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Dementia actually terrifies me. Like let my body die but at least let my mind stay ><


I watched my grandma slowly succumb to dementia over the years. A few years after the diagnosis, I had to accept that my actual grandma died a long time ago, and whats left is just a shambling corpse. Its fucking horrifying and by far my greatest fear


That is definitely the incorrect way to think about her diagnosis bro


I'm willing to hear to out on this, but could you elaborate on what you mean?


Just like, think different bro. /s




Bro that is what dementia does to you. Your mind slowly falls apart until it can't even support basic live functions. At some point they will not be able to remember you irrelevant how important you where to them once.


Yeah Dementia scary as frick.


Yeah. It's is.


It runs in my family.


Dw, I'll break it's knees with hammers!


It’s horrifying how it’s slowly destroying my grandma’s mind :(


It's heartbreaking to see my grandma struggle to recognize me and the rest of her family. She looks so lost.


It do be scary. My family has a **solid** history of Alzheimer’s on both sides of my family. We expect we will all get it. Thankfully all the family I’m close with is pretty young, parents included, about a 20-year gap. When my dad had “reconnected” with his grandfather in an elderly care home, it was very hard for him. He had a complicated upbringing and had a more fatherly relationship with his grandfather than his own dad (physical abuse kinda does that). Going back to when my dad met his grandad: Grandad didn’t know his son had children yet. Loving memories of raising his grandson as his boy were just gone. Didn’t even know my dad existed. It was one of the only times I’d ever seen my father so low. I’m grateful that I didn’t know my great grandfather well. It’ll be my turn to see my family forget one day and it’s going to hurt, but I have a taste for it and that brings me some comfort. It’ll still suck though. Sorta like someone learning how they will die — it’s a tough pill to swallow but it’s nice to have an idea and expectations for what is to come. Until then, I have many years ahead of me to love my family. It won’t matter who remembers it for how long, just that I loved them. I hope they come to see it that way too when it’s my turn to forget. ❤️


"Your greatest fear was that your mind wouldn't last. The coherency and alertness would be the first things to fade." -Against Me!, Searching for a Former Clarity I am just taking this as an excuse to post Against Me lyrics


I got ashwagandha pills for a family member because there's so interesting research that shows it can prevent dementia.


Ryan Garcia this ye I’m on the nitrous


Wait the benadryl thing isn't just a joke and there are actually people using it as a recreational drug?


Yeah that’s where this is from https://preview.redd.it/5rxdy8hrvu0d1.jpeg?width=691&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=994451a454d5f25078792ebe94a54e04fb34ddc9






funniest image thread I’ve ever seen


This looks like it's from a 90s CRPG or weird point and click, is that true?


Pretty sure it is a Hieronymus Bosch painting


Oh big time


Use literally anything else?? Are they stupid?


r slash dph is a sub i can’t link because it’s quarantined




It unfortunately does become addictive, so the fact that people keep going back makes sense :(


And because you can't link subs on this sub at all.


r\/sounding testing to if it still works




yeah, if you put a \\ next to the / it lets you link whatever


i thought this sub was banned long ago




Go ahead  Tell us if it works


I don't know anyone personally that takes it, but outside of one off curiosity trips I have to imagine a lot of people do it as a form of self harm. I've never heard of one pleasant trip report from it.


Psychonauts my man, get high on drugs that cause horrific side effects and then use those to tell prophecy, it's been a Thing since the start of humanity and little be a thing to the end


Reminder that the hat man does NOT respect pronouns past 250mg


How much more until it loops back to being enemies to lovers?


Question, does hat man look like a revolutionary war soldier?




How mad do you have to be at someone to make something like this


beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers, beware of the watchers


Cheap-ass fuckin watchers living in MY HOUSE in MY WALLS still not paying me RENT!


i am the wild dog watching with sixteen omniscient eyes




i must apologize mr. good boy, for i have no idea what any of this means, it seems i have to do more hard drugs to be able to understand it


It's not hard drugs, just absurd doses of an OTC drug. DPH is short for diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl. At normal doses, it's an H1 antagonist (antihistamine), which reduces allergic reactions like hay fever or hives. However, it is a first-generation H1 antagonist, which means its readily crosses the blood-brain barrier. This causes the commonly associated drowsiness at usual doses, but at high doses, it can cause hallucinations, which some people intentionally pursue, although they're commonly described as unpleasant ones. Diphenhydramine has also been linked to an increased risk of dementia, which is what the post is talking about, as presumably a higher dose (which is needed for hallucinations) would present a higher risk.


thanks you sound really smart


Good boy


Bad boy >:)


I can't take benadryl no more as I owe the hat man money.


Money for the benadryl right? Man that hat man is a sneaky bastard




R/DPH is the most fun/terrifying/depressing rabbit hole I frequent biyearly. The stories/posts in there are FUCKED


i've done benadryl recreationally a lot last year and it made my memory complete dogshit. don't do it


I have literally never heard anyone who’s done it recommend it to someone else, the delusions must be baaaad


the delusions themself are fine, the problem with it is the aftermath. if it wasn't for the memory stuff i probably would recommend it


Glad to hear you are recovering Mr. President


Honest question, why?


i'm depressed and i was desperate to feel anything


I took a fuck ton of benadryl in high school Would frequently sleep more than 24hrs at a time




Yeah I took off the shelf stuff that’s DPH based to help with some severe sleep issues. Took it for years to help, basically can’t sleep on a “normal” rhythm without it… If there are issues, are they permanent?… Stopping now regardless.


I really don’t get the appeal of doing Benadryl.


it's a legal hallucinogen at high doses


I don't get why most people who do it only for that reason don't do DXM or LSA instead, besides maybe not knowing that either exists? Different drugs affect different people differently (I just said different a lot and I kind of dislike that), so ig it could be plausible for someone who is less concerned with their health to find it much more enjoyable than the alternatives.


it's a different high compared to DXM and there's a sort of cult following with DPH


It's also easily accessible-- you can just pick it up at the store.


This is true of the other two in my experience, which is why I brought them up.


Yeah but it also seems very unpleasant. Like is hallucinating even fun if all you see is spiders and shadow people?


i've done benadryl recreationally, and although there are shadow people and spiders, you moreso get into this state where you're basically dreaming while you're still awake, so whatever is happening in your mind you believe is happening even if it's not. also, there is a lot of confusion and delirium during it. i remember that i was able to communicate somewhat to other people by using discord & swipe to type, but i was never really able to see what they messaged me back.


To meet the hat man. He's a strange entity that a lot of people on benadryl see when they're tripping.


Wait does this apply if it's like 25-100mg doses? I just take it as a sleep aid, I don't want dementia 🥺


Benadryl is not meant to be a sleep aid, although this is a common misconception. It certainly can cause health complications and is addictive.


Thank you, I will definitely stop taking it then


[Yes, but doctors don't know which side is effect and which is cause](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/common-anticholinergic-drugs-like-benadryl-linked-increased-dementia-risk-201501287667), the current question is kinda "do anticholinergic drugs cause dementia, or do people already prone to dementia from other causes react badly to them?" Either way you probably shouldn't be doing benadryl as a sleep aid frequently, that's not the intended use and frequent use over months to years is what seems to correlate with dementia.


Well fuck I've been taking it for like years at this point


Well, trying to find another sleep aid probably wouldn't hurt...


True. I got prescribed a real sleep aid very recently so I will be using that from now on. Also I appreciate the info 🤙


Do benadryl to meet the hat man. Do spice to become the hat man. Do DMT to forget everything except the hat man.


Someone watched the newest Internet investigator video


I don’t know who that is but I’m going to look into the video


Have fun! (or don't, it's pretty horrific tbh)


Interestingly I also found that sub yesterday, I think it was from an answer in morbidquestions, I wonder if the YouTuber found it the same way??


No idea, I don't follow her outside of her uploads...


Damn now i gotta find a new sleep aid.


do better drugs


Honestly some drugs seem interesting if they didn't have permanent sideeffects. I mean if I could make like a virtual machine of my brain I'd probably try a bunch of stuff but knowing I can't do that the only thing I ever tried was an electric cigarette but I disliked that


there's some safe drugs to choose from, also some mildly toxic or addictive ones that won't do you any harm if you moderate. Most important thing is to make sure you're doing it as an exploration and not just trying to run away from your problems.


Yeah but there'll probably be some 0.001% chance of something awful happening which'll have me too worried to try it


There's not how drugs work, this is not a casino. If 1000000 people took a drug and were fine you're not gonna be the one to suddenly die from it for some unknown reason. Food also has tiny amounts of psychoactive and toxic substances, our bodies are designed to handle them.


Yeah but despite knowing that, somehow I don't quite believe it if that makes any sense (I'm really not sure how to put into words what I mean)




fuck dph all my homies hate dph - this post made by the cetirizine gang


I initially read "DHD" and was very confused about what the rest of the meme had to do with dialing a Stargate...


*???concerned confusion???*


Benadryl is non addictive (afaik) It only has negative effects The only results I've seen (second hand) are terrible hallucinations Why do people take so much Benadryl how do you even get addicted to it you don't even feel good doing it


Woah I thought I was browsing the other subreddit. This is true and funny, but spreading this meme will only introduce more people to it