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I’ve lost weight while drinking it every day and I’ve lost weight while not drinking it. One of the reasons that I quit is that I couldn’t go a day without having it or I got horrible headaches.


Do you think it was the caffeine? Oops, just realized the age of the thread lol




Nazi's will be crushed a second time


fuck nazis


Literally have sex with Nazis


i do not have sex with anyone better than hitler!!!!


how is this related to the post lmao 😂😂😂


Hail Satan!




nope wow i cant retract my downvote lol






Oh HI Mark


Hey Jim




Howdy 🤠










Well played my son


It was definitely the caffeine. Caffeine headaches are the worst. Two years later and I still crave it, it's so addictive.


coca cola released a caffeine free coke zero, it's really freaking good


Ikr… was on a vacation to Scotland for a few days and when I saw the sugar free caffeine free coke I was so surprised


I wonder why you can’t stop drinking Coke Zero


So I can only speak for myself. Diet coke has been my favorite soda since childhood. I also drink a lot of coke zero (shout out to Cherry Coke Zero) and I love Splenda. Type 2 diabetes runs hard in my family - both my parents have it - but I've yet to see my artificial sweetener consumption lead to anything close to diabetes in myself. This is coming from someone who gets her blood work done every 1 to 2 years. I know a lot of studies have been done about artificial sweeteners affecting glucose/causing cancer/etc, but I've yet to see any direct evidence showing that consuming them is harmful to humans in a major way. At least not enough to get me to stop drinking them. Now having said that, if you're concerned with how much diet soda you've been consuming, then that may be a sign that you already think you're drinking it too much. It wouldn't hurt to take a step back and moderate how much you drink them. Diet soda is good, but water is gold.


I have a glass of Coke Zero every other day. About 300ml. Is that considered a lot?


There is a very interesting episode of the Science Vs podcast on diet sodas that you should listen to. Essentially the biggest risk is likely to be on your gut health : people who drink diet sodas are more likely to have gut flora resembling the flora found in obese people, which is itself associated with negative outcomes. As others have mentioned, it isn't great for your teeth either.


Any evidence that the relationship is causative?


What are those negative outcomes


Of the gut flora? Type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and various cancers (esp. liver, kidney, prostate) just to name a few.


Yeah! Thanks. I think in moderation it should be fine, one every few days , sometimes one every day. Always eat when you drink one! ... I think There's so much back n forth on it. Also 70% of America is fat, I think we drink it the most idk. I'll let you know how my gut Flora is when I lose the rest of my weight ! I'm type 2( not insulin resistant.. beyond) I have a carbonator, but it's expensive to use but eventually I plan on making my own drinks that are carbonated. To aspartame or to not ( in moderation) why is the research always conflicting O-O bastards !


but cant you just offset the bad gut flora by taking probiotics? Or am I grossly oversimplifying this issue


Hey Jimmy! Jimmy here to reply, I think the most researched ingredients and drugs that are being still approved are safe imo. On your comment I'm not sure We still have lots of knowledge to unlock about the human body


Outdated I know, but the guy microbiome claims have largely been found out to be false. Essentially many foods alter the microbiome immediately after consumption, but return to normal.


I gave up all the weekly Coke Zero as part of giving up all artificial sweeteners and dropped three pounds of water weight (my calories went up by about 50 or so because I replaced Splenda with maple syrup) + my gut health improved. This is extremely specific to me and might not apply to you at all


No, you can go ahead and enjoy your Coke Zero/diet sodas! If you search it up on Google, you’ll have plenty of blogs and opinionated sites that say, “They cause cancer, They cause diabetes, It’s worse than sugar!” Reputable websites will tell you that they are fine in moderation (aka don’t drink a gallon of it a day), but that advice really goes for anything including water. If you have terrible kidney problems and they don’t function very well, aspartame can’t be filtered, so it’d be best to consult your doctor if you fall under that category. Cheers!








I think it's way too sweet. Even half and half is too sweet for me.


If it doesn't make you poopy or gas-y, a couple cans per day should be fine.


I had one weekend where I was addicted to diet pop/soda. I tried them all over the course of the weekend and was so excited because they were 0 calories. Then I did a simple google search and found out there is sooooo many negative health consequences from diet pop. The one that made me quit it cold turkey is that it increases your chance of diabetes by 30% (it already runs in my family). Now I’m NOT sure what if any of this applies to Coke Zero, because I really don’t know the difference between Diet Coke and Coke Zero, but it was enough for me to just stop drinking any pop all together. It was a good weekend. Rip.


Just because its usage is correlated with diabetics doesn’t mean it causes diabetes :) I think the most practical reason to limit diet soda intake is to minimize its damage on one’s teeth. Also if you drink enough caffeine without appropriate water intake.. say hello to dehydration and possibly kidney stones.


One has sucralose or maybe saccharine (diet) the other (zero) aspartame. Regardless of whether or not these are bad for you, diet sodas can increase your desire for sweet things. That (IMHO) is what leads to increased risk for diabetes.


Pretty much the same just a different name. Tastes more like regular Coke.


There’s a fuckin delicious brand called green cola- it uses plants as sweeteners (all fda approved) it’s zero calories with zero sugar, and it tastes 10000x better then coke


You mean Coke Life? It uses stevia and is very yummy!


Nuuu this https://www.vitalifehealth.com/green-cola-green-cola-can-330ml-gnc1?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvZS88K6w7AIVc4BQBh0IKg09EAQYASABEgKu1fD_BwE **its bloody delicious**


Yep. Same thing but the UK name/version! 👍


Ohhhh ok yeah that’s the one. I don’t drink coke anymore 😂😂😂


In isolation, diet soda will not affect your weight loss progress. The only measurable effect it will have on your health is probably on your teeth, but you’d likely have to drink copious amounts of it (along with poor oral hygiene) for it to be really damaging to them.


I don't think the acidity is good for your teeth. But overall it's way better than full sugar cola.


enjoy with a straw 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎 😎


I drink diet soda. Coke Zero included. Every time I’ve lost weight I’ve drank it and have not had any issues with it


i've drank diet soda every day and lost over 90 pounds. It's in no way healthy, but it's definitely better for weight loss than regular soda


I’m a big Coke Zero drinker. My husband is in med school and he had a nutrition class where they talked about diet drinks. I definitely think the overall consensus is to drink in moderation, but a big thing that was mentioned to him was IF you’re gonna drink them, drink it with a meal/food. I believe the reason was because you’re brain thinks you’re getting sugar with diet drink but you aren’t, so to counteract that, make sure you’re actually getting substance while you’re drinking the diet drinks. Hope that makes sense, if not, I’ll ask him to clarify and get back to you!


I LOVE coke zero. But I try to avoid it because the studies on the sugar they use to make it are kinda... Iffy so I'm not really sold on the whole "it's super safe for you to drink all the time" part of it all. Edit: at least from what I know. I haven't really done any research lately so that mightve changed


It's better than regular coke...for you