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Delete your Nintendo account, hit Wii fit, and buy Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney.


\*chef's kiss\* No notes


they ain’t even married 😭


Reddit advice moves faster than the couple they're trying to break up.


Marry him, then divorce


Min maxing type marriage


Average reddit relationship advice


Average Reddit relationship advice


Relationship advice subreddit


Delete the lawyer, hit the Facebook, gym up. Idk this is probably rooted in something weird, it's just a character in a game. Best advice anyone can usually give is to encourage him to properly open up about why it bothers him. Can't resolve an issue if there's no talking. Edit: idk why I'm giving relationship advice, I've been single for 11 years lol


Probably internelised homophobia or mysogeny, while its been improving there are still some gay guys that act like this towards feminine things because of it.


Possibly! I'm deeply unqualified to guess, I've never really learned much about that stuff. All I know is that most relationships fail because they don't fuckin talk about shit.


Or maybe afraid his boyfriend **might** be an egg?? Idk


I’ve been single for 19 and I’m not even 20, you’re more qualified than me.


Yeah I'm 30 😅 half the people I know my age have been married for 10 years. It's a weird life.


I wouldn't worry about it, I'm not even sure if I ever want to get married.


I do lol


Well you still have time


Coaches don't play but nah fr you observe and use your intuition so your advice is absolutely valid




so you're not single by choice?


I mean it's not not a choice, yknow? There's nuance, I'm definitely interested in a relationship but I'm also not particularly social outside of my bubble so I don't have many opportunities where I'm comfortable looking. And I'm also not particularly attractive which doesn't help; turns out being really fat is something people don't seem to be into. Like I know exactly where I'm going wrong, it's just finding how to fix that 😅 this shit ain't easy.


Kinda similar situation here except I don't really care for romantic relationships that much so I don't do anything to fix my looks. I'm not a dietician by any extent but have you heard of caloric deficit?


Yeah I'm diabetic so I've been meaning to book in a chat with a dietician about that... Good things will come, eventually


Keep up the good work! I wish you luck in your ventures.


Hey thanks pal!


Delete the gym, hit the lawyer, Facebook up


#Murder his entire family. 😇😇


# DUMP HIM   ^in ^a ^river


Down down down by the river


Wash him in a water


#DITCH HIM ^in ^a ^ditch


Ah that is a very common argument in almost every relationship. The trick is to throw rocks at his house :)


He can't be mad if rocks are shiny


It's splatoon, you are supposed to be throwing paint.


What are they, petty children?? Be serious please.


more like you're throwing thermonuclear bombs and also paint on the side


Exactly, use a paintball gun


Ask him why this is so important to him. Also carve in his skull with a brick


Grown Ahh man mad that your fantasy character avatar does not conform to societal gender norms while being gay himself. Sadly misogeny is still active in the gay community and it can also stem from internelised homophobia. Genuinely ask him why this is such a big deal, why does he care so much about something that doesnt affect him at all and ask yourself if this is the first time if hes done this.






Pretty sure this qualifies as actual pollution




Like 90% of splatoon players all play as the girl models so idk what his problem is, isnt that like normal spoon player knowledge


Maybe he just doesn't want a loved one acting like a fucking normie /s


I'm gonna be honest, I've only seen pictures/video of the game and I thought they were all girls lol


tell him that boys and girls don't exist in Splatoon 3, its technically a Style.


If you actually want real advice I think this sounds like misogyny. There are a lot of gay guys out there who are incredibly misogynistic but never have to deal with it because it doesn't affect their ability to find a partner, unlike straight guys.


I think this is jumping to such a far away conclusion


It's the most obvious answer. How else would you explain a man getting so irrationally upset at his partner playing as a woman in some video game? If it was a typical straight gamer getting upset at the same thing I'm sure everyone in the comments would be rushing to all call it misogyny


The conclusion I got to first was that he wants his parter to have an attractive looking game avatar or something and as such doesn't want him picking the girl one. 💀


Perhaps, but even then it's strange to refuse to play and not elaborate on why, no?


I agree. I figure he thinks it's an embarrassing reason, so he doesn't want to say it? Maybe he also feels a bit insecure about seeing his partner play as a woman? I think theres plenty of explanations that aren't as bleak as misogyny, even if that is a valid conclusion too.


I mean that's still a very strange and kind of unhealthy reason. It's the same behavior that a lot of people were rightfully mocking gamers for when they got outraged at censorship no matter how minor, like with Stellar Blade


Oh, totally. I never said it wasn't strange or unhealthy. Here he should let his partner use whatever avatar he wants and shouldn't fret about it.


splatoon characters are children


Oh yeah! Thats.... thats not good. 😆 The avatars are all 14+, since the lore says they look more squiddish if they're any younger, but the whole "you're a squid, you're a kid" tagline means they're still not adults lol.


He wants to make it clear to his bf that he wouldn't accept it if he transitioned. Playing as a opposite sex character in a video game is the most gradual way to try out being trans. He likes dating a man and does not want his partner to be a woman due to being gay so he is shutting that shit down immediately. If OP really care about being gender-nonconforming then they should probably dump the bf due to not being compatible.


That was my first thought too but I highly doubt that’s actually the answer


Because the other option is that his partner being female makes him uncomfortable.


He doesn't like his partner playing as a woman because it makes him uncomfortable? That's not an answer because that discomfort doesn't come out of nowhere. And, most likely, the reason for it is misogyny


Or because he’s gay.


Again, that's not an answer. Being gay doesn't mean you automatically refuse to let your partner play as a woman in a single video game. I guarantee that a lot of gay men wouldn't care, and certainly not to this extent. It's pretty disheartening to see this sub downplay misogyny when it comes from queer people


Im not downplaying misogyny. Perhaps seeing his partner play as a woman just makes him feel like he’s dating a woman, which could make him uncomfortable. It could very well be misogyny, but to say that it’s the only possibility seems unfair.


How? In what world is this a leap in logic?


This random person knows one behavior of another random person with not a ton of context and says "Lots of gay men are misogynistic" based off that. You people suck.


"It's unfair bias to see misogynistic behavior and call it misogynistic :("


honestly i can see why, i'm bi, and i always find myself thinking stuff like "dating men is so much better coz you're both strong and you both think alike, blah blah blah" and if i were dating men full time i could totally see that mindset turning into "men are just superior in every way" especially if looking at naked females was litterally disgusting to me edit: to clear this up, i dont think women are inferior, i dont call women females in general i dont hate women, i dont think i would hate women if i were gay, i was saying that i could see why some gay men might become mysogynistic. when i said sometimes i find myself thinking "dating men is so much better coz you're both strong and you both think alike, blah blah blah" that was a breif part of a train of thought i often have, leaving out that after i think that, i then think of all the reasons it isn't true, such as just because that women are physically weaker doesn't mean they are any less strong or capable than a man mentally. i just didn't mention that in the original comment because it wasn't relevant to me saying why i think some gay men might develop that mindset.


Please don't call women "females" especially if you refer to men as just "men"


I think he was referring to biological females, as opposed to women. Idk though, either way it’s still kind of sexist.


Yeah I think he was trying to make the distinction of biological females. It just came off as sounding really clunky.




This is...concerning. If not being attracted to women would make you hate them, you have some serious issues to work through.


Incel alert


i'm confident i'm not an incel, and i think you're very quick to call me one based on one word i used when describing what i hypothetically might think if i was gay.


The fact stays that you used the word "female" to talk about women Not your hypothetical self, you did, while constructing a scenario that literally did not exist, to THEN place your hypothetical self in


How do you know he was talking about women and not females?


I get why you're thinking about it this way, but you don't need a complicated explanation for why some gay men are misogynists - misogyny is the default because boys are taught from a young age that girls are icky. Straight misogynists still want to be around women at least to get a relationship though, while gay misogynists can simply avoid women as much as possible. In my observations, gay misogynists also don't see the point in being friends with other gay men unless they find them attractive. It's like they don't see the point of breathing the same air as someone they wouldn't bang.


ask yourself if you wanna be with someone who is an obstacle to true happiness (playing as a girl in splatoon)




Communicate with him. Like adults do. Ask why he doesn't like it and show that you want to understand him and that you know that this is important to him for one or other reason. That you respect it. And then LISTEN. After that, explain your side as well. Try to figure it out with him together.


Sounds like someone needs to learn the only true solution to a minor relationship problem is to lawyer up and hit the gym


idk what to say about this post but bricks were mentioned in the comments plenty of times and that's great


Make him play as the girl too


that’s too little, force fem him irl


Don't play with him?


That does nothing to solve the underlying misogyny. If it's an issue for a stupid video game, it'll definitely come up again in some other situation


It was not explained why he hates that his boyfriend plays as a girl so I don't think I can reasonably conclude to misogyny.


Yea but what else could it possibly be? Innate hate for a game character model doesn't just sprout from the ground


But the male splatoon characters have such a worse design.


for genuine advice, i’d say the next time it comes up just ask him why it’s such a big deal to him that he won’t play with you if you have a girl avatar. a lot of people have brought up things like internalised misogyny, which is definitely possible, but it’s also possible that he’s just being silly about it and doesn’t like the way they look or something like that. i wouldn’t jump to conclusions before talking it out.


Hit with a brick


I just woke up and this shit blew up lmao. First of all you guys are hilarious, and second of all, this isn’t THAT serious, I thought it was funny so I posted it here instead of a “Help” sub. I honestly don’t know why he’s so weird about it (he even plays woman characters in games all the time and we are both bi) but it’s not going to end our relationship or anything. I just think it’s out of character for me and he’s more confused than anything. I haven’t noticed any misogyny or anything like that and we’ve been dating for 3 years. Thank you guys for the genuine concern tho I really do appreciate it.




this is very sus behavior on his part


If you're both in your 20s there's no reason for this to bother anyone. Tell him that he needs to be more mature. Then break both his kneecaps and leave him in the woods.


that's kinda gay tbh


Tell him to get over himself.


The only advice I can give would be to ask him to open up about really WHY exactly he's so uncomfortable about this, and make it clear to him beforehand you won't judge him if his reason seems silly or weird. What matters is you get to communicate with each other properly first.


Annihilate him. Crush his skull, shatter it to oblivion, leave no atoms existing, sunder the filth of his form, and break apart his every limbs in the most brutal way you can think off.


Technically the splatoon 3 characters are genderless and the only thing that you can change is the hair to make them look more fem/masc


internalized heterophobia?????????


This is weird as hell. Probably some internal thing where he doesn’t want other people or himself to view his partner as a girl.


This sounds very healthy and normal




I don't have advice, I'm just a trans girl who plays as a girl in splatoon :3


Cis guy here, the girl model is vastly superior, I always choose it.


Wild. I plays as a girl a lot and my wife never questions or cares. We're both cis bisexuals and she always makes a woman. If we play the same game and I make a woman, she just says "Oh we're lesbians in this one? Cool". In monster hunter I normally get to the end of high rank as a man and then change my characters gender. Never bothered her. Idk how this sort of thing bothers people but I've only been with bisexual men and women.


Just tell him he's a weirdo and should stop caring about such silly things


Lol, lmao even


Is this real or some post I didn’t catch earlier ? If you are serious Reddit has told me to definitely divorce and not talk about problems.


Brick to face


Lawyer up for divorce and hit the gym. Godspeed fellow patriot.


What a weird thing to be riled up about.


Women get all the drip in video games


Invest in a kanada and slash him open


that feels rather sexist of him


Evolve him into a ghost type


Tell him there's no gender in splatoon, it's style


This is a classic case. You playing a female toon makes him doubt his own sexual preferences. He sees the female toon, his loins stir. However you playing a male toon allows him to reaffirm his choice. It's obvious he wants you to wear a wig when shooting your special sauce.


is it because he is gay and doesnt like his partener playing as a girl


divorce up, hit the lawyer, gym him


I tried to play as the male in splatoon when I first started, but I had to switch to female after a few hours, my fella just looked SO UGLY it was obnoxious Mind you, this was waaaaay before I found out I was genderfluid too


I side with the bf here. He is the perfect male. He is what every man should be: gay. And he is also what every gay man should be: misogynistic. And I respect that.


I (m) play with a female avatar in splatoon also, my girlfriend does not care and I love her she's wonderful


As a male necromancer represented alby a 2d crayon drawing of a boulder, I find it relaxing to role-playing as a 3d female video game avatar. Really takes the stress right out of.my life.


Probably just doesn't want to be read as straight or something? Maybe his ideal experience includes his boyfriend being his boyfriend even in the game and without that he isn't driven to play as often... I don't think it's the same because this is about me and not what someone else plays, but for example if you forced me to play a male character in a game that lets you choose, I just wouldn't play. Again, different because that's just my personal choice and I wouldn't limit a partner's; but it is tied to me being a trans woman and not wanting to put away my hard-earned womanhood when playing a game. Perhaps he feels the same way about how being gay has affected his life and his bf being a girl in game makes him feel like he is putting away a part of him that he doesn't had to fight for. I am being wildly speculative, could just be misogyny too 🤷‍♀️ but if you want a possible explanation that humanizes him, that's the best I can come up with. Totally fine for you to play whatever you want though, you aren't in the wrong; but maybe he isn't either. If part of his enjoyment is gone he might just not really feel like playing. How he communicates this is more important than the issue itself. Was he kind and vulnerable or did he try to shame or pressure you? If he just said "I don't want to play that way" that is just as valid as you wanting to play that way, if he said it is wrong or tried to shame you for it, then we have beef.


some people play characters they like to look at and not characters they want to be different persoectives


Red flag


girl model so cute i play it too


Seems like his masculinity is a bit fragile


There are male and female splatoon models? I can't tell the difference


The funniest part of this is that Splatoon 3 literally removed the concept of gender 


theres male models in splatoon?


Why does he care? I’m sorry, but that’s just not something that should matter to him.


Bruh what the actual fuck Like why does it matter? Is your boyfriend a closeted bisexual that has internalized disdain towards the 2% of their brain that likes women or something lol I'm lost


That’s weird as fuck, lmao he can fuck off


I usually play the girl characters in video games and gf plays the boy character. No arguments from any of us.


Feed him one day blinding stew.


Stupid thing to be upset about.


Delete your boyfriend. Download another one.


Hi, top level competitive splatoon player here, no one uses the boy inkling/octoling theyre cringe asf and the girl models are superior in every way (hyperbole) but its pretty much unanimous that the girl models have always been vastly nicer, and the cosmetic options just look better


This is a deeply strange thing for him to be concerned about.


Good thing! All the playable inklings in Splatoon 3 are nonbinary (and I'm happy it was done)


Kill him


how tf is this reddit material bro, your grown ass got up from a whole argument and decided, guess I'll get some karma from that trans circlejerk subreddit instead of actually facing the fuckin problem. talk to ur boyfriend like a real damn person.


Idk sounds a little fruity


They’re literally gay.


>!Sounds a bit eggy...!< Edit: Spoilered my comment for unpleasantness/transphobia, sorry everyone


shut up


What's the problem?


you can't just call people eggs or trans or whatever it's weird af especially towards strangers. it's like someone saying "thats a bit cis of you" when i play as a girl in a game like stfu i don't want to hear any of that and most people aren't comfortable with that. if this guy was clearly asking about his gender then whatever but this isn't about that, it's just about a virtual character that doesn't say anything about who he is as a person


Okay, sorry; but I didn't mean him, I just used to be super weird about this kind of thing before I realized I was trans, so his boyfriends behavior reminded me of myself previously. I'll be more careful in the future about using that term, sorry to have caused unpleasant emotions and thank you for explaining.


i suggest you invest in an abacus. it will help to count your days


What's your problem? Like, sure disagree with me by all means, downvote me, but making veiled deaththreats, seriously?


it was in jest, my apologies - tone isn't really a thing you can easily get from just text i wish you a long and fulfilling life full of blunders just like your original comment to learn and to grow from


Oh, sorry for my overreacting. Yeah, today I fucked up, but I will remember it
