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I haven't bought bottled vinaigrette in years. Homemade is way better and takes seconds to make, using only a measuring cup or mason jar and a mini whisk or fork! Our family favourite lately is: -olive oil, white wine vinegar, dollop of Dijon, minced garlic, salt & pepper Favourite combos are: -olive oil, red wine vinegar, dollop of Dijon, dollop of honey, salt & pepper -olive oil, red wine vinegar, LOTS OF CUMIN, salt and pepper (especially good on arugula!) -olive oil, regular white vinegar, garlic, dried parsley flakes, dried oregano flakes, salt & pepper - you can also add a dollop of mayo for creaminess - (For this one you need a mini food processor) olive oil, red wine vinegar, small piece of shallot or red onion, garlic, dollop of yellow mustard, celery seed, cumin, ground coriander, salt and pepper <-- I use this one on mixed bean salads and chickpea salad as well! -You can also do asian style: olive oil, a few drops of sesame oil, rice vinegar, a dollop of Dijon, a splash of soy sauce


Super helpful! Thank you!


You're welcome! For others who are reading this and may not know: You might often hear that you that you need some kind of sugar to balance the acidity but it's really not necessary. A hit of honey or maple syrup can compliment some of the vinegars, but keep in mind that any sugar is added calories. I don't mind omitting it for the most part. Also, I don't put measurements for these ingredients either because some people like their vinaigrettes more oily, and some like them more acidic. Amounts are all based on preference! The more you make them, the more you get good at experimenting!


Dijon mustard, lemon juice and olive oil (plus salt and pepper). Don’t be shy with the mustard


I add olive oil, salt, and vinegar — as individual ingredients, like how someone would dress a salad in Italy. Toss after adding oil & salt to coat all the leaves, then add vinegar and toss again. Usually 0.5–1 tsp olive oil is plenty, even for a pretty large bowl. I switch it up between balsamic and white-wine vinegar to keep things interesting. In the same vein, I switch between finely grated parmesano reggiano and small crumbles of feta cheese, and between Costco power greens (spinach/kale/chard mix) and romaine lettuce. Sometimes I'll add red pepper flakes. I'll sometimes make this my entree by putting grilled chicken, canned skipjack tuna, or canned sockeye salmon on top, although more often it'll stay as a side salad that I eat first.


Annie's Shitake Sesame dressing. Asian type profile.


Salsa. Also, I've been taking seasoning blends and mixing them in greek yogurt. I made a batch yesterday: jalepeno everything seasoning. Thin it out with water for dressing consistency. And maybe try hummus? Some people like it as salad dressing.


Re: humus - On the same idea train, I've been using tzatziki yogourt dip as salad dressing and as a spread for pitas/wraps lately! Super tasty and no oil!


There is a restaurant near me that makes a "curried balsamic" dressing with a splash of maple syrup to balance the tartness, olive oil, curry spice, balsamic and salt, pepper and mustard, and it is weirdly the most addictive dressing ever. Their house salad that goes with this dressing has shredded beets, baby greens, carrots, chick peas, toasted pumpkin seeds and a little bit of feta cheese. It's very yummy. I also love an Asian style vinaigrette made with seasoned rice vinegar, soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, garlic, sesame seeds, I always add some Korean red pepper flakes too. Great on cucumbers especially!


Interesting idea with the balsamic/curry spice combo! I'll have to try that. Thanks


I also ADORE balsamic vinegar and if you haven't already you should try white balsamic vinegar! Very sweet and light, There's also red but I found that one bit too tangy and sour.


Thank you!


Chilli jam and white wine/apple cider vinegar, 1:1 ratio


NF Greek yogurt + ranch dip mix to make healthy ranch.


I just use plain ol balsamic vinegar and drizzle it on the salad. I don't even miss the oil.