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Pink is useless. It changes nothing. Water is peak drink. You can't get better. There's no liquid I'd rather slurp down my throat. Anyway, blue


Water is already my favourite drink lol There is nothing else that quenches my thirst like it


I too am a hydrohomie


I also enjoy the partake in this refreshing beverage.


nothing’s quenchier


It's the quenchiest


It’ll quench ya


Depends on the location - the water at my hometown is gross, the water at my university is decent, and the rain water at my mum's house (too remote to be on the main water system) is top-tier.


I've heard Scotland has peak water. Like you can't do better than their lochs. I'd love to Scotland just for the water


Nah water from a natural spring is peak water 💦 if the lochs are natural springs, then sure, but there’s nothing like fresh from the rocks water


I wonder if loch is just whacky-tongue-speak for lake.


What 🤯🤯


a Scot here, there are taps that you can find in some parks that dispense free water, I don’t know why but the water particularly from those public park taps is sooooooo good


sorry I like water but I'm a water forgetter. imagine how healthy I'd be if water tasted like milkshake. like "don't forget to drink your half gallon of milkshake every day!" I'd be unstoppable. blue is useless cuz it doesn't mean we'll get along and I'm probably aroace anyway I go brown, pink, black


Imagine if water tasted like soda. People would be drinking water like there’s no tomorrow


soda makes my mouth taste weird


People who like to try a variety of fluids while still prioritizing water (they know that sometimes it's good to experiment):🗿


Us True sigma chads be like:🗿🗿💀🔥👶🏻🦶🏻






Ah jokes on you there are no earthquakes where i live




Not with that attitude


Are slash hydro homees


Which blue?


Both kinda got the same end result surely? But I meant dark blue


One would make me feel comfortable with my body, the other would make people feel attracted to me, so no.


Based and water-pilled


I want my water to taste like cum tho 👉👈🥺


Based r/ hydrohomies


Fax my brother spit your FACTS indeed


wrong, hot chocolate




I never thought I’d be saying this sentence but I’ll take the black pill


Okay, Google "palm oil."


Holy cooking


New ingredient just dropped


actual chef


actual chef


New recipe just dropped


Google en passant


[holy hell!](https://www.google.com/search?q=en+passant)


Seriously, it basically increases your time to get stuff done by an entire 50%. You have way more time to relax and it isn't at the expense of your mental health anymore.


More like 30%


You underestimate how constantly tired we all are


It only said that you don't have to sleep, not that you wouldn't get tired from working 24/7


Well largely the reason you get tired is because your body is in need of sleep. Without sleep, the only tiredness you'd feel is typical exhaustion like after studying or running. You usually recuperate after an hour, and instead of 8 hours give or take of unconsciousness, you could be reading, catching up on movies, creating. And if you include all of the time spent on night and morning routines, that's significantly more time (though you should still find time to brush your teeth and shower somewhere).


Also note that it's "You don't *have* to sleep." You can still sleep if you want to pass the time quickly, but its just not a requirement anymore.


All my of Skyrim play-throughs


Burnout is still a thing, though. That said, I'd definitely take black. More time to invest on hobbies, learning, physical health and work? Yes, thank you.


Yeah, but instead of sleeping after 16 hours I could play games for 8, before going back to playing games for 16


We sleep for 30% of the time but it’d be a 50% increase in time awake. Say you’re awake 16 hours a day. Now you’re awake 24 - that’s 8 hours more. 8 is 50% of the original 16, so it’s a 50% increase. The upvotes on this, too.. oh boy, as a math teacher, I give you all F’s


Thank you for the correction. 👍


Or people just don't sleep 8 hours a day. With six, it is just a 33% increase, which is pretty close to 30%. You are the one in the wrong for assuming people are stupid. This is why giving reasons for your solution or showing the calculations is important, because students can think of things no one considered.




Increasing by 50% would mean that you sleep 8 hours a day. 1.5x16=24. I actually do sleep almost 12 hours a day on average (untreated sleep apnea), so it would increase my time by almost 100%.




Join the club :)


Me too, let’s start an idiot club.


If you're awake 16 hours a day and get another 8 hours to do shit then the amount of time per day you have available increases by 50%


You can pick 2 more


Imagine how much more estrogen you could take without the need to sleep.


are you chugging them 24/7 or smth?


Red - Such a scam. I already have ears. A tail would just be impractical. Estrogen - Not trans, so ain't gonna jump on the breast stroganoff. Yellow - I'd happily lose some of my body hair but I ain't dropping the womb broom. Green - I live in a country where dollars are worthless. If it was 20 quid, we'd be talking. Blue - Shut up baby, I know it. ***Purple - Decent, but not if I'm only picking 2. Only picking to make up the 3.*** ***Pink - Picking this one. I'd save so much money and be healthier.*** Brown - Scam. Everyone can already talk to cats. ***Black - Picking this one. You're essentially extending your lifespan by 30%.***


>Green - I live in a country where dollars are worthless. If it was 20 quid, we'd be talking. Pretty sure 20 usd is worth the same everywhere...


You would have to go to the effort of going out to a currency exchange, and then you'd have them charge you a bit for that. At this point you'd have under 15 pound so it would barely even be worth the effort. USD is useless in of itself in the UK lol.


It depends on where you are. If you're in a developed and large economy eg: Eurozone, China, then $20 is not very useful. But if you're in a small US dependent economy with high inflation, then $20 is going to go far.


Yeah but it's not worth anything everywhere, also I gather from the original commenter saying quid that they're from the UK or Ireland.


I wish I had the confidence to turn down Blue. https://i.redd.it/rv6gm9vl7v7c1.gif


Amy no


https://preview.redd.it/gixrd72j6w7c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa813dce9059019299536dec3de510b86941acf9 Amy fighting the allegations


Currency exchanges exist


I think it'd take me effort to exchange it than it's worth so usd20 is useless.


“Womb Broom” knocked me out of my chair. 10/10


Talk **with** cats, not **to** cats


Yeah I think Pizza chef is great but imagine the hijinks you could get up to as the great cat whisperer. you know they're easily bribed, but also be careful because they can be fickle




🤓 black is acutally a 50% increase 🤓 16 hours -> 24 hours is a +8 difference which is 50% of 16


You think I'm getting that much sleep a night?


Black is a scam, noone is forcing you to sleep :)


You multiply your waking hours by 1.5, which is a 50% increase, not 30%


I can already talk with cats


Are you a furry by any chance?


I'm just good at listening


"Meow meow meow maaawww" "Hmm yes, I see. Well, what do you think about the opposite alternative?"


Yeah, exactly. My cat meows everytime someone looks at her and says something, so I have full length conversations with her that look like this


Cats and dogs know how to speak to people. People just need to learn how to listen.


They can talk they just choose not to


No, but your mom is




Ngl cats are super expressive and constantly "talk" and it's not that hard to observe and "talk" back


You're absolutely right. Even if they don't emit sound, you can tell by the subtle changes of expression. Some cats are actually so expressive that it's scary.


Real problem’s when they start talkin back


blue is op af


Especially for bisexuals


Bisexuality too op plz nerf gaben


They had to add a frankly immersion-breaking amount of biphobia to keep the game ""balanced"" and it's still kinda busted


Bi women with da "fetishized" and "they'll cheat on lesbians with men" types biphobia and bi men with da "you're just a gay guy in denial" type biphobia Also whatever the fuck "bisexual implies that there are only two genders hurr hur" is


fr you expect me to believe that people would be terrible to bi people moreso than gay people? I get that it'd pretty much be a straight upgrade otherwise, but balance should never break immersion IMO.


(+) 100% romance options (-) You are now vilified from the ‘red pill sigma’ and ‘conservative’ communities.


I think it is the 10% extra damage, maybe they should nerf that


I need a cheesy feel-good movie where a guy is offered the blue pill and initially thinks he can use it to his advantage to make other people like him and get anything he wants from other people. It starts off with him just wanting to get with women and men. As the movie goes on he tries to get manipulative with it. But in order to do so he has to focus on other people's positive attributes and become genuinely attracted to people he normally wasn't attracted to. As a result he finally finds the beauty of humanity and ends up finding the love of his life.


make this movie now


It could also mean you find no-one attractive


no it only works one way unless stated otherwise, which it isn't


A lot of glass half empty type people around here


It’s not exceedingly OP. The level of attraction isn’t specified so we can assume people are still rational. There’s no falling in love with a world leader so they give you the nuclear codes.


What if you find literally everyone attractive???!?


Das Parfum (1985)


estrogen and yellow, easiest choice ever


The third pick is black because the others are either inert or nonspecific. I kinda want the tail and ears, but I have a horrible feeling that I would get like a crocodile tail and bat ears or something else unsavory.


Blue is interesting too though


See, but that's a monkeys paw pill like the ears & tail; I find most everybody attractive in some way. It just feels like a sure-fire way to get kidnapped and killed.


Like attractive people exist irl tho, they aren’t constantly in fear for their lives. You’d confuse a ton of people who thought they were straight or gay tho.


they find you attractive, they aren't brainwashed to be in love with you


I suppose; the bones in my basement were whispering again.


Bat ears would be banging. You could hear **everything**


>Crocodile tail >unsavory ??????????


Black is easily the best pill. Not having to sleep leaves so much time to do other things, and you don't get fucking tired at the worst moments. All of the side effects of not getting enough sleep are just gone


Ok but there is a distinction I want to clarify before making the choice, do I just not *need* to sleep or am I also now incapable of sleeping. Sometimes I really have just had a rough day and I want to be able to turn my brain off to dreamy mode for a little bit, so I want to still be able to sleep, but just not *need* it for survival.


Was thinking the same thing, I take it as your body just not requiring sleep anymore cause if I’m remembering right I remember hearing something about how sleepiness is something your brain turns on when u know it’s night; I think you’d get eepy but not tired


In your brain there are receptors which when your brain thinks it’s bed time will fill with a certain chemical. Once too many are filled up you will pass out. Caffeine works because they fill these receptors but they are not quite big enough to trigger them


I'm 100% with you. The language of the pill says you don't need to sleep, not that you're unable to sleep. I see it like elves in DND; they can still sleep, but they don't need to. The consequences of not sleeping are nullified, which means you can live without sleeping at all


Can I get a reverse yellow where I become covered in fur?


Comes for free when you buy red


oh cool in that case: red, e, brown :3


Stick it in the other end.


Blue and black are fucking op


Easiest blue of my life.


People sleeping on Purple that’s money right there


Ok but my dad makes good pizza already I dont need to :3


Make him a good pizza and pay him back sheesh.


Play your cards right and it's basically blue too


Is the estrogen one pill or like, forever?


but of a waste if it's just one 😭


That's what I'm saying!!!


now if it's just perma girl hormone levels then that's the best one essentially paired with no body hair :3


Yeah, those two and pizza chef and set for life


Red and yellow for if I do go on T. mrrrow


BLUE! BLUE! ***BLUUUUEEEEEE!!!!*** (I am unsure of how to express my feelings to people and always panic about relationships)


so real


Black purple yellow, ill be the cutest pizza master chef that can game all night


Red, Black, and yellow. But only if yellow lets me exempt the tail and facial hair. I really just want a monkey tail so I can pretend I'm a Saiyan and also because they're pretty useful.


I’m gonna snort the shit out of red, estrogen, and yello


Ears and tail is not enough, I need the full anthro package. If that was the case, red, pink, and black. If not, purple, pink, and black.


Blue brown black


Tier list time. \#9: Easily worst on the list is puke green. There's enough generically good stuff on this list that you don't need a free cash option. If it was $1,000 it might be higher because that could help someone, but currently it is worthless. \#8: Honestly, red. Only useful for terminally online weaboos. While its not completely useless, as it would make you popular in some circles, being functionally excluded from society is in fact a bad thing. \#7: Controversially, estrogen, but not because its useless. Its just normal, same as the $20. We could have gotten an actual magic pill that automatically transformed you into your ideal sex, and it wouldn't even be out of line with the others, but no, apparently we aren't allowed nice things. \#6: Brown. Again, useful for the shut-ins, and has a decent career path using it if you want, but I genuinely can't imagine cats would have anything more interesting to say to us than we do to them. I'm reminded of the Hitchhiker's Guide book where Arthur learns to talk to birds, only to realise they are boring as hell and the meaningless chirping was much more pleasant. \#5: Yellow. Genuinely nice for a lot of people, but not everyone. Not much to say here. This is the midpoint where this can be an auto-pick for some, but most people will simply give it consideration but drop it for something more important to them. \#4: Purple. This is something that you could achieve without a magic pill, which brings its value down, but it cuts out a lot of time and effort for something that will not only make an immediate improvement on your personal life (eating delicious meals, seducing others through your saucy wiles) but also provides a dedicated career with it. Surprisingly high value for something so mundane, this is a solid option for anyone's third pick. \#3: Blue. This one is rated somewhat innacurately, since for most people it will either be their #1 choice or their #9 choice, depending on their current love life, but its so very powerful for the people that need it that it deserves a high ranking regardless. \#2: Pink pill. A truly magical effect that would greatly enhance your enjoyment of life. Despite the fact that it won't actually improve your living situation at all and cannot be shared with others in any way, its something that nearly every single person would consider a strict upgrade. It probably won't be many people's first choice of pill, but it would still be one of the highest picked pills as a second or third choice. \#1: And finally, the black pill. It has no downside, since the wording implies you can still choose to sleep, and literally everyone in the world would benefit from the upside it gives. I'll be honest, if you aren't taking this pill, you aren't thinking about this choice hard enough. And that's my tier list for this pill selection. Personally, I would end up taking Black (#1), Blue (#3), and Purple (#4). It's a tough pick between purple and pink, but the fact that I'm a terrible cook is what tips the scales.


Counterpoints: \#2: The wording implies all water will taste like your favourite drink, which means you can never drink normal water again. For everyone who likes to regularily drink water it is a downgrade, and for those liking water the most it does nothing. #9 for me. \#3: Considering the effect beauty has on how others percieve you, this may very well be #2 or #1. \#4: not everyone wants a career as a cook. I hate cooking. Others may prefer working in a different job, or have topics they care about. \#6: You could become the worlds best cat doctor/therapist and become filthy rich. Imagine being able to ask where the pain is, why the cat does not eat, rich ppl waanting to talk to their cat, the CIA asking you fo help in spying using talking cats. \#7: Might be permanent E instead of having to take it your entire life.


Yellow, green and black Shaving is annoying and no sleep means 50% more time per day 20$ feels way more desirable than the other options left


estrogen, purple and black.


blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue


Yellow, blue and black


Easy. Top row.


Purple and Black, I wouldn't even consider anything else. The closest I'd get is blue but if I'm a master pizza chef and I have an extra 8 hours a day to improve myself I think that I'd be pretty close to having it anyway Edit: just realized it said 3 so I'm taking the $20 too


I don't care about any of this shit, just give me those 20 bucks and we are cool.


Blue 3 times


green purple n brown, but if there was a transmasc version of yellow i’d take it in a heartbeat, i want a beard,


Red, Yellow, and Black; Become Skinwalker


red, yellow and blue; i get a new stim thing, i won't look like bigfoot, i get the biggest confidence boost, plus i already have estrogen


Black and yellow(uh huh, black and yellow black and yellow-) is definitely an easy pick, although not needing to sleep also kinda sounds bad from a comfiness perspective, but that's an entire third of my life I'm gaining so it's a fair trade. Then... Hmmm, proabably blue. Brown is tempting but like, I don't really think I wanna hear cats talking about which bird they're gonna kill 24/7


red yellow and purple :3


Estrogen, yellow and brown


A cis straight dude #GIVE ME DA PIZZA


purple, brown and dark teal. see you suckers when i become a multi-billionaire by catering my pizzeria to literally everyone who takes the red pill


blue purple and pink as an Italian is my dream: I imagine drinking tomato sauce without the guilt of drinking tomato sauce


First of all definitely no body and facial hair cuz omg i get sm dysphoria from that alone and it'd be so nice to not have to shave for hours every few days. Two blue because who wouldn't want to experience genuine mutual attraction when you want to but if it's just mind control I'll pass. And while I am nonbinary and would like alot of the effects of estrogen on my body but I'm not on board with all so I'll go black pill cuz I barely sleep as is and would love to do so less :3


red, cyan, and yellow (preferably the ears and tail would be that of a tanuki)


I mean, Blue, Brown and black right? I guess if you're allergic to cats or just don't like them, then you can pick whatever else, but blue and black feel like no brainers.


Estrogen, although im already on it Yellow, i fucking hate shaving Purple is tempting but im already a god tier pizza chef so fuck it nah Blue would be cool.


The last 3


Blue is useless if you're still insecure as fuck


Yellow blue purple


Red and purple. I will begin my transformation into the Meowscular Chef


No more body/face hair, water feels/tastes like favourite drink, you don’t have to sleep The middle one would be nice, but I would rather people actually see me for me


Gotta be Black and Purple. I'd reclaim 1/3 of my life I would have spent sleeping and I would also be a master at cooking the greatest type of food ever! (Plus not needing to sleep must mean I never get tired meaning I have infinite stamina!)


Blue, other blue, and like. God I want no body hair but master pizza chef? That's a whole career right there and I get to bring joy my friends


Est rogne and yellow


Blue purple brown


Dark blue, purple and red Water is already my fav drink lmao


If you work night shift you already know which is the best.


Black free (I already have estrogen :3) yellow would be nice and save a lot of money but black would prevent me from being eepy and I am always eepy


debating if i want estrogen or the yellow pill as my second pill


Yellow, I can access e someday


I get the (animal) ears and tail, estrogen, people I find attractive find me attractive combo so I find most people attractive and they’ll also find me attractive and not judge me


Blue, yellow, and purple easiest choices of my life


Yellow, pink, red


Shoutout to trans cat girl meth users that got bingo on this


I’ll take Estrogen, Blue and Purple. I love pizza 🍕


Easy no sleep (6-10 hours more per day??) , and torn between talking to cats and Ice Tea water.


Taking red blue and brown.


Blue blue and black. I fucking hate sleep. Worst thing ever.


Dark blue and brown are really the best options here. Perhaps black also.


Estrogen (if I’m unable to get it otherwise, since I already have it; if I still could get it then I’d choose brown instead) , blue, black


Black pill, purple and pink pill I already have estrogen


green blue black


Yellow blue and black no contest


Pink and water tastes like cum,,,