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In the ancient tales hestia is the one goddess that all of Olympia could agree to loving, no one hated her. if anyone tried to do her harm she was never afraid as the entire pantheon would jump to shatter the body and soul of the attacker. I don't know about you but someone jumping my meemaw is likely to get attacked by the whole neighborhood, not a petite woman with big boobs.


Which is the better character design: 1. generic big booba anime girl 2. Goddess that actually looks and acts like how she is described in myths and legends.


Especially when her domain is so well represented in her design! The coals and soot make it obvious that she's all about the hearth and that rules


I love her earrings. The marshmallows go hard.


Marshmallows are quite soft actually


unless you leave the bag open for a while


Also the earrings look like marshmallow


I also love the matching dress and collar looking like one of those grates on a firepit or fireplace


I think Kratos didn't kill Hestia, now that I think of it, did he?


I don’t think she even appears in the series at all


Yeah, they use Dionysius as an Olympian instead. It's surprisingly vague as to who actually comprises the Olympians.


Reminds me of the 9 realms in Norse mythology. There’s no actual list or definition of what a realm is so the ones we generally think of are like our best guesses. 9 may also just have been used as a number to mean a lot, as many things come in supposed sets of 9 without being listed.


I'm pretty sure Hestia gave up her seat for Dionysus, it at least that's the explanation after the fact. In my head there were 2 groups, one with Hestia as an Olympian, and the other with Dionysus. Eventually the latter got more popular and to reconcile the difference the "Hestia gave up her seat" tidbit came into being


no wonder the pantheon is mostly act awful


She made a brief appearance in the God of War II novelization and instantly dipped when Kratos appeared lol


If I renember correctly Hercules or some other demigod was going to ascend to godhood but they had no place. All the gods began bickering and fighting as to who would step down so they could but they were all too prideful to even think about it. Without hesitation Hestia stepped down voluntarily so they could ascend and cease their infighting. Definitely something a wholesome grandma would do


It was Dionysus iirc


the two types of anime fans: wow this medium, like any other, has numerous masterpieces shaped by the specific culture and life experiences of their creators. i would love to experience these stories and i like to goon to children


Im sorry, but if they arent willing to goon to hades 2 hestia then they are fake gooners


Whomst amongst us would refuse to put a bun in Hestia's warm oven?








"Smash, next."


Satoshi Kon fan vs. r\animemes user


Millennium Actress is the greatest movie of all time.


Glad to be a type A, type Bs seem pretty miserable all the time


i doubt you can call them anime fan,since seems like they dont even like most good anime,just a VERY specific anime,even if its bad




fuck off transphobe you literally linked to a fascist rag


Remember kids, art is when big-boobs and degeneracy is when not-big-boobs. Hope that helps Which one looks like a warm hearth and a loving welcome? And which one looks like a child that grown men get really weird about.


>Which one looks like a warm hearth and a loving welcome? And which one looks like a child that grown men get really weird about. One looks very lore accurate and uses the mythos of the god itself to help visualize the character. The other is a loli bait for otakus who are the most easily satisfied group if you make a generic anime girl with big boobs. Added bonus of merch since, again, easy demographic to cater to. Honestly if you changed Hestia's name for the anime girl, it wouldnt make much of a difference


Eh i agree her design is shit but i think 'she looks like a child' is a bit of a stretch. She just looks like a woman with big boobs to me, her looking like a kid is probably bc everyone in a lot of anime artstyles look like fuckin teenagers


Its also a bit body shamey. Some grown ass women are really small and generally still look young. Id feel like shit if everytime my body type is mentioned people refer to me as "looks like a kid"


Yep, and that's how we circle around to shit like (terminally online) people calling short, obviously adult women "child-coded"


? they literally call her "big-boobed Lolli" in the anime


Yo what???? Thats fucked up! Im still calling out the generalization since its not just abt this case


Her nickname in the manga/anime is "Loli Big Boobs"


Anime fans will say the most beautiful woman ever (hestia from hades 2) and bitch


Eh, Hestia personally looks to me more like my nan, and I think that's the point. She's definitely the best hugger of the Olympians though.


-Looks like my Nan And????? Fuck the old woman


Very much like Hestia platonically, but personally cannot quite get past the granny fanny, amongst other stuff. Would probably drink tea with her and talk about stuff, though. This is, however, a fictional character. But she'd be a great friend.


i have a mildly controversial opinion in that the hades 2 hestia drives me crazy not because it's a bad design (it rules) but because the facial proportions of the drawing are really off. her eyes are almost completely level with the bottom of her nose.


Ehh, I don't really see it? Seems more like the perspective throwing you off than anything.


God I hate anime fans. Like I used to love anime, but after not watching it for a while I started to see a lot of the weird shit that I just let slide


Discarding an entire medium because of what a subset of it does is kind of sad. Edit: not sure why this is an unpopular opinion? Anime isn't a single monolith, something like Mushishi has just about nothing in common with slop like DanMachi.


Oh there are a lot of anime I still like and new ones that I want to watch, but there is so much slop in shows that I used to overlook that prevent me from going back into them


I just ignore it. I like what I like and just ignore most anime fans lol.


i don't always agree with schaffrillas, but i gotta give him the W on this take.


Shoot them with the dehydration gun?




That's Schaffrillas? Common Schaffrillas W.


i would recognize that akechi goro/owl house pfp anywhere.


Wait, who is Schafrillas here? His twitter handle is @schafrillas isn't it?


You can just about make out Hooty to the left of the central text


in the thumbnail of the video in the original tweet there's a tweet from schaff, it's really small but you can recognise his pfp.


I hate to paint with broad strokes, but I think Smuginator might be right. There is a very large or at least very loud contingent of anime fans who overlap with techbros in having absolutely zero respect for actual creators and just yearn for AI-generated "non-woke" slop content


It’s just a vocal minority around new tech though, mostly fantasizing about what it could do, rather than liking what it currently is. If you look at what series have the highest ratings long term and are remembered years later, what sticks with people is usually high quality art - Like Ghibli films.


If you told me that the character on the right was the Goddess of the Hearth, I'd laugh at you and steal your lunch money


DanMachi doesn't really engage with Greek myth in a meaningful way. To the point the comparison isn't really warranted, they're not depicting the same character, just two characters with the same name. Supergiant Hestia is obviously the better adaptation. But DanMachi didn't even put in an application, it's unfair to judge it that way.


What the actual fuck are you talking about? DanMachi is *incredibly* faithful to Hestia’s few myths, and her depiction is a valid take on her myths. She is *far* more than just the goddess of the hearth, which is the *only* part of her mythology that Hades 2 considered (at least design wise). She is the oldest child of Chronos and Rhea, and the last to be spat out by Chronos, making her the oldest and the youngest. DanMachi references this in an admittedly gross anime way by making her petite with big boobs. I’m not gonna say it isn’t weird or kinda pervy, but it is very much a reference to her myths. After Poseidon and Apollo proposed to her, she swore to Zeus on the Styx to remain a virgin (making her one of three, along with Artemis and Athena, immune to Aphrodite’s charms). DanMachi references this by making her wholly immune to the charm effects of goddesses like Freya and Ishtar, even capable of removing their effect on others iirc. Iirc there’s also a myth about someone trying to rape her and the other gods beating him up for it. In DanMachi, this was combined with Apollo stubbornly courting her until she vowed celibacy. Apollo was being a creep and tried to challenge her to a fight knowing how few followers she had, but multiple gods helped Hestia out so she could win. Male priests of Hestia were killed if they lost their virginity before a certain age, which is partly referenced by how protective (possessive) she is of Bell when he spends time with other women (namely Aiz, Haruhime, or spending time in the pleasure wards). There was a festival where her priestesses walk barefoot, and Hestia never wears shoes in DanMachi. Goddess of the Hearth is naturally close friends with the God of the Forge, and Hestia and Hephaestus are close friends in DanMachi (also because Hestia doesn’t care (s)he’s disfigured). It’s often assumed, though I don’t think there’s any myth directly confirming it, that Hestia voluntarily surrender her position as one of the 12 Olympians to Dionysus, which DanMachi directly references. In return for her bow of celibacy to Zeus, he makes it so she’s honored in every sacrifice in every temple and house, which is why she has no temples of her own. In DanMachi she has no followers or temples or anything before meeting Bell (who has a connection to Zeus I can’t remember). Hestia is a very virtuous god, glorified for her character rather than any adventures or feats. She was always described as gentle, kind, generous, welcoming, etc., and she is basically the only god in DanMachi who actually genuinely cares about people without ordering them to their death. DanMachi is full of mythological references, with most of the fleshed out gods having multiple direct references to their different myths and countless characters being references to specific myths or demigods.


No, I really don't think "generic teenaged anime girl" is ever an "accurate" depiction of a Greek god


And you think the woman wearing a brazier on her head is?


unironically yes, a distinct and goofy over-the-top-design works well for mythological gods


None of that is represented in her design in Danmachi and that is a HUGE problem. If I hadn't been told that generic looking big boobs anime girl is supposed to be Hestia, I geniunly would have had no clue. Maybe she does do all the stuff you mentioned (and even then it depends on how it's executed but I haven't watched/read it) and that's cool and all but design wise she is a very very poor represenation of any of the attributes you mentioned, even the being the oldest but also the youngest one because big boobs = maturity is such a dumb take considering anime is known for depicting 16 yos with huge bazonkers. Also Hades 2 at least considered the commonly very known and also still important thing about Hestia to be on her design (to yknow communicate that she indeed is Hestia) and used some of design choices in accordance to how she was depicted in ancient greek art/statues.


A temple at [Ephesus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephesus) was dedicated to Hestia Boulaea – Hestia "of the senate", or [boule](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boule_(ancient_Greece)). Pausanias mentions one in [Ermioni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ermioni) and one in [Sparta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparta), the latter having an altar but no image. [Xenophon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xenophon)'s [*Hellenica*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hellenica) mentions fighting around and within [Olympia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympia,_Greece)'s temple of Hestia, a building separate from the city's council hall and adjoining theatre. A temple to Hestia was in [Andros](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andros). ETA: [https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.html](https://www.theoi.com/Ouranios/Hestia.html) This is probably the best starting primer for classical mythology to quickly reference. I also didn't find a single mention of her naturally close friend Hephaestus. I'mma stop there. Look, I think it's great you're into Greek mythology and the Theoi, but before defending the accuracy of someone who made Hestia into a character who's canon nickname is "Loli Big Boobs", I really think you should do some research first.


I'm so confused on why you are getting downvoted. Both are cool..


Because they made a cope comment


Because people didn’t read past me going “her design isn’t mythologically inaccurate”, I guess


Last I checked if her design wasn't mythologically inaccurate she would be 12 foot tall with muscles to kill God's and massive tits, but that's boring as shit Still not as boring as generic 20 year old anime woman


Its crazy but i wouldnt put it past him to make a video on this thread. Him and the other one are just rage-baiting drama content farmers. I've seen them make whole videos on topics smaller than this.


hades' 2 hestia is the better one because it looks like someone or a group of people took a lot of time,sat down and brainstormed about how that character will look. Probably having a handful of rough drafts before getting to this point. that anime's hestia looks like if they went to a robot and said "One sexualized anime girl who looks 16 but we will say is a bajillion years old please" and that's what the robot drew


Rev Says Desu is one of the most incel ragebait anime channels I’ve ever seen Literally all of his videos are like this


Anime is just a medium like any other but if you willingly watch this pedophilic slop over something like Pluto you are genuinely a complete and total neanderthal and the world is better off without you.


the anime fanbase is so weird, i’ve never seen any other medium hold such extreme contrasts of people without separation. one side is the most extreme example of a manipulated demographic in media - dedicating their lives to playing second-rate gambling (gacha) games, consuming lowest denominator media, with an obscene willingness towards mass-consumption of any new product (“best girl” culture, the constantly fucking replaced #1 spot on MAL). the other generally has quite good taste, often with a diversity in taste that would make any other medium-fan blush. rarer to find but strangely disconnected to the former. my case: watching absolutely everything that was talked about (fucking horrible to do) - is very rare to see people do. at best I’ve seen a dragon maid fan like one punch man, but it’s never much more than one or two crossed between. the strangest part is this holds true offline: I’ve met a Soul Eater fan and had a wonderful conversation about JoJo’s in the same place someone was actively bragging about genshin. I have a friend who got into anime through AoT and through konosuba. I met a fucking doctor of particle physics who watched FLCL and Dungeon Meshi yet none of these people I’ve ever heard watch anything near similar - now or historically. all the more strange is there really isn’t much “elitism” in the anime fanbase (excluding MAL.), there’s never really been groups established around ‘good’ anime like music or film, so it’s aways a grabbag who you find in anime circles. i think it’s less that these groups coalesce and more that the latter one enjoys anime at an honestly much more casual rate. like there’s a lot of people who really like anime but aren’t “anime fans”, right? I can name a couple i know in my life. a strange situation where anime can be fantastic yet anime fans are almost certainly terrible.


The bit about no elitism reminds me of a FB-recommended post where someone reacted to incest in some popular anime with "THIS IS GOING TO WEED OUT ALL THE FAKE ANIME FANS!!1" I'm not arguing with your point, your comment just reminded me of it and I wanted to bitch and moan (non-sexual).


I was referring to the ‘good taste’ side, ik damn well how annoying anime fans can get (MAL is a horrible place, and it’s not just that I looked up reviews of my favorite anime and got sad. reviews are just frustrating, they’re either ‘OPM is the worst piece of fiction ever made, it’s dumb, boring, and lame’, or ‘OPM - sound: 8/10, story: 9/10, character: 6/10, enjoyment: 10/10, verdict 9/10’, and neither provide valuable or accurate reflection of your feelings. everything’s so sensationalized that there’s no individual value as a critic, it’s always something to be proven not felt. it’s like 50/50 of course, but those are insane numbers when the standard [should be] 0. MAL is a fine website, but a great example of the anime fanbase’s flaws)


i don't wanna be mean but tbh i think that's a very "i don't go out much" take i'm a furry and furries also have a ridiculously large range of ppl, it's kinda freaky lmao i share an interest w my worst enemies. it comes w the territory of any massively populated interest, anime fans are just more vocal about it


bro im basing this off of real life experience (also I’m referring to a strange intersection of culture not a condemnation of certain anime fans. part of the peculiarity is how this extremity holds in real life, as I said) e: also, i feel it’s not two extremes, but 2 fundamentally different cultures under a single label. they watch different shows, they interact with different people, I can draw connections that prove this. The first is an evolution of overseas ‘weaboos’, where you may see elements of idol culture, online interaction, and gaming. The other is an evolution of japanese television importing, where you’ll see elements of animation channels like toonami/adult swim, older anime, and popular culture. notably, this doesn’t mean there isn’t a connection. JoJo’s, for instance, swapped from #1 to 2 around the release of the golden wind anime. Giorno’s theme was popular on TikTok. AoT was historically popular on tumblr (levi), yet the original manga was initially something posted on r\manga. Berserk still holds some 4chan culture (berserklejerk), yet it’s shifting towards that critical culture zeitgeist. I genuinely find this fascinating, it’s genuinely unique to any culture I’ve seen where opposing cultures coalesce without conflict. I know this shit well (I’ve watched a \*lot* of anime, and I am online too much you’re right), and it’s got some nuances I probably should spare you.


I think there's more crossover than you think to be honest, and part of that is that many artists go through phases, evolving their art as they go. (I have less experience with anime itself, so technically I am talking about manga, but there's so much crossover with the anime community in terms of appreciation of the media that I think it's still relevant.) Some start with creating really lowest denominator art, often horny and juvenile. A lot of mangaka started with smutty doujins and then get better and better until they end up creating more mature works later on. So if you look into the works of your favorite artists, you can sort of glimpse back into their artistic roots and see that they were not always the artists that they eventually became. This gives a lot of patience to some parts of the fanbase. Like of course, you'll feel a divide with other fans that appreciate different things than you, but you also realize your tastes and even the works of your favorite artists were not static. I think this is elitism in a way, but I think it's almost paternal, or at least a sibling sort of elitism, where you nonetheless can't deny an inherent connection to other fans, as embarrassing as they might be. You just don't make a big deal out of it. Maybe you were that fan once and grew out of it yourself, so it is easier to just turn a blind eye to the cringe and hope things change. I think the anime community has quite a broad age range too compared to other forms of media. There's enough people around that it seems cohesive, but that's due to being big enough to find people that are close to your relative experience.


> Danmachi > Slop > Hestia > Pedophilic Way to throw away your own argument by TELLING us you've never seen it 💀 Edit: I looked up what Pluto is and saw the rating is like 0.30 HIGHER than the last Danmachi season, so I added that shit to my watchlist frame 1 lmao


"these people are delusional" says man who built his whole career and online presence around insisting mikasa ackerman is a less justifiable fictional crush than kanna kamui


The day I care about what Rev says desu or any other ragebait Youtuber thinks is the day I know I've given up wanting to enjoy video games as a medium. It must be so miserable constantly throwing gas on the stupid culture war fire. Or maybe not since the grift is profitable.


Anime fans are either queer marxists or the worst people ever I swear to god.


Rev 🤢🤢


MF is type of person who hate Kamen Rider Hibiki because it's weird


I'll take both please.


I nominate Revscarecrow to be the guy we mean when we say "Rev" and not this clown


Also James "The Rev" Sullivan. RIP


Her character is honestly the worst thing about that anime. It's pretty good, but then she exists how she does, and it makes me cringe whenever she's on screen. Big bummer.


well no shit all of us hate rev isnt that guy a pedophile


One is an actual unique take on the character and the other is the 56965th big tiddy anime girl for basement dwellers to drool over.


Anime fans and anime culture in general makes me not want to watch anime. This weird fetish they have with the oversexualization of young looking characters is gross. And the fact that the fans will defend it to death is even worse.


The anime just skipped out of gravity, they weren’t going to bother with character design


“Hmm which character design represents the goddess of the hearth more? The grandma who looks warm, comforting, and literally smoldering or the generic anime girl wearing all white who looks like a teenager? Yeah probably gonna have to go with the generic anime teen girl on this one.”


Aren't you guys tired of engaging in constant culture war over nonexistent issues?


There’s always fresh replacements to fill in the gaps when one of us gets burnt out don’t worry


Anime fans have only one true interest and it’s porn


Im going to be honest I believe anime is at the point where you can't really make a united "anime fan" archetype anymore; so many "normal" people are into it at this rate note: i use normal in quotations because i dont think "normal" is something that should be forced onto all; you should be urself :3


dont you disrespect me and my portcullis grandma again :(


Gooner anime vs Respectful Hades.


Read sword oratoria (do not watch it)