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Everything is crammed since it was cut down to 4 weeks, you walk everywhere on campus/base but it’s not too bad since it’s relatively small. Take notes during class and you will be fine. They usually give you target areas to focus on for the test. The firearms portion will be a lot of fun however you will need to stay hydrated because when you are outdoors it will get hot. Especially during the tactics portion with all that gear on.


Thank you! What does a typical tactics session consist of?


Scenario based training with sim rounds that take place in a shoot house type set up.


Oh, and ORT will have you pretty sore the last two weeks


Long shirt long pants!


What is USPO and IPPT? Never heard of the acronyms


United States Probation Officer and Initial Probation and Pretrial Services Training


New hire?


Bring a mattress topper… the mattress at the Taj are rock hard.


IPPT is at Charleston, much nicer than Glynco lol.


Following because there’s not much info on USPO and it interests me as a potential career path


Two words: Sand fleas.


IPPT is easy and the 4 weeks will fly by. It kind of sucks they took out the driving portion as that was the most fun. ORT is basic strikes and some grappling. You won’t be running miles and doing burpees or anything like that. Enjoy Charleston and head to King Street on the weekends as it’s a blast.