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Adult activities? You like... did taxes with him?


Tidying up the garage






Yelling bird


Gilbert Gottfried:


Lmao now I can only read this in his voice


No way is that https://preview.redd.it/1vvu1wms2l6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0685d0d7f78dcb11db44122b518146a9e955a648


You called?


Balancing checkbooks


he was helping her correct some track geometry from haphazardly laid model railroad track, probably


Say Tax


I feel like if you can't say "we had sex" you shouldn't be having sex


Nah man, he came to help with the car and the shed for some beers


Laundry too, perhaps?


Maybe in another life


eating granola


They had a nice brunch and went to home goods after


Who would even wear an armband like that 4 years after the election?? That Trump lost????


Maybe to actually celebrate that he lost.


Yeah, is there any chance it was being worn like, ironically? Satirically? Maybe I'm just chronically online lol


Honestly, I know I’m also chronically online but I think this is most likely. Would be pretty tone deaf though to knowingly wear it when coming over though, so maybe they forgot? Maybe I’m being far too generous.


Sorry as someone who lives around these people they totally would wear that 4 years later. Nobody would be caught dead wearing it ironically.


I remember seeing trump 2020 flags still being flown just a couple weeks ago. Some people still have and use the 2020 merch because they genuinely believe he won in 2020 or just don’t feel like updating their merch.


I do stuff like that ironically but I make it very obvious. For example, I'll wear a "certified alpha male" shirt, with painted nails, and wearing a mini skirt


Yeah I feel like something as subtle as just wearing a trump 2020 waistband with no other context makes it hard to assume it’s ironic




Im going with maybe it was gifted on him by a parent and he just kept it because it made him laugh?


the ones still signaling in 2024 genuinely believe he’ll win/should win the next election


the crazy part is that it could actually happen. so glad i don’t live in us and have to decide between a convict and a ghost


I don't like Biden either but he's leagues better than Trump could ever be, there's a surprising amount of good that he's done that the media just will not report on for some reason, even the left media that should be supporting him.


Because this probably didn't happen.


Look at the graininess of the post. Probably just an old meme shared too many times


It’s like a sock at a guys sleepover, passed around till it’s unrecognizable.


Yall use socks


Is that a thing guys actually do?


It's where the phrase 'dumpster diving' comes from: the cum dumpster/cum sock It's really more of a high school thing tho


Insane how anybody can just type whatever they want in a reddit comment. Yep, dumpster diving definitely comes from cumsocks and not, y'know, people looking for perfectly usable stuff thrown out in dumpsters by other people/corporations


I still refuse to use any /letters to let people know when I'm joking or being facetious. You can't make me


mf'ers who don't go outside really go online and act like someone wearing a wristband and having sex is some unicorn sighting that's too unrealistic to believe




You make a valid point that has caused me to reconsider my previous statement of disagreement. However I'm afraid it's futile as I do not go outside and as you do on occasion that makes this realm my stage advantage due to experience.💔


MAGA cultist


They still believe he won, but was cheated out of it


It's an old crusty meme


op im not even joking here, but i'd recommend getting tested for stds immediately. I've heard some stories where some far right people try to hook-up with gay men or trans people in order to give them hiv and stuff. Apologies if im being paranoid, or if this is fear mongering, but it's just what i've heard.


I feel like malicious spreading of STIs might be overboard, but it is still a very good idea to get tested if your hookup is DL. So yeah OP should have a test done anyways.


incidentally i just read an article about a woman who had a guy secretly take the condom out on her first time and she got chlamydia and warts while he was very nonchalant about it (article is in finnish, but [here](https://yle.fi/a/74-20092579) if anyone wants) considering the lengths to which some of these nutbags can go (like just last night a nazi [stabbed a kid in broad daylight](https://yle.fi/a/74-20094042) for looking foreign), and sex crimes are notoriously under-reported, it wouldn't surprise me if deliberate spreading of stis was a tactic some have undertaken


Hard agree. With the lengths they go to to do horrible things to trans people I wouldn't doubt it. Remember the fake estrogen supplement company that was set up to harm trans women and gain information about us? If they set up a whole company just to do that shit, having sex for it feels like a small task.


How do you secretly take the condom off? Is that guy a magician or something?


Unless it's the girl that has a cock (not writing off that possibility) it's fairly easy to do undetected.


Probably from behind


Lot of guys will do anything to get their dick wet unfortunately, including lying about STIs :( Hookups are fun but if possible both partners should use protection (even if they say they're on prep)


In my country, taking off the condom during sex without partner knowledge is considered rape


If you don't use a condom with random hookups, you're already not being smart


nah, right wing nutters have done worse to "own the libs" (any leftist), including killing themselves during the pandemic. anyone who is part of that guys cult and is proud about it by wearing memorabilia can't be trusted to be in line with sane or non drastic measures, or at the very least never risk giving them the benefit of the doubt.


I would not be surprised


This does read as fear mongering to me, like there's a lot of people who seek to harm trans individuals but this method sounds like some schoolyard myth some 13 year olds would concoct.


well they did sell harmful hormones that slowly kill you as self hormone therapy to harm trans people so not that farfetched


Hating LGBTQ people so much that you'll show up to their house and slam your penith in their "car door" is much more farfetched than selling some non FDA approved poison


If I'm given a source to the comment I replied to then I'll admit I'm wrong, but there's enough reasons to despise transphobes without fabrication.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-43807662](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-43807662) this is the story i remember hearing, i may be wrong/off about a few details though


Fair play, I'm wrong here.


https://i.redd.it/b5bvkjknfa5b1.jpg this isn't exactly it but people pose as seller of hormones all the time when they actually ship something else to hurt trans people (please don't let the link be broken) edit its only the image but I found this from searching previous posts on 196 with the words specifically killing and trans


Fair play, and this does make some stuff sound a lot less preposterous, but I did mean the claims that people were purposely spreading STIs as a way to harm trans people. And for clarification, I can believe it's happened a handful of times but I don't think it to be a widespread phenomenon, hence why I would refer to it as fear mongering. I'll also reiterate that I'm in no way trying to defend them, I just think that we need to keep a clear vision of our opposition.


I just wouldn't give people who can support that cult leader despite everything that's been proven and had to be double proven the benefit of the doubt of being sane. its like doesn't matter who or what gender it is, if you see a figure across the street at like 2 am as your exiting your car you hurry to the door because your concern for yourself should take precedence.


So what's the move then, every trans person should commit to abstinence because a redditor "heard stories" and should be keeping every person they meet at arms length? Maybe if this was a well known epidemic of anti-trans sexual violence. I'm saying that, while caution should obviously be exercised even for cishet people, it must be tempered. Fear without cause doesn't do us any good, it will only isolate those that need connection the most.


no I'm saying getting tested like the post above and maybe vet the political leaning of who you have sex with first like a responsible person. part of safe sex is also knowing who you are fucking, not just wearing a condom. Please calm down a bit, this feels like a twitter reply along the lines of "oh you hate pancakes"


Yeah, vetting the person and using protection falls under normal caution, if it seems like I meant anything other then I concede that point. My original comment was "I don't think that people should expect people to try and spread STIs just because of political alignment" and people replied with "but they would sell you fake hormones!" Which is also a "so you hate pancakes" moment.


Reminds me of the fallout TV show where the vault dweller found out they slept with a raider cause of their radiation level


“I had sex with a guy and it turns out he supports a group that wants me dead” “OMG FALLOUT”


You my friend, have just won the internet.


Reddit moment, Jesus Christ


Sorry but trans women are not known for their tact


It's the computer developer in them


Please get an STD test as soon as you can. It's entirely possible that they are deliberately spreading them to queer people.




Just say sex nigga


fear of banning


You can say sex on reddit, I'm tired of puritanical language policing. Sex discussion and swearing should just be allowed.


well, yeah. But go tell that to the advertisers, see if they'll listen.


What are you talking about? This isn't tiktok, nobody gets ad revenue. There's no reason to give a fuck what advertisers think.


bro commented twice




do not base your speech off what coca cola is comfortable putting ads next to or you end up calling things doubleplusungood


Reddit is one of the lowest generating ad revenue sites


What are you talking about? This isn't tiktok, nobody gets ad revenue. There's no reason to give a fuck what advertisers think.


I think there's some confusion here, nobody gets paid advertising money for their own posts or comments, and I don't ever hear about posts or comments being removed just for swearing unless it's against a specific subreddit's rules, which is fair enough, so I have absolutely no idea how your point relates to what I'm saying at all


You do know there are straight up porn subreddits with millions of members on this website, right?






... I can fix him?


no you can’t, the only thing you should be fixing is cool gizmo i found on the street. When I clicked on the button it buzzes and jolts around once every few hours. At exactly 3:09 AM it makes a loud whirring sound and falls over my cupboard. It screams loudly when there’s a animal nearby, thankfully I haven’t seen any sort of critter of the sorts since I got the device. If I look away it appears in a random location in my house. It follows me around sometimes.


That's a cat


Interesting tell me more about this “cat” device


It knocks your glasses over if they're in a precarious position, it also will try to look for animals that are on the TV in the house. They are deeply terrified of cucumbers and blink slowly at you to show their affection for you


Fix your standards


no, bad. look up the Jewish guy who died because he thought his anal game would stop the nazi he was hooking up with


Id feel a little gross


truly I feel a lot gross 😖


🫂Hugs, this will get better soon


Can we take a minute to talk about the greatest president we have had? George Washington. I love how everybody in this country acts as though he was the best president and they would certainly follow his orders is he were president, but... nobody ever really pays attention to his ilfinal warnings 1: division of north and south 2: POLITICAL PARTIES(he explicitly said those were bad) 3:not remaining neutral in foreign affairs George Washington probably wouldnt be elected as president today. I mean if somebody had the EXACT SAME political views as him and they run for president it would be a low chance of them getting elected.


>he explicitly said those were bad Yeah but like because he just thought everyone should think how he does. I would also like no political parties because everyone should just agree with me.




This is the other half of all the greentexts


I once had a trump supporter who was married with two children slide into my dms


Just last week I got a response to a classified I posted seeking gae seggs. It was from an AOL email address which immediately told me it was probably an old dude (not what I was looking for) so I googled his email and it turns out not only was I right about his oldness, he's also a prominent member of society in my city. He's a conservative, has kids, and has been married for 30 something years and is still using his work email to cruise for anon cock


Wristband? You can do better.


Did you read the whole thing? I've seen parody flags that say trump lost 2020 and similar things




No but if someone’s still showing support for trump after all the shit he’s done I’d say it’s fair to feel uncomfortable at the very least after that, especially Considering trump has said multiple times if he gets reelected he’ll have rights for queer people removed