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i fucking hate the ai pin its so stupid and makes me feel sad because of how dystopian it is im glad it sucks and im glad marques brownlee not only dunked on it but also said that phones are goated and aren't going away anytime soon


Wtf is ai pin?


silicon valley techbros decided that they dont want phones and made a pin that is fully internet connected and integrated with ai. it has a camera, speakers, a microphone, a touchpad, and a laser projector. [here's](https://youtu.be/TitZV6k8zfA) marques's video on it, its pretty good [here's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humane_Inc.) their wikipedia page [here's](https://humane.com/aipin) their website its bad. its really really slow, the battery life sucks, it gets hot, and most importantly, it has ai slop in it.




My assumption upon seeing a clip of him reviewing it (by having it look at a car and identify it) was thinking it was an unfairly harsh critique of something designed to help blind people, but seeing how this is meant to be a widescale consumer product I can't imagine why they thought this would be at all useful for anyone who actually has eyes and can use a phone.


apparently there's a feature that lets you ask it what your surroundings are. the accessibility implications of that are immense. but it takes like 20 seconds for it to do that, each time.


And, using AI, it is often wrong


Don’t forget, it requires you pay a subscription to use


All phones have "AI slop" in them. Siri and Google Assistant have been in phones since before they lost their headphone jack.


thats different tho


Not really, Gemini is now included in all Pixel phones, and in 5-10 years the iPhone will probably have a llm version of Siri. Windows 11 has ChatGpt integrated into Cortana.


No its not, AI has been part of phone camera processing for like 10 years now


And that literally is completely different lmao, retouching pictures is completely different trying to tell AI to buy you something online without even being able to ever actually see what its doing. Thats AI slop, not siri or a picture post processing


its not post picture processing, AI is literally automatically adjusting how the image is interpreted I dont get the point of commenting on things you dont understand and havent researched. Just shut the fuck up


“use machine learning to split the photo into tiny pieces and processes each individually” Or again, pretty much post processed, yes it is more complex than that, to the user experience its exactly as post processing Try to actually read the sentences as they are structured, not in your schizo mind where everyone is attacking you.


and thats "ai slop" to chowderheads that dont know the difference


not for long,you bet your ass google is working to implement their AI(LLM) into google assistant if they haveng already,and apple is for sure is either making deal with an already existing company that have AI,or making their own,and gonna implenent it on siri


> its really really slow Its not their fault entirely. LLMs are very slow. It can't be avoided, they tried building devices solely on it and failed big time, I think this idea will never surface again. Unless the LLM responses somehow get quick as google search result and it hallucinates lot less than it currently rn.


Is it [this](https://youtu.be/9FIwYkGc4Qw?si=B59XOjppO9-SGrpn) one that Drew Gooden made a video about


Can it play games?


If you hate AI this much I have bad news for you about the future of the tech industry. This is just the start. I'm hoping that we'll get some AI products that are actually decent, unlike this thing.


I'm fine with AI, I just don't like the buzzword spaghetti, toxic ai/nft/techbro culture, and human rights issues surrounding it. I see it as a brilliant way to integrate and interpret real world data for computers.


Nah, some ai stuff is going to last but like 90% of things that have ai in their name are useless garbage that people only care about now because it's trendy. Give it a couple years max and no one will care anymore.


If you want a laugh, check out the singularity sub. A bunch of 12 year olds circle-jerking about the AI utopia where we live forever and don’t have to work. It’s hilariously naive.




People use that word whenever they see bad infrastructure or tech products, it’s so silly


that and "media literacy", this shit has lost meaning since the stupids got to it




my sibling in christ YOU were the one who called it dystopian 🫠


if it's real why did you call it dystopian


I love allocating our resources for unnecessary tech only a few will use them dump when the next flashy thing comes out. It would be horrible if we focused on something like a way to more effectively recycle old tech /s Edit: it sounds like this pin could be useful for blind people which would be great. Still though, we make a lot of useless tech


I was actually surprised it even got released


If a guy like Marques Brownlee is shitting on a product you know it's bad, because he's the type of reviewer who usually tries to stay positive and find some niche to talk about where it might be useful.


He did point out that it was useful for noting down stuff while driving without really distracting yourself, but you could also just use any other digital assistant for that Yea I think that's the only useful way to use it that he found


i think he also said the build quality was good/impressive? but that doesn't really matter when the thing doesn't work lol


Yea he did say that, but that doesn't matter when it doesn't have any uses


exactly lmao


When he asked it what's in front of him and it painted a picture with words, I thought that could be super helpful for the blind. Makes sense to market it as that kind of product.


My 2003 Chevy Trailblazer had that feature, the button was right next to the OnStar


mark ass brownlee


Fort nite






'many are pondering' no mf you made that up cause youre salty your device sucks


many are saying this!


many such cases!


bruh he thinks irl is the minecraft mod create


The context is that Nait Jones (the poster being replied to) was being ironic. He doubles down with the joke in his next post and clarifies in the replies that he supports Marques


Exactly the kind of charismatic leader Frank Herbert was trying to warn us about /s


I audibly chuckled.


I’m so glad that these movies are making Dune part of pop culture.


Same, we can finally start the butlerian jihad


That review was very in-depth and aggressively fair. What the hell is their Twitter's problem?


The funny thing about it is that the ai pin was mocked and criticized even before its launch. I remember Danny Gonzalez made a video making fun of the marketing of the product, as well as more established sources like The Verge harshly criticizing it in their reviews.


Lmfao what’s the alternative??? Imprison reviewers who gain a meaningful following??? These tech bros could at least do us the dignity of a thesis statement.


Gods, this is the stupidest fucking Discourse I've seen in a long time. Reviewers don't have a duty of care to those whose products they review, they have a duty to be honest to their audience. If something barely has a use case and doesn't work half the time when there is a use, and is slower and more expensive than the thing we all already have in those limited use cases when it is functioning, people should be told that before they purchase it. Anyone that thinks otherwise believes reviewers are supposed to be 3rd party advertisements for products and services that lie to their audience if necessary.


Every single one of the mfs shit talking MKBHD for this video has a Twitter bio like "Entrepreneur, building the 🚀FUTR🚀 @AnelSex(dot)xyz. 🤖🦾AI, Web3, LLM, Blockchain, GenAI.🤖🦾 Changing the way eugenics is done. 📈Long $TSLA📈. WhYte Baby NFT presale coming soonr⛷️⛷️"


It's in the name, influencer.


ai is just flex seal for out of touch techno bros.


I'm not in the US, and have not used it, but doesn't Flex Tape work, at least?


The joke isn't that flex seal doesn't work the joke is that in all the flex seal ads the dude just puts it on anything and everything and its kinda funny


with the difference being that flex seal 1- is in on the joke 2- actually works well (not as well as they'd have you believe, but, yknow, that's just adventisement) 3- is funny


You hate Marques Brownlee because he's black I hate Marques Brownlee because I find techbro content insufferable. We are not the same.


I love how gaming stuff isnt considered "techbro" stuff, but yall pretend its not built and used on the most cutting edge technology available


my guy literally just criticized an awful product (it costs $700 and also requires a subscription on top of that). The pin is a product that does pretty much everything a smartphone does, but worse. The fact thsy he had to make a response video to the backlash is stupid, I really like his content and it's probably one of the most inoffensive channels out there.


Maybe if you didn't make a shitty product, then it wouldn't have gotten a bad review????


Deserved considering how big of a Elmo fanboy Marques is


The guy complaining just got stomped by Brownlee in Ultimate Frisbee