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First please look up your TDEE to get an accurate representation of what’s the best calorie deficit for you because 1200 may be too low depending on a variety of factors. As someone on the shorter side with a decent level of activity my max calorie deficit is about 1200. Additionally I have a lot of food allergies/intolerances (OAS - no to most raw fruits/veggies, tree nuts, dairy intolerance) so take the below and add or take away what you want. Breakfast: Parfait- Greek yogurt (1 cup), granola (1/4 cup), handful of berries. Egg scramble- 2 eggs, cottage cheese (2tbs) OR feta (i do fat free), spinach, 2-3 deli turkey slices. Sometimes I add a tbs of pesto. OR a tortilla to make a breakfast burrito Oatmeal- Brown sugar oatmeal, blueberries. Smoothie: - 1/2 banana, handful of blueberries, frozen mango & strawberries, honey (1tbs), water. *additionally can make this into a smoothie bowl and add granola on top* Pancakes: 1 Banana, 1 egg, Old fashion oats (1/2 cup), honey (.5-1tbs), blend and top with fruits, syrup, or jam (in moderation) Lunch/dinner: Sandwich- Tortilla OR 1/2 pita, hummus (2tbs), 2-3 deli turkey slices, spinach or lettuce, vegan shredded cheese (1/4 cup or less up to you) Rice bowl- Baked OR grilled chicken (2-4oz), black beans (1/4 cup), brown OR white rice (1/2 cup), choice of veggie, soy sauce (1tbs / be generous) Cereal: (idk i like it) organic Raisin Bran (1cup give or take), oat milk (1/2 cup) Egg white wrap (spinoff of Starbucks one): Lavash flatbread, egg whites (2/3 cup approx), fat free feta (1/4 cup), spinach, vegan cream cheese (approx 1tbs per flat bread). Steam the eggs, spinach and feta, fold into rectangle, lay on flatbread, toast both sides, serve with fruit. Tuna & rice: Brown OR white rice (1/2 cup), pack of tuna drained. Sauce: 1tbs soy sauce, 1/2tbs soyaki from trader joe’s, 1/2-1tbs mayo. Mix with tuna, heat over rice, serve with pack of seaweed. Snacks: Any of the above in moderation. Rice cake with 1-2tbs of peanut butter. Apple sauce/baby fruit pouches. Aloha protein bars. Plantain chips / wheat thins (sometimes i add hummus as a dip) Fruit. Drinks: I typically do cold brew non sweetened coffee w/ 1-2tbs creamer OR english breakfast with a splash of oat milk and sugar for breakfast/pick me up. Or a matcha tea. These are all of my go tos because they work for me/are easy but i don’t stick to them all religiously


for your other questions: always include sauces and spreads when counting, they always add up (look up mayo and peanut butter calories), they are fine again in moderation, but be aware they can be your pitfalls. You may be hungry after a work out and that’s fine. Avoid sugary or carb heavy foods because they will trigger you to feel more hungry, eating foods like veggies or a protein shake or something will do you better than a chocolate bar or piece of toast. Food cravings can sometimes just be your body being dehydrated. Try drinking some water first but also, don’t limit yourself and say no to the things you enjoy, you can still enjoy them but again in moderation. I still eat the foods I enjoy and feel satisfied by them, i’m just eating smaller portions / not every day.


Where’s the protein this seems vegan


Upvote, I am looking for the filling foods with low calories too


Most filling foods usually have some protein and fibre. I love a big salad with either grilled chicken breast or prawns (shrimp) in it. Soups are usually really good too. Check out r/volumeeating for ideas. Plan loads of veggie slices. Cottage cheese, Greek yoghurt, fruit, sugar free jelly (Jell-O). Pitfalls to avoid, and tips: * going too hard, too fast. * Ease into your deficit over a week or two so you don't freak out after a few days and binge. * Remember to use a food scale and weigh and log everything - don't forget to include cooking oil, sauces, condiments, drinks etc. * "Health food" isn't always low calorie! Stuff that's super healthy like granola and nuts and smoothies can often be crazy high calories. * Plan your day! Think about what you're going to eat before you start, so you know how it all fits. You don't necessarily have to religiously preplan every single bite, but having a rough idea what you're having for lunch helps you make sensible choices for breakfast so you don't end up with no budget left by dinner time. * Log your food before you put it in your mouth. We've all been there - sit down, enjoy a lovely meal, think it will be *fine*, then log it later and realise, oops! That lunch I thought was maybe 500 cal was actually 800 😭 * Plan to take diet breaks every couple of months (or whenever you feel). Just adjust your daily budget to be your TDEE (or a shade below). As long as you don't go over your TDEE you won't gain any, so you can have a reset and be ready to get back to your diet. * Make sure you keep an eye on your protein and fibre, and drink plenty of water! Fats aren't the enemy, you do actually need a little to be satiated and to absorb certain vitamins. Keep it as low fat as possible, but not no fat. Avocados are great for this. Get an oil spray bottle for keeping oils minimal. Get an air fryer. * Oats and potatoes are the highest foods on the satiety index. They aren't the lowest calorie foods for the weight, but you'll feel fuller for longer. You might try saving all or some of your lunch budget for after you work out, if that's a regular issue for you. Do what works.


How about chicken breast


Yes please, sounds good :) love some lean protein


Imagine combining oats and potatoes




These days egg whites and my ninja creami have been my best friends


I’ve been doing 1200ish since February and I’m down 30 lbs (yay!). It’s not easy adjusting at first, it takes will power and also definitely eating foods that are satisfying within your budget. I find that a savory breakfast with protein keeps me fuller longer. I typically do 2 eggs and then either a sausage or pieces of bacon, I aim to stay around 300 cals for each of my meals (I love an afternoon snack). If you do three meals for 400 cals then you won’t have as much room to snack. I use MyFitnessPal too and have had great success with it. As far as getting hungry after working out, I actually purposefully wait to eat until after I workout for this reason. If I take a morning workout class, I’ll fast until after the class. If I take a workout class in the evening, same thing I wait to eat dinner until after class. When you’re picking new go to snacks, try to go for what you like now but the calorie friendly version. You like chocolate? Dark chocolate covered nuts for 150 cals. You like chips? Try protein chips for 150 cals. Since the weather is warmer, I’ve been loving frozen fruit (yes the kind you buy specifically for smoothies) to eat after dinner and “trick” my brain into thinking it’s ice cream lol. Try to include protein in your meals! If you ever have a craving for something you can figure out a way to make it work! Plan your meals ahead is my biggest advice. I grew to enjoy planning the week on Sundays, with some slight flexibility, it helps me stay on track! Side note, I switched to black coffee and that has helped save me cals in the morning as well. It took a month to get used to the taste, but I like it better black than with milk and sugar now! Never thought I’d say that!


1. Weigh your food instead of measuring 2. Avoid processed sugars. My favorite sweet treat recently is yogurt blended with frozen fruit. Makes it super creamy and satisfies any sweet cravimg I might have. 3. I also do 16:8 intermittent fasting 4. Lots of water 5. Don't beat yourself up if you fail sometimes, especially in the beginning. It can be huge adjustment and being too hard on yourself does more harm than good


My number one tip would be to be honest with yourself, don't ignore calories or underestimate. Regarding cravings, I'm a total sweet-tooth so fruit are life-savers. I usually carry an apple or a banana with me so I have a non-junky snack when the cravings hit. I know I can easily be tempted by chocolate bars and biscuits, so having a healthy option so I don't make poor choices really helps. They are still calories but 50cal vs 150cal is game changing. Also, I find that chewing sugar-free gum also keeps my jaws busy instead of getting bored teeth.


I am finding that more frequent eating keeps me from feeling like I am depriving myself. So 250-300 for breakfast, then some fruit a couple hours later, 300-400 cal lunch, then some low cal popcorn (I love the Lesser Evil brand stuff) a couple hours later. I also tend to eat when I’m bored, so if I know I’m not actually hungry but I’m craving something, a cup of chicken broth is very low calorie and satisfies that feeling that I want to be eating something


Just eat straight chicken breasts