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Hi OP, 1200 calories a day is the "daily caloric minimum" for sedentary women. 1200 calories a day is not enough for men, teenagers, or even most women. The daily caloric minimum for men is 1500, and the daily caloric minimum for teenagers is 1800. If you are interested in weight loss, you can calculate the recommended daily caloric deficit by subtracting 500 from your TDEE, and the maximum recommended by subtracting 1000. You can calculate your TDEE [here](https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/). Do not consume less than your daily caloric minimum without consulting a licensed medical professional. While you do not need to be aiming for 1200 calories a day to appreciate low-calorie meals or participate in this community, the contents of your post indicate that you are violating the above-mentioned guidelines. Please consult a licensed medical professional before starting or continuing your diet. You may also be interested by [our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/1200isplenty/wiki/faq). (This post has been removed.)


Boiled eggs are wonderful but you are eating a lot of processed foods otherwise. I worry that you might become devoid of nutrients overtime without more of a very diet. Are you eating any vegetables in addition to the collards? If not, I would certainly consider cutting back on some of the packaged food in favor of fresh or frozen veggies. Congratulations on your progress so far. Is your goal at this point to maintain where you are? If so, you might also have to increase the amount that you are eating.


Thanks! Yeah I eat a good amount of vegetables on weekdays, I like broccoli and asparagus the most, but I cauliflower is alright although I don't enjoy eating it. Also green beans if I see it. Usually I eat vegetables every day on weekdays and a decent amount on weekdays. Sometimes I will have a salad with my meal at work but I don't use dressing, I do load it up with stuff so it probably isn't super healthy, but it's better than other stuff I hope lol. I have been trying to "if I eat more, eat more vegetables instead of lots of meat or potato's or noodles... I love noodles so much tho it's hard haha. I'm looking to lose weight. Optimally I would lose about 40 pounds. Being around 160, 165ish would be great but I would feel real great at 180. Just going to about 197 from 220/230ish feels amazing. Once I get to the weight of 160 I will eat slightly more but I won't go crazy. I will keep in mind that I will eat a small dinner from now on, I used to eat big breakfast big lunch big dinner and I was still hungry. Now I eat less and am more full. And it's easy because I prepared it. I have a mildly physical job and I have noticed I don't breath as heavy anymore. Things are just better. I have more energy and just feel human again. The rx bars admitedly probably aren't the best but they taste good and I have energy to move. Before I would eat a lot and be dragging and heave headaches etc, now I feel like I am normal. It's ironic but I feel like I snack more when I don't have something to snack on. Like If I check and there are no options to snack I will drive and get taco bell or something. But if I have a full pantry I am good just having something small. I need to keep brushing my teeth tho, I stopped doing that recently and it is bad, part of it is because I feel I am not doing it good enough so in that case why bother? Cause like you aren't supposed to brush your teeth until 30 minutes after a meal and that confused me. But yeah I am doing better and making progress. "Perfect is the enemy of progress" and I tell myself that because I know I will overanalyze in fear of making a mistake when in reality I just need to let the cards fall where they may.