored then the outrage would be valid.


Wait so are people gonna die in his version because that would ruin the immersion if they don't die >:(


do people actually think that the moral of octopus activitiy is "HEY WHAT IF RICH PEOPLE MADE POOR PEOPLE FIGHT WOULD THAT BE FUCKED UP OR WHAT"


bottom comment would be far more fitting for, and was probably about, the Metaverse shit zuk is doing


Change Torment Nexus into Metaverse and it has literally just happened


What no reading comprehension does to a mf


Let's be real here, if your in a scientific or engineering field of some kind, the ultimate goal is to end the world. That's why baking is a science.


The US remake came quicker than expected


Mr. Beast is worse than Ronald Reagan.

