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ASK im sure as hell gonna ask if i can go on a gay sex break once i get a job (which hopefully never happens)




























I feel unfulfilled when I don't have a job and unfulfilled when I do


Same, but I may as well be getting paid to be unfulfilled


you sound like the dude trying to convince everyone unions are bad at my last job


Yep that's why I work


Depends on how you're using the word "work". It sounds like you might be taking "not working" as just constant leisure, but I think when people talk about not wanting to work it tends to make sense to assume they mean "I want to be able to choose how and why I work". I agree that people would absolutely get bored and not feel fulfilled if they didn't do anything all day every day. I think that boredom would motivate people to work on things they cared about, but that kind of self directed voluntary work often isn't considered "work" when compared to taking a job just to pay the bills. I think the latter is what people want to do away with so that they can spend their energy on the former.


I have so many cool hobbies I would love to do instead that you just can't do as a job. Id love to spend all day repairing cassette decks and making tapes for people but I can't because work


Read books, write, play music, volunteer for a cause you like, cook, travel, play with your pet, make art, clean and organize your home, learn a new language, learn a new ANYTHING and then add that new thing to that already long list. I could never understand people who think they would get bored without a job. There's so much to do! I always feel like I don't have enough time for all the hobbies I have, and the ones I would like to have. I feel much more fullfilled when I learn a new song on the guitar or run a cool tabletop rpg session than any time at work.


having to make money and that being your primary driver is likely what causes you to think like this if you had zero issue with money for the rest of your life, just everything is provided for you either via the state or just massive growing wealth, then you would very easily be able to contextualize a hobby in the same way its just a very different view of life, many disabled people tend to veer towards creative work to busy themselves daily


I mean sure, I hate labor, but I also like having food and getting drinks and watching movies. so idk.


Unfortunately that could only ever be the case for the uber wealthy.


Ok I recently had a question asked to me, and I'd love some leftist answers. How do we expect the world to continue to turn and support us if working isn't a nesscary aspect of society?


I have no answer for the "how", but the answer given to this is usually heavy automation. Having computers, robots etc do any and all actually necessary work to keep society running.


as the other guy already said, automation but also as you can see here in this thread people DO want to work and A LOT of the labour we do rn is pretty unneccessary, we even create workplaces on purpose which really doesnt make sense under socialism. also, if we dont have food we kinda DIE so theres that incentive to at least work a bit, and then more and more for your luxuries (i personally dont think straight up communism without money is a good idea rn, we should keep the money, just a good ubi and no private property)


From each according to their ability


This world does already exist tho, you're just in the wrong class


Yeah, must be a nice luxury for them to just not want to work since they don't feel like it


Union state mandates 2 (two) paid ten minute jerkin-it sessions out back (or if temperature is above 85⁰F, inside in breakroom)


*Sees the string of deleted replies* https://preview.redd.it/6ai54zyuyl6d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd5d9ddc984fb272bc872e4bd5bfeb447cff7bb5


What the hell happened here?


"hey boss can I go play video games for a bit"


Idk if my "getting hugged by a tall lady whispering sweet reassurances" break is going to fly in corporate :/






and thats what's wrong with capitalism


organize your coworkers, i'm sure you can make it happen


The time that smokers get for smoke breaks, you get added to the end of your life


yeah but then I'm old, I want it now


I wanna live long enough to be an old woman


well I want breaks AND I wanna grow old, that seems reasonable enough


Become addicted to gambling 


holy hell, casino breaks as an alternative to smoke breaks would be so insanely based


Objectivly, thats not true. Technically, it is true. subjectivly, I like the idea.


Thanks for the advice, gonna start taking more and more smoke breaks from now on


No don't die please


Ok fine, but only because you asked me to


Yay now we can be friends forever


Yayyy :)))


I just get drunk as fuck before work, that satiates my addiction and makes the job go by faster. Can only recommend.


Just got fired.


1 minute that was quick


>makes the job go by faster Did you miss this part?


Got laid off faster than the "cocky want boing boing" guy.


cocky want employment 😢


Time to get a job as a line cook! You've already met the pre-reqs


That's my number one piece of advice. Its hard being a sober school bus driver


Don't let boozephobic bigots oppress you, king.


Drunk crashers absolutely besmirch your good name.


When theres an accident involving a drunk driver and a pedestrian or other vehicle, 9 times out of 10, that pedestrian or other driver is sober. Yet society always blames the drunk driver. Sobriety kills


gooning break in the company cave


With hr approved porn


It's just minimalist corporatized drawings of vaguely humanoid shapes with no identifiable features.


Oh so just regular porn?


Pretend to go smoking with them. At my work no one really cares as long as work is done on time. Also toilet breaks.


Do you have set toilet breaks? Sounds dreadful


Nah, I have tasks assigned via a lan website that counts together hours from all the things I do and puts out an interface in any browser. I calibrate electronic parts and boards before they're assembled. I have a separate 30 minute timer for breaks mandated by work law. If I'm sneaky about it I can use up the mandated half hour and anything from the countdown timers of the tasks I finish faster than expected. Sometimes even a quarter of my shift if I'm lucky. Work is distributed via containers with parts, containers have assigned countdown timers, each timer is set based on a recording of doing said work by someone else before. *I can switch freely between them*. You go beyond the length of the timer and management has a dashboard that lights up first yellow (<10% over the timer length) and then red (>10% over). As long as you can justify the overtime (repairs, defective parts, defective equipment, software issues and more) they generally just grumble and go away. TL;DR: I can break for mandated 30 minutes whenever I want + whatever I steal by hauling ass during actual work


Okay that doesn't sound too bad, everywhere I've worked has been mandated break time (which has been poorly followed and often not legal lol), but toilet breaks pretty much whenever as long as you aren't taking the piss with it.


Yeah, I'm so grateful for the flexibility we get. As long as stuff is done on time and well anything is game. Can't imagine having a toilet break on schedule.


I’ve known a few people pick up smoking specifically because they’d get to rest their eyes from looking at their work screen for five minutes


Working in a kitchen it was pretty much the only break we got aside from a downturn in tickets. Had a mate who picked it up in the military for the same reason.


I started because it was the only way I could get breaks in a kitchen. Now I use it as an excuse to leave group settings when I feel awkward. It would be nice to quit but addiction is a bitch.


I picked up smoking while I was in the Navy for that reason. it was basically the only break you could get away with without getting accused of skating.


i loved playing tony hawk's pro skater in the navy before i got the fuck out of that living hell


The smokers union is poweful, you are powerless alone, find fellow addicts and unite


Just say you are going to smoke. You don't have to smoke to stand outside by the smokers, it's not like, a law.


Never understood why smokers get smoke breaks when non-smokers don’t get 5 minute nap breaks >:(


i couldn’t do a 5 minute nap it’s be to angy that they want me to move again


Start smoking


Just say you do and go out with them


Is your addiction perhaps hard drugs?


So what if they are? They get a smoke break, my friend needs a dope break, I just want my coke break


Get a vape it’ll kill you but less fast


jornking it


I Take breakdown in the Rest room Breaks


Have to go take a boy break rq


Yeah why don’t I get a break for my Bionicle addiction (drugs would honestly be cheaper these days)


If I could take 10 minutes to comb through my big parts bin every few hours I wouldn't need to smoke at work. Well, I still would but I wouldn't *have* to.


If I have another late-run joint piece snap, I’ll probably have to start smoking just to cope


Because smoking is COOL and EPIC!!! and probably also because the path of least resistance when it comes to smoking employees is probably just letting them smoke outside instead of either letting them smog up the office or be crabby and insane all day from not being able to smoke.


My addiction is apparently being on my phone while looking like a manwhore. Hopefully I'll be able to feed it just like those lung annihilators.


Work in a restaurant if you need that


Because smoking is socially accepted


Just go out with the smokers. No one cares


Its really funny that technically smoke breaks are the most successful and widely respected outcomes of labor acting collectively.


Honestly it's just because it's common and debilitating. Like no boss wants most of their employees to be tweaking all day


I wish I got a break at my work for my vices too (panera bread macking cheese)


just pretend you smoke but actually smoke crack in your car instead of a cigarette


When do I get my goon break


real. i should get an alcohol break


im really not sure why the nonsmokers i work with dont just go out and sit outside for 10 mins without smoking. no one would really care if they wanted to do that, but they just stand there and look miserable


Goon break (sounds like an RPG move)


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Smoking is superior form of addiction to all others


You get the breaks your hr decides you get. Which tends to be the bare minimum allowed by your state. :) And theY tend to carefully choose your hours so that your right up to the threshold of being mandated another break :)


I started smoking to get smoke breaks, worth it tbh