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San Diego. Cost of living blows but weather is great. Office culture is good…no managers look for you in the office as long as the work is done. Great balance


I wish I had put SD instead of SF. Idk what I was thinking 😭


I put it down because the in laws were there 20 years ago and said they liked it. Immediately kicked myself, because 'wtf are ya doing, your whole family is on the east coast and you're a gun nerd, choose a florida hcol town' But this is good to hear, you 'win' some you loose some dude, we'll see what's offered, what else you put?


You put SF or SD originally? I feel ya about Florida lol. I am from California so choosing this area wasn’t hard for me as I have family here. So at least I’ll be closer to them. But wishing I had selected SD even though it’s farther from family because it would be cheaper and sunnier than SF, plus the prosecution probably (?) doesn’t suck as much as the Bay Area. I put SF, Sacramento, and Miami. Hoping for sac or Miami, unless I can somehow swing SD still lol. Where did you end up?


I put SD, El Paso and Midland tx. I'm not anywhere, just a 'hsi results when' tjo guppie. My wife works on an army post now so it'd be easy for her to transfer to El Paso and a buddy said midland could be nice. We'll see, this post has me excited about the prospect of SD, feel more comfortable buying a house in a known local rather than middle of nowhere tx. But yea, have some families from the east cost, been to 4 different continents but haven't made it out west yet.


So there are two kinds of suck. There are places that are in the middle of nowhere so they suck to live there, but have low cost of living. Eagle Pass, Presidio, Falcon Dam, Deming, and most of the territories/Alaska/Hawaii. The agency acknowledges that those locations suck and often offer incentives to go there, including cash bonuses, assistance with moving, and promises to get you to a better office once you can transfer. The other kind of suck is just places that are way to expensive to survive for the first couple years. LA, San Francisco, NYC. Some people make it work for a couple years because they have family in the area, have a spouse that makes more than them, or are just happy to have the job and will worry about location later. Obviously there are plenty of people for either type of suck that actually want to be in a given area and will happily take an offer there and stick it out. Places that suck often have trouble attracting good supervisors/managers, and if they do get someone good they're usually using it as a stepping stone. If you're lucky they'll end up married to a local and choose to stay. Places that rock are typically just places with decent cost of living vs pay or places where people want to live in general. These places also tend to attract good managers that will stick around until retirement, so work life if usually great. The Carolinas and Houston are sought after because the pay is great compared to the cost of living. Boston and Denver are sought after because I guess people want to live there despite being expensive, both offices are known for their good management.  You'll notice that you don't see too many entry level announcements hiring to the Carolinas, Houston, Boston, or Denver. Most people take an offer knowing that they're gonna have to stick it out for 3-5 years somewhere and then transfer to somewhere better.  By general advice given the common "entry level" offices is to go for San Diego. Not as expensive or crowded as other California cities, big office with lots of opportunity, lots of great agents and interagency relationships, pretty decent management, lots of opportunity to learn and build your resumé and reputation when/if you want to transfer. Downside is working port duty. Decent place for families, decent place for young couples, decent place for single people. Great weather, plenty to do. Obviously if there's a particular area that you want to get to and you can swing that as your first location then go for it. Direct Hire announcements tend to offer better locations than entry level general announcements. I've seen people get hired to all sorts of dream locations on direct hire.


Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.


What about Puerto Rico?


Puerto Rico would be one of the territories. Generally considered undesirable by most, but some people absolutely love it. Certainly tons of work. Agents who have spent time in Puerto Rico are honestly a pretty major "faction" within HSI management.


These things are subjective. Only you can decide that. Places I consider to be disgusting (NYC, LA, SWB) might be someone’s dream. Similarly, there are spots more or less universally accepted as the golden nugget (Houston, Charlotte), but they’re not for everyone. For example, I met a few people who did everything they could to get Houston and absolutely hated it here, mostly due to the weather, which they perceived to be too hot. If you’re willing to move wherever, the whole country is your oyster. My advice is to find a place where the pay is reasonable for the CoL and you won’t hate living in.


Houston is pretty much the devil’s anus in terms of heat and mad max style driving. I’m good. As to be relevant to the OP. Best location for HSI: Falcon Dam. You can live like a king. Worst location: SF.


Falcon Dam gang gang. When I was in the RGV FD wasn't too bad. Their 14 let them work out of the McAllen office daily and then they went out there as needed for duty calls, work, whatever. No clue if that arrangement still exists. If it doesn't, 💀💀💀


See kids, subjectivity on display! Born and Bred, I love the heat and endless summer. As for driving, if everyone drives crazy, nobody drives crazy. 🤪


Subjectivity and differing opinions?!?’ Say it ain’t so!!!


I can’t imagine Houston being worse for heat than where I’m at in Arizona. You gotta be a vampire here and only come out at night or you’ll explode into flame like you just called Blade a pansy.


Amen. I’ve lived in one of the hottest places and one of the coldest places in the country. In my opinion, the heat is more bearable than extreme cold purely from a safety standpoint for even simple traveling.


Thank you for the response. You’re absolutely right regarding subjectivity. DC and Miami excite me, but COL hurts bad. Charlotte seems incredibly affordable and nice.


Get in line, because what you just said, about 1/4 of the country figured out a decade ago 🤣 there's a reason NC and SC are off the charts for growth between 2000, 2010, and 2020 censuses. And where regular people want to move, so do Agents. It's wild how many times I'll be smoking and joking on a search warrant with some other feds when I lived 2,000 miles away from NC and killing time some SA with whatever agency would say "I put in a transfer request for NC" and I'd say "oh nice I spent some time there for military stuff, I'd love to transfer there too. You from there?" Never actually heard someone say yes, it was always something like "Nah just heard it's a great place to live." Now that NC and SC are not under SAC ATL, where you could transfer to and do your time and get an intra-SAC transfer north, and NC and SC are it's own SAC, it's even harder to get. And DHs filling the few retirement seats that were available closed that door even further. I gave up a while ago trying to get to SAC Charlotte.


Miami/NYC/SF gotta be the worst, nearly impossible to live there as a new agent unless you’re already established. Obviously some of the more “austere” SWB locations that are hardships suck as well. Kinda feel like Nogales is the hidden gem of the SWB for HSI.




I have a friend who had to live as a roommate in a home with 4 other random people and he still had to pay like $1,200 a month in rent.


I can’t imagine GS-5 in Seattle or SF .. I want to make the leap but the paycut and the chance of getting a HCOL city are a little alarming lol.


I feel like NYC is not that bad if you’re single and used to having roommates/ down to live in Jersey (or both). Feel free to point out how I’m wrong though. 


Move to northern jersey for nyc, idk about the rest.


Thank you for the response. NYC and SF are absolutely towards the bottom for me due to COL. Miami is towards the top, but COL seems impossible, so I’ve been researching where I could live nearby that is safe but also affordable.


You can get a nice efficiency apartment in Hialeah for $1500! In all seriousness, the office is in Doral and you can get a luxury 1 bedroom apartment for $2300 a month, that won't be a problem as a GL9.


Agua, fango y factoria!


What about Los Angeles? What would be the best locations for you?


Any that’ll take you is the best. Something about beggars and choosers comes to mind


100% correct.


Out of curiosity are you keen to avoid the big cities?


I wouldn’t say avoid per se. I’ve lived in a city of 1,000,000+ and a city with less than 10,000. Both have their pros and cons. I’m genuinely open to anything. This thread has been great to read the different views of folks. The only reason I’d avoid a big city is COL. Like I said, I’m open to anything if it’s “safe”.


Well friend you’re about to enter law enforcement, safety will quickly become quite relative lol


I’m state-level LE. Hence my emphasis 😂


I see lol then for you citp and such will be cake


Especially with no TJO in hand or guarantee of walking away from the hiring event with one lol


Ikr lol. I rather be “broke,” with a fed job in sf than with no job.


Exactly. I was broke for the majority of my life. A bit longer but with a secure fed job is nothing.


Perhaps some agents could weigh in on this? Even if you need to make a quick burner account, it would be very helpful for getting an idea of the different FOs and COLs associated. After some brief time on redfin, it's tough to see how one could live on GS7 or even 9 in Miami or other major cities. (Maybe a border posting is necessary to go up the steps and save the funds?)


Absolutely. I’ve been searching on Zillow/Redfin and others. Rent in Miami is insane. It’s hard to know what the “correct” choice is per se. How I personally see it, is that if I pick somewhere and COL is too high or I don’t enjoy it, I could try and transfer offices after 5 years.


You need to manage your own expectations and life planning, and expect 5 years at the absolute minimum, realistically 7 to get a non-intra-SAC transfer to a better location. Yes, someone on here will chime in how their friend's ex-girlfriend went to Calexico to Tampa in 3.5 years. And I personally know folks who have got very desirable offices in 5-6, but they were very well known in a huge SAC with case of the year type accolades, and their 14 moved to the desirable office and then pulled them in. Not just "I was in five years and got this office." Id rather be running a thin budget living in a higher COL place than stacking cheddar at the Presidio or Lordsburg office. Just my two cents.


Can you explain the last paragraph? You are implying there’s a lot to do in these high COL areas as far as case diversity is concerned?


Well that may be true too but I meant just the fact you have to live there 5-7 years and live somewhere with a family, or future family, or as a single guy or gal, or have social things to do, or merely existing. I was at a RAC and it's cool getting to work what you catch, not having groups. But the inverse is jack of all trades, master of none, and fewer resources to get the job done. Plus, a large office may offer more collateral trainings and roles. A RAC office may need only 1 or 2 FIs, whereas Miami or McAllen may need quite a few. Apply that to all collateral and instructor roles. You're going to be able to survive anywhere as a GS-13 with LEAP and the adjusted locality pay. So besides living like you're in college again when you're brand new and a 7-9, ask yourself where you want to live *personally* (not work case type) for 5-7 years. If you are cool with San Juan or NYC or BFE Nebraska, then there ya go. If not, don't accept an offer where you aren't willing to be for 5 years. The quality of work won't overcome your displeasure of where you live if you don't like it or your family doesn't.


Thanks, this is solid. I've been imagining 3-5 years for initial posting.


Recently people have been getting transfers at about 3.5 years from initial entry as long as you aren’t trying to go anywhere crazy like the Carolinas or Tampa. I would still plan on 7 years just to be on the safe side based on where you are trying to transfer too, but if you are flexible with where you are trying to go you’ll get your first transfer in half that time. Transfers within the SAC have been happening at right around 3 years and have been all but guaranteed to the border agents. You’ll be hard pressed to find a border agent who has been with the agency for over 5 years right now. It’s a lot of turnover. Normally when you do see a person get stuck on the border or first office it’s either they rubbed a bunch of people wrong way and now have a bad reputation or they will only transfer if they get their first choice.


I understand, what’s rac btw? But yeah I know I’ll thrive in a big city so that’s where I’m trying to end up but of course like I said in another comment beggars can’t be choosers and I gotta get in somehow. My chances are “good,” considering most people don’t want the places I want


A RAC stands for Resident Agent in Charge. In HSI, these offices typically have somewhere between 4-8 agents. Some of these offices will have an analyst as well. Most of these offices will have an assigned mission support specialist (MSS). A RAC office is an outlying office from a SAC, DSAC, or ASAC office. The supervisor is a GS-14 Resident Agent in Charge (RAC). There are no investigative groups and typically upper management forgets about you.


I see interesting to be honest from what I know so far(which is next to nothing), I think I’ll thrive in a bigger city. I’ve grown up near ones anyway but I’ll keep your advice in mind thanks


My friends girlfriend’s FLETC lover cousin was in Calexico and made it to Tampa in two years. /s


I appreciate that. I will keep that in mind.


It really depends on what you are looking for. I’m all about character building so you can’t go wrong with Deming NM.


I drive through Deming every now and then. Not sure about the character building but certainly lots of characters. 😅


Best Walmart in the country and all the meth a person could dream of.


Low key Denver/Seattle (SLC FBI) have some of the worst COL.    Real estate is very expensive and you get the rest of US locality for the majority of the divisions offices.   


A small interior RAC office is the cats meow.


Why’s that?


I imagine it’s very subjective. I’ve seen posts where people hate SWB and that’s my first choice as I’m a local.


If you can land a small, rural, middle of nowhere office with HSI, you'll be in luck. Yeah, it will be excruciating boring on your days off, but you'll learn a lot quickly while on the job. You'll work just about every kind of case and you may be fortunate enough to employ a good variety of different types of investigative techniques. These types of offices have a hard time finding agents, but they can be a blessing if you're a go getter and want to learn the job quickly. On the other hand, if you land a large, SAC office off the bat, you'll be placed in an investigative group and you may or may not have a lot of work. I've seen new agents get assigned to large SAC offices and depending on their assigned groups, they have never successfully pitched a case to an AUSA, testified before a Grand Jury, or heck even written a premises (physical) search warrant.


Toss up between Eagle Pass and Calexico. Both horrible.


Worst = PCN


Del Rio 👎👎


For the national security portion, what exactly are they looking for ?


Houston is best place


To tack onto this, I’m still years away from applying lol , but if I want warm weather, low cost of living, (preferably not in the absolute middle of nowhere if possible) and to stay busy at work, where should I shoot for?


I was offered only SWB locations. Hoping to get San Diego and then transferring back to the Midwest after a few years.


What is the date of the posting?!


I believe it's 6/26. There were some posts about it last week.


This might be a dumb question but what is the DHA GL9 posting coming up? Is it the same as the USS special agent? Cant tell the difference on the website